Our Three Instructional Technology Specialists Rocked It at PETE&C
Our three Instructional Technology Specialists rocked the house at PETE&C, an annual state-wide educational and technology conference. Kim Dunlap, Kristin Henning, and Brent Barge teamed up with Apple leadership executives to present multiple hands-on demo sessions designed to engage learners and accelerate student success. Activities included making pop art, podcasts, stop-motion video animation, and green screen videos as short classroom activities designed to focus on creativity as an outlet for students to show their learning.
Additionally, Brent presented a session called “Creative Ways to Teach Computational Thinking.” Using the logic game Towers of Hanoi and focusing on the four main aspects of Computational Thinking, he provided attendees with activities involving critical thinking, pattern identification, abstraction, decomposing numbers, and basic algorithms applicable to math, computer science, and numerous other subjects.