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SGASD Supports Student-Athlete Mental Health

SGASD Supports Student-Athlete Mental Health


In February, the YAIAA held a Student-Athlete Mental Health Symposium at Susquehannock High School, which was open to all York-Adams Interscholastic Athletic Association (YAIAA) athletes and their families. SGASD was proud to be a part of the Symposium. A group of our counselors and social workers helped organize and present at the event.

The first hour was spent communicating with coaches to help create a healthy climate on and off the field. Depression, anxiety, youth suicide prevention, and more were discussed. In the second hour of the symposium, the student-athletes went into a classroom setting while the parents headed to the auditorium. In the final 10 minutes, they were brought together as a student panel and offered valuable perspectives.

Thank you, Christine Kenney, Carl Barnes, Chris Mundy, Carrie Schmoyer, Michaela Landis, and Shannon Engles, for being part of this important event!

View the coverage from Fox43 News.