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Paradise Elementary Amelia Project TEAM Students

Paradise Elementary Amelia Project TEAM Students

Congratulations to the Paradise Elementary Amelia Project TEAM students! Throughout the year, students at Paradise Elementary who most exemplify the Project TEAM character trait are chosen by their teachers and recognized by the school. These students exemplified acceptance/anti-bullying, the characteristic of Project TEAM character Amelia.

Kindergarten: Aaliyah Rhodes, Kohen Hay, Peyton Parks, Landon Basehoar, Mea Moore 

First Grade: Quinn Stough, Camden Swift, Iris McDermott, Colton Waltersdorff, Gwendolyn Auchey, Kai Garcia

Second Grade: Briella Lehigh, Javonte Louey, Mal'akhi Kendrick, Baylie Morrison, Jackson Wire, Aubree Szubinski, Abel Gardner

Third Grade: Aldina Ahmetovic, Killian Wolfgang, Paityn Fishel, Samuel Richardson, Willoh Tobar, Jacob Kowalski

Fourth Grade: Jordy McKenzie, Mila Burkholder, Lillian Frey, Gavin Houck, Peyton Wanner, Eros Gentay, Caryl St. Clair

About Project TEAM

Our teachers, K - 6, use Project TEAM to help students understand the value and significance of teamwork and leadership and create a positive school climate, bringing everyone in the school together to work toward common goals. This, in turn, creates a sense of belonging and an accepting community, making for a more productive social and academic environment. 

Meet the Project TEAM Character, Amelia - Acceptance/Anti-bullying

Acceptance/Anti-bullying is the ability to accept and celebrate all differences. It's important to be accepting because it teaches students to be positively welcoming to someone, no matter their difference(s).