Quick Links
Staff do NOT need to log into the website to access the quick links.
Staff Login
Log in to view ALL the resources available to staff below.
When logged in, you will see a white bar with your name at the top of the page.
Staff Announcements
Join us in this challenge to sustain our wellness success and celebrate a healthy holiday season together!
As part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring the safety and security of our school community, SGASD is updating our safety protocols to include the ALICE method for responding to active threat situations. Read more...
Rocket Wellness & Employee Benefits
Information on all health benefits available to SGASD staff
Payroll schedule and contact
Available opportunities, course approval, and tuition reimbursement
SGASD staff and substitutes have access to the dedicated health center in the district.
Staff handbook, agreements and contracts, and benefit summaries by staff type
Mental and physical wellness resources available to staff
Administrative Procedures
HR & Payroll Support
This section contains instructions on accessing Safe Schools, forms in Frontline, W-2 in CSIU, and other helpful HR/Payroll items.
Technology Support
The Technology Services Department encourages all staff to take advantage of the self-help resources available in this section. There is a plethora of information to help you solve simple technology issues, resources to help you improve your technology skills, and directions on using the various technology services available.
If you cannot resolve your technology issue on your own or find the information you seek, please submit a help desk ticket.