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SGAHS Girls Soccer Teacher Appreciation Night

SGAHS Girls Soccer Teacher Appreciation Night

Seniors on the Girls Soccer team showed their heartfelt appreciation to the teachers who have made the most positive impact on their lives. These educators have not only shaped their academic journey but have also been mentors and friends along the way.

It's truly heartwarming to see our students recognize and honor the dedication, support, and inspiration that our teachers provide every day.

Thank you to our Girls Soccer team for their wonderful gesture of thanks! Teachers, your influence goes far beyond the classroom, and we appreciate all you do. 


Abby Dressler, Ellie Randsi, Juliana Mascaro, Mr. Josh Newark, Mrs. Janelle Newark

Abby Dressler, Ellie Randisi, and Juliana Mascaro Honor Mr. Josh Newark and Mrs. Janelle Newark, Teachers at Spring Grove Area High School

"We chose the Newarks because they are the most fun teachers in the school. Mr. Newark is always willing to let us joke around in his room during our free periods. We appreciate his bald head, which is easy to make jokes about. We appreciate Mrs. Newark for allowing us to popcorn read our books in the hallway instead of reading them silently in the classroom. She is amazing and also beautiful. We love them!!"


Natalia Dab, Sophia Dietrich, Kaitlyn Brice, and Mr. Troy Smith

Natalia Dab, Sophia Dietrich, and Kaitlyn Brice Honor Mr. Troy Smith, Art Teacher at Spring Grove Area High School

"Since I first met him, Mr. Smith has always been my favorite teacher. His knowledge of art, openness to learning new techniques, and involvement in giving his art kids as many opportunities as possible speak volumes about his character. I appreciate that he makes everyone in his classes feel seen. He is always happy to hear about my complaints and my successes, and I know I can always go to him if I ever need to talk. Mr. Smith is also very fun to be with and can always make me laugh. Thank you so much, Mr. Smith, for everything you’ve taught me. I wouldn’t be where I am today if not for you! 

Even though I’ve only attended Spring Grove for a little over a year, Mr. Smith has managed to make an impact on my life. He has pushed me to leave my comfort zone and become a better artist and student. I’ve never had a teacher make me feel as comfortable to be myself and be as uncomfortable with my contentment."


Ava German and Mr. Jason Baker

Ava German Honors Mr. Jason Baker, History Teacher at Spring Grove Area High School

"I have had Mr. Baker all four years of high school, and he is the absolute best teacher and mock trial coach ever. Mr. Baker always goes above and beyond for every single one of his students. He always plans super fun field trips and gives out a lot of candy. He is also always pushing me to my fullest potential. One thing I admire the most about Mr. Baker is his level of commitment and dedication. I swear, sometimes he sleeps at the school and never goes home. Whatever he does, he commits his full time and attention to it. Because of his dedication, the bowling and mock trial teams have won numerous titles and championships. His level of dedication to his students and the school is truly extraordinary. Thank you, Mr. Baker, for everything you have done for me. I am truly grateful to have you as a teacher!"


Ainsley Schwab and Miss Lindsay Boritz

Ainsley Schwab Honors Miss Lindsay Boritz, Math Teacher at Spring Grove Area Middle School

"Miss Boritz was a student teacher when she taught me, and in one year, she’s easily become one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. It’s not always easy to walk into a high school classroom and teach students as well as she did. Miss Boritz cares about her students so much and will do anything to see them succeed. She’s had a big impact on my life, and I can’t thank her enough for all she’s done for me. I wish her luck as a new teacher, and I hope all her students will learn to appreciate her as much as I do! Thank you, Miss Boritz!"


Claire Elliot and Dr. Korie Lain

Claire Elliot Honors Dr. Korie Lain, English Teacher at Spring Grove Area Middle School

"Dr. Lain hasn't been my teacher since middle school, but I know she will always be one of my biggest supporters. She not only let me spill all the middle school drama, but she even taught me something about English. I will never forget all the fun things Dr. Lain let us do, especially taking us outside to play kickball during the last period of the day. I knew she’d be the teacher I’d pick for tonight because she was never just a teacher to me. She was a mentor. Someone that I still look up to to this day. I know she will always be there for me to let me talk about all my problems and cheer me on for all my successes."


Mrs. Brenner with Cassandra Madrigal on stadium field

Cassandra Madrigal Honors Mrs. Kristin Brenner, Special Education Teacher at Spring Grove Area High School

"Mrs. Brenner is one of the best teachers ever. I’ve known her since last year, which was my junior year. She is one of the nicest and most amazing teachers I had. She is always so supportive and helps me with my problems even if I am in a bad mood. She'll always be there and try to make me laugh and talk it through. She’s not only my teacher, but she’s also my friend, whom I actually trust because I don't really trust a lot of teachers. I can talk to her about my problems going on, and she’ll always help me through them and give me advice. I thank you for everything you have done for me, and I appreciate that I’ve met you because you're one of the best teachers and my best supporter. I hope after my graduation we can still keep in touch." 


Tori Kehm and Mrs. Cory Mengel

Tori Kehm Honors Mrs. Cory Mengel, Special Education Teacher at Spring Grove Area High School

"Mrs. Mengel has been my favorite teacher since I’ve been in Link Crew. She’s been my go-to girl for anything, whether that is to rant about high school or just to hang out in her room. She has taught me valuable life lessons throughout my high school career that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. You are truly one of my biggest role models that I am able to look up to. I also can not forget about the time that I saw you at the races with your kids and husband, and you didn’t know anything about racing! Thank you for being the best teacher/mentor for my high school years! Thank you, Mrs. Mengel!"