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VFW Honors Patriot's Pen Winners

VFW Honors Patriot's Pen Winners


The VFW Post 5265 hosted an awards ceremony to honor the talented young writers who participated in the VFW Patriot's Pen Written Essay Competition. Held annually, the essay contest encourages young minds in grades sixth through eighth to examine America’s history, along with their own experiences in modern American society, by drafting a 300 to 400-word essay expressing their views based on a patriotic theme, "How are you inspired by America?".

This year's competition was particularly special as all fifteen students who clinched top spots were eighth graders from Spring Grove Area Middle School. Among them, Paige Garrison was the first-place winner in the local contest and the second-place winner at the VFW District 21 level of the contest.

Paige referenced Cameron Stambaugh in her essay as an example of a community member who inspires America. Cameron's grandfather, Quentin Stambaugh, who is a WWII veteran, invited Paige to his 100th birthday party, and he was in attendance last night to celebrate Paige reading her winning speech. Quentin and Cameron were recently recognized in a YDR article

VFW Patriot's Pen Essay Winners

  • 1st Paige Garrison
  • 2nd Austin Marks
  • 3rd Kinley Grove
  • 4th Jordan Coscia
  • 5th Bentley Kling
  • 6th Iliana Hoke
  • 7th Marlowe Gardner
  • 8th Brock Gorham
  • 9th Ruby Young
  • 10th Adrian Johnson
  • 11th Vedant Bhatt
  • 12th Sadie Carbaugh
  • 13th Madelyn Calderone
  • 14th Grant Howard
  • 15th Noor Osman 

Paige Garrison's Written Essay

Inspiring America

America means a lot to me. The three things that stand out to me the most are how America's people work together when there are tough times in life and they never give up. Americans can become anything in life if they try hard, even when times get tough. American soldiers risk dying and getting injured to save our lives.

I am inspired by America when I see Americans being helpful and kind to one another. For example, on September 11, Americans rushed in by boat and took as many people as possible to safety from the aftermath of the bombings. Even though it was a big risk going to save the people from New York City, the people who did were glad they did. They realized they had saved many people's lives.

I am inspired by America because I know I can become anything I want to be in life if I try hard at it and do my best. Even when tough times come through, American people never back down and work hard. For example, Oprah Winfrey was the first black American to own her own production company. She was nominated for her first ever movie, The Color Purple. She accomplished a lot of things because she worked hard and never gave up.

I am inspired in America by the people that fight for the United States wars. Soldiers risk dying, getting severely injured, etc. But when people risk their lives for ours and protect our country like Cameron J. Stambaugh, that's what inspires me. Stambaugh was a man from Spring Grove who was part of the army, and he stood strong, fighting for our country, and never gave up. Cameron J. Stambaugh sadly died on July 8, 2012, from a bomb explosion. But what made me proud is he never backed down and tried his best.

Being an American makes me proud because citizens are good, my life is good, and we work together. I am happy to be an American and happy to live where I am because of citizens who stand up for what is right. They stand up for what they believe in, not what others do. America would not be a happy place if people didn't stick up for each other and be kind to one another because that would cause a lot of people to be mean and violent to each other.