Spring Grove Elementary Ruby Project TEAM Students
Congratulations to the Spring Grove Elementary Ruby Project TEAM students! Throughout the year, students at Spring Grove Elementary who most exemplify the Project TEAM character trait are chosen by their teachers and recognized by the school. Like our Project TEAM character, Ruby, their outstanding resiliency skills truly shine.
Kindergarten: Phoebe Wykle, Axel Leh, Jackson Kramer, Camdyn Suddeth, Wyatt Hurley, Braxton Suddeth
First Grade: Luis Seda Bobe, Mikayla Litvak, Evan Kilmer, Jack Storm, Jesus Duarte, Jasmeilyn Martinez, Autumn Trojack, Quincy Brewer
Second Grade: Jazlyn Johnson, Scarlett Koslosky, Liam McGuire, Carter Fitzgerald, Brooke Niner, Kayden Taylor, Aria Rabenstine
Third Grade: Harrison McKim, Keira Vanik, Lilah Ivy, Maverick Carrington Gillis, Paisley Topper, Jack Kerns, Michael Perez Gonzalez
Fourth Grade: Pearl Fascetta, Joslyn Wehrly, Scarlett Kitlinski, Kennedy Stiner, Maddalyn Ferguson, Everett Wilt, Liam Braley
About Project TEAM
Our teachers, K - 6, use Project TEAM to help students understand the value and significance of teamwork and leadership and create a positive school climate, bringing everyone in the school together to work toward common goals. This, in turn, creates a sense of belonging and an accepting community, making for a more productive social and academic environment.
Meet the Project TEAM Character, Ruby - Resiliency
Resiliency is the ability to bounce back when something tough or hard happens. Resiliency helps students understand they can overcome obstacles or tough times. It gives students the ability to cope with problems, get through difficult times, makes us unique, and gives us hope. To be resilient, we need to be able to take care of ourselves, help take care of others, and understand the importance of having positive influences and people to help take care of us.