Boosters - Music
The Spring Grove Music Boosters provide support to all music programs of the Spring Grove Area School District. The boosters provide financial support, scholarships, fundraising opportunities, and volunteers for various aspects of the music program. Volunteers do such things as chaperoning trips, organizing student appreciation events, assisting with fundraising, helping to plan behind the scenes and assist at musical events.
The Spring Grove Music Boosters are dedicated to the continued support of the Spring Grove Area School District music students. We appreciate the support of the dedicated volunteers and welcome others to become involved.
Volunteers Needed
The Music Boosters could use your help! If you are willing to volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer Form.
Please be sure to visit the District's Volunteer Services web page for more information on becoming a volunteer.
Contact Us
Please direct all general communications and inquiries to:
Mailing Address
Spring Grove Music Boosters
PO Box 72
Spring Grove, PA 17362
Keep up to date on all that is happening and all fundraisers by signing up for Remind: Class Code @f64acg
Music Boosters Officers
Direct email addresses are linked in the officer title.
President: Rhonda Wastler
Vice-President: Heather Beveridge
Secretary: Amy Buhrman
Treasurer: Autumn Tyson
Ways & Means Coordinator: Nikki Myers
Student Accounts: Theresa Kramer
Website: Kristen Henning
Meeting Information and By-Laws
We invite you to join us at our monthly meetings, held on the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00 PM in Conference Room 51 at the High School during the school year. Enter through the main entrance of the building. Conference Room 51 is across from the gym and the Counseling Office.
Meeting agendas and approved minutes from Music Boosters meetings can be found here. Previous meeting minutes can be obtained upon request.
Meeting Agendas
January 6, 2025 Agenda
January 6, 2025, 6 pm
Available NOTES page for those who would like it
Minutes from December Membership Meeting- Amy Buhrman
December Financial Report- Autumn Tyson
Tackett, McGreevy, Gross, Fake, Naglich, Kirkpatrick, Showalter, Brenner, Bupp
Please provide detail for minutes to Rhonda Wastler – and Amy Buhrman
TRI-M REPORT: (3 minutes)
- R & K Sale begins Jan 6th- ends Jan 21st
- Singer Songwriter Jan 6th
- PMEA District Orchestra Festival Jan 9-11 (Bryan Myers)
- PMEA District Jazz Auditions, Jan. 17
- PMEA District Band Festival Jan 23-25 (Bryan Myers, Ben Thatcher)
- February Booster meeting Feb. 3rd
- PMEA District Choral Festival Jan 6-8 (Bryan Myers, Lucas Burhman)
WAYS & MEANS: 10 minutes
Fall Fundraising- Nikki Myers
Grocery Cards- Jessie Henning
- 2/17 Chipotle Hanover 4-8 p
- 3/14 Panera Bread, Hanover 4-8pm
Account Balances and Transfers- Theresa Kramer
M.S. and H.S Scholarships - Amy Buhrman
WEBSITE: 3 minutes
NEW BUSINESS: 5 minutes
ADJOURNMENT: Next membership meeting: Monday, February 3, 2025
Meeting Minutes
- September 4, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
- August 5, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
- June 3, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
- May 6, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
- April 3, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
- March 4, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
- February 5, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
- January 3, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
- December 4, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
- November 6, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
- October 2, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
- September 4, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
- August 7, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
- June 5, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
- May 1, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
- April 10, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
- March 6, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
- February 6, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
- January 19, 2023 (Special Meeting) Approved Meeting Minutes
- January 2, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
September 4, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGMB Membership Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: |
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 7:00pm |
Location: |
SGAHS, Room 51 (Zoom option also available) |
In Attendance: |
Rhonda Wastler, Autumn Tyson, Theresa Kramer, Heather Beveridge, Nikki Myers, Barb Brenneman, Todd Boyer, Abigail Kirkpatrick, Lucas Buhrman, Katelyn Wastler, Hannah Kramer, Amy Buhrman |
The September 4, 2024 Spring Grove Music Boosters (SGMB) meeting was called to order at 7:01pm. A quorum was determined to be present, and meeting participant introductions were completed.
Minutes from the August 5, 2024 meeting were reviewed with one change noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Lucas Buhrman and seconded by Heather Beveridge. Motion carried.
SGMB balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 8/27/2024 |
Checking Account |
$91,287.41 |
Capital Fund |
$25,023.79 |
Scholarship Fund |
$51,158.95 |
Student Fund |
$16,501.93 |
Total |
$183,972.08 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Katelyn Wastler and seconded by Barb Brenneman. Motion carried.
The 2023-2024 annual audit was successfully completed on 8/6/2024. Thank you to all who participated in this work, and a special thanks to Dean Fink for his continued support of SGMB.
DIRECTOR’S REPORTS (Tackett, McGreevy, Gross, Fake, Naglich, Kirkpatrick, Showalter, Brenner, Bupp)
Abigail Kirkpatrick: The school year is off to a good start in the choir and orchestra departments. Expressions performed for the full faculty and staff on 8/19/2024; featured students included Ella Tyson, Brynn Brossman, AJ Messinger, and Elliott Metzger. Several orchestra students visited 3rd graders at each elementary school and performed for their beginning instrument recruitment assemblies on 9/3/2024. Lucas Buhrman and Bryan Myers successfully auditioned for the York Youth Symphony Orchestra (YYSO) on 8/24/2024. It has been 5 years since any Spring Grove students have participated in YYSO. Looking ahead to the weeks before our next meeting, Lucas Buhrman and Bryan Myers will be singing the National Anthem at an event with Representative Seth Grove on 9/20/2024, and Expressions will be singing the National Anthem at the Marching Spectacular on 9/28/2024. The combined choirs will be singing the National Anthem and the Alma Mater at the homecoming football game on 10/4/2024.
- 9/13/2024, 9/19/2024, 10/4/2024, 10/11/2024: Spirit Store/Marching Band performances @SGAHS
- 9/19/2024: Band Night
- 9/28/2024: Marching Spectacular
- 10/3/2024: Homecoming Parade
- 10/4/2024: Combined Choirs (National Anthem/Alma Mater @ HoCo game)
- 10/19/2024: York County Honors Chorus Festival (Dallastown HS)
- 10/23/2024: SG Halloween Parade
- 10/26/2024: Dover Marching Band Show
- 10/26/2024: PMEA District 7 Chorus Auditions
The inaugural York County Honors Choral Festival will take place this year on 10/19/2024 at Dallastown High School. Eleven Spring Grove students will be participating in the festival, and two of the pieces to be performed will be the audition pieces for the PMEA District Choral Festival.
The Spring Instrumental concert date has changed and will now take place on 4/29/2024.
Approval has been received for all 2024-2025 SGMB fundraisers. The first R&K sub and sandwich sale will be held from 10/7/2024-10/21/2024 with a delivery date of 11/6/2024. Nikki Myers explored fundraising options with Olive Branch; given their production schedule and uncertainty about their ability to guarantee large orders, this is not a fundraising option at the present time; they will consider whether this is something they may be able to do as a future opportunity. Nikki will be reaching out to Green Daisy and Sunrise Soaps (both local companies) as potential additional fundraisers. Suggestion was made that perhaps SGMB could also approach Olive Branch about possible gift card sales. Please continue to share any thoughts about potential opportunities with Nikki.
Grocery Cards: Rhonda will follow up with Jessie Henning regarding any updates on grocery card orders. Grocery cards should now be available for anyone who wishes to place an order. Flyers are available, and grocery card forms will also be sent out with the R&K order forms in October.
RaiseRight: Additional accounts have been opened with RaiseRight. It is noted that the company now also offers online stores where account holders can receive a percentage of any purchases. Users can purchase gift cards and then use those to pay in RaiseRight-connected online stores to maximize funds that are deposited into student accounts.
There is no new information to be shared at this time.
The only noted student account activity this month was through RaiseRight, with $376.29 added to student accounts. During the coming month, activity should include RaiseRight and One-Liners from Marching Spectacular.
High School Scholarship: Theresa Kramer has volunteered to lead the high school scholarship application scoring process this year. Amy will connect with her before January to share all relevant information.
Middle School Scholarship: There is no new information to share at this time.
There is no new information to share at this time.
The website has been updated. Please share all documents in Word format for posting on the website.
There is no new information to share at this time.
Marching Spectacular: Marching Spectacular is less than a month away; the final team meeting was held last week. The list of concessions and pricing have been finalized, and orders are being placed with high school cafeteria staff, to include a request that all items be delivered to the high school the week of the event. Erin Meyering will lead all food prep; as such, cafeteria staff time will not be needed. Custodial staff will be available to assist in transporting everything to the stadium ahead of the event. A volunteer is needed at the high school to accept and pay for the R&K order at 2:30pm on 9/27/2024. Rhonda will request refrigerator space at the high school and will also inquire as to whether cafeteria staff might be available to receive the order when it arrives. Rhonda will notify Autumn regarding who should receive the check for the R&K order. Autumn is working to finalize the program and will share it for final review ahead of printing. Mockups of new signage will be sent to Steph Kennedy for review and print. Information for all purchases, donations, and volunteers is being finalized. There has been an uptick in volunteer sign-ups. A question was received regarding whether the local Exchange Club might be able to provide volunteers; Rhonda will follow up on this request.
Spirit Store: Sales at the first football game went well, with around $1000 in merchandise sold. A card reader will be available for use at the next game. Autumn shared that this was obtained through PayPal at no cost, as SGMB is a nonprofit organization. The reader runs through an app (connected via Bluetooth), and funds are deposited directly into SGMB’s PayPal account. This results in the need for only one transaction when transferring funds to the bank. There is a small transaction fee (3%) per purchase which is being added to the cost of purchase for to any card-related sales. If use of the card reader goes well during upcoming spirit store sales, SGMB may consider using the card reader at the gate (admissions only) for Marching Spectacular. All Spirit Store volunteer slots are full for the next game; volunteers are still needed for Band Night. Katelyn Wastler shared that permission was received from Mrs. Ford to put out a donation jar for Ireleyn’s Huddle at all upcoming home football games. It was noted that the jar should not be put out at the next game (Gold-Out) so as not to create a conflict with Mini-THON. All funds raised will be handed directly to Mrs. Ford.
Music Department Merchandise: Marching Band has opened their store for merchandise purchase. It was noted that several parents have asked whether SGMB will be offering a merchandise sale. After some discussion, it was noted that SGMB will defer to Tri-M for a music department merchandise sale, as this has been a successful fundraiser for that group. Tri-M reps will inquire as to whether a sale will be held this year and, if so, whether Tri-M would be willing to add a SGMB sale option, with all profits from any SGMB-logoed sales to go to Tri-M.
Senior Night: Inquiry was made with Athletic Boosters (Monica) regarding plans for Senior Night flowers. Per Monica, the Athletic Boosters organization provides a corsage to mothers only; last year’s cost was $6 per corsage, and it is likely that costs will increase slightly this year. Historically, SGMB has provided flowers to each senior and all senior parents; Tracey Glace has led this effort in past years. There are 12 seniors this year. After some discussion and research of the cost to purchase flowers, it was agreed that SGMB will once again provide flowers to each senior and senior parent; Amy Buhrman will take the lead on this. Rhonda will decorate Senior cages again this year. Senior banners will be purchased out of the Marching Band budget line; costs this year will be lower than in past years due to a change in photographer.
The next membership meeting is scheduled for Monday, 10/7/2024, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held at SGAHS in Room 51, with a Zoom link also provided. A motion to close the meeting at 8:06pm was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Katelyn Wastler. Motion carried.
August 5, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGMB Membership Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: |
Monday, August 5, 2024 at 7:00pm |
Location: |
SGAHS, Room 51 (Zoom option also available) |
In Attendance: |
Rhonda Wastler, Autumn Tyson, Theresa Kramer, Heather Beveridge, Nikki Myers, Jessie Henning, Barb Brenneman, Johnna McGreevy, Lucas Buhrman, Katelyn Wastler, Allie Wastler, Dylan Beveridge, Hannah Kramer, Amy Buhrman |
The August 5, 2024 Spring Grove Music Boosters (SGMB) meeting was called to order at 7:01pm. A quorum was determined to be present, and meeting participant introductions were completed.
Minutes from the June 3, 2024 meeting were reviewed with one change noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Theresa Kramer and seconded by Jessie Henning. Motion carried.
SGMB balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 6/26/2024 |
As of 7/29/2024 |
Checking Account |
$95,623.77 |
$95,800.85 |
Capital Fund |
$24,898.63 |
$24,965.17 |
Scholarship Fund |
$52,697.42 |
$51,039.11 |
Student Fund |
$18,314.26 |
$16,241.75 |
Total |
$191,534.08 |
$188,046.88 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Heather Beveridge and seconded by Katelyn Wastler. Motion carried.
The Audit committee will be meeting on 8/6/2024 to review records from the 2023-2024 school year.
DIRECTOR’S REPORTS (Tackett, McGreevy, Gross, Fake, Naglich, Kirkpatrick, Showalter, Brenner, Bupp)
Dan Fake: Thank you to Autumn for coming up with a way to honor the middle school accompanist for the spring concert. It was greatly appreciated and a nice surprise for Mrs. Gobrecht. Middle school chorus is nearly back to pre-covid numbers. The current roster is 92, but that will change in the first few weeks of the school year. The average middle school roster is 101 singers. SGMS ended the 23-24 school year with 72 singers. Orion has already received the first performance request of the year; this will be a holiday performance at the Brethren Home; Select Strings will also perform. Orion auditions will take place in September.
Sue Gross: Mrs. Gross is looking forward to working with everyone again this year and has many fun things planned for the 3rd – 8th grade string students. She is working on recruitment and retention ideas along with fun, exciting and challenging music for the string students/ensembles.
Tim Bupp: Band Night has been moved the Thursday, 9/19. There may be a need to use funds from the SGI line item, dependent upon the start time for the game. Funds may be needed to purchase student meals between the end of the school day and call time for students; this will be dependent upon timing, and more information will be shared once the game time has been published.
Kyle Showalter: Tri-M invitations will go out in the Fall, and induction will take place during the winter concert. All Fall opps should be shared with Mr. Showalter and Mrs. Kirkpatrick to be shared by the Tri-M president with current members. There has been a delay with the new marching band uniforms. The uniform company was hacked in the middle of SG’s uniform production, resulting in the need to restart production, with a 6-week delay. The uniform company is anticipating a mid-September arrival of the uniforms at this time. All marching band members have been fitted for old uniforms to start the school year. New shoes were ordered and were to be held/not processed, but they have arrived. The shoes will be paid for and distributed once the new uniforms have arrived. Once new uniforms have arrived, times will be scheduled during Tuesday/Thursday rehearsals to swap out old uniforms for new ones. Marching Band photos are also being delayed, pending arrival of new uniforms. Mike Inkrote has been hired to take Senior photos, with a 48-hour turnaround time. If uniforms are not available before Marching Spectacular, it is possible that Seniors may not have photos/posters before senior night. A group photo of the band is also needed for the Marching Spectacular program. Guard uniforms have been ordered; half have arrived, and delivery is pending on the other half.
Johnna McGreevy: Ms. McGreevy thanked SGMB for welcoming her. She is looking forward to integrating herself into the Spring Grove community. She notes that she is excited to work with the community, the students, and a talented group of educators.
There are a number of upcoming events with volunteer needs, including back-to-school nights and football games (Spirit Store). A Signup Genius will be created and shared for any current needs.
The final Marching Spectacular meeting is scheduled for 8/27 at 6:30. This meeting will take place at the high school. Rhonda will send a reminder closer to the date of the meeting. See “New Business” for additional information.
Plans for 2024-2025 fundraising include several R&K sales (October, January, and February/March), Grim Bean, Tidal Wave Car Wash, and Gertrude Hawk. Nikki is also in communication with Rachel at Olive Branch regarding potential fundraiser options. If this is not an option, she will look into Sunrise Soap. All fundraisers will be completed ahead of this year’s high school music department trip to New Orleans. As well, a decision should be made as soon as possible regarding whether Carmen’s Ice Cream will be brought back for any SGMB/music department events.
Grocery Cards: Jessie Henning will be ordering grocery cards this week in order to have them available by the beginning of the school year. Orders will include Weis ($2000), Giant ($1000), and Kennie’s ($1000). Updated materials will be sent out and will also be available during back-to-school night events. Jessie will work with Nikki to send out information on grocery cards with fundraiser communications.
There is no new information to be shared at this time.
In June, $308.48 (RaiseRight) and $43.50 (Grocery Gift Cards) was added to Student Accounts. In addition, there were several seniors requesting reimbursement, for a total of $775.27. At the end of the 2023-2024 fiscal year, a total of $1,649.37 was transferred from Student Accounts to the General Fund for unclaimed Senior account balances.
During the summer months, there is little activity to Student Accounts. RaiseRight for July added $260.05 to account balances.
High School Scholarship: Amy Buhrman is working on revamping the high school scholarship application to further simplify both completion of the application and scoring. She will share the application for testing by a few people once complete. A volunteer is still needed to oversee this year’s scholarship process; Amy will have all materials prepared and will share those with high school directors but is not able to participate in receipt, review, and scoring of any applications, as she is the parent of a senior.
Middle School Scholarship: There is no new information to share at this time.
There is no new information to share at this time.
There is no new information to share at this time. Please share all documents in Word format for posting on the website.
There are no updates at this time.
There is no unfinished business at this time.
Open House/Back to School Nights: Meeting participants reviewed and discussed options for SGMB’s presence during 9th grade orientation and the various back-to-school night events. Suggestion was made that SGMB have both a table in the main area of schools as well as a representative with directors in their room(s). Autumn Tyson will review and update all materials, and Rhonda Wastler will print any necessary information ahead of events. Rhonda will set up and send out a Signup Genius for these events.
Marching Spectacular: The final Marching Spectacular Meeting will be held on 8/27/2024 in the choral or band room. There are currently 6 bands participating in the event. At this time, all event stations have an appointed lead at this time. Rhonda will share information from the nutrition department as soon as it becomes available so concessions and hospitality can be set. SGMB may also reach out to Genova’s to price food for hospitality. Theresa Kramer is setting up donation and volunteer information sign ups via Signup Genius. Volunteer signups will be published once arrival and shift times are finalized. Nikki Myers has contacted all food vendors for the event. SGMB is reducing the number of Chick-Fil-A sandwiches for the event and will be introducing R&K sandwiches as part of concessions. R&K for the event will be delivered to the high school on 9/27; SGMB will need permission to store these in the cafeteria’s walk-in refrigerator. SGMB will have access to the video board and can create videos for each participating band this year. In future years, digital ads can also be offered.
Spirit Store: Merchandise has arrived and is in the store. Suggestion was made to get a card reader for the spirit store, as many people will make purchases and/or will purchase more when they are able to pay with a credit or debit card. The group needs to explore available options and also determine how the number of transactions might impact the current bank transaction limit.
Music Boosters September School Board meeting: Rhonda will be presenting schedule information, an invitation to all board members to attend Marching Spectacular, and information on SGMB’s goals for this school year.
The next membership meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 9/4/2024, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held at SGAHS in Room 51, with a Zoom link also provided. A motion to close the meeting at 8:34pm was made by Katelyn Wastler and seconded by Lucas Buhrman. Motion carried.
June 3, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGMB Membership Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: |
Monday, June 3, 2024 at 7:00pm |
Location: |
SGAHS, Room 51 (Zoom option also available) |
In Attendance: |
Rhonda Wastler, Autumn Tyson, Theresa Kramer, Tracey Glace, Heather Beveridge, Jessie Henning, Barb Brenneman, Lucas Buhrman, Kyle Showalter, Dan Brenner, Amy Buhrman |
The June 3, 2024 Spring Grove Music Boosters (SGMB) meeting was called to order at 7:13pm. A quorum was determined to be present, and meeting participant introductions were completed.
Minutes from the May 6, 2024 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Theresa Kramer. Motion carried.
SGMB balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 5/28/2024 |
Checking Account |
$102,085.72 |
Capital Fund |
$24,840.30 |
Scholarship Fund |
$52,573.98 |
Student Fund |
$17,003.39 |
Total |
$196,503.39 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Barb Brenneman and seconded by Kyle Showalter. Motion carried.
An audit team is needed to complete the 2023-2024 financial audit. Amy Buhrman, Theresa Kramer, Rhonda Wastler, and Jessie Henning volunteered to serve on this team. Autumn will reach out during the summer to schedule the audit meeting.
DIRECTOR’S REPORTS (Tackett, Robinson, Gross, Fake, Naglich, Kirkpatrick, Showalter, Brenner, Bupp)
Kyle Showalter: May was a busy and successful month. All of the Spring Concerts were OUTSTANDING! As well, the trip to Knoebels was a successful one. Dan, Abby, and Kyle had a successful and positive school year overall within the music department. The Tri-M Showcase was also a success. Positive feedback has been received for music performances by Symphonic Band, Expressions, and Modern Band during graduation. Four marching band rehearsals have been completed, with 68 students participating. Next up will be minicamp for marching band in July. The Youth Students Abroad program will take place beginning 6/18; five Spring Grove students will be participating, and Kyle will also be traveling with the group for the first time. Six bands are confirmed for Marching Spectacular (William Penn, Dover, Central, West York, Kennard-Dale, Spring Grove); Kyle will be following up with some additional bands. Kyle also noted that the new marimba is outstanding, and students are already enjoying use of the instrument.
Dan Brenner: End-of-year Modern Band and Jazz performances went well. Positive feedback was received on the Jazz Festival. Modern band auditions have been completed, and next year’s group looks promising.
Events Schedule with Volunteer Needs
· No Booster Meeting in July!
· Marching Band Mini Camp July 15, 16, 17
· Marching Band- Band Camp July 29, 30, 31, Aug 1, 5, 6, 7, 8
· Fall 2024 Music Booster Meeting August 5th- Booster and Directors Dinner TBD
· 2024 Band Night, Sept. 20th
· 2024 Marching Spectacular Sept. 28th
· 2024 Homecoming Oct. 4/5th
· 2024 Senior Night Oct 11th
All approved events have been listed on the above-linked schedules, and facilities requests have been submitted for all events, excluding concert nights, as a decision is not yet final regarding needs for those nights. Two upcoming meetings are planned for Marching Spectacular (6/24 and 7/18); anyone interested in assisting with the event is invited to attend. Rhonda will be reaching out to previous leads and participants in the near future. August’s SGMB meeting will be the directors’ dinner and first SGMB meeting for the 2024-2025 school year.
This is Tracey Glace’s final meeting as Ways and Means Coordinator, and SGMB thanks her for all she has done in support of SG students and SGMB. She noted that it has been both fun and challenging serving as Ways and Means Coordinator. She stated the group should continue seeking ways to encourage younger student participation in fundraisers. Tracey has prepared a document to share with the incoming Ways and Means Coordinator. She notes it is important to plan for and get fundraiser information to Steph Kennedy as quickly as possible to have the best chance of approval for our requested fundraisers. Rhonda noted that many groups have started early this year and that is becoming more difficult to get time and space for fundraisers. Suggestion was made that SGMB consider continuing with R&K, Carmen’s, and Grim Bean, in addition to seeking out other options. Matt (with Carmen’s Ice Cream) has expressed that he loved working with SGMB and would like to continue working with SGMB. He has spoken with Steph Kennedy about trying to get a banner placed in the stadium. As well, he is interested in participating with the 2024 Marching Spectacular if possible.
Rhonda will follow up with Kristen Henning to have old fundraisers removed from the SGMB website.
It is noted that SGMB’s insurance date is showing as inaccurate for facilities use. There have been multiple attempts to get this corrected. SGMB’s insurance is current and active, despite the date that shows (2009).
All grocery cards have been sold for the 2023-2024 year. Jessie will review this year’s sales records to determine ordering for the next school year. As well, consideration will be given to ways of promoting grocery card sales.
There is no new information to be shared at this time.
In May, students added a total of $1,587.28 into Student Accounts through the following fundraisers: Tidal Wave ($336), R&K ($699), Grocery Cards ($114) and RaiseRight ($438.28). The only fundraising opportunity for June is the Gift Card programs. Reimbursement requests totaling $1,051.82 were received for 6 seniors bringing these accounts to $0. This leaves 22 senior accounts with available funds just under $1,200. The last day to submit Financial Request Forms for this fiscal year is June 14 to allow time for verification and processing. At the end of June, all remaining senior account balances will be transferred to the General Fund.
To recap the 2023-2024 year: $6,880.27 was added to Student Accounts through various fundraisers. There were 34 new students participating in fundraisers this year, and $1,149.95 was used to offset trip costs at the Intermediate, Middle, and High Schools. The Class of 2024 had, by far, the highest number of students with accounts but the Class of 2030 had the highest number of total fundraiser participation (Class of 2026 was a close 2nd).
High School Scholarship: The following students from the Class of 2024 were awarded SGMB scholarships: Tanner Glace, Leland Klinedinst, Ashlyn Tyson, Finley Ritenour, Evelyn Messinger, Jacob Ross, and Haley Hake.
Amy continues to seek a volunteer to oversee the 2025 High School Scholarship. She will plan to update and share the application and all supporting materials with directors and is looking for someone to oversee the scoring committee and finalize the list of scholarship winners. She will provide any information needed and support as able; please contact Amy if interested in taking on this responsibility.
Middle School Scholarship: Aidan Miller and Finnley Brewer were awarded the Kevin G. Baum Middle School Scholarship.
There is no new information to share at this time.
There is no new information to share at this time. Please share all documents in Word format for posting on the website.
Thank you to this year’s Tri-M representatives. It was noted that Tri-M will need to identify representatives for the 2024-2025 school year. SGMB suggested that Tri-M consider Lucas Buhrman (2024-2025 Tri-M President) and an underclass student. Tri-M officers will discuss and make a decision about meeting participants.
There is no unfinished business at this time.
Election proceeded for 2024-2025 executive positions, as nominated during the 5/2024 meeting. The officer slate was accepted and includes the following:
· President: Rhonda Wastler
· Vice President: Heather Beveridge
· Secretary: Amy Buhrman
· Treasurer: Autumn Tyson
· Ways and Means: Nikki Myers
· Student Accounts: Theresa Kramer
Barb Brenneman made a motion to approve all nominated candidates, and Dan Brenner seconded. Motion carried.
Autumn presented the draft 2024-2025 budget for final review and approval. Following one change, Jessie Henning motioned to approve the budget as amended. Motion was seconded by Barb Brenneman. Motion carried.
Autumn noted that there has been a cost increase for QuickBooks this year. Theresa Kramer moved to approve up to $320 for the purchase of QuickBooks renewal, to come out of the General Fund. Dan Brenner seconded. Motion carried.
The next membership meeting is scheduled for Monday 8/5/2024, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held at SGAHS in Room 51, with a Zoom link also provided. A motion to close the meeting at 8:20pm was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Dan Brenner. Motion carried.
May 6, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGMB Membership Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: |
Monday, May 6, 2024 at 7:00pm |
Location: |
SGAHS, Room 51 (Zoom option also available) |
In Attendance: |
Rhonda Wastler, Autumn Tyson, Theresa Kramer, Tracey Glace, Scott Glace, Nikki Myers, Heather Beveridge, Jessie Henning, Barb Brenneman, Kyle Showalter, Dan Fake, Tim Bupp, Dr. David Dietrich, Amy Buhrman |
The May 6, 2024 Spring Grove Music Boosters (SGMB) meeting was called to order at 7:02pm. A quorum was determined to be present, and meeting participant introductions were completed.
Minutes from the April 3, 2024 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Scott Glace. Motion carried.
SGMB balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 4/25/2024 |
Checking Account |
$113,915.12 |
Capital Fund |
$24,774.10 |
Scholarship Fund |
$52,433.86 |
Student Fund |
$18,294.76 |
Total |
$209,417.84 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Barb Brenneman and seconded by Theresa Kramer. Motion carried.
DIRECTOR’S REPORTS (Tackett, Robinson, Gross, Fake, Naglich, Kirkpatrick, Showalter, Brenner, Bupp)
Dan Fake: There is a lot of activity during the month of May. Orion has 4-5 performances, and chorus has 2 performances.
Kyle Showalter: The music department is cruising to the end of the school year. The high school instrumental concert took place two weeks ago. This was the first time a combined full orchestra and band piece has been presented. Directors are looking at other ways to enhance performance ensembles for future performances. This past weekend was a great one for the jazz festivals. A lot of compliments were received from the Northern school district; this was the group’s first time attending the festival. Mr. Showalter met with 5 students and their families for this summer’s Youth Music Abroad program.
Dan Brenner: Thank you to everyone who supported all live performances for the modern band and the jazz groups. Spring Grove has such a dedicated music loving community. Our students took notice! Thank you! Select Modern Band has one final performance this year on 5/14/2024. The group will be performing an acoustic set at the High School Scholarship Banquet.
· HS Spring Choral Concert- May 10th 7pm
· MS 8th Grade Awards (Orion performs)- May 9th
· Marching Band Parent Meeting May 13th- 6PM
· Scholarship Foundation Banquet May 14th, Select Modern Band performs
· MS Spring Concert- 5/16
· MS Knoebels Trip- 5/17
· May 20th- Music Department recognition during School Board Meeting- Orion performs
· Marching Band Spring Rehearsals May 20, 22, 28, 30
· No Booster Meeting in July!
· Marching Band Mini Camp July 15, 16, 17
· Marching Band- Band Camp July 29, 30, 31, Aug 1, 5, 6, 7, 8
· Fall 2024 Music Booster Meeting August 5th- Booster and Directors Dinner TBD
· 2024 Band Night, Sept. 20th
· 2024 Marching Spectacular Sept. 28th
· 2024 Homecoming Oct. 4/5th
· 2024 Senior Night Oct 11th
Once the final event schedule is set for the 2024-2025 year, SGMB will set a calendar for potential volunteer and fundraising needs. This will be discussed at the June meeting.
Spring Fundraisers: 31 students sold participated in the R&K sandwich sale, and 18 students participated in the Tidal Wave car wash voucher sale; 15 students participated in both. SGMB ordered 175 car wash vouchers to cover the sale of 168 vouchers.
Carmen’s Ice Cream sales have been steady at each concert; SGMB has not yet reached 100 sales. Suggestion was made that communication be sent to families ahead of each concert or event where ice cream will be sold in order to further encourage sales.
Grocery Cards: Jessie Henning noted that there are a few grocery gift cards left for sale this year. A Remind will be sent out with gift card information, and any remaining gift cards will be available for purchase (cash or check only) during fundraiser pickup.
There is no new information to be shared at this time.
In April, students added a total of $198.62 into Student Accounts through the ongoing RaiseRight program. Tidal Wave and R&K totals will be reflected in the May report. Seven students transferred funds to offset the cost of the Middle School trip. In addition, reimbursement requests totaling $949.55 were received for 6 seniors bringing all accounts to $0. This leaves 28 senior accounts with available funds just over $2,000.
High School Scholarship: The scholarship banquet will take place on Tuesday, 5/14/2024. SGMB is sponsoring two tables again this year; SGMB representatives at the banquet will include Amy, Rhonda, Kyle, and Abby.
Middle School Scholarship: All applications have been reviewed, with two recipients determined. Award packets were assembled to include a certificate, award letter, the financial transaction form, and information about SGMB. Awards will be presented at the SGAMS Spring Concert on 5/16. Thank you to those who volunteered to review application submissions.
A proposed revision was made to by-laws to allow the potential for families to transfer funds between student accounts for immediate family members, subject to review and approval. With no changes to suggested language, Kyle Showalter made a motion to approve the amended by-law, and Scott Glace seconded the motion. Motion carried. Theresa Kramer will update by-laws to reflect this change.
There is no new information to share at this time. Please share all documents in Word format for posting on the website.
No updates at this time.
There is no unfinished business at this time.
Kyle Showalter presented a request to SGMB for the purchase of a new Pearl Adams 4.3 Octave Marimba from Menchey Music at the cost of $2500. Menchey Music is clearing out inventory and has reached out to all local school districts with an offer to sell this instrument to the first school who commits to the purchase. The marimba retails for $5940. If not purchased by a school, the instrument will be offered to the public at a higher price. Spring Grove presently has 24 percussionists between grades 7-12, with more on the way from the intermediate school. Directors have been planning to purchase more keyboard instruments in the coming years. All resources have been exhausted with the district, and it was noted that deals like this are not often available. Theresa Kramer made a motion to approve the purchase of the marimba from Menchey Music at a cost of $2500 from the General Fund. Barb Brenneman seconded the motion. Motion carried. Kyle will work with Menchey Music to complete this purchase.
A review of meeting dates for the 2024-2025 school year was completed. The meeting that would typically be held on 9/2 will be moved to Wednesday, 9/4, as the district is closed on 9/2. The SGMB and directors’ dinner and meeting will be planned ahead of the 8/5/2024 meeting. Rhonda Wastler will submit the 2024-2025 meeting schedule to Facilities for review and approval. Once approved, the final schedule will be shared with the group.
The following SGMB members have been nominated for 2024-2025 Executive Positions, with voting to take place at the 6/3/2024 meeting:
President: Rhonda Wastler
Vice President: Heather Beveridge
Secretary: Amy Buhrman
Treasurer: Autumn Tyson
Ways and Means: Nikki Myers
Student Accounts: Theresa Kramer
Autumn Tyson presented a draft budget for the 2024-2025 school year. A line-by-line review was completed with several proposed adjustments made. The budget will be presented for final review and vote at the 6/3/2024 meeting.
Tim Bupp presented information on WiddyUP as a potential fundraiser option for SGMB. WiddyUP is a video fundraising platform; additional information can be found at There is a $250 cost to start the program and set it up. The program is then run by a designated admin who must approve all videos ahead of publishing. Autumn will look into requirements for messaging and practices for designation of funds received through this type of fundraising. Tim will share additional information for consideration.
The next membership meeting is scheduled for Monday 6/3/2024, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held at SGAHS in Room 51, with a Zoom link also provided. A motion to close the meeting at 9:08pm was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Tim Bupp. Motion carried.
April 3, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGMB Membership Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: |
Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 7:00pm |
Location: |
SGAHS, Room 51 (Zoom option also available) |
In Attendance: |
Rhonda Wastler, Autumn Tyson, Theresa Kramer, Tracey Glace, Scott Glace, Nikki Myers, Heather Beveridge, Barb Brenneman, Abigail Kirkpatrick, Tim Bupp, Dan Brenner, Dr. David Dietrich, Amy Buhrman |
The April 3, 2024 Spring Grove Music Boosters (SGMB) meeting was called to order at 7:04pm. A quorum was determined to be present, and meeting participant introductions were completed.
Minutes from the March 4, 2024 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Tracey Glace. Motion carried.
SGMB balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 3/26/2024 |
Checking Account |
$116,507.41 |
Capital Fund |
$24,714.07 |
Scholarship Fund |
$52,306.80 |
Student Fund |
$16,655.39 |
Total |
$210,183.67 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Theresa Kramer and seconded by Dr. David Dietrich. Motion carried.
Annual Budget: Autumn will send all directors a digital draft version of this year’s budget with actuals for the current year and the past two years for review as SGMB begins to put together a budget for the 2024-2025 year. Please send Autumn information on potential adjustments. A draft budget will be available for review at the May meeting ahead of review and approval in June.
DIRECTOR’S REPORTS (Tackett, Robinson, Gross, Fake, Naglich, Kirkpatrick, Showalter, Brenner, Bupp)
Abigail Kirkpatrick: A handful of high school students performed solos and duets at the Celebrate the Arts festival. This month, Lucas Buhrman will be representing Spring Grove Area High School as a vocalist in the inaugural PMEA All-State Contemporary A Capella Ensemble. Mrs. Kirkpatrick will also be attending the festival as a chaperone for the A Capella group. A student teacher, Tyler Raubenstein, will be supporting the orchestra and choirs until 5/3/2024. The Spring Instrumental concert will take place on 4/25/2024. On 4/30/2024, Concert Choir and Expressions will be performing at the Brethren Home at Cross Keys Village. Through the high school miscellaneous line items in the budget, SGMB will be supporting the purchase of an additional Fred Waring Director’s Award for Chorus and will also be sponsoring Lucas Buhrman’s District 7 coach bus ride to the PMEA All-State Festival.
Dan Brenner: This is the start of a busy season! From 4/5/2024 through 5/5/2024, Mr. Brenner notes there are 17 performances/rehearsals in 31 days. Select Modern Band will be performing during Mini-THON during the 7:30 hour. On 4/8/2024, Select Modern Band will travel to a conference in Harrisburg. Other upcoming performances include the District 7 Modern Band Festival (4/12-4/13), performance as a spotlight ensemble at the PMEA All-State convention (4/18-4/19), Spring Modern Band Concert (4/26), and the Modern Music Invitational (4/27). Select Modern Band will perform an acoustic set at the upcoming Scholarship banquet. Jazz Band will also be performing at Cross Keys on 5/2. Mr. Brenner extended his thanks to SGMB; with so many students being accepted into festivals and increased costs of those festivals, funds from SGMB have helped to make attendance possible.
Tim Bupp: Sousa's March Mania ended with 42 participants. Four made it to the final round with one student winning the championship. The Beginning Band and Orchestra Concert is schedule for 4/16/2024. SGI’s upcoming trip is ready to go. The '24-'25 Performance Calendar is in the final confirmation phase and should be available for the June meeting. For the 12th year in a row, SGASD has been awarded with the distinction of being one of the Best Communities for Music Education in the nation. Thank you to SGMB and the community for the important and integral role played in keeping music strong at SGASD!
· SG Band Day- 4/3 @ HS
· Music Dept. Star Wars Trip- 4/5
· Select Modern Band- 4/8 @ Capital Area Intermediate Unit
· Beginning Band and Orchestra 4/16
· HS Spring Instrumental Concert - 4/25 @ 7pm
· HS Modern Band Concert- 4/26 @ 7pm
· HS Modern Band Invitational- 4/27 Willow Grove PA
· Jazz weekend May 4 (Jump into Jazz & Swing into Spring) & 5th HS Concert
· HS Spring Choral Concert- May 10th 7pm
· MS 8th Grade Awards- Orion Performs prior to start, May 9th
· ITS- Senior One Acts- May 9 & 11th
· MS Spring Concert- 5/16
· MS Knoebels Trip- 5/17
Sales of Carmen’s Ice Cream have gone well; SMGB will be selling ice cream at several additional upcoming performances, including the upcoming Jazz Festival. Several volunteers are already available, and Tracey will seek additional volunteers to support sales. At this time, four flavors are available, with a request to consider a fifth or sixth flavor. SGMB will keep Carmen’s on the list of fundraisers options at future events. Tracey will share contact information.
Fundraiser recap: Grim Bean was a successful fundraiser; it is recommended that SGMB keep this option on the list for a pre-holiday sale next school year. Gertrude Hawk was an easy fundraiser. Suggestion was made to keep several challenges in mind (shipping issues, some damaged merchandise, and some lack of communication/follow through) if considering Gertrude Hawk for a future fundraising option.
Current fundraisers: R&K Subs/Sandwiches and Tidal Wave Car Wash voucher orders and payment are due 4/22/2024. All items will be available for pick-up on 5/7, 4pm-7pm.
There is no new information to be shared at this time.
In March, students added a total of $2,018.55 into accounts through various fundraising activities - Gertrude Hawk ($1,722.47), RaiseRight ($284.08) and Grocery Cards ($12). There were several first-time participants in both Gertrude Hawk and RaiseRight. Three students transferred funds to offset the cost of the HS Star Wars trip. In addition, reimbursement requests were received for 2 seniors bringing both accounts to $0. All senior account letters have been distributed. There are currently 34 senior accounts with available funds close to $3,000.
High School Scholarship: High school applications scoring was finalized in March, and scholarship recipient information was sent to SGASF ahead of the 3/27 deadline. The scholarship banquet will take place on Tuesday, 5/14/2024. SGMB will sponsor two tables again this year. Amy is working with Autumn and the scholarship committee to finalize the attendee list for submission.
Middle School Scholarship: Application review is in process, with a review deadline of 4/20/2024. Thank you to those who volunteered to review application submissions.
Student Accounts (sharing/transferring): A question was presented regarding whether families with multiple students are permitted to transfer funds between student accounts to cover costs. At this time balance transfer is only written into fundraising policy related to senior accounts. Theresa Kramer will draft an update to the fundraising policy for review and vote at the May meeting.
Board Policy 913.1—School-Affiliated Organization update: The district school board has begun to review and complete updates based on board policies and has shared expectations for information needed from all district-affiliated organizations. After a clarifying conversation, it was confirmed that SGMB is doing what is needed. When making change or doing something new, SGMB should consider sending an update to the appropriate board contact (i.e. end of year audit, proposed budgets, etc.).
There is no new information to share at this time. Please share all docs as Word documents for posting on the website.
Tri-M is working to finalize a date for this year’s Tri-M Showcase. SGMB thanked Tri-M for the group’s volunteer response whenever a need arises.
2024-2025 Officers: SGMB is preparing for officer nominations ahead of the May meeting. The Vice President position is has remained vacant this year. As well, the Ways and Means position, currently held by Tracey Glace, will be vacant at the end of Tracey’s term. Rhonda shared a plan to share information and flyers about SGMB, requesting consideration for support of and participation with the organization.
There is no new business to report at this time.
The next membership meeting is scheduled for Monday 5/6/2024, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held at SGAHS in Room 51, with a Zoom link also provided. A motion to close the meeting at 8:03pm was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Scott Glace. Motion carried.
March 4, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGMB Membership Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: |
Monday, March 4, 2024 at 7:00pm |
Location: |
SGAHS, Room 51 (Zoom option also available) |
In Attendance: |
Rhonda Wastler, Autumn Tyson, Theresa Kramer, Tracey Glace, Nikki Myers, Heather Beveridge, Jessie Henning, Barb Brenneman, Abigail Kirkpatrick, Tim Bupp, Dan Brenner, Amy Buhrman |
The March 4, 2024 Spring Grove Music Boosters (SGMB) meeting was called to order at 7:06pm. A quorum was determined to be present, and meeting participant introductions were completed.
Minutes from the February 5, 2024 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Tracey Glace and seconded by Nikki Myers. Motion carried.
SGMB balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 2/26/2024 |
Checking Account |
$118,944.51 |
Capital Fund |
$24,656.18 |
Scholarship Fund |
$52,184.27 |
Student Fund |
$16,679.95 |
Total |
$212,464.91 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Theresa Kramer and seconded by Tracey Glace. Motion carried.
DIRECTOR’S REPORTS (Tackett, Robinson, Gross, Fake, Naglich, Kirkpatrick, Showalter, Brenner, Bupp)
Kyle Showalter: The York County High School Band Festival included five SG students: Julia Tackett (Flute), Hailey Graff (Clarinet), Alyssa Beyer (Clarinet), Bryan Myers (Alto Sax), and Hunter Ellis (Horn). York County High School Jazz Band included Ben Thatcher (Trumpet). Seven students participated in the York County Middle School Band: Connor Shaffer (Alto Sax), David Alvarez-Chavez (Trumpet), Rowan Bonner (Horn), Logan Shearer (Horn), Tony Stauffer (Tuba), Finnley Brewer (Percussion), and Micah Henning (Percussion).
The high school has an upcoming music trip on Friday, April 5th, as the Baltimore Symphony performs the soundtrack to “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” live while screening the movie. The department did not meet the minimum number of people to keep the same rate that was quoted. Notable Student Travel was able to change the coach bus to a smaller (40-passenger) bus to reduce the cost. The deficit will be $494.00. The decision has been made to use funds from the High School Trips and Travel budget line. Spring Grove Band Day will take place on Wednesday, April 3, 2024. Dr. Mark Lortz, clinician (Director of Bands at Stevenson University), will work with the high school and middle school concert band students for a portion of the day. The fee for Dr. Lortz’s services will be $300.00. The high school cafeteria will provide lunch for Dr. Lortz and Kyle Showalter (somewhere in the neighborhood of $10-$20 total). Overall, total cost for the day should be approximately $325.00. This will be covered using the “Miscellaneous” line item for the High School. Band uniforms have been approved with the district covering 100% of the cost. Receipt of the new uniforms is expected sometime in mid to late July. Marching Spectacular invitations have gone out to many bands across Lancaster, York and Adams counties, with more invitations sent than have been in the past. Kyle is also going to reach out to Mark Lortz to inquire whether the Stevenson University band might be willing to participate as the exhibition band for the show. If they are not available, outreach will be made to Shippensburg, Millersville, and/or the Lancers. In 2025, the event will need to move up by one week, in the hopes of increasing participation and to avoid Homecoming season. Planning has begun for Marching band. There will be a mandatory meeting in May. Instead of two mini-camps during the summer, there will be evenings in May where members will meet. Only one mini-camp will take place in June/July.
Abigail Kirkpatrick: Congratulations to all involved on an amazing Musical weekend. Region V Chorus takes place on Friday (3/8) and Saturday (3/9), beginning at Dover and ending at Messiah. Ashlyn Tyson and Lucas Buhrman both advanced to the Region chorus. Evelyn Messinger and Lucas Buhrman were both accepted in the District 7 Vocal Jazz group. Looking ahead to April, Lucas Buhrman will be participating in the inaugural All-State A Capella ensemble. Spring Grove is welcoming Tyler Raubenstein as a student teacher from York College; he will support both choir and orchestra. Choir Day will take place on 3/19. Based on feedback, this event will be run in-house, with no support from an external clinician. Encore awards will take place at the end of April; performances will be determined at a later date.
Dan Brenner: A student teacher, Tommy Morris from York College (a percussion major with piano and sax background) will be supporting both modern band and general music. Select Modern Band’s February performance at the Appell Center was fantastic! The group will also be opening for the Arrival concert, and there are several other upcoming performances, including the PMEA State Conference and the Modern Band concert.
A request was submitted for funds to support Select Modern Band’s travel expenses to the PMEA event. As funds are available in the High School Trips/Travel line of the SGMB budget, a vote is not required for this request.
Tim Bupp: SGI Band is participating in March Mania sponsored by the USMC Band. Just like NCAA March Madness, marches (instead of teams) go up against each other during the month of March. Thirty students completed brackets and will follow along daily until the end of the month to see who reigns victorious. March 26th is the SGI concert. New this year will be student conductors. Mr. Bupp stepped off the podium to get into sections and give direct instruction to sections and the student conductors rose to the occasion to become student leaders. They will be featured during the spring concert. Please take time to thank the leadership team for supporting music in Spring Grove schools. It is notable that neighboring districts are publicly considering not filling music positions. SGASD has a position that is currently being filled, and the administration has been in full support of this.
Arrival: Music of Abba- Concert 3/7/24 @ 7pm (Select Modern Band opens)
Region V Chorus Festival 3/8-3/9 Messiah (Lucas B and Ashlyn T)
District Vocal Jazz Festival 3/15-3/16 Central HS (Lucas B and Evelyn M)
District Chorus Day - 3/17/24 (all day at HS)
Paradise Elem Night of Music 3/19 @ PES 6 pm
SGE Night of Music 3/20 @ HS 6 pm
New Salem Night of Music 3/21 @ NS 6 pm
Celebrate the Arts 3/23 @ HS 9-3pm
Fundraiser Pick up (Gertrude Hawk/Grim Bean Coffee) 3/26 @ HS cafe 4-7 PM
SGI Spring Concert 3/26 @ SGI 6 pm
Next Meeting- 4/3 (Wednesday) 7pm
Current fundraisers: Students sold 129 single bags of coffee and 18 samplers from Grim Bean. Product pick-up is scheduled for next week, and items will be stored in the music department concessions/spirit store area ahead of student pick up. Fifty students participated in the Gertrude Hawk fundraiser. Sales qualified Spring Grove for 45% profit which will be split evenly between student accounts and the General Fund. Pick-up for both fundraisers is scheduled for 3/26/2024.
Upcoming fundraisers include Tidal Wave (car wash vouchers) and R&K Subs and Sandwiches. Forms will be available starting at the 3/26/2024 pick-up, with a due date of 4/22/2024 and pick up date of 5/7/2024.
Carmen’s Ice Cream has moved into the district. The owner is willing to deliver a freezer to concert locations and will move the freezer between locations ahead of each concert. Individual 6-ounce cups would be available for sale. Suggestion was made to try 100 cups, four flavors (25 each). SGMB only pays for the cups that sell. The first concert would be at PES on 3/19/2024. Tracey is available to sell at upcoming concerts if the group is interested in trying this. It was noted that the Jazz Festival would also be a huge opportunity for this fundraiser. Tracey will contact school principals to secure permission to move forward.
Grocery Cards: Grocery cards are available for sale. Please continue to advertise this fundraising opportunity.
There is no new information to be shared at this time.
In February, students added $203.75 in their accounts from The Grim Bean fundraiser and $179.03 from the ongoing RaiseRight program. SGMB is still waiting on final numbers from Gertrude Hawk. In addition, 2 Intermediate School students used funds for their upcoming trip. One "Senior" account was closed out; this was a 2023 graduate who had the wrong year listed in SGMB’s spreadsheet. Since it was an internal error on our end, an extension was granted for reimbursement request through the 2024 fiscal year. Once final Gertrude Hawk totals are available, senior account letters will go out to all active senior music students. There are currently 38 senior accounts totaling slightly over $3,000.
High School Scholarship: The window for submission of high school scholarship applications closed on Thursday, 2/29/2024. Amy will pick up any submitted paper applications on 3/5/2024, and application scoring materials will be shared by the end of the day on Sunday, 3/10/2024 (at the latest) with those who have volunteered to score applications (Rhonda Wastler, Theresa Kramer, and Kyle Showalter). Final recipient information must be submitted to SGASF no later than 3/27/2024. This year’s Scholarship banquet is scheduled for 5/14/2024.
Middle School Scholarship: The application window for the middle school scholarships closed on 2/29/2024, with 12 applications submitted. Amy requested at least 6 volunteers to review and score applications and received interest from Lucas Buhrman, Autumn, Nikki, Tim, and Rhonda. Tracey will contact Trista for interest. Amy will contact several previous SGMB members who have assisted over the past several years (Kathy Kraft and Erin Meyering).
There is no new information to share at this time.
There is no new information to share at this time. Please share all docs as Word documents.
There is no new information to share at this time.
Celebrate the Arts: The group agreed to the selection and sale of items from the Spirit Store, to include apparel and other odds and ends. Volunteers will be needed to sell merchandise.
Marching Spectacular: See Director’s report (Kyle Showalter) above.
Mums: It is now planting season for Mums. There is a cost increase to $5 per plant (from $4.50) due to increased fertilizer costs. During the past two years, this fundraiser has not met targeted sales goals, with factors including taxes and not selling out. After discussion, SGMB agrees that mum sale will not be held in 2024.
Spirit Store: Heather Beveridge will serve as the new Spirit Store coordinator.
SGMB Membership and Officers: The group is encouraged to continue efforts to draw in additional active members. Officer nominations will be coming up in the spring. There is currently an open Vice President position, and Ways and Means will be open after end of the current school year.
Concessions for Arrival concert: A request was received on 2/29 for SGMB to run concessions at the upcoming Arrival concert. 100% of profits from concessions would go to SGMB. There are 400 bottles of water and about 6 cases of chips/pretzels/popcorn available, all donated. Rhonda will respond to confirm SGMB willingness to sell limited concessions.
The next membership meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 4/3/2024, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held at SGAHS in Room 51, with a Zoom link also provided. A motion to close the meeting at 8:44pm was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Theresa Kramer. Motion carried.
February 5, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGMB Membership Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: |
Monday, February 5, 2024 at 7:00pm |
Location: |
SGAHS, Room 52 (Zoom option also available) |
In Attendance: |
Rhonda Wastler, Autumn Tyson, Theresa Kramer, Nikki Myers, Heather Beveridge, Tracey Glace, Dr. David Dietrich, Lucas Buhrman, Tim Bupp, Amy Buhrman |
The February 5, 2024 Spring Grove Music Boosters (SGMB) meeting was called to order at 7:20pm. A quorum was determined to be present, and meeting participant introductions were completed.
Minutes from the January 3, 2024 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Nikki Myers. Motion carried.
SGMB balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 1/29/2024 |
Checking Account |
$106,777.91 |
Capital Fund |
$24,600.41 |
Scholarship Fund |
$52,066.24 |
Student Fund |
$16,939.75 |
Total |
$200,384.31 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Theresa Kramer and seconded by Nikki Myers. Motion carried.
DIRECTOR’S REPORTS (Tackett, Robinson, Gross, Fake, Naglich, Kirkpatrick, Showalter, Brenner, Bupp)
Tim Bupp: Planning for the SGI Music Department trip is complete, with 182 students and 54 parents participating. Final payment from everyone is due March 15th for bills to be paid in April. Spring Grove’s Best Communities for Music Education application was submitted last week. We will learn the results of this application in late March/early April. Agreements for new Marching Band uniforms have been signed. There is a 3-to-6-month window for delivery of the new uniforms.
Abigail Kirkpatrick: On Saturday, January 27th, Ashlyn Tyson and Lucas Buhrman BOTH advanced to the PMEA Region V Chorus Festival for the second year in a row with their successful reaudition at the district level festival. The Region V Chorus Festival will be held at Messiah University March 8-9. As well, Lucas Buhrman made the first-ever PMEA All-State Contemporary a Cappella Ensemble. Students from the entire state of Pennsylvania auditioned for one of 24 spots in this new ensemble. The All-State festival is held in Erie, PA in April and features students from all over PA in a wide variety of music ensembles. This year alone, Lucas has qualified for the PMEA District 7 Chorus, Region V Chorus, District 7 Vocal Jazz, York County Orchestra, District 7 Orchestra, and the All-State Contemporary A Cappella Ensemble. This is truly extraordinary- please congratulate him on these immense achievements.
Dan Fake: Here is a quick recap of this year’s York County Choral Festival. The festival hosted around 100 singers from 9 districts and 11 schools. This is an increase of about 25 singers from previous years, which is exciting! The 2024 festival is 100% York County: the guest directors teach at Southern and Dover, the accompanist teaches at Suburban, and Spring Grove hosted. Profit from this year’s festival will go to next year’s host to set the foundation for the 2025 festival. There is one district who has not paid yet. That district communicated there was an error and they had to restart the request for funds. As soon as that check arrives, Mr. Fake will notify Autumn and Rhonda to let them know.
Will Robinson: Mr. Robinson will be retiring from the district at the end of the current school year.
2/8-2/10: District 7 PMEA Orchestra Festival
2/12: Grim Bean Coffee and Gertrude Hawk Candy orders due
2/14: SG District Orchestra event
2/16: Gertrude Hawk online sale ends
2/17: Select Modern Band – York County Honors Festival
3/1-3/3: Spring Musical—Frozen Jr.
3/4: March SGMB Membership meeting
3/26: Grim Bean and Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser Pickup
Current Fundraising: Pickup for Gertrude Hawk and Grim Bean orders falls on the same day as the SGI concert. Any orders not picked up will be taken to SGI. To date, there have been 25 online orders connected with 14 students, and the $1000 minimum sales requirement has been met.
Upcoming Fundraising: Tidal Wave coupons will be sold for $10 each, with $2 from each sale going to student accounts. Theresa will assist with creation of the order form for this sale. An initial 100-coupon purchase is required, with increments of 25 that may be purchased after the initial 100. The spring R&K sale will begin on 3/25; students will earn $1 per sandwich/sub sold.
There is no new information to be shared at this time.
January was a quiet month for Student Account activity. Students added a total of $115.07 into their accounts through the ongoing Raise Right program. We had one student request a reimbursement from their account. The status of all current seniors was identified with the help of Directors and Mrs. Ehrich. Letters will begin going out to students in February, starting with those no longer active in the music department. Letters for seniors still active in the department will go out after the February fundraising totals are done.
High School Scholarship: Applications are still available for all Spring Grove High School seniors involved with the music department. Application deadline is 2/29/2024. Any paper applications will be picked up from the high school guidance office no later than 3/6/2024. Rhonda Wastler, Theresa Kramer, and Kyle Showalter have expressed interest in assisting with application review and scoring.
Middle School Scholarship: Scholarship information and applications were shared with all SGAMS directors via email on 1/7/2024. Applications should be submitted to directors no later than 2/29/2024. A request was made for volunteers to review and score applications.
There is no new information to share at this time.
There is no new information to share at this time.
The Tri-M apparel sale is live; sale closes 2/18/2024.
Music Department Display Cases: Tabled, pending information from the district.
Indoor Guard fundraising: There is no new information at this time.
SGMB discussed upcoming events and will consider support that can be offered for each event.
Arrival (ABBA Tribute band concert): The upcoming concert is a benefit for SGAEF and is being run by an outside organization. Select Modern Band will be the opening act. Dr. Dietrich will inquire about any need for support (ushers) for this concert.
The Athletic department is struggling with volunteers for concessions; a representative reached out regarding any interest in assisting with events. There are two games left for the season (tomorrow and possibly Wednesday). This is something for SGMB to consider sharing in the future if there is interest.
The next membership meeting is scheduled for 3/4/2024, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held at SGAHS in Room 51, with a Zoom link also provided. A motion to close the meeting at 8:01pm was made by Tracey Glace and seconded by Lucas Buhrman. Motion carried.
January 3, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGMB Membership Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: |
Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at 7:00pm |
Location: |
SGAHS, Room 51 (Zoom option also available) |
In Attendance: |
Rhonda Wastler, Autumn Tyson, Theresa Kramer, Tracey Glace, Barb Brenneman, Nikki Myers, Jessie Henning, Kyle Showalter, Tim Bupp, Amy Buhrman |
The January 3, 2024 Spring Grove Music Boosters (SGMB) meeting was called to order at 7:09pm. A quorum was determined to be present, and meeting participant introductions were completed.
Minutes from the 12/4/2023 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Theresa Kramer and seconded by Autumn Tyson. Motion carried.
SGMB balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 12/26/2023 |
Checking Account |
$101,688.66 |
Capital Fund |
$24,532.83 |
Scholarship Fund |
$51,923.22 |
Student Fund |
$16,751.37 |
Total |
$194,896.08 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Kyle Showalter and seconded by Tracey Glace. Motion carried.
The final profit for Marching Spectacular was $8439.08. Profits were split between the Scholarship Fund ($3000) and the General Fund ($5439.08).
At the midpoint of the school year, it is anticipated SGMB may have an approximate $4000 shortfall.
There is a new PMEA rule this year that requires all monies for PMEA-related festivals to flow through PMEA; as such, the York County Orchestra Festival funds, originally intended to be “in and out” funds, need to go through PMEA. SGMB will collect all funds and will then send a check to PMEA. It is noted that this may also impact the process for the York County Middle School Choral Festival. Kyle will follow up with Dan Fake regarding the middle school choral festival.
DIRECTOR’S REPORTS (Tackett, Robinson, Gross, Fake, Naglich, Kirkpatrick, Showalter, Brenner, Bupp)
Tim Bupp: The Best Communities for Music Education (BCME) closes at the end of the month. The department is currently compiling the information for this year’s application. As a general reminder, the program does not "judge" the quality of a program but rather the support structures and opportunities in place for students within the district (budgetary, facilities, outside opportunities, equal access across the district, etc.)
Concerts went well for the holiday concert cycle. The revamp of the SGI performance worked well as a first go. Directors are working on tweaks for the spring concert to better manage flow and performances.
Kyle Showalter: All ensembles did a great job with winter concert performances. On 1/7/2024, several small ensembles (duets and trios) will be performing in an event held by the York Twinning Association. Brass/woodwind groups are performing at the Box Hill Mansion, and string ensembles will be performing at the York County History Center. York County Band Directors Association will hold the high school county band selection meeting on 1/4/2024; more information will be shared at the next meeting. PMEA District 7 Band Festival is January 11-13, 2024 at Ephrata High School. Bryan Myers will be participating on alto saxophone. Things are moving forward positively for the selection and purchase of new marching band uniforms. Rhonda Wastler, Abby Kirkpatrick, and Kyle Showalter met with Dave Dietrich to discuss display cases; more information will be shared at a later date.
Abigail Kirkpatrick (report shared immediately following the meeting): Now that all have returned from break, high school musicians are officially in festival and musical season which will keep them very busy. In January, Frozen rehearsals begin, District Jazz auditions will take place on 1/19/2024, the York County Orchestra Festival will be held on 1/20/2024 (at SGAHS), and the District Chorus Festival will take place the following weekend. Spring Grove has five students participating in the York County Orchestra Festival: Lucas Buhrman, Leland Klinedinst, Libbi Brewer, Scarlett Barshinger, and Bryan Myers. Two singers are auditioning for District Vocal Jazz, and a handful of vocal students are auditioning for the all-new PMEA All-States Contemporary Vocal Ensemble via video audition this week. This ensemble is replacing the All-State Vocal Jazz Ensemble and will be a mix of jazz, Pentatonix-style arrangements, and other modern a cappella styles. To clarify, this is not Modern Band, but more of an All-State level version of the music Expressions performs.
1/7/2024: York Twinning Association Twelfth Night event
1/8/2024: Singer/Songwriter Showcase-
1/11-1/13/2024: PMEA District Band Festival
1/19/2024: PMEA Jazz Auditions
1/20/2024: York County Orchestra Festival
1/25-1/27/2024: District PMEA Choral Festival
2/2/2024: County MS Festival
2/2-2/3/2024: County Band/Jazz Festival
2/3/2024: Meet & Greet with Frozen Characters
Grim Bean and Gertrude Hawk forms will be delivered to schools for distribution to students. Orders will be due on 2/12/2024, and delivery is expected the week before pickup date (3/26/2024). Online shopping will be available for Gertrude Hawk, using the SGMB organization ID number. Because SGMB is a new organization to this fundraiser, there is a 40% profit for a minimum $1000 sales. Profits will be evenly split between student accounts and the General Fund. There is a prize program as well, managed by Gertrude Hawk. Grim Bean profits will also be shared between the General Fund and student accounts, with $1.25 going to students for each 12-ounce bag sold and $2.50 per sampler sold.
Grocery Cards: Since SGMB’s last meeting, there have been additional sales of $1900 by four students. Information has been shared with Theresa for student accounts. Jessie has contacted Giant to work through account issues and has received confirmation that the account is now ready for use. Jessie will work with Rhonda over an additional challenge encountered with the account so that cards can be ordered.
There is no new information to be shared at this time.
There was not much Student Account activity in December. Students added a total of $351.31 to accounts from both the Grocery Gift Card and Raise Right ongoing programs. We had one student request a transfer to cover the Peter Pan high school trip. The only activities anticipated in January are the gift card programs and potential student account requests to cover various trips. Since we are in the new year, high school senior account communication will begin in the next month. This will start with sending high school directors a list of all Class of 2024 students on the current list to determine which are music students and which we need to get the help of administration to distribute letters to. There are 46 students on this list.
High School Scholarship: Scholarship application information has been shared with all high school directors for distribution to students in the music department. Applications are due by 11:59p on 2/29/2024, and students are encouraged to utilize the electronic application if possible. Paper applications are also available and must be turned in on 2/29/2024 as well. Amy will pick applications up from the office no later than Wednesday, 3/6/2024. In order to be included with the SGASF banquet, a final list of recipients must be submitted by 3/27/2024. As such, there will be a tight turnaround time for application scoring this year. Amy requested volunteers for this work and received interest from Theresa, Rhonda, Kyle. Additionally, Jessica Runk reached out to inform Scholarship banquet participants of a change in process for payment of scholarship funds. SGASF has requested that all recipient checks are submitted to the SGASF Treasurer by the last week of June so that all awards monies are mailed together. A note was made that Modern Band is missing from the list of district ensemble audition opportunities; Amy will make this correction in the electronic application.
Middle School Scholarship: A review of the Middle School Scholarship essay questions and associated rubric was completed, and proposed revisions were shared with the agenda for this meeting. A review of the proposed updates was completed. A motion to accept the updated Kevin G. Baum Middle School Scholarship was provided by Barb Brenneman. Tracey Glace seconded the motion. Motion carried. Middle School Scholarship application information will be sent to SGAMS directors by Friday, 1/12/2024; applications are due by 2/29/2024.
There is no new information to share at this time.
There is no new information to share at this time.
Tri-M students have signed up as volunteers for the York County Orchestra Festival, with 3 signed up for setup, 4 for check-in, and 4 for donations of chips and water. As of today, students have committed to provide many of the items needed for the Singer-Songwriter Coffeehouse, with volunteers still needed for ½ gallon of oat milk and a box of regular individual creamers. The deadline for signup is Friday (1/5/2024). Autumn Tyson confirmed she will pick up any additional items needed ahead of Monday’s event. Tri-M plans to make buttons for sale at all performances of “Frozen.” It was noted by SGMB that Tri-M will need to plan for volunteers to sell buttons, noting that this was a challenge during last year’s musical.
Tri-M Music Department apparel sale: Tri-M officers and advisors reviewed the online store before the start of winter break and identified a few needed updates. As soon as those are completed, the store will be opened.
Music Department Display Cases: Tabled, pending information from the district.
Indoor Guard fundraising: There is no new information at this time.
Singer/Songwriter Coffeehouse: Suggestion was made to consider sharing donations received with Tri-M.
The next membership meeting is scheduled for 2/5/2024, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held at SGAHS in Room 51, with a Zoom link also provided. A motion to close the meeting at 8:16pm was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Kyle Showalter. Motion carried.
December 4, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGMB Membership Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: |
Monday, December 4, 2023 at 7:00pm |
Location: |
SGAHS, Room 51 (Zoom option also available) |
In Attendance: |
Rhonda Wastler, Autumn Tyson, Theresa Kramer, Tracey Glace, Barb Brenneman, Nikki Myers, Heather Beveridge, Jessie Henning, Kristen Henning, Lucas Buhrman, Katelyn Wastler, Hannah Kramer, Kyle Showalter, Tim Bupp, Dan Brenner, Amy Buhrman |
The December 4, 2023 Spring Grove Music Boosters (SGMB) meeting was called to order at 7:05pm. A quorum was determined to be present, and meeting participant introductions were completed. |
Minutes from the November 6, 2023 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Dan Brenner. Motion carried. |
SGMB balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Dan Brenner and seconded by Theresa Kramer. Motion carried.
DIRECTOR’S REPORTS (Tackett, Robinson, Gross, Fake, Naglich, Kirkpatrick, Showalter, Brenner, Bupp) Kyle Showalter: Tri-M induction took place in November; 10 new members were inducted. The high school recently hosted a performance from the U.S. Navy Rock Band, “4-Star Edition.” One band member, Todd Smeltzer, is a 1988 graduate of SGAHS. This year’s Marching Band banquet marked a successful end to Marching Band season and include approximately 170 people. Spring Grove’s annual Tree Lighting ceremony took place on November 30th, with performances by the brass ensemble, Expressions, and Orion. PMEA District 7 Band and Orchestra auditions were held this past weekend, with over 900 students auditioning across District 7. Lucas Buhrman and Bryan Myers completed successful auditions to participate in the orchestra, and Bryan Myers completed a successful audition to participate in band. On December 5th, the Brass Ensemble will perform at the non-instructional staff dinner. The middle school’s winter concert will take place on December 12th, and the high school’s winter concert will take place on December 19th. The Peter Pan trip is happening, with 31 paying participants. Tim Bupp: SGI’s Winter Concert will be held on December 5th at SGI. By going to a new format, SGI is able to showcase more from student groups and have students be more comfortable with the performing environment. Plans are complete for the May 10th Washington DC trip, to include a performance on the mall, lunch at Hard Rock Cafe and a tour of the Capitol Complex. On a personal note, Mr. Bupp extended thanks to the executive board for the sympathy card on the passing of his mother. It was much appreciated during an unexpected and difficult time. Dan Brenner: Pep Band will begin in one week and includes just under 30 students. Jazz rehearsals are underway, taking place after school. Several Modern Band students will be performing for the upcoming support staff dinner. Select Modern Band has been accepted to perform at the Appell Center Showcase on February 17th. On January 8th, SGAHS will host the first Singer-Songwriter night, featuring music written and performed by several current and former SG students. The event will include 10-12 pieces of music and will be very “chill and lowkey.” Mr. Brenner extended thanks to SGMB for approving funds for the purchase of new equipment for Modern Band. The new equipment has already arrived and is being used and enjoyed by students.
SGI Winter Concert: 12/5/2023 SGAMS Winter Concert: 12/12/2023 SGAHS Winter Concert: 12/19/2023
Tracey Glace outlined several fundraiser options for the winter/spring of 2024. These include Grim Bean coffee sales, Gertrude Hawk Candies (catalog sale), and Tidal Wave Car Wash discount cards, in addition to R&K sales. - Grim Bean: Options include a 5-flavor, 6 oz sampler pack for $40 ($10 profit) and 12 oz bags of coffee for $18 ($5 profit). Product is sent boxed by flavor, and SGMB would need to sort orders. - Gertrude Hawk: Catalog sale to include multiple types of candy (not limited to chocolate). Profit margin is 30% for sales at $1029.99 (minimum order is $1000); profit increases if amount sold goes higher. - Tidal Wave Car Wash: $21 car wash passes would be sold for $10 ($5 profit). SGMB would prefer to sell via preorder so as not to have excess inventory. There is a $100 minimum for purchase. Following discussion, SGMB agreed that Grim Bean Coffee and Gertrude Hawk Candy sales will kick off in January (for delivery in March 2024), with Tidal Wave Car Wash and R&K Sandwiches and Subs to be sold in March/April 2024. Grocery Cards: SGMB sold $1000 in grocery cards to date. The sales form will be available at the SGI concert. As well, it will be sent to Kristen for posting on the website and will be sent out via Remind and Facebook. Jessie will share sales information with Theresa on a monthly basis so that student accounts can be credited. SGI Winter Concert Concessions: Rhonda has obtained permission from Mrs. Peake to sell candy and water at the SGI concert (in the cafeteria). A request will be made for Tim to announce concessions at the beginning of the concert. All refreshments will need to remain in the cafeteria. Nikki Myers will cover the information/ refreshment stand with Autumn preparing materials and start up cash. Rhonda will assist as needed, and Tri-M students can also be available. This will be the only sale of items at concerts this year. Donation Drum: The Donation Drum will be put together and will be set out each winter concert. Rhonda will transport it around to the events and will manage funds collection. Donations from concerts will go to the General fund. Jazz Festival donations will continue to benefit the Scholarship fund. Celebrate the Arts (3/23/2024): Space has been reserved (same space as previous years) with the intention of selling items from the spirit store (perhaps including newer SG spirit wear). There may also be space for Tri-M to sell items as well. |
There are no updates in this area. |
There were two opportunities for students to add money to their accounts in November. Twenty-five students participated in Hillbilly Beef Jerky, earning $242 60 to their accounts and 12 students participated in Raise Right, adding $446.28 to their accounts. In addition, there were 2 reimbursement requests processed in November.
High School Scholarship: All materials for the high school scholarship will be finalized and sent to directors for release to seniors at the beginning of January. |
Rhonda clarified and reminded directors and instructors of the changes for submitting “New Business” that has a time/monetary constraint. Those submissions should be given to the President and Treasurer as soon as they arise, so that clarifications and appropriate information can be tabulated prior to a voting meeting. Items that are not time sensitive can be submitted as new business on the google doc and will be presented for the first time during New Business in a monthly meeting. |
All minutes and agendas have been updated. Moving forward, Amy will send documents to Kristen in Word version to support document accessibility. Thank you to Kristen for all her work on the website! |
TRI-M LIAISONS SGAMS concert opps will be added for Tri-M members. Two students will be needed at the curtain, as well as other students for backstage support. Assistance will also be needed at the SGI concert for water and candy sales as well as to stack chairs following the concert. Students have already signed up to assist with Hillbilly orders. Tri-M received donation of a button maker (makes two different button sizes, and 500 blanks were included); as such the group will no longer need to borrow the button maker from the IAC. Tri-M plans to have an apparel sale up and running following the holiday break. Information was sent to Elliott on 11/12, with a response that Elliott is running behind and the group is “on the list.”
Music Department Display Cases: Rhonda met with Bill Stiles on November 20th to review the current plan and schedule for installation. The facilities department is ready to move forward with the display cases as all measurements and costs have been accounted for. The total cost is roughly $23,000. All installation will be handled by facilities personnel. Financing requests will be made by Kyle Showalter on behalf of the music department and SGMB. After discussion of various financing options, SGMB is prepared to share initial proposal to pay up to one third of the cost ($8000). Rhonda and Kyle will schedule a meeting with Dr. Dietrich to further discuss and determine the financial request option that will be moved forward.
Expressions Request: Vest and Bowtie orders were submitted, and the new vests and bowties should be arriving any day. The total cost came in under the approved amount. SGMB has received a request from Abigail Kirkpatrick to support the inaugural York County Orchestra Festival. Suggestion was made to use funds from the Halloween Parade. It was noted that this motion was made and passed during the November meeting. It was confirmed that nothing else is needed for this request to move forward. |
A Singer/Songwriter Coffee House is scheduled for 1/8/2024 in the IAC. The IAC will provide the space; any consumables will need to be provided. Suggestion was made that refreshments be provided for free with the opportunity for donations. Tracey contacted Grim Bean; they are interested in sponsoring the event and need to know how much coffee to provide. Note was made that this could also be used as a Tri-M opp for donation of needed items. Anything not covered by Tri-M would be donated by SGMB. A supply list will be shared with Tri-M. The Indoor Color Guard presented a 2023-2024 season plan, including a request for SGMB to support active Fundraising efforts specific to a “World’s Best Chocolate” fundraiser. As the chocolate must be pre-purchased, the district is not able to support this fundraiser. It was noted that, should SGMB support this fundraiser, there would be a contract between the guard member and SGMB to ensure funds are covered for each box of chocolate bars to be sold. Shipping costs for this fundraiser are $120 per order. SGMB inquired as to what other fundraiser options were considered. It was also noted that fundraiser packs could be purchased from Sam’s Club; this would eliminate shipping costs, and additional packs could be easily purchased as needed. It was noted as well that funds are being sought to offset the cost of personalized guard jackets. SGMB expressed the need to clarify that any funds through support of SGMB would go into the General Fund, and a request would then need to be made to SGMB for review. Indoor Guard members qualify for SGMB student accounts and are encouraged to participate in SGMB-sponsored fundraisers; they can then use any funds earned to offset costs of personalized jackets. Rhonda will share this feedback. SGI has a planned trip to Washington DC on May 10th. Tim Bupp requested SGMB support of this trip via an “in and out” fund. All funds are due March 29th with invoices due in April 2024. Kyle Showalter made a motion for approval; motion was seconded by Barb Brenneman. Motion carried. |
The next membership meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 3, 2024, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held at SGAHS in Room 51, with a Zoom link also provided. A motion to close the meeting at 9:06pm was made by Dan Brenner and seconded by Autumn Tyson. Motion carried. |
November 6, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGMB Membership Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: |
Monday, November 6, 2023 at 7:00pm |
Location: |
SGAHS, Room 51 (Zoom option also available) |
In Attendance: |
Rhonda Wastler, Autumn Tyson, Theresa Kramer, Tracey Glace, Barb Brenneman, Nikki Myers, Heather Beveridge, Jessie Henning, Kyle Showalter, Dan Brenner, Abigail Kirkpatrick, Dr. David Dietrich |
The November 6, 2023 Spring Grove Music Boosters (SGMB) meeting was called to order at 7:02pm. A quorum was determined to be present, and meeting participant introductions were completed. |
Minutes from the October 2, 2023 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Jessie Henning and seconded by Barb Brenneman. Motion carried. |
SGMB balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Kyle Showalter and seconded by Theresa Kramer. Motion carried. Profits for this year’s mum sale are down from last year ($683.47). Profits from the Spirit Store were $1459.67. With a few outstanding balances for SGASD (food and personnel) remaining, Marching Spectacular profits now stand at $9329.46.
DIRECTOR’S REPORTS (Tackett, Robinson, Gross, Fake, Naglich, Kirkpatrick, Showalter, Brenner, Bupp) Kyle Showalter: The "Rocket" Marching Band wrapped up the end of a GREAT season on Friday, October 30th. The Marching Band Banquet will be on Tuesday, November 21st from 6-8pm in the high school cafeteria. Tri-M Inductions will be held on Wednesday, November 8th at 7pm in the high school auditorium. On Thursday, November 9th the US Navy Rock Band will come to the high school perform for the High School and Middle School music students! On November 30th, the High School Brass Ensemble, Expressions, Orion, and members from Tri-M will perform at the SG Tree Lighting Ceremony (this year, at the SG Municipal Office). On Saturday, December 2nd, members of the HS Symphonic Band and Orchestra will travel to Eastern York High School for the PMEA District 7 Band and Orchestra Auditions. Tri-M is putting together a music department-wide apparel sale - this will be sent out to all music teachers in the district to distribute to their students/families. Marching Band Uniform designs have been finalized, and directors are now moving forward with additional details that will determine the cost. There is a conflict with SGMB’s typical weekend for Marching Spectacular in 2025 due to SG’s homecoming; SGMB will need to look at moving the event either forward or backward by one week. Abigail Kirkpatrick: Mrs. K is excited to announce that two SG students have made the PMEA District 7 Chorus ensemble: Lucas Buhrman and Ashlyn Tyson. The students will participate in this year’s festival at Lebanon Valley College in January. Expressions is performing at the Windy Hill Veteran's Day Program on Wednesday, November 8th and performing for the middle school choir the next day, November 9th. Dan Brenner: Pep Band begins on December 13; performances on the schedule this year include boys and girls home basketball games. After School Jazz Rehearsals begin this Tuesday. District Jazz Festival auditions will take place on January 19 at Dover High School. County and State Jazz auditions are due in December/January. Modern Band has a number of potential performance opportunities this year, to include the following: Appell - Saturday, Feb 17th Creative Conference - Monday, April 8th (Acoustic Lunchtime Performance) PMEA - Friday, April 19th Slippery Rock - Thursday, May 9th A Facilities Request has been submitted to host a Singer/Songwriter night in the IAC on January 11th from 7pm-8:30pm. Tim Bupp: SGI Bands are doing well as they prepare for their concert on December 5th. Students are excited to bring the concert back in house to lessen the anxiety of playing and navigating unfamiliar spaces. Because of this, there will be staggered performance times for each group: Orchestra @6:00pm, Chorus @6:45pm, and Band @7:15pm. Jazz Band and Strolling Santas (strings) will provide lobby entertainment before and in-between large ensemble performances. The Washington DC Trip has been approved by district administration and is scheduled for May 10th. District budgets are due as soon as possible; Mr. Bupp will be sharing additional information on needs in the near future. The current music department curriculum report was also shared with the administration and with Rhonda. Rhonda shared an overview of details, including information on various department groups, celebrations, and challenges. Rhonda will be presenting some of this information at the November 27th school board meeting.
A “thank you” was extended to Mrs. Kirkpatrick, student soloists, and performance groups who have performed the National Anthem at various sporting events. As well, congratulations were extended to the SGMS Sweet Soundsations group on their performance on Friday Nov. 4th @ Central Dauphin High School. SGMB looks forward to the Pigeon Hills String Festival & the Annual Tree Lighting later this month. As well, members are encouraged to check out the SG Drama/ITS Troupe upcoming production of the fall play, “Rotten Apples,” on Nov. 17th, 18th, and 19th. |
R&K Subs: A total of 500 sandwiches and subs were sold by 24 students. Order pick-up is November 7th. Additional R&K sales are planned for the spring of 2024. HillBilly Beef Jerky- Sales close on November 13th. Orders will be delivered on December 11th. Arrangements to sort orders will be determined, and Tracey will notify Tri-M of any associated opps. Milwaukee Pretzel Company ( The company has increased prices for 2024. Pretzels are sold in packs of 5 and 10 pretzels. Profits are set at 50%, and products would be delivered the same day as pick-up, as pretzels are frozen. Direct shipping is available at a cost of $10 per order. A black and white PDF order form is available. Pretzels have a 6-month shelf life (when kept frozen). A suggestion was made to review Revonah Pretzels as another option. Potential fundraiser options were discussed, to include car wash passes (Mr. Car Wash (50% profit) in East York or Tidal Wave in Hanover), Gertrude Hawk (catalog sales instead of pre-purchased candy bars), the Grimbean Coffee Company, and potential restaurant nights (Texas Roadhouse, MOD Pizza, Chipotle, Dunkin, Genova’s etc.). Tracey will review suggested options. Spirit Store: Thank you to the many volunteers who supported and kept the store running this year. The store has been packed up, and inventory has been documented. All items will be stored through the winter and may be utilized at other events (e.g., Celebrate the Arts). Grocery Cards: Jessie Henning brought several questions for response from the group. She will provide copies of order forms to all directors. Jessie will send a request to Kristen to post the Grocery Card order form on the SGMB website. Tracey will include Grocery Card information with other fundraiser information. |
There are no updates in this area. |
There were two opportunities for students to add to their account balances in October. $540 was added to accounts with the R&K sandwich sale and $274.01 was added with RaiseRight. Updated account balances were sent to the music directors. In November, there will also be two opportunities to raise funds - Hillbilly's Beef Jerky and RaiseRight. In addition, we expect to have several reimbursements and/or transfer requests for varsity jackets and the first high school music trip.
High School Scholarship: A draft of this year's high school scholarship application has been shared with high school directors via email on 11/3/2023 for review and feedback. All materials for the high school scholarship will be finalized and sent to directors ahead of the December holidays for release to seniors at the beginning of January. |
There are no noted updates at this time. |
Website updates continue, in alignment with the broader district site update. Please share any needed changes with Kristen Henning. |
Music Department Display Cases: Rhonda will follow up with Bill Stiles to review the current process and timeline, as well as anticipated total cost of the display cases.
Modern Band Equipment Proposal: Dan Brenner is requesting SGMB support for the purchases of equipment, including guitar amp(s), Ukulele(s), and In-ear monitor(s). These purchases would utilize PMEA District 7 Band funds raised during recent festivals. The costs range between (used/new) $928.00-$1202.00. Theresa Kramer moved to grant the allotted funds, not to exceed $1300, from PMEA District Modern Band to be used by Dan Brenner in support of described equipment needs for Modern Band. Motion was seconded by Barb Brenneman. Motion carried. Dan will contact Rhonda and Autumn ahead of purchase. Winter Spirit Store: At this time, SGMB will not be using the store for indoor Spirit Store sales. Dr. Dietrich will request keys to the indoor concession stand for Rhonda and Autumn. Winter Concert Season: Rhonda will contact Kelly Peake for approval to sell water and remaining Gertrude Hawk candy bars at the SGI Winter Concert. Sales will be added to the SGMS concert if needed. Nikki Myers and Rhonda Wastler will man the sale table, and Autumn Tyson will prepare needed items. Rhonda has also requested that the Donation Drum be available at various winter concerts. Rhonda will share an updated SGMB insert with Tim for inclusion in concert programs. Expressions Bow ties/vest request: Abigail Kirkpatrick introduced the need for Expressions to have updated bow ties and vests. The request is based on black attire that is very generic and easy to match in the future. Following discussion, Barb Brenneman presented a motion to purchase new Expressions bow ties/vests not to exceed $450. Motion was seconded by Autumn Tyson. Motion carried. Abby will follow up with Rhonda and Autumn on this upcoming purchase. Request for donation to the York County Inaugural Orchestra Festival: Kyle Showalter has been notified that the Marching Band was awarded $400 for their prize for the Halloween parade. He made a motion for the use of this money to cover the requested donation. Motion was seconded by Theresa Kramer. Motion carried. Autumn and Abby will connect on this donation/sponsorship. |
The next membership meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 4, 2023, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held at SGAHS in Room 51, with a Zoom link also provided. A motion to close the meeting was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Barb Brenneman. Motion carried. |
October 2, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGMB Membership Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: Monday, October 2, 2023 at 7:00pm
Location: SGAHS, Room 51 (Zoom option also available)
In Attendance: Rhonda Wastler, Autumn Tyson, Barb Brenneman, Tracey Glace, Theresa Kramer, Nikki Myers, Heather Beveridge, Dr. David Dietrich, Lucas Buhrman, Kyle Showalter, Tim Bupp, Dan Fake, Amy Buhrman
The October 2, 2023 Spring Grove Music Boosters (SGMB) meeting was called to order at 7:04pm. A quorum was determined to be present, and meeting participant introductions were completed.
Minutes from the September 4, 2023 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Barb Brenneman and seconded by Kyle Showalter. Motion carried.
SGMB balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 9/26/2023 |
Checking Account |
$90,959.41 |
Capital Fund |
$24,352.45 |
Scholarship Fund |
$51,541.47 |
Student Fund |
$15,238.85 |
Total |
$182,092.18 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Theresa Kramer and seconded by Barb Brenneman. Motion carried.
It is noted that the Scholarship account and Capital Funds account have accrued more interest than usual due to a change in the account.
At a high level, it appears that Marching Spectacular initial profits may yield $11,410.35 (at a glance, minus start-up cash.). This does not account for any costs or income from other aspects of the event. This is slightly higher than last year. Manheim Township donated their participation payment back to SGMB.
Dan Fake: Spring Grove has hosted the York County MS Choral Festival for several years. The school who was to host the festival this year is no longer able to do so, and Spring Grove has agreed to host the event. This year’s festival is anticipated to host 75-80 students; this is near pre-COVID participation level. Spring Grove students will take part in two festivals in November. Orion membership this year is up to 20 students, and a number of performances are lined up in the Hanover area. A performance is also scheduled at the Capital in March to honor “Music in our Schools” month.
Kyle Showalter: Another successful Band Night took place this past Friday evening (9/29) with students from intermediate, middle, and high school bands. The weather was great, and a lot of stand tunes were played. Marching Spectacular was a success again this year. Mr. Showalter reports receiving positive feedback and emails from several participating bands. Manheim Township expressed appreciation for how well the event was run. It was also noted that cleanup following Marching Spectacular was particular smooth and quick this year. Marching band season continues to move along. Symphonic bands are beginning preparations for winter concerts and other events. The middle school band will be playing for the upcoming middle school pep rally. Thank you to all who have been involved in supporting recent band events.
Upcoming Calendar of Events
Rhonda will add the June 2024 SGMB membership meeting to the schedule.
Given holiday conflicts, and as discussed during the September meeting, the following two SGMB meetings will be rescheduled:
- January 2024—rescheduled from Monday, 1/1/2024 to Wednesday, 1/3/2024.
- April 2024—rescheduled from Monday, 4/1/2024 to Wednesday, 4/3/2024.
A motion to approve these changes was provided by Kyle Showalter and seconded by Nikki Myers. Motion carried.
R&K: Order forms are ready and will be dropped off to the school on 10/3/2023. Sandwich delivery date is 11/7/2023, with pickup to take place between 4pm-7pm. Support to sort and check orders as well as to carry orders for families will be requested from Tri-M students, with one-hour shims beginning at 3pm.
Hillbilly’s Beef Jerky: Order forms will be available after the close of the R&K sale. Tracey is working with the seller around options for pickup of all orders. This fundraiser will also provide an opp for Tri-M students.
SGMB will earn 20% of sales, with 10% going to student accounts and 10% to the General fund. Theresa will build a spreadsheet to determine profit splits. Tracey will share total sales per student with Theresa to populate the spreadsheet.
Milwaukee Pretzel Company (Som Pretzel): Tracey received information on this fundraiser from Autumn and Nikki and will follow up to obtain additional information.
Spirit Wear Sale: Tri-M planning to hold another department-wide spirit wear sale. It is noted that SGMB has received a lot of feedback regarding apparel preferences via the Spirit Store. As well, it was noted that the sale should be advertised throughout the district. Autumn will follow up with Kyle to share information.
Spirit Store: As of the last game, the Spirit Store has broken even, including two additional orders of sweatshirts. An inventory is being completed to assess what is selling and the types of merchandise being requested in order to determine what else may be needed. Clearance items are almost gone, making space for new merchandise. It is anticipated that the current inventory will last for the remainder of the season. Thank you to all volunteers in the Spirit Store this year! If anyone is interested in running the store next year, please let Rhonda know.
Mum Sale: As of today, 136 mums have sold. Brandon notes there are people willing to purchase some of SGMB’s remaining stock, and he is willing to sell those at a 50/50 split of sales. Orders can still be placed; as of today, the sale is considered profitable. A few mums will be available for sale onsite during pickup. Barb will help load orders on Friday evening, and Nikki may also be available. There will be two runs on Saturday to deliver mums to Windy Hill. Autumn will send out a Remind to request additional volunteers for Saturday morning.
Grocery Cards: Jessie Henning will be taking over Grocery Card sales, with assistance from Barb as needed. She is in the process of researching, with a goal to restart sales before Christmas.
There are no updates in this area.
There were 2 opportunities in September for students to add funds to their Student Accounts. $125 was added from One-Line Ads in the Marching Spectacular program and $235.28 was added from Raise Right. Since we will have fewer traditional fundraisers this year (not a major trip year), a push for Raise Right was done at back-to-school nights and the band night parent's meetings. We had several new families sign up for the app and one new student earn money last month. The 1st "traditional" fundraiser will be distributed in October so should see more activity with accounts. Amer the R&K sale is done, updated individual account totals will be shared with the directors.
High School Scholarship: In the next month or so, Amy will be reviewing and updating (as necessary) the High School Scholarship form and will share the form with all high school directors for content review and approval.
Middle School Scholarship: As previously discussed, there is a need to review and potentially revise Middle School Scholarship evaluation criteria. Amy will convene a small committee of 2-3 volunteers (including at least one director) to assist with this work, with a goal to implement any changes this school year. Kyle and Nikki volunteered for this work. Autumn Tyson will also assist.
There are no noted updates at this time.
Website updates continue, in alignment with the broader district site update. Please share any needed changes with Kristen Henning.
Kudos were shared for an excellent job with Band Night and this year’s Marching Spectacular. Note was made that one of the visiting bands brought a drone to the Marching Spectacular. The use of drones is governed by the FAA, and there is only one drone that is permitted to be flown on school grounds. Kyle will include this information in the directors’ pre-show packet moving forward. A request may be put in to use a drone for next year’s show. As well, Kyle spoke with Mr. Laux about potential use of the video score board next year, as each participating band enters the field; the board could also be used for a “hype video” each week for the Marching Band.
Music Department Display Case: Rhonda and Kyle have discussed the status of the display case and will be meeting with Dave Dietrich. Rhonda has also reached out to Bill Stiles to request updated information ahead of that meeting. The group was reminded that the rough total cost, as shared last Spring, was approximately $23,000 for four 4-foot cases (80 inches tall, with lighting, permanently mounted).
Marching Band Uniforms: The proposal for uniforms (including selection of the uniform design) is being finalized for submission to the district for review. At this time, there is no anticipated funding responsibility for SGMB. Kyle and Tim anticipate having information by January and will then share additional details with SGMB. Uniforms have been narrowed down to the final two designs. Mr. Showalter made note of the intent to obtain feedback from several students.
York County Middle School Choral Festival: As noted in the Directors’ Report above, Spring Grove will be hosting this year’s York County Middle School Choral Festival. The festival includes approximately 125 students from middle schools across York County. The cost per student is typically between $20-$25; this covers the music, accompanist fee, and director’s fee and is comparable to other festivals. The festival will be held the first Friday in February. SGMB has received a request to serve as a support where needed as well as for in-and-out funds. A motion was made by Kyle Showalter to support the York County Middle School Choral Festival. Motion was seconded by Tracey Glace. Motion carried.
Senior Night: This year’s senior night will honor 5 students and their parents. Tracey has ordered supplies for flowers and is willing to make parent and student flowers this year and next year. Athletic Boosters is also willing to provide flowers for band and guard students; Tracey will follow up with Monica Eckenrode to get additional information regarding cost. Two marching band parents will decorate senior cages. Posters will be provided again this year, and photos for posters have been taken. These will be on display for both Homecoming and Senior Night.
Lions Club: The Lions Club has expressed interest in a donation to support the Marching Band, with mention made of new uniforms. Suggestion was made to inquire about any interest in a donation to cover the cost of show shirts next year. Once more information is available from the district regarding uniforms and display cases, Rhonda and/or Tracey will follow up with the Lions Club.
Tri-M: The Tri-M Honor Society voted to have student representatives attend monthly SGMB meetings. Lucas Buhrman and Katelyn Wastler will attend as representatives for the 2023-2024 school year and will be included on full group communication.
The next membership meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 6, 2023, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held at SGAHS in Room 51, with a Zoom link also provided. A motion to close the meeting was made by Lucas Buhrman and seconded by Barb Brenneman at 8:21pm. Motion carried.
September 4, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGMB Membership Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: 9/4/2023 at 7:00pm
Location: Zoom
In Attendance: Rhonda Wastler, Autumn Tyson, Theresa Kramer, Tracey Glace, Barb Brennenan, Lucas Buhrman, Dan Brenner, Tim Bupp, Amy Buhrman
Action Item |
Responsible Party |
A schedule of 2023-2024 performances will be shared as soon as all events have been approved by the district. |
Tim Bupp |
Tracey will share the R&K order form with Tim Bupp for printing. |
Tracey Glace |
Set up a Signup Genius for Mum Sale needs. |
Theresa Kramer |
Follow up with Jessi Henning regarding Grocery Card sales. |
Rhonda Wastler |
Follow up with Kyle Showalter to obtain additional information about the Music Department display case. |
Rhonda Wastler |
Identify alternate dates for the 1/1/2024 and 4/1/2024 meeting dates, due to holidays. |
Rhonda Wastler |
The September 4, 2023 Spring Grove Music Boosters (SGMB) meeting was called to order at 7:03pm. A quorum was determined to be present, and meeting participant introductions were completed.
Minutes from the August 7, 2023 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Dan Brenner and seconded by Barb Brenneman. Motion carried.
SGMB balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 8/26/2023 |
Checking Account |
$95,232.69 |
Capital Fund |
$24,299.18 |
Scholarship Fund |
$49,184.48 |
Student Fund |
$15,030.86 |
Total |
$183,747.21 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Theresa Kramer and seconded by Dan Brenner. Motion carried.
The 2022-2023 audit was completed by Theresa Kramer, Amy Buhrman, and Dean Fink, with no concerns noted.
Clarification was provided that SGMB holds non-profit status by both state and federal standards. SGMB obtained PA state tax exempt status last year.
Dan Brenner: The Modern band program grew again this year, with two sections of Modern Band 2 and 3 sections of Modern Band 1. Select Modern Band now meet during the school day. Mr. Brenner is exploring a possible collaboration with Air Force rock band. As well, the SG Select Modern Band may have the opportunity to perform at the PMEA state conference. Other potential performance opportunities include an event at the Appell Center. Mr. Brenner presented at the 2023 PMEA summer conference and notes that PMEA is exploring the possibility of an All-State Modern Band in 2025. Spring Grove’s various jazz ensembles have begun rehearsals, and it is reported that these are going well.
Tim Bupp: Band and orchestra recruitment sweeps are currently in progress and will wrap up on Wednesday (9/6/2023). At last count, there are 150 students in the SGI band. Band night is scheduled for 9/29/2023. A full calendar of events for the year will be shared once all performance dates have been approved by the district.
Thank you to directors for sharing out SGMB information with communications at the beginning of the school year.
A schedule of 2023-2024 performances will be shared as soon as all events have been approved by the district.
Band Night (9/29/2023): There is no additional information available at this time.
Volunteer Needs: Jessie Henning will be representing SGMB at the upcoming Middle School back to school night. All slots for the spirit store are filled at this time, and there is a waiting list of people asking to assist. As of yesterday, there are still volunteer needs for Marching Spectacular. Rhonda has reached out to marching band parents who expressed interest in helping and has shared the Sign-Up Genius link.
R&K has added two new sandwiches (Spicy Italian sub and chicken pretzel sandwich with pepper jack cheese); these will be added to the fall sandwich sale. SGMB will need 150-200 copies of the sandwich order form. Tracey will share the order form with Tim Bupp for printing. Theresa Kramer also noted she could provide copies if needed. Forms will be made available to students at the beginning of October, and sandwich order pickup will take place in November.
Beef Jerky: Tracey Glace will follow up this week to request order forms.
Mums: Pick up for preorders is confirmed for 10/7/2023 and will take place at Windy Hill. Assistance may be needed to help move plants (loading and unloading the truck for transport from the grower to Windy Hill). Theresa Kramer will set up a volunteer signup genius to request 2 volunteers for Friday evening (10/6/2023, around 5:30pm-7pm) and for shihs throughout the say on 10/7/2023 (9am-2pm). As of 9/4/2023, 62 of 200 mums have been sold. Any plants that have not been purchased through preorder will be available for sale on 10/7.
Spirit Store: The first night of spirit store sales went well. Clearance racks were a huge hit. The store has been set up in a way that allows customers to enter the store and shop. Rhonda extended a thank you to all who have volunteered to work in the store. There have been requests for merchandise featuring the new SG logo; additional merchandise (particularly sweatshirts) will be ordered.
Missing Spirit Store merchandise: It was reported that all available security camera footage was searched, resulting in no clear perpetrators. It appears that anyone who accessed the space was intentionally let in to use the store space, and camera footage did not show anyone clearly leaving with anything. It is reported that access to the store has been limited to only those who need access, and the space will be closely monitoring moving forward.
Grocery Cards: Jessie Henning is reviewing information related to grocery card sales and will let SGMB know whether she will take over sales this year. Once a decision has been made, and should sales continue, it will be included as an attachment to all future fundraiser forms. Rhonda will follow up with Jessi.
Music Booster Merchandise: SGMB will consider a merchandise sale ahead of the winter holidays. Suggestion was made that the group check with Tri-M to confirm that group is not conducting another sale at that same time. It was also noted that some within SGMB would like to see general “Spring Grove Music” merchandise.
Marching Spectacular: SGMB is still in need of a significant number of donations ahead of the event.
There is nothing to report at this time
Student account information flyers were sent out to parents by several directors and were also available at back-to-school nights. The only activity for August was Raise Right, with 6 students adding a total of $207.87 into their accounts. Earning opportunities for September will be Raise Right, Marching Spectacular One- Liners, and, potentially, Grocery Gift Cards.
High School Scholarship: There is nothing to report at this time.
Middle School Scholarship: Amy Buhrman will be seeking a few volunteers (including at least one director) to review and potentially revise the application process for the Middle School Scholarships. This work is anticipated to begin in October.
There is nothing to report at this time.
Kristen Henning continues to work with Steph Kennedy and Rhonda Wastler on website updates. Changes are being made as possible. Note was made that officer information needs to be updated in reflection of current officers. All members are asked to make note of any additional updates that are needed, along with the date change requests are submitted.
Marching Spectacular: Six bands are confirmed for the event. Start times have been adjusted; the event will begin with Expressions performance of the National Anthem (6:05pm) and the first band performance will commence at 6:15pm. Intermission should begin around 7:15-7:30pn, and the event should wrap up by 9pm. The gates will open at 5pm. The event program will be finalized this week, upon receipt of a few additional write-ups and pictures. Concession orders have been confirmed and submitted. There will be follow up with the cafeteria manager after the event; the manager suggested that SGMB could obtain items at cost and could heat up food instead of relying on cafeteria staff to do so (as it is sometime challenging to get enough cafeteria staff for this work on the weekend). Additional volunteers and donations are still needed. Information was shared on confirmed vendors, as well as the location of vendors and other items for sale. EMS services will be provided by Wellspan this year. It is noted that the biggest need we have is for volunteers. Tri-M ops will be available. The Lions Club is once again sponsoring this event and would like to present one of the awards. There are 7 awards already produced; one award will be held for next year, and the plate will be replaced free of charge. Invitations have gone out to all board members for award presentations.
Band Night: Rhonda Wastler will follow up with Tim Bupp and Kyle Showalter to ensure information is sent out about the parents’ meeting to take place during band night rehearsal.
Music Dept Display case: Rhonda will follow up with Kyle to obtain additional information on the status of this work. There was information shared about the need to connect SGMB with Bill Styles. At this time, it is unclear what SGMB’s role is in this project. SGMB would like to donate funds toward the project and would need to know the total cost of the project in order to discuss. SGMB may need to identify someone to take the lead on communication for this.
Upon reaching out to Dr. Dietrich regarding this meeting, he has encouraged SGMB not to meet on holidays. A review of this year’s schedule was completed, and SGMB will seek alternate dates for meetings that would fall on New Year’s Day and the Monday after Easter.
The next membership meeting is scheduled for October 2, 2023, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held at SGAHS in Room 51, with Zoom link provided. A motion to close the meeting was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Theresa Kramer at 8:29pm. Motion carried.
August 7, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGMB Membership Meeting Minutes
SGMB Membership Meeting Minutes Date/Time: August 7, 2023 at 7:00pm
Location: Online via Zoom
In Attendance: Rhonda Wastler, Autumn Tyson, Tracey Glace, Theresa Kramer, Jessie Henning, Lucas Buhrman, Jared Wastler, Kyle Showalter, Abigail Kirkpatrick, Amy Buhrman
Action Item |
Responsible Party |
- Bring Scholarship thank you notes to next in-person meeting |
Rhonda Wastler |
- Email approved budget to all directors |
Autumn Tyson |
- Share schedule of 2023-2024 performances |
Tim Bupp |
- Create and share a sign-up genius for back-to-school night events |
Autumn Tyson |
- Email Steph Kennedy for approval to sell Country Meat sticks in the Spirit Store |
Tracey Glace |
The August 7, 2023 Spring Grove Music Boosters (SGMB) meeting was called to order at 7:02pm. A quorum was determined to be present, and meeting participant introductions were completed.
Minutes from the June 5, 2023 meeting were reviewed with one change noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Abigail Kirkpatrick. Motion carried.
SGMB balance sheets were presented with the following balances:
As of June 27, 2023 |
As of July 26,2023 |
Checking Account |
$99,037.14 |
$94,930.59 |
Capital Fund |
$24,298.77 |
$24,298.96 |
Scholarship Fund |
$51,428.79 |
$49,184.04 |
Student Fund |
$15,698.33 |
$14,889.81 |
Total |
$190,463.03 |
$183,303.40 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Jared Wastler and seconded by Kyle Showalter. Motion carried.
Thank you to all who contributed to successful fundraising and events during the 2022-2023 school year.
All bank accounts with Truist have been updated to reflect the change in SGMB president, and a new debit card has been secured.
A group will be meeting on Thursday, 8/10/2023 to complete the audit of SGMB’s 2022-2023 books.
TREASURER’S REPORTAbigail Kirkpatrick: Expressions will be performing at the Opening Day Inservice for Staff on August 21st. They will also performing the National Anthem and Alma Mater at the home football game on September 1st for the 70th Anniversary of the SG Alma Mater. There has been discussion among various county orchestra directors regard establishment of a York County Orchestra Festival. Spring Grove will host the first annual York County Orchestra Festival at Spring Grove Area High School on January 20th, 2024. More information will be shared as it becomes available. Mrs. Kirkpatrick will be seeking orchestra parents and Tri-M students to help to run the day, and will be seeking to use SGMB for "money in-money out" expenditures. (Student registration fees will come in, and checks for payment to the guest conductor and food, etc., will come out.)
Kyle Showalter: Marching Band numbers are up significantly from last season (54 members). Band camp is underway, and the group has completed nearly the entire show. There are more marching band members this year than all-weathers (rain jackets) and garment bags. Mr. Showalter is requesting up to $1000 from SGMB to purchase the needed all-weathers and garment bags. This is meant to get the band through the remainder of the year. (See "New Business" for discussion and decision.) Mr. Showalter is hoping to have a final proposal for new band uniforms in front of the school board by November, with the goal to have new uniforms ready for use next school year.
- Band Night: 9/29/2023
- Marching Spectacular: 9/30/2023
- 2023-2024 Performance Schedule: to be shared upon receipt from Mr. Bupp
- Spirit Nights: 9/22/2023 (Gold Out), 10/20/2023 (Pink Out)
Volunteer Needs: Volunteers are needed to man the SGMB table at several upcoming school events, including orientation and back-to-school nights as follows:
- 8/15/2023: 9th Grade orientation
- 8/21/2023: 5th Grade
- 8/22/2023: 6th Grade
- 8/31/2023: High School
- 9/6/2023: Middle School
Autumn Tyson will create and share a sign-up genius for back-to-school night events. As well, volunteers are needed for the Spirit Store during home football games and for Marching Spectacular. Sign-up genius has been shared with marching band parents for events associated with the marching band and will also be shared more broadly.
R&K Sandwich Sale: The first R&K fundraiser will kick off immediately following Marching Spectacular. Order pickup will take place on Tuesday, November 11, 2023.
Hillbilly Beef Jerky has been contacted and is interested in working with SBMG. Free shipping is available for total sales over $10,000. If $10,000 in sales is not achieved, Hillbilly rep would meet SGMB halfway for pickup if desired. Product would need to be sorted once received and could be ready for pickup ahead of the Christmas holiday. SGMB would receive 20% of all sales, and a free prize program is available. Information on the prize program will be shared once available. The company provides order forms.
Remaining Inventory: Gertrude Hawk candy bars will be made available as part of candy gram sales at Marching Spectacular. Remaining Country Meats meat sticks will be sold in the Spirit Store (pending approval from the district); these may also be sold in the concession stand during Marching Spectacular.
Fall Mum Sale: SGMB has not yet received any updates from Brandon regarding whether recent storms have damaged mums. As well, and due to the drier-than-expected June, flowers have started to bud early. With some work, this was resolved. Fall Mum Sales Flyer will be sent out with Marching Band families with the upcoming start of Tuesday/Thursday rehearsals and to students and families at the beginning of the school year with the goal to sell the majority of plants via presale. A Google order form link will be provided and will also be posted to Website and Social Media pages for orders. Information will also be shared around the district and with staff. At this time the expected pick up date will be October 7th from 9-2pm at the Windy Hill parking lot.
Grocery Cards: Jessie Henning is considering taking on on Grocery Card sales. She will be connecting with Barb Brenneman to learn more about this process ahead of making a final decision.
There is nothing to report at this time.
There has been minimal student account activity this month. Student accounts have been updated to include July RaiseRight sales.
High School Scholarship: There are no updates to present at this time.
Middle School Scholarship: At the June 2023 meeting, there was a brief discussion about the need to review and potentially revise the Middle School Scholarship evaluation criteria. The scholarship chairperson will be convening a small subcommittee (to include two to three members and at least one director) for this task, with a goal to implement any changes this school year. This will be discussed further at the October meeting.
Updated By-Laws have not yet been added to the SGMB site due to site changes currently in process. Copies are available if needed.
All permitted updates have been completed on the SGMB website. Additional updates are needed and require approval from Steph Kennedy for the present time.
- Instructor’s Guide: The instructor's guide has been reviewed and updated based on Music department and SGMB requirements. Any actions, activities, or requests must go through the appropriate music department and district channels ahead of presentation to SGMB. Emergency requests can be received and will require director and SGMB quorum review and approval on a case-by-case basis. The guide will become part of the information that will be shared with any instructors who join the music department. Theresa Kramer moved to approve the Instructor's Guide as presented. Motion was seconded by Autumn Tyson. There being no discussion, motion was approved.
- Stadium Spirit Store: The store has been cleaned and prepped for the upcoming football season. Items with the new SG logo have been ordered and received from Elliott, and items for potential Spirit Nights have been ordered. Rhonda noted that upon entering the Spirit Store last week to drop off new merchandise, the interior door to the Spirit Store was found to be unlocked, and items had been moved. Upon assessment, it was determined that an estimated $200 in inventory was missing, including sweatshirts and pink camo t- shirts. Mr. Laux was notified, and the district has reportedly reprogrammed the badge pad to work only with the music booster’s key card. This has not yet been confirmed. A review of security video is also being completed in an attempt to determine who may have accessed the store and removed merchandise. Rhonda will be keeping an eye on the store to confirm nothing else goes missing.
- Uniform/Boosters Closet: The closet was cleaned out and organized this summer. Sections were reduced and labeled. Current marching band uniforms were reorganized and prepped for the season. Tim Bupp is seeking district approval to sell unneeded guard supplies.
- Music Department Store/Concession Stand: Due to construction around the auditorium, SGMB was unable to access and clean the store/concession stand this summer. Work on this will commence once the space is accessible.
- Music Department Display Case: A meeting will be arranged between SGMB representatives and District representatives to determine contributions to the cost of the display case.
- Surplus of Funds from 2022-2023 budget year: The group discussed options for funds surplus from the 2022-2023 budget year. Theresa Kramer offered a motion to transfer $2,245.15 to replenish the Scholarship fund, replacing monies transferred for 2023 scholarship payments. The motion was seconded by Jessie Henning. Motion carried.
- Indoor Guard Show 2024: Discussion tabled, pending music director and district review.
Request for funds (Marching Band All-Weathers and Garment Bags): A motion was made by Theresa Kramer to support the purchase of necessary all-weathers and garments bags with funds not to exceed $1000 from the General Fund. Motion seconded by Autumn Tyson. There being no additional discussion, motion carried.
The next SGMB membership meeting is scheduled for September 4, 2023, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held via Zoom only, due to the Labor Day holiday. A motion to close the meeting was made by Tracey Glace and seconded by Autumn Tyson at 8:49pm. Motion carried.
June 5, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGAHS, Room 51 and Zoom meeting June 5, 2023
IN ATTENDANCE: Jerry Mascaro, Theresa Kramer, Autumn Tyson, Rhonda Wastler, Tracey Glace, Trista Glace, Katelyn Wastler, Tim Bupp, Kyle Showalter, Jessie Henning, Amy Buhrman
The meeting was called to order at 7:09pm, and meeting participant introductions were completed. Meeting agenda topics and timeframes were reviewed.
Minutes from the May 1, 2023 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. Minutes from the May 17, 2023 special meeting were reviewed with no changes noted. A motion to approve May 1, 2023 and May 17, 2023 minutes was made by Rhonda Wastler and seconded by Theresa Kramer. Motion carried.
SGMB Balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 5/25/2023 |
Checking Account |
$98,194.09 |
Capital Fund |
$24,298.55 |
Scholarship Fund |
$51,428.33 |
Student Fund |
$15,741.04 |
Total |
$189,662.01 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Rhonda Wastler and seconded by Trista Glace. Motion carried.
2023-2024 Proposed Budget: Autumn Tyson reviewed a second draft of the 2023-2024 budget. It was noted that in order to balance the budget as presented, an income line item from General Funds in the amount of $825 has been added. Raise Right was noted to be an “in-out” process, thus no dollar amounts are associated with those line items. A motion to approve the 2023-2024 budget was offered by Theresa Kramer and seconded by Rhonda Wastler. Motion carried.
Autumn Tyson shared that SGMB has a budget surplus this year of just over $8000. Suggestion was made to assess how to allocate additional funds during the August 2023 meeting following the closure of the 2022-2023 budget.
Audit Committee: Theresa Kramer, Rhonda Wastler, and Amy Buhrman will assist with this year’s audit. Jerry can be available if needed. Autumn Tyson will follow up with the audit committee to schedule a meeting.
Kyle Showalter: Marching band starts a week from today. The group is currently sitting around 55 members this year, up from 40 last year. There are four seniors participating. Note was made that Saturday shows will require two buses and Friday away games will require three buses due to the increased membership. The school year ended well, with successful performances at the Spring concert and graduation. (Insert Kyle’s happy dance here.). Responses for Marching Spectacular are coming in; to date, confirmation has been received from Dallastown, Northeastern, Hanover, and Manheim Township. Kyle will be following up with other directors. Kyle shared that approximately ten directors across York County have been working to establish a countywide Honors Marching Band with around 300 participants, anticipated to begin in the next year or two. The group’s inaugural performance may be the National Anthem at a York Revolutions game, with plans to work toward a parade and/or other performances.
Tim Bupp: The music department performance calendar for the 2023-2024 school year is nearly completion. It was noted that there may be a shift in timing for some long-standing performances. A trip to Washington DC has been planned for SGI music students next school year. It is scheduled to take place on May 10, 2024, and five buses have been reserved. Information for the trip will be shared with students during the first month of school and will include information on student accounts. Theresa and Tracey will provide information to be included. All funds will be due by March 22, 2024.
- Band Night—9/29/2023
- Marching Spectacular – 9/30/2023 – poll out to select two planning dates, likely 6/20 and 7/11. Awaiting response from one other person. Erin Meyering will be running concessions this year, and a number of alumni and volunteers from last year have also confirmed plans to volunteer. Need to look at food trucks to invite so can get invitations out. Need to look at merchandise and whether want to offer this year. Need to decide on t-shirts.
- SGI Trip to Washington DC—5/10/2024
- 50th Anniversary String Concert: The concert was amazing! The venue was a good size for the audience; some feedback has been shared around parking as well as the size of the stage in comparison to the number of concert participants. (Note was made that the band program is approaching its 100th year.).
- Jazz Festivals: SGMB raised $1609.45 toward the SGMB scholarship fund. Holding both the middle school and high school events on the same day was well-received. For the 2024 Festival, middle and high school events will be held as one event with a one-hour intermission.
WAYS & MEANS (Tracey Glace/Barb Brenneman):
Mr. Showalter inquired as to whether SGMB would want to pursue a small games of chance license to open up options. Autumn noted that there is a lot of bookkeeping and effort that goes into these types of events.
Suggestion was made to consider selling items with the new SG logo. This will be discussed at a future time.
All remaining meat sticks are good until 12/23-1/24. There are still a fair number of candy bars left. Suggestion was made that both could be sold at Marching Spectacular; a decision on this will be made during Marching Spectacular planning meetings this summer.
Fall Mums Sale: Mums have been planted. It is noted that the more water that has to go into the plants, the later they will open. As such, the proposed October sale date may be the best option. More information will be provided on this. Rhonda has reached out to Windy Hill regarding potential sale dates and will provide additional requested information once available.
Grocery Cards: All remaining grocery cards were sold. Given the small number of people who participated in grocery card purchases this year, Barb Brenneman has recommended that SGMB consider not selling grocery cards next year. This will be discussed at a later date.
There is no correspondence to report at this time.
STUDENT ACCOUNTS (Theresa Kramer):
In May, the only active fundraisers were Grocery Gift Cards and Raise Right. The remaining grocery cards were sold with $63.75 credited to student accounts. Raise Right added $133.75 to accounts. Due to an exception, one student account was refunded the amount paid for the SGMS trip (SGMB was reimbursed from the travel company). The outstanding account transfer request for the SGI trip was received and processed. In addition, there were 2 student account reimbursements paid - only one of which was a senior. There are still 21 seniors with balances in their student accounts totaling $1,091.76. Of these, only 2 students/parents have reached out (one intends on doing a student transfer and one is donating balance to SGMB). All reimbursement and transfer requests need to be received by Friday, June 16 to allow time for processing before budget close.
SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE (Amy Buhrman/Jerry Mascaro)
High School Scholarship: High School scholarships were awarded to Gracie Schaub, Jenna Meyering, Laci Miller, Chela Martin, Kayden Riggin, Elijah Hoke, Kendall Brooks, Abigail Murren, Taryn Wallen, and Nathaniel Hamme.
Middle School Scholarship: Middle School scholarships were awarded to Connor Shaffer, Ben Thatcher, and Alexandra Wastler. Three $500 scholarships were awarded due to a tie in scoring. The scoring process and rubric will be revisited prior to next year’s scholarship application release. Jerry expressed willingness to continue overseeing this process if needed.
SGASF Awards Banquet (5/16/2023): SGMB received a thank you note for sponsorship of two tables at the scholarship award banquet.
PROCEDURES/BY-LAWS (Jerry Mascaro / Rhonda Wastler / Dan Brenner):
By-Laws were presented for second review, with two recommended changes as follows: Article V, Section II - B Vice President.
- c. Shall, in the event that a third person is not available to reconcile funds, be responsible for all deposits in coordination with Ways and Means Coordinator or event chairperson.
Article V, Section II - D Treasurer.
- g. Shall the organize and oversee an annual audit of finances at the end of each fiscal year.
A motion was made by Autumn Tyson to approve By-Laws as amended. Motion was seconded by Rhonda Wastler. Motion carried.
WEBSITE (Kristen Henning):
Steph Kennedy hopes to have the new website up and running by July. All SGMB information will be transferred to the new site. Kristen will upload and update the June meeting documents at that time as it is requested that nothing be changed or added to the site until it has transitioned.
Music Department Spirit Store: The store will be cleaned over the summer.
SGASD Music Department Display Case: Kyle Showalter provided regarding plans to install music department display cases. Four cases (each being 4 feet wide, 18 inches deep, and 80 inches tall) will be installed side by side on the wall between the hall leading to the music wing and the restrooms. Cases will be bolted to the wall and the floor and will include lighting. Estimated cost, including shipping is estimated around $23,000. Cases would be used to display various items, including historical items, festivals, awards, and other items for the music department (including musical theater). Final determination on usage will be made once cases are installed. Directors and Tri-M will support updates to displays as needed. Rhonda and Jerry will discuss approach options with the district to gain information regarding what the cost the district would cover ahead of a donation from SGMB.
NEW BUSINESS (Jerry Mascaro)
Instructor’s Handbook: Dan, Tim, and Rhonda are reviewing and finalizing the draft instructor’s handbook. Theresa will also assist with review and revision. An updated draft will be shared ahead of the 8/2023 meeting for feedback and decision at the 8/2023 meeting.
Host Indoor Show for 2024 Season: Tabled for future discussion.
Marching Band: Kyle Showalter and Tim Bupp will assess equipment transportation needs over the summer. They are not anticipating any additional needs this school year. Final designs for new marching band uniforms are anticipated to be available this summer, for presentation to the school board in the fall. Directors are also looking for creative ways to use old uniforms as a fundraiser.
President’s Report and Summary of Accomplishments was reviewed. Appreciation was expressed for Jerry’s years of service with SGMB.
The following 2023-2024 Officers (proposed) nominations were received:
- President: Rhonda Wastler
- Vice President: (Open)
- Past President: Jerry Mascaro
- Secretary: Amy Buhrman
- Treasurer: Autumn Tyson
- Ways and Means: Tracey Glace
- Student Accounts: Theresa Kramer
- Webmaster: Kristen Henning
Autumn made a motion to close nominations; this was seconded by Rhonda. A motion to approve 2023- 2023 officers was made by Kyle Showalter and seconded by Jessie Henning. Motion carried.
Approval has been received for all 2023-2024 meeting dates; meetings will take place in Room 51, with Zoom options made available.
ADJOURNMENT (Jerry Mascaro):
The next membership meeting is scheduled for August 7, 2023, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held in Room 51 at SGAHS; a Zoom link will also be available. A motion to close the meeting was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Rhonda Wastler at 9:15pm. Motion carried
May 1, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGAHS, Room 51 and Zoom meeting May 1, 2023
IN ATTENDANCE: Jerry Mascaro, Theresa Kramer, Autumn Tyson, Rhonda Wastler, Tracey Glace, Katelyn Wastler, Lucas Buhrman, Katyelyn Naglich, Tim Bupp, Dan Brenner, David Dietrich, Amy Buhrman
The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm, and meeting participant introductions were completed. Meeting agenda topics and timeframes were reviewed.
Minutes from the April 10, 2023 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Dan Brenner and seconded by Autumn Tyson. Motion carried.
SGMB Balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 4/25/2023 |
Checking Account |
$108,621.76 |
Capital Fund |
$24,298.35 |
Scholarship Fund |
$51,427.91 |
Student Fund |
$16,017.01 |
Total |
$200,365.03 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Theresa Kramer and seconded by Dan Brenner. Motion carried.
2023-2024 Proposed Budget: Autumn Tyson reviewed a first draft of the 2023-2024 budget. Prior to draft, all directors received a request for any budgetary needs or changes with no changes or needs noted. There was discussion regarding whether additional funds from Marching Spectacular should be reallocated from Marching Spectacular, with no recommended change made. All present were asked to review the draft budget and provide additional feedback.
Audit Committee: Theresa Kramer, Rhonda Wastler, and Amy Buhrman will assist with this year’s audit. Jerry can be available if needed. Autumn Tyson will follow up with the audit committee to schedule.
Abigail Kirkpatrick: Mrs. Kirkpatrick was pleased to report that at the 2023 York County Encore Awards, Lucca Vito and Chela Martin BOTH received outstanding performer awards as "Rooster" and "Miss Hannigan, " after performing "Little Girls" and "Easy Street" from Spring Grove’s production of Annie.
About 350 musical theater students performed in the awards showcase from across the entire county of York, and only ten of these performer awards were given out. This puts Chela and Lucca in the top 3% of high school musical theater performers in York County! Please congratulate them on this tremendous achievement.
Dan Brenner: The modern band concert took place this past Friday and was an excellent experience. The band opted not to perform at El Taquirino due to weather. Mr. Brenner shared information about several upcoming jazz performances and events, noting that participation numbers for jazz festivals are starting to increase after COVID. Information was also shared regarding upcoming Select Modern Band performances. Note was made that the District Modern Band festival was phenomenal. Mr. Brenner thanks SGMB for continued support.
Katyelyn Naglich: Indoor guard ended the season in 6th place with KIDA and 2nd place with TIA. The Indoor Guard team was small this year (9 members), with two-thirds of the group being freshmen or younger. The group excelled and were noted to be fan favorites throughout the season, building relationships with and assisting other teams and setting an excellent example. During this past weekend’s performance, one team member (Hope Vough) received an outstanding performer award. SGMB suggested that Ms. Naglich share this information with Steph Kennedy for posting on the SGASD website and social media sites. Ms. Naglich would like to consider the option to host an indoor guard show; SGASG has hosted such shows in the past. Mr. Bupp and Autumn Tyson will research historical information on previous shows hosted.
Tim Bupp: Jazz band/orchestra recently traveled to perform in Washington DC. The performance went well after power was restored to the amphitheater. Summer band dates have been set. The marching band appears to have a 20% increase over last year (52 students as of this time). The marching band meeting is scheduled for 5/15. The Strings program 50th anniversary performance will take place on 5/20. There are several choral concerts in the coming weeks. Clinics for indoor percussion did not take place this past year. Dates will be established for indoor percussion in the next few weeks. Mr. Bupp is following up with Mrs. Gross regarding funds that have been brought in from community partners for the 50th Anniversary Strings festival.
- 2023 Concert Performance Dates –
- Indoor Guard Competitions -
- Jazz weekend – Evening of Jazz, 5/5, 7pm; JITJ, 5/6, 2pm; SITS, 5/6, 7pm
- 50th Anniversary of String Program at SGASD – 5/20/23 at SGMS
- Tri-M Showcase – 5/26 – Glatfelter Library
- Band Night—9/29/2023
- Marching Spectacular – 9/30/2023
WAYS & MEANS (Tracey Glace/Barb Brenneman):
Meat sticks and Candy Bars: Remaining meat sticks and candy bars will be available for sale during pickup for Sunrise Soaps and will also be sold at the middle school concert. Tracey was contacted by someone who is interested in purchasing meat sticks.
Sunrise Soaps: Pickup is scheduled for Tuesday evening, May 9th. Tracey is working to confirm final payment, and all inventory will be counted before taking possession.
Fall Mums Sale: Plants will go in the ground this coming weekend. SGMB’s price was raised by $.25 per plant due to the grower’s increased cost. The grower recommends that SGMB keep the same price points previously used. Pickup is recommended for either 9/17-19 or the first weekend in October.
Rhonda will work with Windy Hill to determine a final date. The grower is requesting assistance to transport inventory, noting that this will allow for less trips and less potential for breakage. SGMB is scheduled to sell 200 mums; if more plants are needed, the grower will work out inventory. All orders will be handled via presale, and advertisement will begin with marching band. A flyer with a QR code will be available.
There is no correspondence to report at this time.
STUDENT ACCOUNTS (Theresa Kramer):
There was very little activity in Student Accounts last month. The only income was $69.70 through RaiseRight. There were 2 account reimbursements and 2 account transfers processed. We are still waiting on a completed transfer form for a student who attended the SGI trip. Letters have been distributed to all seniors with account balances. There are currently 22 accounts with a combined balance of $1,166.95. The deadline for seniors to submit requests is June 16. All balances remaining after this date will be transferred to the general fund.
SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE (Amy Buhrman/Jerry Mascaro)
High School Scholarship: There are no updates at this time.
Middle School Scholarship: Scholarship essays have been scored. Scholarships will be awarded at the upcoming middle school concert.
SGASF Awards Banquet (5/16/2023): SGMB has purchased two table sponsorships (four seats). The banquet will once again be held at the high school. RSVP has been submitted; Jerry, Rhonda, Autumn, and Amy will represent SGMB at the banquet this year.
PROCEDURES/BY-LAWS (Jerry Mascaro / Rhonda Wastler / Dan Brenner):
The following recommendations have been proposed as potential by-law changes:
- Suggestion was made to change language around deposits by the Vice President to reflect that this person would only be responsible for deposits in the event that a third person is not available to reconcile funds.
- Suggestion was made to add as the organization and oversight of an annual audit of finances at the end of each fiscal year to the treasurer’s responsibilities.
Autumn will send proposed changes to Jerry; draft language will be reviewed at the upcoming annual meeting.
WEBSITE (Kristen Henning):
There is nothing to report at this time.
Music Department Spirit Store: The store will be cleaned over the summer.
SGASD Music Department Display Case: Jerry spoke with Bill Stiles at the recent board meeting. Mr. Stiles noted that he will be reviewing information on the display case and agreed to follow up with Jerry in the next few weeks.
NEW BUSINESS (Jerry Mascaro)
Instructor’s Handbook: A draft of an instructor’s handbook was shared with the group. The purpose of this handbook is to provide non-director music department positions with information about responsibilities and requirements related to work with SGMB. All are asked to review the draft document and provide feedback to Rhonda.
Host Indoor Show for 2024 Season: Tabled for future discussion
The following 2023-2024 Officers (proposed) nominations were received:
- President: Rhonda Wastler
- Vice President: (Open)
- Past President: Jerry Mascaro
- Secretary: Amy Buhrman
- Treasurer: Autumn Tyson
- Ways and Means: Tracey Glace
- Student Accounts: Theresa Kramer
- Webmaster: Kristen Henning
Voting will take place during the annual meeting in June.
Note was made regarding several situations where student account forms were not turned in for transfer of funds, resulting in student participation for free in events. Suggestion was made to consider giving SGMB the ability to transfer funds without having a signed form from a student/parent. If approved, this would need to be added to the fundraiser policy. Autumn will discuss this with Dean Fink to ensure there is not a concern from a financial perspective. As well it was noted that this should be a conversation with directors around accountability, as directors should be following up when non-payment is an issue.
ADJOURNMENT (Jerry Mascaro):
The next membership meeting is scheduled for June 5, 2023, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held in Room 51 at SGAHS; a Zoom link will also be available. A motion to close the meeting was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Dan Brenner at 8:47pm. Motion carried.
April 10, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
Zoom meeting
April 10, 2023
IN ATTENDANCE: Jerry Mascaro, Theresa Kramer, Autumn Tyson, Rhonda Wastler, Tracey Glace, Barb Brenneman, Lucas Buhrman, Tim Bupp, Kyle Showalter, Amy Buhrman
The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm, and meeting participant introductions were completed. Meeting agenda topics and timeframes were reviewed.
Minutes from the March 6, 2023 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Barb Brenneman and seconded by Rhonda Wastler. Motion carried.
SGMB Balance sheet was presented with the following balances: As of 3/28/2023 |
Checking Account |
$103,239.51 |
Capital Fund |
$24,298.16 |
Scholarship Fund |
$51,427.52 |
Student Fund |
$17,807.86 |
Total |
$196,773.05 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Theresa Kramer and seconded by Rhonda Wastler. Motion carried.
Kyle Showalter: Thank you to SGMB and all who made the Disney trip possible. The group had an outstanding time. The workshops offered an excellent opportunity. There was a roughly $800 deficit for the trip, in part related to a few single rooms for directors and school nurse, as well as a few students who paid ahead (resulting in fewer students making the full final payment). Additional funds will come from the General Fund. In the future, directors will leave a bit more of a buffer for trip costs. Information about all upcoming performances were shared. The official invitation will go out this week for the next Marching Spectacular.
Tim Bupp: Spring Grove was awarded a $6,000 grant from the J. William Warehime Foundation for the 50th Anniversary Strings event. The Diversity Festival will take place on Thursday, 4/13/2023. SGI/SGAMS will perform at 5:30, and Expressions will perform at 5:50. The SGI trip is scheduled for 4/21/2023.
- 2023 Concert Performance Dates
- Indoor Guard Competitions
- Diversity Festival – 4/13
- SGI trip to DC – 4/21
- Jazz weekend – Evening of Jazz, 5/5, 7pm; JITJ, 5/6, 2pm; SITS, 5/6, 7pm
- Knoebel’s trip – 5/19
- 50th Anniversary of String Program at SGASD – 5/20/23 at SGMS
- Tri-M Showcase – 5/26 – Glatfelter Library (outside, at the gazebo; SGMS is reserved in the event of inclement weather)
- Marching Spectacular – 9/30/2023
The Modern Band festival is this weekend, 4/15, at 3pm.
SGMB will be selling concessions at the upcoming jazz festival (5/6). Please consider signing up to volunteer for concessions through the SignupGenius that will be released.
WAYS & MEANS (Tracey Glace/Barb Brenneman):
There are 110 meat sticks still in stock to be sold, as well as 259 Gertrude Hawk candy bars. Pick-up for Sunrise Soaps is scheduled for 5/9/2023 (4pm-7pm).
Grocery Cards: A determination needs to be made about how to sell the remaining grocery cards. Kennie’s cards, totaling $600, are still available. A Remind message can also be sent out with remaining amounts. Barb will send this information to Autumn.
There is no correspondence to report at this time.
STUDENT ACCOUNTS (Theresa Kramer):
There was significant student account activity in March. Funds were added to accounts through R&K ($469), Sunrise Soaps ($214), Gertrude Hawk ($402) and RaiseRight ($221.18). In addition, transfer requests were processed for the final Disney payment ($2,848.51) and a senior account reimbursement was processed. In total, $9,378.85 in Student Account funds were used to offset the cost of the Disney trip with several students having over 50% of their trip paid for through fundraiser participation.
There are currently 22 seniors with balances in their accounts. The current balance for all accounts is $1,166.95 which is far less than in previous years. No later than April 18, letters and reimbursement forms will be given to high school directors to hand out to current music students and either Mrs. Ehrich or high school building secretaries will assist with distributing letters to students no longer in the music program. We do have 3 students who have moved and are no longer in the school district.
For the 2023-2024 school year, the Financial Transaction Form will be slightly updated to remove the PO Box and Communications e-mail from the letterhead in an effort to avoid confusion on where completed forms should be submitted.
SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE (Amy Buhrman/Jerry Mascaro)
High School Scholarship: There were 16 applicants for this year’s SGMB High School Scholarships. Applications were scored, and the names of 10 scholarship recipients have been shared with SGASF for announcement at the upcoming SGASF Banquet (scheduled for 5/16/2023). Thank you to Autumn, Theresa, Rhonda, Jerry, and Kyle for assistance with scoring.
Middle School Scholarship: Application information has been shared for scoring; these should be completed by 4/21.
SGASF Awards Banquet (5/16/2023): SGMB has purchased two table sponsorships (four seats). The banquet will once again be held at the high school. Amy will follow up on the deadline to RSVP for the banquet.
PROCEDURES/BY-LAWS (Jerry Mascaro / Rhonda Wastler / Dan Brenner):
There is nothing to report at this time.
WEBSITE (Kristen Henning):
There is nothing to report at this time.
Music Department “Spirit Store”: There may be some remaining items to be cleaned out from the spirit store; work on this will likely be completed over the summer. As well, some clean-up is needed for the ticket booth. Rhonda will follow up with Jessica Staub to determine next steps for the ticket booth.
Donation to SGASD for High School Music Department display case: Bill Stiles is currently obtaining estimates from local contractors.
Indoor Guard fundraising: A Mod Pizza (Hanover) night has been approved for 4/18/2023. Funds from this event will be deposited into the General fund.
NEW BUSINESS (Jerry Mascaro)
2023-2024 Budget Review: Autumn will be sending out an email to directors and officers for any budget needs or changes for next year. Please send any known needs or recommendations to Autumn. A draft budget will be prepared for initial review during the May meeting.
By-Laws Review: Any recommended changes to By-Laws should be shared ahead of the May meeting for review, with approval in June.
Officer nominations: Please let Jerry know if current officers are not planning to retain seats. For those desiring to step down, please share recommendations for other candidates. Jerry will be stepping down as president at the end of this school year.
ADJOURNMENT (Jerry Mascaro):
The next membership meeting is scheduled for May 1, 2023, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held in Room 51 at SGAHS; a Zoom link will also be available. A motion to close the meeting was made by Tracey Glace and seconded by Barb Brenneman at 7:57pm. Motion carried.
March 6, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGAHS, Room 51 and Zoom meeting
March 6, 2023
IN ATTENDANCE: Jerry Mascaro, Theresa Kramer, Autumn Tyson, Tracey Glace, Trista Glace,
Rhonda Wastler, Barb Brenneman, Tim Bupp, Dan Brenner, Kyle Showalter, David Dietrich, Amy
The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm, and meeting participant introductions were completed.
Meeting agenda topics and timeframes were reviewed.
Minutes from the February 6, 2023 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to
approve the amended minutes was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Rhonda Wastler. Motion
TREASURER’S REPORT (Autumn Tyson): SGMB Balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 2/23/2023 |
Checking Account |
$146,697.42 |
Capital Fund |
$24,297.94 |
Scholarship Fund |
$51,427.06 |
Student Fund |
$17,930.52 |
Total |
$240,352.94 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Rhonda Wastler and seconded by Barb Brenneman. Motion carried.
Dan Fake: Orion and Select Strings performed in the capitol rotunda today as part of the national Music in Our
Schools Month celebrations. Students met representatives Seth Grove and Kristin Phillips-Hill. Rep. Grove was a
1998 graduate of Spring Grove, and a staff member of Rep. Phillips-Hill was in Orion when she was in middle
school. Select Strings began their performance at noon, which also happened to be when the general assembly
began their meeting. Students learned that the general assembly had a 2-minute moment of silence where the only
sound was Select Strings coming through the halls of the capitol. While the group was not in view of the audience,
the whole of the general assembly knows it was SGASD school performing. The PA state song was one of the
songs performed by Orion. Following the state song, a member of the committee for the arts shared that their
committee is working to present a new song for the state.
Dan Brenner:
• March 18th - Select Modern Band at Mini Thon
• March 23rd - SGE Night of Music
• April 2-8 - Disney
• April 14-15 - PMEA District 7 Modern Band Festival (8 qualified… 7 will attend)
• April 13-15 - NAfME All Eastern Modern Band - Jorge Caraballo - Mr. Mundy chaperoning
• April 28 - Modern Band Concert (featuring Select Modern Band, 7th Degree, Temple of Anubus, ILYH)
• April 29 - SMB at Taqueria El Camino with Millersville University
• May 5 - Jazz Concert
• May 6 - Jump Into Jazz and Swing Into Spring Jazz Festivals (6 for MS, 4 for HS)
• May 16 - SMB @ Scholarship Banquet
• May 19 - SMB Gig with Cabria Heights (Altoona Area) - Possible
• May 25 - PMEA Jamfest (at Lebanon Valley College) - Possible
Kyle Showalter: There is a lot coming up in next two months. All bands are preparing for spring concerts. High school ensemble members and directors are preparing for the upcoming trip to Orlando. A mandatory meeting for all who are participating in that trip, as well as parents, is scheduled for 3/16. Information about final trip payments will be shared in the next few days. The High School instrumental concert is scheduled for 4/27. The Tri-M Showcase is scheduled for 5/26; the location for this event is not yet confirmed. The event may be held outside at the Glatfelter Library; it will be held at the middle school if the weather is bad. Marching band uniforms have gone out to be dry-cleaned several times over the past few months. There was an issue with the first round of cleaning, and the jackets were subsequently re-cleaned at no charge. Plans for new uniforms are on hold until district rebranding is finalized. The 2023 marching band show will be announced in a few weeks.
Tim Bupp: Upcoming Spring concerts will be streamed for live viewing. SGI’s concert is scheduled for 3/29; Mr. Bupp will once again be dressing up for the concert. The Diversity Festival will be held on 4/13. The event will be held using an “open air” format this year. A performance stage will be set up in the back corner of the cafeteria, with performance held throughout the event. All SGASD groups will perform early in the event this year. The elementary band and orchestra concert will be held on 4/18. Students picked the songs for this year’s concert, including a familiar commercial theme song. (Mr. Bupp informed the group that he has never eaten at Burger King or Taco Bell. The Tyson family loves the Burger King theme song.). The upcoming DC trip will take place on 4/21, to include a clinic with the Airmen of Note. Mr. Bupp anticipates a return to the typical every-other-year trip schedule with SGI beginning next year. No additional information has been received regarding the grant request for the 50th Anniversary Strings concert. Funding for this event will run primarily through SGMB instead of the district. SGMB will not owe anything back to the district.
- 2023 Concert Performance Dates –
- Indoor Guard Competitions—Rhonda will share the schedule with Steph Kennedy and Kristen Henning
- Celebrate the Arts Craft Show and Showcase – 3/25/23
- Diversity Festival – 4/13/2023
- • Jazz weekend –
- Evening of Jazz, 5/5, 7pm
- Jump Into Jazz, 5/6, 2pm
- Swing Into Spring, 5/6, 7pm
- 50th Anniversary of String Program at SGASD – 5/20/23 at SGMS
- Marching Spectacular – 9/30/2023
WAYS & MEANS (Tracey Glace/Barb Brenneman):
Grocery Cards: Sales totaled $700 for the last month. Barb is not anticipating many additional sales this year. The following total gift card amounts are available: Kennie’s ($450), Weis ($50), and Giant ($600).
RaiseRight: Student account deposits for February totaled $151.30.
February Fundraisers: A total of 47 students participated in the February fundraisers.
- R&K: 39 students participated for a total of 953 items sold.
- Country Meats: 34 students participated for a total of 2432 items sold
Current active fundraisers include R&K, Gertrude Hawk, and Sunrise Soaps. Orders are due on 3/13, with final acceptance on 3/20. Pick up for R&K and Gertrude Hawk is scheduled for 3/28; Sunrise Soap pickup is scheduled for 5/29.
Mums: The group discussed another Fall Mum sale, with the opportunity to work with the same grower and same offer as was available in 2022 (minimum of 200 mums, in quantities of 50, with access to basic colors). A recommendation was made to set up this fundraiser as a presale with a designated pick-up date so that there is not a significant amount of inventory to handle with an on-site sale. This fundraiser would benefit the general fund and would not be held as a student fundraiser. After additional discussion, the group agrees to hold this fundraiser. The proposed pick-up date is 9/16/2023. Rhonda will serve as point person for this sale. She will reach out to the district regarding advertising and will also contact Windy Hill for advertisement and as a possible pick-up location.
Future fundraising options: Tracey is reviewing an option to sell Freckled Moose butter twists. This would be a potential 2023-2024 fundraiser.
There is no correspondence to report at this time.
Any response regarding the grant will likely come to the SGMB PO Box.
STUDENT ACCOUNTS (Theresa Kramer): There was a lot of student account activity in February. Funds were added to accounts through R&K ($953), Meat Sticks ($1,216), Grocery Gift Cards ($21) and RaiseRight ($151.32). In addition, transfer requests were processed for both the 4th Disney payment ($1,872.24) and the Middle School trip ($591.90). Directors have been provided updated account totals by building. After transfer requests for the final Disney payment are updated, letters for current seniors will be created and distributed by high school directors. Any students no longer in the music department will receive their letters through coordination with Mrs. Ehrich and the main office.
Last month it was discovered we have two students with the same name – one in high school, one in intermediate school. Due to this, several fundraiser credits were applied to the incorrect student. All parents were notified, and accounts have been corrected with no issues. For these fundraisers the grade was listed on order forms – it was an oversight when transferring the information to the master student account spreadsheet.
SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE (Amy Buhrman/Jerry Mascaro)
High School Scholarship: All high school scholarship applications have been received; there are 16 applicants this year. Amy is working to compile all application information, which will be shared out with reviewers by the end of the day on Saturday, 3/11/2023. Reviewers will be asked to have results completed by the end of the day on 3/27/2023, and the final list of recipients will be shared with SGASF by the end of the day on 3/31/2023. To confirm, Autumn, Theresa, Rhonda, Jerry, and Kyle will assist with scoring.
Middle School Scholarship: SGMB received 11 paper applications and 1 emailed essay (with no application attached). Amy will share the student’s email address with Jerry, who will reach out to directors to confirm the student’s identity. Autumn, Amy, Lucas, Trista, Tim, and Kyle will assist with review of applications.
SGASF Awards Banquet (5/16/2023): SGMB has purchased two table sponsorships (four seats). The banquet will once again be held at the high school.
PROCEDURES/BY-LAWS (Jerry Mascaro / Rhonda Wastler / Dan Brenner): There is nothing to report at this time.
WEBSITE (Kristen Henning):
There is nothing to report at this time.
Music Department “Spirit Store”: There are a few items remaining in the spirit store that need to be removed. David D. will email Rhonda Priest (head custodian) to assist with final cleanout.
Donation to SGASD for High School Music Department display case: Directors have reached out to Bill Stiles. An estimate will be communicated once available.
Indoor Guard: The indoor guard will not need access to the entirety of authorized funds, due to fundraising efforts. There is also a plan to pursue one or two restaurant night events (Chipotle and. Texas Roadhouse were mentioned as options). It was also noted that funds may be needed to offset some meals for the guard during longer competitions/shows. There have also been discussions regarding the need to plan ahead next year and communication needs and plans in advance.
NEW BUSINESS (Jerry Mascaro)
Mum Sale – See Ways and Means
Jerry will be stepping down as SGMB President at the end of this year.
ADJOURNMENT (Jerry Mascaro):
The next membership meeting is scheduled for April 10, 2023, at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held in via Zoom only. A motion to close the meeting was made by Dan Brenner and seconded by Tim Bupp at 8:46pm. Motion carried.
February 6, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
SGAHS, Room 51 and Zoom meeting
February 6, 2023
IN ATTENDANCE: Jerry Mascaro, Theresa Kramer, Autumn Tyson, Tracey Glace, Rhonda Wastler, Barb Brenneman, Lucas Buhrman, Tim Bupp, Kyle Showalter, Abigail Kirkpatrick, David Dietrich, Amy Buhrman
The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm, and meeting participant introductions were completed. Meeting agenda topics and timeframes were reviewed.
Minutes from the January 2, 2023 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Rhonda Wastler. Motion carried.
Minutes from the January 19, 2023 meeting were reviewed with one change noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Theresa Kramer and seconded by Rhonda Wastler. Motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT (Autumn Tyson): SGMB Balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 1/26/2023 |
Checking Account |
$145,858.18 |
Capital Fund |
$24,297.75 |
Scholarship Fund |
$51,426.67 |
Student Fund |
$19,471.21 |
Total |
$241,053.81 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Barb Brenneman and seconded by Rhonda Wastler. Motion carried.
All NSF service charges accumulated this year have been covered to date. All checks are cleared from events to date. A check has been mailed to Brian Balmages.
The “Amazon Smiles” program is ending in February 2023. An additional one-time check will be issued to all organizations participating in the program.
SGMB has received approval as a PA sales tax-exempt organization. Autumn will maintain the tax-exempt number and can provide that information for purchases; those who regularly make purchases will also have the information. It was noted that if purchasing items for resale, it may be more beneficial to pay tax up front so as not to have to pay tax on resale. Autumn will contact Jennifer Leppo or Mark Czapp for additional information.
Abigail Kirkpatrick: PMEA: Lucas Buhrman and Ashlyn Tyson have qualified to advance to Region V Chorus in February. Lucas Buhrman participated in the District 7 Orchestra. Lucas Buhrman and Leland Klinedinst have been accepted into the All-State Vocal Jazz Ensemble. Levi Altland participated in the York County Choral Festival on 2/3 along with SGAMS director Dan Fake and selected SGAMS students. The cast and crew are working hard on Annie! There are 4 students, 7 alumni, and 3 staff members in the Pit. Tickets are available for performances on March 3, 4, and 5. The choral and string departments are planning multi-grade level events in March (Music in Our Schools Month). Choral students in grades 5-12 will spend the day together at SGAHS on 3/23. String students in grades 3-12 will spend the day together at SGAMS on 3/27 in preparation for the 50th anniversary concert. University-level directors are being sought for these events.
Dan Brenner: 1st-4th grade Essential Music kiddos are prepping for their Night of Music Concert. SGE’s Night of Music will take place at SGAHS on 3/23. Grade level performances will be staggered in order to alleviate parking issues. High School jazz bands are currently working toward Jazz Weekend performances. (5/5–Evening of Jazz, 5/6–Swing Into Spring Jazz Festival). SGMB assistance is needed for the Jazz Festivals on 5/6 (MS in the afternoon, HS in the evening). It would be helpful to have a chair or point person for these events; please contact Jerry Mascaro or Mr. Brenner if interested. (Mr. Showalter, Mr. Bupp and Mr. Brenner will take care of everything behind the front curtain/stage. SGMB volunteers are needed for ticket sales, concessions, etc.). The Select Modern Band will be performing at the upcoming SG Mini Thon on 3/18. SGAHS will be hosting the 2nd Annual PMEA District 7 Modern Band Festival on 4/14-15. (Twelve SG students auditioned for the festival… those students will be notified in late February if their audition was successful.) The concert will be held at 3pm on 4/15. SG’s Modern Band Concert will take place at the HS on 4/28, 7pm. It will feature 4 Modern Bands from the program. The next day, the Select Modern Band is sharing a performance at Taqueria El Camino in Dover with Millersville University’s Modern Band Ensemble (4pm start). Lastly, the Select Modern Band will be performing at the Scholarship Banquet on 5/16.
Tim Bupp: The SGI Jazz Band and 6th Grade strings will be headed to Washington DC on 4/21 to perform on the National Mall and tour the jazz and music exhibits of the Smithsonian African American Museum of History and Culture. Lunch will be provided. The grant request for the 50th Anniversary Concert will be submitted later this week to the Warehime Foundation. It was written for $4000 and would cover just under half of the total event cost ($9225). A decision is expected by the end of March. Requests for sponsorships have also gone out. Elementary Nights of Music are coming up for each school; these are listed on the music department events schedule. As well, directors are looking to bring high school and middle school together, as well as middle/intermediate and elementary/intermediate.
Kyle Showalter: Eli Hoke (Horn, Grade 12) and Bryan Myers (Alto Sax, Grade 8) will participate in the PMEA District 7 Band Festival at Warwick High School. Several high school and middle school students have been selected for this year's York County Honors Band Festivals. High School County Honors Band: Tanner Glace (Tuba, Grade 11), Hunter Ellis (Tenor Sax, Grade 10), Jenna Meyering (Bari Sax, Grade 12), Alyssa Beyer (Clarinet, Grade 10), Eli Hoke (Horn, Grade 12), Micah Weaver (Trumpet, Grade 10), and Katelyn Wastler (Euphonium, Grade 10). Middle School County Honors Band: Ben Thatcher (Trumpet, Grade 8), Tori Herr (Alto Sax, Grade 8), Bryan Myers (Alto Sax, Grade 8), Julia Tackett (Flute, Grade 8), and Carolina Richards (Trumpet, Grade 8). The High School Music Department is gearing up for the April Florida trip, and high school student musicians are continuing to prepare for our Spring Concert performances!
50th Anniversary String Program: 5/20/2023 at SGAMS.
Spring Musical (Annie): 3/3-3/5/2023.
Celebrate the Arts Craft Show and Showcase: 3/25/2023 (9am-3pm). Tracey, Amy, Rhonda, and Jerry are available to cover at least part of this event. Suggestion was made that Tri-M students may also be able to provide support (two-hour time blocks) throughout the event. SGMB will sell Gertrude Hawk candy, yard signs, and perhaps a few other leftover items from the Spirit Store.
Concert performance dates are posted on the website. Rhonda will obtain information on indoor guard performances.
Diversity Festival: 4/13/2023 Mr. Bupp is seeking additional information regarding the format for performances this year so that directors can plan for performance groups.
Marching Spectacular: 9/30/2023 Approval has been received for facilities use. Band night will take place the prior evening (9/29). The first planning meeting will take place following the end of the school year.
WAYS & MEANS (Tracey Glace/Barb Brenneman):
Grocery Cards: Sales totaled $200 for the last month.
RaiseRight: Student account deposits for January totaled $113.17.
Orders for Country Meats and R&K were due today and will be accepted through the end of the school day on 2/10. Order pickup will be 2/28 from 4-7pm in the SGAHS cafeteria. Tri-M opps are available on 2/23 to sort/count Country Meats sticks (in Room 51) and 2/28 for pick up/delivery. Only those students who have signed up (as well as invited, cleared volunteers) will be sorting and assisting with pick up.
Order forms for R&K, Gertrude Hawk, and Sunrise Soaps will be dropped off when Tracey picks up current fundraising orders on Friday, 2/10. These are due 3/14 with final pick up of orders at the end of the school day on Friday, 3/17. The upcoming Sunrise Soaps fundraiser will include fizzies (6 for $12, random selection), shower tablets (4 for $12), and lip balm. Students will receive $1 per item sold, and profits to SGMB will vary per item (from $0 -$3.50) Order pickup will be on 5/9, 4-7pm, in the SGAHS cafeteria. Order pick up for Gertrude Hawk and R&K will take place on 3/28 from 4-7pm in the SGAHS cafeteria.
Tracey has obtained a proposal for Hillbilly's Beef products and has obtained clearance from Steph Kennedy for SGMB to proceed with this. Options include beef jerky, a variety of beef sticks, bologna, and dog bones. Some of the product needs to be refrigerated; Tracey will inquire as to whether the order form can be modified to remove those items. Profit percentage is 20%. Items are sold in bundled packages. Hillbilly’s Beef provides order forms and delivers the product; SGMB would only need to order items as sold. Suggestion was made to try this as a fundraiser in Fall 2023 in place of Country Meats (after Marching Spectacular). Any leftover meat sticks can be sold at Marching Spectacular; this will be a future discussion topic.
There is no correspondence to report at this time. Jerry will reach out to Steph Kennedy to request that the Remind code and SGMB website information be included in all concert programs.
STUDENT ACCOUNTS (Theresa Kramer): It was a light month for Student Account activity. A total of $119.17 was added to accounts from participation in the ongoing Raise Right and Grocery Gift Card programs. A transfer of $1,660 was made from Student Accounts to the General Fund for the Disney Trip. Updated account balances, by building, were sent to all directors the first week of February. Letters went out in early January to all high school students going on the trip with current account balances and instructions to request the use of funds. There have been several inquiries in the Student Account e-mail for middle school and high school balances coinciding with upcoming trip payments. Credit for R&K and Meat Stick sales will be added to accounts in February. These fundraisers, along with February Raise Right and Grocery Card activity, will be the last opportunities for high school students to add money to their accounts before the final Disney payment is made. Any trip related requests after that will need to be reimbursements rather than transfers. Once the final trip payments are made, focus will shift to senior balances to give ample opportunity for seniors to use any money they have remaining in their accounts. At this point, we have 28 seniors with close to $2,000 in total but expect that number to go down with additional trip requests.
SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE (Amy Buhrman/Jerry Mascaro)
High School Scholarship: Scholarship applications are due by the end of the day on 2/28/2023. Autumn, Theresa, Rhonda, Jerry, and Kyle will assist with application scoring.
Middle School Scholarship: The scholarship application was released at the end of January, and responses are due by 2/28/2023. Autumn, Amy, Lucas, and Kyle will assist with review of applications.
PROCEDURES/BY-LAWS (Jerry Mascaro / Rhonda Wastler / Dan Brenner): There is nothing to report at this time.
WEBSITE (Kristen Henning):
Kristen worked with Steph Kennedy to ensure the SGMB site is ADA-compliant. All meeting-related documents are combined on one page, and the site is now aligned with other district sites. Thank you to Kristen for this work.
Music Department Spirit Store: Athletic concessions have officially moved, and SGMB can use the space as needed. Kyle and Dave Dietrich will connect on Tuesday to confirm the space is ready for use.
Donation to SGASD for Music Department Display case: On 10/26, Kyle and Abby met with Bill Styles to discuss designs for a music department display case. Kyle will forward details for the display case to David Dietrich. To date, no formal estimates have been received; Kyle will follow up with Bill and will copy Dr. Dietrich. Construction would not start until June, at the earliest. Once estimates are available, directors will look at how the project can be funded. SGMB would like to sponsor this project.
Scheduling changes (-25% instruction time at SGI) possibly affecting NAMM BCfME application: Per Mr. Bupp, this has been taken care of and is not a concern at this time.
Uniforms: Work related to new marching band uniforms has been paused due to district rebranding. One this is complete, and uniforms are selected and ordered, it will take 4-6 months to receive. This will most likely now be a Fall 2024 change. Remove from agenda. Autumn will follow up with Steph Kennedy around a target date for completion of district rebranding.
NEW BUSINESS (Jerry Mascaro)
Donation toward PMEA District 7 Modern Band Festival: Last year, SGMB sponsored the festival ($500). Sponsorship covers cost of guest conductor, food, and other costs associated with the event. Rhonda Wastler made a motion for SGMB to donate $500 in support of the District 7 Modern Band Festival. Motion was seconded by Barb Brenneman. Motion carried.
Choir Day (3/23) and Orchestra Day (3/27) – honorarium for collegiate instructors: Two guest clinicians are interested in being a part of these events. An honorarium of around $200 per director is being requested. This would free directors to directly support students and will also expose students to different directors. SGMB’s budget contains a $400 miscellaneous line item associated with high school ensembles. Mr. Showalter noted no other plans for those funds. High school directors will discuss plans for available funds. If additional funds are needed, the request can be discussed and approved at the March SGMB meeting. Payment via check would need to be provided by the district, and SGMB would then receive a bill.
In and Out fund for SGI trip in April: This request is approved.
ADJOURNMENT (Jerry Mascaro):
The next membership meeting is scheduled for March 6, 2023 at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held in Room 51 at the high school; a Zoom option will also be available. A motion to close the meeting was made by Autumn Tyson and seconded by Rhonda Wastler at 8:48pm. Motion carried.
January 19, 2023 (Special Meeting) Approved Meeting Minutes
Special Meeting called by the President, held via Zoom Only
January 19, 2023
IN ATTENDANCE: Jerry Mascaro, Theresa Kramer, Autumn Tyson, Tracey Glace, Scott Glace, Rhonda Wastler, Tim Bupp, Sue Gross, Katherine Tackett, Will Robinson, Abby Kirkpatrick, Dan Fake
The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm, meeting participants were recognized, and a Quorum was established.
MEETING PURPOSE (Jerry Mascaro):
This is a Special Music Booster meeting called by the president as described in Article VIII, Section II of our ByLaws. The purpose of this meeting is to approve the final payment of the commissioned strings piece of music received from Brian Balmages.
Will Robinson made a motion to approve a total amount of $3000, for the final payment of the commissioned strings piece of music received from Brian Balmages, which is over our approved budget of $1500 for expenses for the 50th Anniversary Strings Celebration. Rhonda Wastler seconded the motion.
A question was raised regarding what fundraising is expected to be received to offset the additional expense. It was explained that Tim Bupp is writing a grant for the commissioned piece, which is due by February 15. Also, sponsorships will be raised through the school via Steph Kennedy. Those funds will be raised for both the commission and t-shirts for the participants. A question was raised about how much the grant will be requesting. Steph and Tim are figuring out what amount that will be reasonable. It is expected that the grant money would pay for the commission, and sponsorships would pay for the shirts. All money received would go through a school account for dispursement, and then the Music Boosters would be paid from that account until its balance is $0.
A vote was called, and the motion carried unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT (Jerry Mascaro): A motion to close the meeting was made by Theresa Kramer and seconded by Autumn Tyson at 7:17pm. Motion carried.
January 2, 2023 Approved Meeting Minutes
Zoom meeting
January 2, 2023
IN ATTENDANCE: Jerry Mascaro, Theresa Kramer, Autumn Tyson, Tracey Glace, Trista Glace, Rhonda Wastler, Barb Brenneman, Amy Buhrman
The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm, and meeting participant introductions were completed. Meeting agenda topics and timeframes were reviewed.
Minutes from the December 5, 2022 meeting were reviewed with several changes noted. A motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Rhonda Wastler and seconded by Barb Brenneman. Motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT (Autumn Tyson): SGMB Balance sheet was presented with the following balances:
As of 12/27/2022 |
Checking Account |
$127,688.59 |
Capital Fund |
$24,297.55 |
Scholarship Fund |
$51,426.25 |
Student Fund |
$20,844.06 |
Total |
$224,256.45 |
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was offered by Tracey Glace and seconded by Theresa Kramer. Motion carried.
SGMB received two NSF checks for Disney payments. These will be followed up on once additional information is received. There is concern that additional NSF checks may be received following the recent holiday. Autumn will follow up with the high school directors to request receipt of checks for deposit within a week of students’ payment due date (1/6). As well, there were additional service charges for the month. Autumn will be requesting a breakdown of charges from the bank.
Kyle Showalter: The High School Symphonic Band and Middle School Concert Band both had GREAT performances at their Winter Concerts! We are excited to begin working on our Spring Concert music following the winter break. On December 3rd, several of our students participated in the PMEA District 7 Band and Orchestra auditions at Eastern York High School. This year, TWO of our band students were accepted into this year's District 7 Band Festival -Eli Hoke (Grade 12, French Horn) and Bryan Myers (Grade 8, Alto Sax)! This is the first in nearly 25 years that we can recall having a middle school student audition and be accepted into the PMEA District 7 Band Festival. We are both excited and proud of both of these band students for their accomplishments. Thank you!
Abigail Kirkpatrick: There is a cast of about 70 students in Annie-one of SG’s largest casts ever! This includes 11 4-6th graders cast as orphans. Rehearsals begin right after Winter Break. Come see the show March 3, 4, or 5. Lucas Buhrman has been accepted into the 2023 PMEA District 7 Orchestra festival on violin. A handful of students will be submitting PMEA All-State Vocal Jazz auditions in the next few weeks-stay tuned for results in February. Chamber Strings (a small, auditioned string group) performed before the MS Winter Concert and in the morning for the high school students and staff as they entered the building on 12/19. Expressions and Mrs. K ran a sing-along for SGE Kindergarten classes on 12/21 to give them some holiday cheer and a mini music class experience before winter break.
Tim Bupp: 1. Holiday concert season is the books. Links to those recordings (for family and friend use) can be viewed here. Please note, these cannot be posted to social media due to copyright limitations.
- SGASD High School Winter Concert:
- 2022 SG Middle School Winter Concert:
- SGI Winter Concert 12/7/2022:
- Concert Band, Orchestra, and Choir Concerts will be streamed in the Spring.
- For informational purposes, the Diversity Festival is scheduled for April 13th. More details to follow.
- Indoor Percussion: There has been lots of chatter regarding indoor percussion. Indoor percussion MAY be returning later in the school year pending continuing discussions with Mr. Bupp and Mr. Showalter. The program will be returning to its original intent from many years ago as a training group for the upcoming outdoor marching band season. This will allow our percussionist who do not have one consistent instrument to perform on a chance to learn technique-specific applications to be successful during the marching band season. As information develops, it will be shared through Mr. Bupp and/or Mr. Showalter only.
50th Anniversary String Program: Jerry talked with Tim about grants; one grant application will be submitted. There is also a plan to follow up regarding sponsorships; suggestion was made that students could help deliver fliers to local businesses. SGMB also needs to know whether funds will be handled through SGMB or the district. Jerry will follow up with Sue Gross to offer information and suggestions.
Spring Musical: 3/3-3/5/2023. This year’s show is “Annie.”
Concert dates are posted on the website
Celebrate the Arts: 3/25/2023 (9am-3pm). SGMB will not be charged for a table, and our table will be in the same location as last year. Volunteers are still needed!
Diversity Festival: 4/13/2023
WAYS & MEANS (Tracey Glace/Barb Brenneman):
Grocery Cards: Barb Brenneman provide December grocery card purchase totals; grocery card sales for this school year currently total $6400. Information for sales from 7/2022 through 12/2022 has been shared for student account deposits.
Upcoming fundraisers: Order forms for R&K Sandwiches and Country Meats will be available in the coming week and are due by 2/6/2023.
Sunrise Soaps: Another Sunrise Soaps sale is planned to begin at the end of February. Tracey is working with the company on a list of items to be sold and anticipates offering soaps and fizzies (bath bombs). Soaps will again be sold for $5/each ($1 per bar will go to student accounts), and fizzies will be sold at 3 for $5 ($1 will go to student accounts, and $0.25 will go to SGMB). Pick-up for this fundraiser is scheduled for 5/9/2023.
Tracey was contacted by a parent who stated her recent Sunrise Soaps order was missing three soaps. Tracey purchased the soaps needed. Moving forward, SGMB will be asking those picking up orders to check them before leaving the high school to confirm order accuracy.
Jerry corresponded with district administrators regarding a potential change in location for the 50th Anniversary Strings concert, as a result of some miscommunication. After some discussion, the concert will still be held at the middle school.
STUDENT ACCOUNTS (Theresa Kramer): There was not much activity in Student Accounts in December. Several students requested money from their accounts for the Disney trip. A total of $206.98 was added to accounts from Grocery Gift Card and RaiseRight participation. Letters will go out to any high school students going to Disney who have account balances to let them know the amount in their account and give instructions on how to request funds. In addition, December is the last month seniors can earn fundraising participation credits for scholarship consideration. The final totals will be sent to the scholarship chair in January. Letters for seniors with student account balances will not be sent out until after the final trip payment is due.
SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE (Amy Buhrman/Jerry Mascaro)
High School Scholarship: All scholarship materials were emailed to high school directors in December and should be shared with students this week. As well, a link to the updated application (as well as a printable copy of the paper application) should be active on the SGMB website this week. Applications are due by the end of the day on 2/28/2023. Amy will be seeking volunteers to assist with scoring.
Middle School Scholarship: After some discussion, it was agreed that Jerry and Amy will make a decision regarding options for electronic submission of this year’s middle school scholarship application.
PROCEDURES/BY-LAWS (Jerry Mascaro / Rhonda Wastler / Dan Brenner): There is nothing to report at this time.
WEBSITE (Kristen Henning):
The website is current at this time.
Winter Sports/Spirit Store: The small ticket/concessions booth is “officially ours” for music department use. The music department has not yet made plans for this space. A display case will be added but will not obstruct access to the now-vacant booth. The group will give some thought to how this space could be used.
Color Guard/Indoor Guard: Stored guard materials were inventoried, and flags have been pulled for this year’s use. As well, flooring was pulled out, and New Year’s Eve Day was spent painting mats. A budget sheet is now being used to track needs, expenses, and items ordered and received. As of the end of December, $674 has been spent. Music costs ($400) has not yet been paid. With anticipated additional purchases (including music, fabric, and paint), it is anticipated that Indoor Guard costs will exceed what is currently budged by approximately $633. A final total should be available in February. It is also noted by Tim Bupp that funds budgeted for indoor percussion will likely not be utilized, as any costs will reportedly be costed by the school district. Jerry Mascaro made a motion from the chair to reallocate the $1000 indoor percussion line item to indoor guard. Motion seconded by Autumn Tyson. After discussion, the motion failed. Theresa Kramer made a motion for up to $700 of the indoor percussion budget line to be transferred to indoor guard for development of the 2023 show. The motion was seconded by Autumn Tyson. Motion carried.
NEW BUSINESS (Jerry Mascaro)
Display case: There has previously been discussion about the purchase of a display case to house music department awards and trophies. It is not clear that SGMB could fund the entire project, and the cost is not yet known. Jerry reached out to directors to inquire about cost, with the idea that SGMB could make a donation toward this purchase. Once information is available, it is suggested that a donation come from the Capital Fund, as opposed to a budget line item.
Scheduling Changes: SGMB understands that SGI is getting 25% less instruction time, which may affect the NAMs application for Best Communities. It may be helpful for SGMB to better understand this and have additional insight from directors.
April 3rd meeting conflict: The April SGMB meeting conflicts with the Disney trip and may impact our ability to have a quorum. Suggestion was made that the meeting be moved back a week to 4/10; the meeting would be held via Zoom, as schools are closed that day. Theresa Kramer made a motion to reschedule the 4/3 SGMB to 4/10 to accommodate the music department trip. The motion was seconded by Rhonda Wastler. Jerry noted this meeting would be held via Zoom only. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT (Jerry Mascaro):
The next membership meeting is scheduled for February 6, 2023 at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held in Room 51 at the high school; a Zoom option will also be available. A motion to close the meeting was made by Rhonda Wastler and seconded by Autumn Tyson at 8:53pm. Motion carried.
Fundraising, Schedules, and Forms & Policies
Concert Schedule
Most concerts are free and open to the community unless otherwise indicated.
2024 Fall Concerts
- Sept. 19th- Spring Grove Band Night @ SG Varsity Football Game (TBA)
- Sept. 28th- SGMB Marching Spectacular 6 pm @ Papermaker Stadium
- Pigeon Hills Strings Festival- Nov. 11th 6 pm @ SGMS
- Paradise Elementary Band & Orchestra – Nov. 12th 6 pm @ PES
- Spring Grove Elementary Band & Orchestra- Nov. 13th 6 pm @ SGAHS
- New Salem Elementary Band & Orchestra- Nov 14th 6 pm @ NSE
- Spring Grove Intermediate Winter Concert- Dec. 10th 7 pm @ SGI
- Spring Grove Middle School Winter Concert- Dec. 17th 7 pm @ MS
- Spring Grove High School Winter Concert- Dec. 19th 7 pm @ SGAHS
*Admission Fee
Marching Band Schedule
Rehearsals: Tuesday and Thursdays 6-8:30 pm beginning August 12th
Visit us at Papermaker Stadium during our Pregame/Post game performances on
- August 23rd
- Sept. 13th
- Sept. 19th
- Oct. 4th
- Oct. 11th
Congratulations to the 2024 Senior Marching Band Members:
Alyssa Beyer, Philip Calder, Maia Dayett, Hunter Ellis, Sophia Fontana, Hailey Graff, Rosemary Lawson, Amberle Meckley, Samantha Schmitt, Poppy Stinson, Katelyn Wastler, Micah Weaver
Why Fundraise?
Supporting your Music Boosters helps your student AND every music student in Spring Grove!
- A percentage of most fundraisers earn money into a student account for all students in 5th through 12th grade. These funds can be used for many things such as: music-related trips, uniform accessories, varsity jackets, instrument rental/purchase, private lessons, music camps, etc. A more complete list can be found in the fundraising policy on this page.
- Participating in fundraisers in 9th through 12th grades will earn you points on your application for the Music Boosters Senior Scholarships.
- Supports SGI's bi-annual music trip.
- Helps the boosters, in general, to fund purchases and offer support to all music programs (new equipment trailer, rolling sound system, generator, Pep band jackets, donations to music festivals, senior scholarships, middle school scholarships, trips, etc...)
These are just a few ways your support helps our students through the Music Boosters organization.
Thank you for being a part of our team!
Fundraising Opportunities
R&K Sub/Sandwich Sale
- Pick up - 2/5/25 3:30-6:30 HS Cafe
- Questions? Contact Nikki Myers - or (717)855-3034
Chipotle Fundraiser Night
- Monday, February 17th 4-8PM
- Chipotle - 32 Wilson Ave. Hanover, PA 17331
- Present the flyer or digital code (7GK7CP2) to donate 25% of your bill to the Music Boosters!
- Click the link to access the Digital Flyer
RaiseRight Gift Cards
Hundreds of gift cards to choose from, at your fingertips, all the time. You'll be earning money on money you were going to spend anyway. You're planning on going to Chili's to eat? Buy an e-card and use it when you get there. Need something at Home Depot? Figure out how much it will be, buy your e-card and use it for your purchase. Have a Starbucks app!?!? Buy your e-card and put your money right onto your app. EASY!!!!! All gift cards have varying percentages of profits earned and that whole amount will be deposited into your student's account at the end of each month. Just follow our directions on the "How to Guide" posted here to set up an account and start earning right away. We encourage you to take advantage of the e-cards as much as possible. Please remember, when purchasing physical gift cards you will need to choose the "Ship to home" option and pay for shipping.
Email if you have questions. And don't forget to download the RaiseRight app from your app store to make purchases easier on the go.
Visit RaiseRight to set up your account. Enrollment code is: CPDFTMDRFJZ5
Weis Markets / Giant / Kennie's Gift Cards
Do you shop at Giant, Weis or Kennie's Markets? Help us earn money just by doing your grocery shopping or purchasing gas. 3% of all purchases will go into the student accounts when they sell gift cards. 2% will go into the Music Booster general fund. What an easy way to raise money! Grocery card fundraising will be on going. Fill out the grocery card order form. Take a picture or scan it with a scan app. Email that picture or scan to Jessie Henning. Questions? Please contact Jessie Henning via cell (717-487-6029).
Printable Forms and Policies
Organizational Documents/Policies
Spring Grove Music Booster NSF Check Policy
Spring Grove Music Booster Bylaws
Spring Grove Music Booster Fundraising Policy
Spring Grove Music Booster Varsity Jacket Reimbursement Policy and Procedure
SGMB Scholarship Award Application - 2025
Student Account Documents
Travel/Permission Slips
Private Vehicle Permission Slip