New Salem Elementary Paco Project TEAM Students
Congratulations to the New Salem Elementary Paco Project TEAM students! Throughout the year, students at New Salem Elementary who most exemplify the Project TEAM character trait are chosen by their teachers and recognized by the school. These students exemplified positive change, the characteristic of Project TEAM character Paco.
Kindergarten: Holly Hansen, Weston VanDerHeyden, Turner Squibbs, Owen Royce
First Grade: Noah Storm, Bruce Dragan, Kyseim Ford, Jacob Perry
Second Grade: Garrick Livingston, Oliver Schminke-Heltzel, Grayson White, Dylan Calhoun
Third Grade: Elizabeth Schneehagen, Kash Kessler, Sammi Miller, Axelandra Smith-Cruz
Fourth Grade: Jayce Bell, Issac Ziegler, Ellie Beckman
About Project TEAM
Our teachers, K - 6, use Project TEAM to help students understand the value and significance of teamwork and leadership and create a positive school climate, bringing everyone in the school together to work toward common goals. This, in turn, creates a sense of belonging and an accepting community, making for a more productive social and academic environment.
Meet the Project TEAM Character, Paco - Positive Change
Positive change is the ability to make changes that help you be a better person, help others be better people, or help the community be a better place. It’s important to know positive change teaches us that it’s okay to make mistakes and helps us learn to grow. Positive change gives students the confidence to make better choices and try again. They become more aware of the control they have in making decisions. Positive change empowers students to want to make better choices.