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SGI Top Rockets

SGI Top Rockets

Congratulations to the SGI Project TEAM students who were most like one of our Project TEAM characters for the first marking period of the 2023-24 school year! Every quarter, students at SGI who most exemplify the Project TEAM character trait are chosen by their teachers and recognized by the school. 


5th Grade
Catherine Rafferty
Naomi Roush
Abigail Sams
Kendall Tawney
Genevieve Gonzalez

6th Grade
Akaiyah Mallory
Lila Stormes
Addilyn Neiderer
Matthew Buckingham
Addison Wood


5th Grade
Elizabeth Hufnagel
Zoey Tresselt
Bentley Blizzard
Kathryn Sparks
Hailey Neiderer

6th Grade
Violet Evans
Alaina (Laney) Stauffer
Lucy Kacpura
Grace Scott
Harper Stiles


5th Grade
Canan Warner
Shealynn O'Connell
Rachely Luciano
Zane Szoszorek
Michael Nicholas

6th Grade
Tabari Martin
Olivia Cregger
Liam Klein
DJ Rodriguez
Taylor Arroyo


5th Grade
Judson Trojak
Jackson Miller
Madelyn Daniels
Autumn Pallone
Collin Stahl

6th Grade
Carter Lehr
Molly Young
Brooklyn Markle
Carter Shue
Jason Rogers


5th Grade
Nora Lee
Blaze Ketterman
Ethan Nyoni
Eli Fitzgerald
Evelyn Heffintrayer

6th Grade
Landon Hudak
Sawyer Hunnings
Brooklynn Thomas
Rylee Sliver
Olivia Rodriguez


5th Grade
Reef Jacobs
Noah Shearer
Briggs Ramsey
Carmen Cicchetto
Cooper Salemme

6th Grade
Pressley Toomey
Declan McMyne
Logan Schmidt
Maxine Pierce
Seth Spilker


About Project TEAM

Our teachers, K - 6, use Project TEAM to help students understand the value and significance of teamwork and leadership and create a positive school climate, bringing everyone in the school together to work toward common goals. This, in turn, creates a sense of belonging and an accepting community, making for a more productive social and academic environment. 

Meet the Project TEAM Characters 

Amelia - Acceptance/Anti-bullying
Acceptance/Anti-bullying is the ability to accept and celebrate all differences. It's important to be accepting because it teaches students to be positively welcoming to someone, no matter their difference(s).

Harper - Helping Others
Helping others is the ability to serve others in school, at home, or in the community. It’s important because it helps increase a student’s self-concept, behaviors, and connectedness in school and with each other. Helping one another creates an environment where everyone feels safe, secure, and part of a team.

Paco - Positive Change
Positive Change is the ability to make changes that help you be a better person, help others be better people, or help the community be a better place.

Philo - Problem Solving & Conflict Resolution
Problem Solving is using positive strategies to solve a problem. Conflict resolution is using positive strategies to solve a problem with one or more people.

Ruby - Resiliency
Resiliency is the ability to bounce back when something tough or hard happens. Resiliency helps students understand they can overcome obstacles or tough times.

Lamar - Leadership
Leadership can be explained as the combination of all of the other foundations. By Helping Others, using Positive Change, promoting anti-bullying, using good problem solving, and showing resiliency students are demonstrating leadership. Leadership also stresses that all students can be a leader in their own way. Everyone brings a different and unique strength to the TEAM and they are all important. Not only does a leader set a good example for others but they promote others to be part of the TEAM by encouraging the foundations.