School Board Meeting Minutes
Approved minutes of all School Board meetings are posted to the District website for public access as soon after members' formal approval as is feasible. An official copy of all approved minutes are signed by the Secretary of the Board after approval and retained in the District's Central Office located at 100 East College Avenue, Spring Grove.
January 13, 2025 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: January 13, 2025 / 7:29 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School LGI Room #242, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. Joseph A. Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent
A Directors’ Study Forum (DSF) of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, January 13, 2025, at the Middle School. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:29 PM following adjournment of the voting meeting, noting eight board members remained in attendance.
There was no public comment.
White presented a memorandum outlining a high school proposal to create a district mascot for consideration. David Dietrich, High School Principal, and Cassidy Krinock and Kara Reed, High School teachers, presented comments and indicated there are 4-5 Lighthouse Leadership students who will make up the Mascot Committee. They distributed mockups and opened the floor to questions. Board members expressed concern over the limited size of the committee and limited samples from which to consider. Reed stated that the group is waiting to hear if the board has an interest in proceeding. The committee will then broaden involvement and move forward. Questions included how the district will pursue funding support, who will be in the costume and how that will be determined, and insurance coverage. Consensus of the board was for the group to move forward, with more people involved.
Bradley referred to a 2025-2026 proposed budget update prepared by Mark Czapp and Jen Leppo. Leppo was present to address any questions and stated the release of the governor’s budget will hopefully not be stalled. There is not a lot of new information available at present. The February 10th Directors’ Study Forum will be the next presentation.
Bradley presented a Tax Collector Memorandum and proposed Resolution for review. The board will be asked to consider approval of the Resolution at the January 27th Regular Voting Meeting, noting there is no recommendation to increase the rate from previous years. Other districts’ compensation schedules were listed for reference.
Dr. Guadagnino presented a list of textbooks for disposal and hopeful resale according to Policy 706.1. The recommendation is to move on from the older version of the Science textbooks and utilize a combination of updated resources in their place, to include textbooks and online licensures. The board will consider approval to dispose of the listed items on January 27th.
A memorandum was presented proposing a conversion from our current facility software (School Dude) to FMX. Bill Stiles reported that FMX handles operations that School Dude manages, and much more, with an anticipated savings of approximately $7,000. Training will not start until the contract is approved and signed. The board will consider approval at the January 27th meeting.
A memorandum providing an update to the Fiber Site Survey was tabled and will appear on the February 10th DSF agenda when Mr. Enck is expected to be in attendance.
Dr. Guadagnino presented two proposed 2025-2026 school calendar drafts for review. Various groups reviewed the two options, overwhelmingly preferring Option A for recommendation. White questioned early dismissal days and District III wrestling in February. Guadagnino stated that half days have been coordinated with the end of marking periods and the semesters, and PIAA sets the dates for District III. Bradley added that when meeting with SGEA, half days were requested for grade preparation and planning for the start of new classes. Option A will move forward for consideration of approval at the January 27th regular voting meeting.
Baum presented proposed revisions to Board Policies numbered 100, 114, and 146 for consideration of a second and final reading on January 27th. Guadagnino reported that these policies are outdated and need revised to meet the state’s changes in language and protocol. The three policies were approved for a first reading on October 28, 2025, and placed on hold at the request of board members. The board will move forward to consider approval at the January 27th meeting.
Dr. Bradley presented proposed revisions to Policy 815.1 related to virtual learning/livestreaming, explaining that teachers have been working with students on how to meet expectations of virtual attendance and completion of assignments. The revisions are non-intrusive to families within the home and have been vetted by Stock and Leader. Barshinger expressed concern that there are no repercussions listed. Bradley stated that tools teachers have for distracted students online do not work the same as students in the in-person setting. Board members questioned language to clarify who is considered present if they can’t “actively” participate. Per Guadagnino, teachers give clear instructions to students on how to complete the work to gain credit for attendance. The board will consider approval of a first reading on January 27th.
The 2023-2024 Spring Grove Area Education Fund annual report was shared as an informational item only.
Dr. Bradley presented a Director of Curriculum position description for consideration, as discussed in previous meetings. Teachers have voiced their support of the position to oversee testing, scope and sequence, curriculum, and help staff. Having evaluated present processes and finding value in the role, Bradley stated that it had been a budgeted position but was stalled and not filled. Due to its importance, Barshinger and Stein suggested it be an Assistant Superintendent position. Bradley stated a commissioned position requires a 3, 4, or 5-year contract. He recommended it be included in Act 93, regardless of the title, which would be determined by the district on the job responsibilities. Shearer acknowledged the need with support, but he does not want additional costs.
Ramsay stated his readiness to move forward and vote so the position can be posted. Baum is supportive of a curriculum person who is familiar with the elementary level. Bradley suggested reviewing the possibility of a net-neutral candidate to the district’s budget, depending upon internal and/or external interest. He reminded the Board that at present, the position description only is on the table for consideration. The notion is that the board would be giving the administration authority to post; however, the debate to open the position can come later. Rohrbaugh suggested the board take time to consider adding the position and discuss it in more detail during an upcoming Board Retreat. The money has already been allocated in the budget. After being posted, the board can consider how the hiring impacts the budget.
Guadagnino presented a memorandum providing quick extracurricular positions update as requested by the board. No action is required by board members. More information will be provided at the February 10th DSF.
A confidential board memo recommending January 27th personnel actions was presented for review.
Guadagnino presented one overnight conference request for consideration and seven major trip proposals. The board will consider approval of all proposals at the January 27th regular voting meeting.
Bradley presented a request for Jeff Laux to participate in an annual PSADA overnight conference. Barshinger requested the administration evaluate overnight costs vs. expenses for Laux to drive daily to/from the conference or consider a cheaper hotel. The board will consider approval of the request at the January 27th meeting.
Stein requested before planning another committee meeting, consideration is made to schedule Mondays as the first line of defense. Rohrbaugh appreciates the candor and open conversations, and added that board members having any issues moving forward should give a heads up before bringing to a public meeting.
Ritz moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 PM. Barshinger seconded. Board members adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Suzanne Sterner, Board Recording Secretary
January 13, 2025 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: January 13, 2025 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. Joseph Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, January 13, 2025, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected eight board members present, with Nicole Wilson absent for personal reasons. There was an executive session held this evening prior to the start of the meeting at 6 PM for personnel and real estate.
There was no public comment.
Doug White reported a Budget and Finance Committee meeting was held on December 11, 2024. He referred to the meeting minutes included as an informational item with this evening’s agenda.
Mr. Stein read a statement related to the December 11, 2024, Budget and Finance Committee Meeting, Board Committees, and the Board Executive Committee.
Rohrbaugh indicated that the president, vice president, and treasurer make up the Executive Committee, which has always been in place. Executive Committee members meet to review the agenda being set and to discuss what is coming up in future meetings.
Rohrbaugh indicated that there has always been an executive board, president, vice president, and treasurer. They review the agenda being set and discuss what is coming up in future meetings. Barshinger took issue at a recent meeting when White stated that the Executive Committee may have met with Dr. Bradley to discuss financial items. Rohrbaugh responded that there was no direction given to Dr Bradley at that time. The executive committee asked Dr. Bradley to review the financial information and provide feedback to the full board, which the minutes accurately reflect. Rohrbaugh encouraged all board members to meet with the superintendent to discuss ideas.
White indicated that things are now beginning to move forward. The board is receiving information that was not received in the past. With the additional involvement of the Executive Committee, things are changing. Getting information at the last minute has not been acceptable. No decisions are being made. Barshinger stated his concern about transparency. Ramsay stated the role of the executive committee.
Ramsay reported a Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting was held on December 18, 2024. He referred to the meeting minutes included as an informational item with this evening’s agenda.
Mr. Stein read a statement related to the December 18, 2024, Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting and the role and meetings of Board Committees.
Ramsay reported that items were discussed at a public meeting and at the committee meeting. Ramsay indicated that the committee meeting did not include a vote.
There was no correspondence.
BUDGET AND FINANCE / For Information Only
Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – December 11, 2024.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS / For Information Only
Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting Minutes – December 18, 2024.
1. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. YMCA OF THE ROSES BRANCH BOARD – Appointment of Mitchell Warner to serve as Spring Grove Area School District’s representative manager on the YMCA of the Roses Branch Board for a two-year term, effective January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2026, following the completion of the merger of SGRPRC with the YMCA of the Roses as of December 31, 2024.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
2. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ritz seconded items included on the attached PERSONNEL REPORT.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Eric Barshinger, Barshinger moved, and Baum seconded the following:
1) TRIP REQUEST – Approval for Kyle Showalter, High School Music Teacher, to accompany two eligible high school students to Lampeter-Strasburg High School, Lancaster, PA, January 24-25, 2025, to participate in the PMEA District Band South Festival.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
CURRICULUM / For Information Only:
Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes – December 2, 2024.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
4. Following a report of the Athletic and Music Committee’s recommendations read by Mike Ritz, Ritz moved, and Baum seconded the following:
1) ATHLETICS / MARKETING INTERN – Approval for Brianah Missouri, enrolled at York College of Pennsylvania Graham School of Business, as an unpaid athletics/marketing intern, effective January 14, 2025, through the 2024-2025 season/school year, following verification of receipt of all required clearances.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 7:29 PM. Barshinger seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Suzanne Sterner, Board Recording Secretary
- December 2, 2024 Reorganization / Voting Meeting Minutes
- November 25, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- November 11, 2024, Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- November 11, 2024, Voting Meeting Minutes
- October 28, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- October 14, 2024, Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- October 14, 2024, Voting Meeting Minutes
- September 23, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- September 9, 2024, Voting Meeting Minutes
- September 9, 2024, Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- August 26, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- August 12, 2024 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- August 12, 2024 Voting Meeting Minutes
- July 15, 2024 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- June 24, 2024 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- June 24, 2024 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- June 10, 2024 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- June 10, 2024 Voting Meeting Minutes
- May 20, 2024 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- May 6, 2024 Directors Study Forum Minutes
- May 6, 2024 Voting Meeting Minutes
- April 22, 2024 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- April 8, 2024 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- April 8, 2024 Voting Meeting Minutes
- March 25, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- March 11, 2024 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- March 11, 2024 Voting Meeting Minutes
- February 26, 2024 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- February 12, 2024 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- February 12, 2024 Voting Meeting Minutes
- January 22, 2024 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- January 8, 2024 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- January 8, 2024 Voting Meeting Minutes
December 2, 2024 Reorganization / Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME: December 2, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School / LGI Room #242, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
School Directors: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
Administrators: Dr. Joseph Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
The Spring Grove Area School District Board of School Directors met for reorganization in accordance with Section 404 of the Public School Code of 1949 and for its regular session on Monday, December 2, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, at 7:00 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed. Roll call reflected nine board members present.
Rohrbaugh announced there was one executive session held since the last sunshine meeting on November 25, 2024, for real estate and legal purposes.
Rohrbaugh called for nominations for a Temporary President for the purpose of reorganization. Wilson nominated Ramsay. Ritz seconded the nomination. With no further nominations, Rohrbaugh declared the nominations closed and Ramsay was elected Temporary President by unanimous voice vote.
Ramsay called for nominations for a Board President for 2025. Wilson nominated Rohrbaugh. Ritz seconded the nomination. With no further nominations, Ramsay declared the nominations closed and Rohrbaugh was elected President by unanimous voice vote.
Rohrbaugh called for nominations for a Vice President for 2025. Ramsay nominated Wilson. Ritz seconded the nomination. With no further nominations, Rohrbaugh declared the nominations closed and Wilson was elected Vice President by unanimous voice vote.
Ramsay moved to approve the 2025 Board Committee lists as proposed. Wilson seconded. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Rohrbaugh concluded the business of reorganization.
Madelyn Little shared a report about happenings and events scheduled throughout the district including, but not limited to Veteran’s Day celebrations, PTO fundraisers, and Book Fairs. 64 students were inducted into the National Honor Society, and the district is currently running its annual Fill the Bus Campaign.
Jamie Tharp, Paradise Elementary Teacher and district resident, thanked board members for being open to staff member’s comments at the previous meeting in support of the Rocket Wellness Center and their approval of the request for Tharp and others to attend an upcoming Federal Programs conference in Pittsburgh. Tharp stated that quality substitutes come with varying backgrounds and encouraged the administration to consider matching substitute assignments to respective qualifications. She congratulated Lisa Bahn on her impending retirement and stated that Bahn and AnJie Doll, resigning HR director, will be missed.
There was no legislative report.
Eric Barshinger reported that at a Curriculum Committee meeting held prior to the start of the voting meeting, there was discussion related to the current and future state of K-6 Math Curriculum. A team of administrators and teachers are looking into options and the committee will receive feedback in January for consideration of next steps.
Rohrbaugh reported that a Budget and Finance Committee meeting is scheduled for December 3rd.
1. Ramsay moved to approve the minutes from the November 25, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting. Wilson seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
A report for November will be included with January 2025 items.
2. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LIST – Approval to disburse December 2024 Accounts Payable checks, with formal presentation of those disbursements in January 2025.
B. 2023-2024 FINANCIAL AUDIT – Acceptance of the School District’s annual financial audit for the period ending June 30, 2024, as submitted by Kochenour, Earnest, Smyser & Burg, Certified Public Accountants.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. MASTER LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN – Approval to place the proposed pickleball court project on the Master Land Development Plan according to specifications presented and recommended by First Capital Engineering, selecting the location based upon proposed attached options (SK-PB1, SK-PB2, or SK-PB3), and to be submitted to Jackson Township for permit consideration, contingent upon any costs associated at the time of awarding the project to be funded through student-initiated fundraising efforts.
Board members discussed scheduling another Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting to discuss the Master Plan with First Capital and Jackson Township. Czapp stated that if submitting the plan is delayed further, it will significantly impact the YMCA’s proposed timeline for opening the Roth Church Road facility.
Shearer questioned the need to complete all projects on the Master Plan before the township would approve any future requests for approval to begin a maintenance facility project. Czapp will reach out to Ray Dietrich at the Township one final time and report back to the board.
Ramsay motioned to amend the action for approval of the SK-PB1 location, contingent upon confirmation from Dietrich. After further discussion, Ramsay motioned to table the action. Ritz seconded the motion to table, which passed by unanimous voice vote. The Master Plan will move forward to the township without the pickleball court.
The board discussed the process for student-initiated proposals. Bradley stated the administration supports encouraging students to advocate for themselves and will continue to work on streamlining a process for them to present requests with the oversight of faculty and administrator advisors.
4. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. SECOND READING – Approval of a second and final reading for the following policies:
1) Policy No. 801: Public Records
2) Policy No. 805.1: Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies
3) Policy No. 805.2: School Safety Personnel
B. YORK COUNTY SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY BUILDING AUTHORITY MEMBER – Approval for Douglas White, School Board Director, to continue to serve as district representative on the York County School of Technology Joint Building Authority for a five-year term commencing on January 1, 2025, and ending on December 31, 2029.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
5. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ramsay seconded action items included in the PERSONNEL REPORT.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Stein presented a confidential memo regarding proposed personnel actions tentative with the January 13, 2025, meeting agenda. No executive session was requested.
6. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Eric Barshinger, Barshinger moved, and Baum seconded the following:
1) Approval for Jason Baker and Kierhan Boyle, High School Teachers, and Justice White, Elementary Teacher, to accompany eligible high school students to Pittsburgh, PA January 3-5, 2025, for the Mock Trial Competition.
2) Approval for Abigail Kirkpatrick, High School Teacher, to accompany qualified PMEA student(s) to Lancaster, PA, January 9-11, 2025, for the PMEA District 7 Orchestra Festival.
3) Approval for Jason Baker and Kierhan Boyle, High School Teachers, and Justice White, Elementary Teacher, to accompany eligible high school students to Philadelphia, PA January 18-19, 2025, for the Mock Trial Competition.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz motioned for adjournment at 7:47 PM. Ritz seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
November 25, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME: November 25, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School / LGI Room #242, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. Joseph A. Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, November 25, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 at the Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected nine board members present.
There was one executive session held since the last sunshine meeting on November 11, 2024, for real estate. There was an executive session this evening prior to this evening’s meeting for real estate and legal purposes.
Rhonda Wastler, President of Music Boosters, provided a summary report and a list of winter concerts. She stated that Spring Grove is the only district in the county experiencing growth in student music programs. Kyle Showalter and Tim Bupp, music teachers, thanked the School Board for its partnership in providing new marching band uniforms after 17 years. Katelyn Wastler and Sophia Fontana, student senior musicians, were at the meeting wearing the new uniforms.
Dr. Bradley recognized Kyle Showalter for his leadership over the summer when he served as Music Director of five Spring Grove Symphonic Band student participants as they traveled to Europe to take part in a 14-day concert tour. They joined a group of approximately 100 students from York and Cumberland County schools who toured and performed in the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, and France.
Bradley welcomed and congratulated Dr. Amanda Brady, third grade instructor at SGE, on earning her doctorate degree in Educational Technology from Walden University. Congratulations were also extended to:
· The High School Competition Cheer Team for placing first in the Dallastown Shut-Down.
· Kyleigh Hinson who was named Division I Player of the Year for the York-Adams League 2024 Hockey All-Stars, and Ivy Bechtel and Kassidy Hinson who were named Division I First Team.
· Ella Bahn who was named Division I 2024 Cross Country All-Star.
· Gwen Barshinger, Allison Keifer, Lovies Koons, Savannah Kosloskey, Savannah Pinder, Talia Smith, Alaina Stauffer, Allison Stonesifer, and Khianna-Lin Vanloo-Howard, who participated in the 17th SweetSoundsations Choral Festival.
Bradley invited Mark Czapp, Steph Kennedy, and AnJie Doll to share a presentation and update on the Rocket Wellness Center. Jennifer Smith-Gonzales with Marathon Health was present to also provide a report. Craig Seelye, New Salem Elementary Principal, stated that from a building administrator’s perspective, there has been a reduction in staff absenteeism due to the convenience of having the center on campus. There is often no need to secure a substitute because staff can schedule appointments during their flex/planning time. Kennedy reported that results from a staff survey reflected approximately 90% of district employees using or planning to use the center, approximately 97% benefiting to their overall health and wellbeing, and the district experiencing reductions in expected claim spending (among other items). Derrick Henning, Steve Perago, Barbara Valencia, Amanda Cooper, and Suzanne Sterner (staff members) shared testimonials about the benefits of the center.
Madelyn Little shared a report about happenings and events scheduled throughout the district that included but was not limited to Veteran’s Day celebrations, PTO fundraisers, and Book Fairs. 64 students were inducted into the National Honor Society, and the district is currently running its annual Fill the Bus Campaign.
Rohrbaugh directed board members’ attention to a memorandum placed at seats regarding consideration of a district mascot. Steph Kennedy, Community Relations Coordinator, requested the board’s direction on pursuing the idea. The High School Culture Lighthouse Team has not spent any funds to date, but has taken the suggestion and began initial conversations, idea cultivation, and researched potential costs and costume considerations. Students in grades K-12 and community members would be involved in the process. Consensus of the board was to have the group share a presentation during the January 13, 2025, Directors’ Study Forum.
Rohrbaugh noted that the 23-24 end-of-year audit was placed at seats, with action to accept the report tentative with December 2nd meeting voting items. Czapp reported there were no deficiencies, weaknesses, or findings noted.
There was no legislative report.
Ritz reported having no quorum at the last meeting. At the Open House, there were approximately 900 possible student candidates. They are discussing adding more buses in the next five years to eliminate 2-hour rides.
Baum reported that there are currently 7 Spring Grove resident students attending YAA, with 4 graduates so far this school year.
Bill Stiles reported that at the most recent SGRPRC board meeting, the merger with the YMCA as of January 1, 2025, was approved. A plan was discussed for timing and movements of the before/after school care program when construction begins. A meeting will be scheduled to continue those discussions.
1. Baum moved to approve the minutes from the October 28, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting, and November 11, 2024, Voting Meeting/Directors’ Study Forum meetings. Ritz seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending October 31, 2024, and moved to approve the report as presented. Ritz seconded the motion, unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Rohrbaugh noted that the Student Activity accounts are now added to the Treasurer’s Report. Jen Leppo indicated that the elementary accounts will be phased out as they do not raise funds.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists, as presented.
Additional Information:
· Cash Receipts / Condensed Board Summary, as of October 31, 2024.
· Payment Register / Student Activities Accounts, as of October 31, 2024.
B. ACCELERATED BUDGET OPT OUT RESOLUTION – Adoption of the attached Resolution certifying that the 2025-2026 fiscal year budget will be funded based on maintaining the current tax rates or increasing tax rates by an amount less than or equal to the Act 1 Index application to the School District of 5.4%, and that the School Board will comply with the rules set forth in School Code §687 for adoption of the school district proposed and final budgets for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.
C. 2024-2025 BUDGETARY TRANSFERS – Approval of the attached budgetary transfers for the first quarter of the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
D. STUDENT ACTIVITY FUNDRAISING ACCOUNTS – Acknowledgement of the attached list of student activity accounts eligible to raise funds during the 2024-2025 school year and having met all requirements of Board Policy #229.
Barshinger thanked Mark Czapp for the updated accounts payable report but indicated that generalized descriptions are not helpful. Czapp stated that such feedback will prove beneficial for the upcoming Budget and Finance Committee meeting. An itemized registry of transactions can be discussed. During the committee meeting, Czapp can also provide more information on charter/cyber-charter invoices. Discrepancies that may appear with billing often depend on the date a student enrolls.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
White thanked Czapp for reporting detailed information to the board. He questioned mileage reimbursement. Czapp replied that it is in accordance with Board Policy.
New Salem Elementary |
10/08/2024 |
2 |
5 |
Paradise Elementary |
10/09/2024 |
1 |
32 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
10/31/2024 |
2 |
57 |
*Spring Grove Intermediate |
10/10/2024 |
2 |
28 |
Spring Grove Middle School |
10/08/2024 |
2 |
22 |
*Spring Grove High School |
10/08/2024 |
4 |
20 |
4. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Mike Ritz, Ritz moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. KRISE BUS/VAN DRIVERS – Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company drivers for the 2024-2025 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
1) James Beall, Jr.
2) Catina Brodbeck
3) Colleen Dougherty
4) Timothy Fezell
5) Carl Hampton
6) Dewinda Knauer
7) Kenneth Smith
8) Robin Sterner
B. FAITHFUL TRANSPORTATION DRIVER – Approval of the following contracted Faithful Transportation driver for the 2024-2025 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
1) Cheryl Springer
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
5. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. ADDENDUM TO SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE/UPDATED TRUST AGREEMENT – Approval of the addendum to the confidential settlement agreement and release as previously approved by the Board of School Directors during the October 14, 2024, voting meeting, to recognize a newly named Trustee to set up a Trust as originally agreed upon by the Spring Grove Area School District and all parties affiliated with the legal matter.
B. SECOND READING – Approval of a second and final reading for the following policies:
1) Policy No. 222: (Students) Tobacco and Vaping Products
2) Policy No. 227: Controlled Substances and Paraphernalia
3) Policy No. 323: (Employees) Tobacco and Vaping Products
4) Policy No. 351: Controlled Substance Abuse
C. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
Donor |
Gift / Grant / Donation |
Beneficiary |
1) |
Codorus Creek Flyfishing Club |
$ 270.00 |
High School Fishing Club |
2) |
Margaret Schlichter |
$ 200.00 |
School Nutrition / Backpack Program |
3) |
Glatco Credit Union |
$ 100.00 |
Rocketry Program |
4) |
Hanover Area Jaycees |
$ 400.00 |
Aevidum Club |
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Wilson seconded action items included in the PERSONNEL REPORT.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Stein presented a confidential memo regarding proposed personnel actions tentative with the December 2nd meeting agenda. No executive session was requested.
7. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Eric Barshinger, Barshinger moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
- OVERNIGHT CONFERENCE REQUEST – Approval for Julie Janusz, Paradise Elementary Principal / Federal Programs Coordinator, Jamie Tharp, Paradise Elementary Reading Specialist, and Amy Fisher, Paradise Elementary Teacher, to attend the PA Title I Improving School Performance Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, January 26-29, 2025.
- NEW HIGH SCHOOL COURSES – Approval of the following new courses at the high school, beginning with the 2025-2026 school year:
1) Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)
2) Digital Applications
3) Student Instructional Assistant Preparatory Class
4) Advanced Placement Language and Composition
5) Sewing 1
6) Sewing 2
7) Family and Consumer Sciences Independent Study
8) Fundamentals of Algebra
9) Independent Study in Music
10) Animal Science
11) Plant Science
12) Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Independent Study – Agriculture
13) American Military History
14) History and Sports
15) Holocaust and Genocide Studies
16) United States History Through Popular Culture
17) Officiating for Team Sports
C. REVISION OF HIGH SCHOOL COURSES – Approval for the following course revisions at the high school, beginning with the 2025-2026 school year:
1) Student Instructional Assistant Internship
2) Child Development
3) Child Care
4) Jazz Ensembles
5) Introduction to Aviation
6) Aviation 1
7) Aviation 2
8) Aviation 3
Barshinger stated concern about how the administration is making sure students are receiving skills expected of a high school graduate. He questioned if there was an appetite for using “Portrait of a Graduate.” Rohrbaugh suggested Barshinger begin those conversations at the committee level.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
8. Following a report of the Athletics and Music Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
1) Approval for eligible members of the following identified teams and designated chaperones to travel to and participate in PIAA District and State Championships at respective locations/dates listed as follows, contingent upon qualifying for the event:
a. Varsity Wrestling Tournament @ Hershey Giant Center, Hershey, PA, March 6-8, 2025.
b. Varsity Swimming & Diving Tournament, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, March 12-15, 2025.
c. Varsity Bowling Tournament, Location TBD, March 14-15, 2025.
2) Approval for eligible members of the listed teams and designated chaperones to travel to, and participate in, the following Interscholastic Wrestling Tournaments at the respective locations and dates indicated:
a. Varsity Boys’ Wrestling, Panther Holiday Classic, Mt. Aloysius College, Cressen, PA, December 13-14, 2024.
b. Varsity Boys’ Wrestling, King of the Castle, Sussex Central High School, Georgetown, DE, December 27-28, 2024.
c. Junior High Boys’ Wrestling, Bellefonte Junior High Tournament, Bellefonte High School, Bellefonte, PA, January 17-18, 2025.
d. Junior High Boys’ Wrestling, Wilson Junior High Tournament, Wilson High School, Reading, PA, February 7-8, 2025.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Stein motioned for adjournment at 8:43 PM. Ritz seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
November 11, 2024, Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: November 11, 2024 / 7:19 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School LGI Room #242, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance:
Dr. Joseph A. Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study Forum (DSF) of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, November 11, 2024, at the Middle School. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:19 PM following adjournment of the voting meeting, noting all nine board members remained in attendance.
There was no public comment.
Mark Czapp presented a memorandum summarizing the 2023-2024 end of year audit, highlighting proposed 2025-2026 budget considerations, and updating ESSER Grant Fund reimbursement information. Czapp reminded Board members that the Health and Safety Plan 6-month review requirement remains in effect until the grant is finalized and closed out with PDE. He presented a copy of the existing plan with no changes recommended. The date will be entered in the grant portal to meet the requirement. The next presentation of the proposed budget is slated for February 2025. Czapp responded publicly to questions received from Eric Barshinger earlier in the day via email.
The Board will be asked to adopt the Act 1 Resolution at the November 25th regular voting meeting.
Rohrbaugh requested to see what proposed tax increases will look like to the taxpayer by projected millage rates.
Czapp encouraged board members to review the documents that were shared at seats and submit any questions. He requested that Budget & Finance Committee meeting(s) be scheduled in the interim of the next presentation scheduled for the February 2025 Directors’ Study meeting to continue to discuss details of proposed revenues and expenditures.
Czapp presented proposed 2024-2025 first quarter budgetary transfers for review. The board will consider approval of the transfers at the November 25, 2024, regular voting meeting. Barshinger asked if more detail could be provided to get a better idea of where money is flowing in and out. Czapp will work with Jen Leppo to determine if other options are available in CSIU. White asked about transfers for uniforms. Czapp will investigate.
Czapp presented a list of Student Activity Clubs for review. Recent revisions to Policy No. 229, Student Fundraising, state that the board will approve clubs for which students can raise funds. The board will be asked to acknowledge the list of existing clubs to be grandfathered in under the new policy. All new clubs will be presented to the board for approval moving forward. Related to fundraising, White requested a list of organizations benefiting from staff contributions to United Way. Czapp will check with Steph Kennedy to see what, if any, of the monies stay within the district.
Czapp invited Chris Enck to present information related to a proposed Fiber Site Survey by Celerity. The future move of the Hoke House presents a possibility of fiber displacement and loss of connectivity at the Middle School. The district currently has an agreement in perpetuity with GS Communications that folded the district into connectivity from the tech center to the middle school building. Having no proof of that agreement, if fiber cables are disrupted during the move of the Hoke House, it could potentially interrupt connection. There is a possibility that the district would have no recourse with the provider, and they would be under no obligation to replace it. Enck will continue to attempt to locate the existing agreement and reach out to Comcast for more information before the board considers acting on the proposed survey at a future meeting.
A memorandum and copy of 2024 Board Committees was shared with board members for review. Rohrbaugh asked that requests for any changes to committee representation be shared with her prior to the November 25th regular voting meeting. A revised 2025 listing will be considered for approval as part of December 2nd Reorganization actions.
In response to questions regarding extracurricular stipends, Dr. Guadagnino reviewed next steps after collecting background information for extracurricular positions using a survey tool. The survey was sent, and responses are due by mid-December. The responses will likely prompt further discussion and possible changes to position descriptions. An update to the board is tentative for January 2025. The board can then decide to take any action deemed appropriate after reviewing the data. AnJie Doll, Human Resources, indicated that personnel actions to appoint advisors are anticipated to begin as early as spring 2025. White suggested redefining some of the positions and groups to address multiple stipend positions being filled by one individual.
Stein presented confidential personnel actions that the board will consider at the November 25th regular voting meeting.
Dr. Guadagnino presented a memorandum outlining proposed new and revised courses for the 2025-2026 school year. Dr. Dietrich, High School Principal, indicated that the high school typically looks for 15 students to be interested in a course to keep it. New courses have a little more flexibility, and AP courses yield lower numbers. The vision is to give students options that, in combination, will meet core requirements. Barshinger questioned Social Studies and how we are ensuring that students are fulfilling required core standards. The easy answer is if they are passing the class. Social Studies is in a “rewrite year” and the high school will look at grades 9-12 to make sure students are getting exposed to all the standards. The board will consider approval of the proposed new and revised courses at the November 25th regular voting meeting.
Guadagnino presented a Title I - Improving School Performance overnight conference request for Julie Janusz, Jamie Tharpe, and Amy Fisher for consideration. The participants were asked to present at the conference, reducing the registration rate. The board will consider approval at the November 25th regular voting meeting.
Jeff Laux, Student Athletic Director, requested the board’s consideration of accepting a York College Marketing student intern in the Athletics Department for the second semester. Laux has provided the opportunity to an intern for the last two years, unpaid and at no cost to the district. The board will consider acceptance of the intern at the November 25th meeting.
Laux presented four overnight wrestling tournaments, and three overnight PIAA district and state championship competition requests for consideration. The board will consider approval of the requests at the November 25th regular voting meeting.
Laux presented comments summarizing the 2024 Fall Sports season and highlighted student athlete achievements from each respective team.
Wilson asked if there was interest in developing a special board committee for the purpose of gathering financial information so the board can consider where to reduce spending, what items can be cut, and how to be more efficient with the budget overall. She stated that this board is not interested in a huge tax increase. Czapp’s recommendation is to begin with the Budget & Finance Committee to look at details and trends as a start. He would like to get a meeting scheduled as soon as possible.
Ritz stated that there is an open house at YCST on Thursday, 6-8 PM. All board members are welcome to attend.
Shearer commented on his appreciation to Mr. Ehrhart and Ms. Walker at the high school who are working with the FFA group and realigning classes to work the club into those classes. Shearer is impressed with the group’s progress.
Ramsay moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 PM. Ritz seconded. Board members adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
November 11, 2024, Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: November 11, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz,
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. Joseph Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, November 11, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected nine board members present, with no absences. There was one executive session held since the last sunshine meeting on October 28, 2024, for personnel and student discipline. There will be a brief executive session for real estate following adjournment of tonight’s meeting.
There was no public comment.
Mr. White presented a Committee Chair report summarizing the November 5, 2024, committee meeting. One of the purposes of the meeting was to decide projects to include on the Master Land Development Plan. Mark Czapp spoke with Ray Dietrich, Jackson Township Zoning Officer, who verified that the secondary road between SGE and the High School was designed and installed correctly. Dietrich confirmed that if the district paves the existing stone road without changing the width, it will not need a stormwater plan and would not need to be placed on the master plan.
Barshinger questioned if all stakeholders have been contacted regarding the SGE road and if the placement is final. Czapp stated that there is nothing additional needed from stakeholders. The one-way road will be gated and only used for parent dropoff. If needed, it will serve as an emergency egress. It could be put out to bid immediately for paving. Lighting would be recommended as an alternate.
White stated the committee also discussed including other options for placement of a pickleball court.
Rohrbaugh shared a thank you note from National Honor Society. She also commented on the beauty of the campuses with the Veterans Day flags. Dr. Bradley publicly thanked Sierra Rhodes, Stephanie Kennedy, and others responsible for the initiative. The Spring Grove Exchange Club provided the flags and student groups at the high school played a large part in their installation.
1. Following a report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. MASTER LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN – Approval to place the following proposed projects on the Master Land Development Plan according to specifications presented and recommended by First Capital Engineering to be submitted to Jackson Township for permit consideration:
1) YMCA Parking Areas (phases 1-3) as discussed at the May 5, 2024, and May 20, 2024, Buildings and Grounds Committee meetings
2) Secondary Access Road at the High School, as approved by the Board at the October 14, 2024, Voting Meeting
3) Secondary Access Road at Spring Grove Elementary, as discussed at the October 15, 2024, and November 5, 2024, Buildings and Grounds Committee meetings, if/as needed
Shearer asked about item two. Czapp stated that First Capital will be finalizing the placement of the road on the Master Plan to be as close as possible to any future road to a maintenance building.
Stein moved to amend the motion and remove item three, the SGE access road, from the Master Plan. White seconded. Motion to amend the action carried by unanimous voice vote.
Vote by roll call on the amended motion carried, with Stein, Baum, White, Wilson, Ritz, Ramsay, Barshinger, and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. Shearer voted against.
Buildings and Grounds Informational Item:
Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting Minutes – November 11, 2024.
2. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. PDE MASTER AGREEMENT RESOLUTION/e-SIGNATUR – Authorization for Dr. Joseph A. Bradley, Superintendent, to sign any and all contracts, agreements, grants and/or licenses (contracts) with the Pennsylvania Department of Education, including through the use of electronic signature, with an effective date of July 1, 2024.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Wilson seconded items included on the attached PERSONNEL REPORT.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Baum moved for adjournment at 7:19 PM. Ritz seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
October 28, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME: October 28, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Intermediate School / Gymnasium, 1480 Roth Church Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. Joseph A. Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, October 28, 2024, in the Gymnasium of the Spring Grove Area Intermediate School, 1480 Roth Church Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected nine board members present.
There were no executive sessions held since the last sunshine meeting. There will be an executive session this evening for personnel and student discipline.
Mrs. Peake, SGI principal, welcomed board and audience members and invited Levi Markle, Student Council President, and Chris Braley, Student Council Secretary, to speak on behalf of the student body. Markle stated his desire to serve as president is to grow leaders at the intermediate level by offering leadership workshops and planning events and activities that better the school environment. Braley stated his goal as secretary is to write things down to support the students and the president in the best manner possible.
Dr. Bradley thanked the SGI administration and staff for hosting the meeting. He thanked student council members for providing a tour of the facility prior to the meeting. In addition to Levi Markle and Chris Braley, special thanks go to Jordyn Reed and Eliana Gibson, student council members. SGI PTO provided refreshments.
Bradley extended the following:
- Congratulations to Lucas Buhrman and Bryan Myers under the direction of Abigail Kirkpatrick for being selected to PMEA District 7 Chorus.
- Congratulations to Burhman and Myers, in addition to other student musicians Levi Altland, Hunter Ellis, Natalie Burkett, Katelyn Wastler, Violet Chidester, Raegan Shrader, and Libbi Brewer, on being selected to participate in the first-ever York County Chorus Festival.
- Congratulations to Landon Frey and Dylan Dittenhafer, Spring Grove resident students who recently achieved the credits necessary to graduate from YAA.
- Congratulations to the following on reaching athletic career milestones:
- Aubrey Zeigler for reaching her 1,000th assist in volleyball
- Alayna Zeigler for achieving her 1,000th kill in volleyball
- Carson Albright for achieving 50 career goals on the soccer field and for being selected as YAIAA soccer league all-star for Division 1 / First Team
- Parker Salemme, Chayton Bridwell, Nick Brant, and Bennett Sterner for being selected as YAIAA soccer league all-stars for Division 1 / Second Team
Bradley highlighted the district’s relationship with Northern York County Regional Police Department and extended appreciation for the two School Resource Officers serving in the district, Officer Kevin Mengel and Officer Mike Hine. Officer Mengel recently testified before the PA House Education Committee, highlighting how SROs are more than just law enforcement, they are mentors, educators and first responders.
October is Principal Recognition Month. Bradley personally thanked the principals for their long hours and dedication to our school district.
Madelyn Little shared a report about happenings and events scheduled throughout our school district that included, among others, Fire Prevention Week at the elementary buildings.
On behalf of the school board, Rohrbaugh thanked SGI staff, PTO representatives and student council members. There was no correspondence.
Bradley presented a follow up to recently passed legislation that allows school districts to create their school calendar based upon 180 days or required elementary/secondary hours. November will provide opportunities for administrators to hear from others who have used a modified schedule.
Ritz reported that YCST proposed a 25-26 budget with a 2.6% increase and presented to the JOC. There are current projects underway, including a CRA feasibility study. The next meeting is November 19th.
Baum reported that YAA has had four Spring Grove graduates so far this school year.
Mark Czapp indicated that though not present at a recent SGRPRC meeting, minutes included discussions concerning renovations at the building, the scope of work to be completed, and an estimated construction time of 275 days to completion. Their next meeting will include training to board members who wish to be a part of the merger with YMCA.
1. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the September 23, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting, and October 14, 2024, Voting Meeting/Directors’ Study Forum meetings. Baum seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending September 30, 2024, and moved to approve the report as presented. Barshinger seconded the motion, unanimously approved by roll call vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists for September 2024, as presented.
Additional Information: Cash Receipts / Condensed Board Summary, as of September 30, 2024.
B. AGREEMENT WITH AMERGIS HEALTHCARE STAFFING, INC. – Approval to enter into agreement with Amergis Healthcare Staffing, Inc., for services outlined in Article III, Nature and Scope of Services, and in accordance with Board Policy #818, at the hourly rate per listed position in the agreement.
C. TAX EXONERATION REQUEST – Approval to exonerate delinquent taxes due on parcel ID number 42-000-HE-0120-A0-M0081, for tax year 2022, in the total amount of $207.96, as requested by the York County Tax Claim Bureau.
White requested additional detail in the payables reports to show where expenditures are allocated. Barshinger concurred. He questioned a recent suggestion to teachers to consider a 20% reduction in expenditures and asked that the administration look at support staff. Stein reiterated he was taken back over a requested change to a budget that was passed by the school board.
Ritz commented that the request came in follow up to Czapp’s proposed 25-26 budget presentation at the last study that reflected an ending deficit. Rohrbaugh concurred, stating it was meant to be a precautionary measure as projections for the 25-26 proposed budget are not reflecting a positive outcome.
Czapp stated that the Business Office is working with building principals and site administrators (Technology, Buildings & Grounds, Athletics) to identify potential reductions in this year’s site budgets. Areas for consideration include repairs and maintenance; building transportation and staff travel costs; general supplies; equipment; food; printing costs. The proposed 20% reduction aligns with historical budget trends, with a focus on distinguishing between essential needs and discretionary items. Further details can be provided during the budget presentation at the November DSF meeting.
Dr. Bradley added that he and Czapp discussed strategies that might reduce expenditures, including a recommendation for all departments to look at their spending by up to 20%. The message was not intended to say a department or teacher would not get what is needed. It was only meant as a prompt to consider how and where the district can save money.
Czapp will work with Jen Leppo to add the requested detail to the accounts payable reports.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion passing by unanimous vote.
Board members adjourned for executive session at 7:32 PM for personnel and student discipline. Rohrbaugh recalled the meeting to order at 7:43 PM.
4. Following a report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved on the following the following:
A. SGE ACCESS ROAD PLACEMENT – Approval to place the proposed secondary access road at Spring Grove Elementary on the Master Land Development Plan according to specifications presented and recommended by First Capital Engineering at the September 23, 2024, Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting, and reevaluated at the Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting held on October 15, 2024, and as supported by the administration and key officials of Northern York County Regional Police Department.
B. PICKLEBALL COURT PLACEMENT – Approval to place the proposed pickleball court adjacent to Spring Grove Elementary on the Master Land Development Plan according to specifications presented and recommended by First Capital Engineering at the September 23, 2024, Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting, and reevaluated at the Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting held on October 15, 2024, with the project to be funded by student-led fundraising and/or procurement of available grants.
Background Information:
Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting Minutes – October 15, 2024.
Barshinger asked if all stakeholders who would use the SGE road have had a chance to comment on its placement. Czapp confirmed the public has access to board reports and minutes. Barshinger also questioned placement and necessity of a pickleball court, unless the district has a team. Rohrbaugh stated there is further discussion needed at the committee level.
Shearer questioned what committees do since nothing is moving forward and believes something should be changed. White agreed. Ramsay suggested a committee report following each meeting. Rohrbaugh agreed.
Wilson motioned to table items A and B. Barshinger seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Rohrbaugh stated that the actions will go back to committee for further consideration.
*New Salem Elementary |
9/27/2024 |
2 |
13 |
*Paradise Elementary |
9/17/2024 |
1 |
52 |
*Spring Grove Elementary |
9/30/2024 |
2 |
23 |
Spring Grove Intermediate |
9/04/2024 |
2 |
02 |
*Spring Grove Middle School |
9/10/2024 |
2 |
11 |
Spring Grove High School |
9/27/2024 |
3 |
9 |
5. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Mike Ritz, Ritz moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. KRISE BUS/VAN DRIVERS – Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company drivers for the 2024-2025 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4.
1) Keisha Collins
2) Sierra Graham
3) Cindy Hatfield
4) Heidi Jackson
5) Laura Mathieu
6) Kenneth Smith
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion passing by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. STUDENT DISCIPLINE – Approval of the High School Administration and Superintendent’s recommendation that the Agreement, Waiver and Stipulation, numbered 2024-2025, #001, and ratified on October 24, 2024, be approved as documented.
B. UPDATES TO BOARD POLICY TERMINOLOGY ONLY – Approval to update local law enforcement agency titles and names of Pennsylvania agencies to which the district is responsible for submitting required and identified reports in the following listed policies, and to forego a first and second reading, with no impact to the content or intent of each respective policy, as discussed at the October 14, 2024, Directors’ Study Forum:
1) Policy No. 218: Discipline
2) Policy No. 218.1: Weapons
3) Policy No. 218.2: Terroristic Threats
4) Policy No. 805: Emergency Preparedness and Response
5) Policy No. 806: Child Abuse
C. FIRST READING – Approval of a first reading for the following policy:
1) Policy No. 100: Comprehensive Plan
2) Policy No. 114: Gifted Education
3) Policy No. 146: Student Services
4) Policy No. 222: (Students) Tobacco and Vaping Products
5) Policy No. 227: Controlled Substances and Paraphernalia
6) Policy No. 323: (Employees) Tobacco and Vaping Products
7) Policy No. 351: Controlled Substance Abuse
8) Policy No. 801: Public Records
9) Policy No. 805.1: Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies
10) Policy No. 805.2: School Safety Personnel
D. SECOND READING – Approval of a second and final reading for the following policy:
1) Policy No. 819: Suicide Prevention, Awareness and Response
E. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
Donor |
Gift / Grant / Donation |
Beneficiary |
1) |
Software Design Solutions, Inc. |
$2,000.00 |
Student Launch Initiative |
2) |
Narayan Venkatesan |
$750.00 |
Team America Rocketry Challenge |
3) |
Timber Ridge Forestry LLC |
$300.00 |
Future Farmers Association |
4) |
The Clippin Corner |
$100.00 |
Future Farmers Association |
5) |
George Langkam and Son, Inc |
$700.00 |
Future Farmers Association |
6) |
K9 Granola Factory |
$100.00 |
Future Farmers Association |
7) |
Codorus Growmark FS |
$100.00 |
Future Farmers Association |
8) |
Carol Daniels |
$100.00 |
Future Farmers Association |
9) |
Miller and Miller Partnership |
$700.00 |
Future Farmers Association |
10) |
Courtney Berry |
$100.00 |
Future Farmers Association |
11) |
Margaret Schlichter |
$200.00 |
Backpack Program and Nutrition Services Program |
Barshinger requested to have only two or three policies at a time.
Bradley clarified that policy maintenance services are part of the district’s membership with PSBA. The administration requests legal counsel to review all recommendations before presenting to the board. The Policy Committee or Policy Chair also review the recommendations before the administration presents to the board for consideration.
White requested an itemized list of student activity accounts individually on the Treasurer’s Report like the format used to list donations in item E. He added that when a major field trip is presented for approval that indicates costs are covered by fundraisers, the student activity account balance should give the board verification there are available funds to cover the expenses.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
7. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Barshinger seconded action items included in the PERSONNEL REPORT.
Stein requested a separate vote on item F-15.
Rohrbaugh requested a separate vote on item G-2.
Baum requested clarification on the head wrestling coach and two additional girls wrestling coaches that were not included in previous memorandums. Board members requested to have future actions identify individuals in new positions and/or positions that were not previously filled to understand where they are coming from.
Vote by roll call on item F-15 resulted in the motion carrying with Wilson, Baum, Barshinger, Shearer, White, Ramsay, Ritz and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. Stein abstained.
Vote by roll call on item G-2 resulted in the motion carrying with Baum, Ramsay, Ritz, Wilson, Shearer, White, Barshinger and Stein voting in favor. Rohrbaugh abstained.
Vote by roll call on all remaining items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
8. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Eric Barshinger, Barshinger moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. LIBERTY UNIVERSITY CLINICAL AFFILIATION AGREEMENT, COUNSELOR EDUCATION & FAMILY STUDIES – Approval to enter into agreement with Liberty University, Inc. and provide district facilities as a practicum and accept qualified students enrolled in the Counseling Program to participate in a clinical experience in our School Counseling Department.
B. LANCASTER BIBLE COLLEGE AFFILIATION AGREEMENT – Approval to enter into agreement with Lancaster Bible College and provide district facilities as a practicum and accept qualified students enrolled in the program to participate in a pre-student and student teaching experiences in their area of matriculation.
1) Approval for Rhonda Wastler, Elementary IST Teacher and Thespian Assistant Director, and Thomas Hunt, High School Math Teacher, to accompany students to the PA State Thespian Conference at West Chester University, West Chester, PA, January 2-4, 2025.
2) Approval for Dan Brenner, Abigail Kirkpatrick, and Kyle Showalter, High School Music Teachers, to accompany eligible high school students to New Orleans, LA, April 13-18, 2025.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Shearer referenced Dr. Bradley’s recent communication and questioned where common spaces are in the YMCA agreement stating they were not yet agreed upon. Bradley indicated that common area usage amounts will not move forward until the figures are brought to the school board by Mark Czapp who represents 50% of the official acting representatives. Bradley further clarified that the YMCA as owner has responsibility for funding the renovations, upkeep, and maintenance of the building.
Stein stated that the board had this conversation before. The board cannot change the agreement with the YMCA, but the board can tell Czapp what they will and will not agree to. The board sets the rules and parameters, and Czapp represents the board at the table.
The binding votes already occurred to approve the agreement. We are now moving forward with signatures. Bradley will see what can be clarified before the final documents are signed.
ADJOURNMENT: Ramsay moved for adjournment at 8:43 PM. Barshinger seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
October 14, 2024, Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: October 14, 2024 / 7:33 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School LGI Room #242, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance:
Dr. Joseph A. Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study Forum (DSF) of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, October 14, 2024, at the Middle School. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM following adjournment of the voting meeting, noting eight board members remained in attendance from the previous meeting.
There was no public comment.
Mark Czapp presented the initial 2025-2026 proposed budget for review and discussion, reflecting an official Base Index of 4%, Enhanced Index of 5.4%, and a deadline of January 22, 2025, for the board to adopt a resolution not to exceed the index. Along with projected enrollment and assessed property values, Czapp presented a 12-year millage rate history reflecting an overall average of 1.66% (compared to a CPI of 2.68%), and a 5-year increase average of .66% (compared to a CPI of 5.00%). The district’s 12-year fund balance history reflected a steady decline. Czapp indicated these numbers cause concern. At a recent meeting, Czapp advised administrators to consider reducing respective 25-26 building and departmental budgets by as much as 20% and to look for savings opportunities in 24-25. Moving forward, the board will be asked to review the 23-24 final audit, 24-25 budget parameters, and factors that influence the proposed budget.
Czapp presented a memorandum and proposed contract with Amergis Healthcare Staffing for review. The agreement would provide contracted services for instructional and personal care aides to work with Spring Grove students placed in specialized classrooms outside of the school district. LIU#12 ceased providing these mandated services to students. The Board will consider approval of the agreement at the October 28th regular voting meeting.
Steph Kennedy presented results of the 2023-2024 Student/Parent/Staff Survey and provided comparisons to 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 survey data. Kennedy also shared national data that showed similarities in responses and areas of concern. Overall, board members were pleased with response rates and positive changes noted over previous years. They directed Kennedy to continue the survey in 2024-2025. This was an informational presentation, and no further action is required of the board. Thank you to Mrs. Kennedy for her efforts on the project and preparation of the data.
Dr. Bradley presented a memorandum and spreadsheet listing proposed revisions to policies recommended for consideration of a first and second reading at future meetings: policies numbered 100, 114, 146, 222, 323, 227, 351, 801, 805.1, 805.2, and 815.1. A second group of policies listed on the spreadsheet are proposed for moving forward to make the necessary changes in law enforcement terminology and reporting agency designation and forego a first and second reading: policies numbered 218, 218.1, 2181.2, 805, and 806. Drafts of each policy were included for review, with proposed changes highlighted.
Addressing Livestream Policy #815.1, Bradley stated that proposed revisions are not meant to punitive. If the district removes virtual days to return to snow days, he cautioned that with any instructional gap, there is opportunity for student regression. Virtual days allow students to stay engaged and assist families by holding firm to the school calendar, but parameters are necessary. The administration will look further at noting absences and distractions / noise in the home section.
White stated concern about mandating what a student wears in their home. He supports returning to snow days. Wilson agreed but also understands that adhering to a calendar for planning purposes is helpful. Is there opportunity to give the parent the option to use the camera? Bradley replied that rigor is necessary. To have the camera turned on and capture the student engaging in the class is fundamental to the educational process.
Ramsay stated there needs to be a balance between what occurred last year and common sense. A standard should be established for what is appropriate behavior and dress. Blurring the background is a step.
Dr. Guadagnino stated that virtual instruction occurs at the K-12 level. Ritz suggested including a question regarding virtual days on the next survey. Stein cautioned a survey without specifics and stated this is an ongoing process. He recommended the administration create a list of considerations with pros and cons.
The administration will continue reviewing options revisions to Policy #815.1 for presenting to the board at a future meeting, and the board will consider appropriate actions for all other listed policies at the October 28th regular voting meeting.
Guadagnino presented a proposed new position description for a Career Counselor and an updated position description for School Counselor for consideration. At the September 9th board meeting, there was a presentation from the high school, which was followed up with a memo on September 18th. Guadagnino explained that next steps include direction from the board to consider approval of the descriptions, advertise for the previous position, or not fill the vacancy.
This added position would allow existing high school counselors to be more proactive to the needs of students while the new position would address career pathways of students which is getting overlooked at this time. Wilson questioned if this is the right time to bring on a new position when there is a need to reduce expenses by 20% at every building. Rohrbaugh commented that there is value in the role, but the timing is problematic. Czapp indicated the district would realize a savings of approximately $150K per year by not filling the current vacancy. Two staff members currently cover career counseling responsibilities. The board paused the discussion and may reconsider after a better overall picture of the 25-26 budget comes into view.
Bradley presented a memorandum for review concerning adoption of a Commissioned Officer Annual Performance Assessment Tool. Following the Personnel Committee meeting on September 18, 2024, consensus was to bring the process and tool to the full board for consideration. The board will consider approval at the October 28th regular voting meeting.
Stein presented a confidential memorandum listing proposed Personnel board actions for October 28, 2024.
Guadagnino presented a Comprehensive Planning update as an informational item. There is no action required by the board.
Guadagnino presented two proposed affiliation agreements for the board’s review and consideration. The agreements, 1) Lancaster Bible College (for school interns) and 2) Liberty University (for school counselor interns), will be included with October 28th regular voting action items for the board’s consideration of approval.
Guadagnino presented two major trip proposals for consideration: PA State Thespian 24-25 conference, and High School Music Department trip to New Orleans. The board will consider approval of the trips at the October 28th regular voting meeting.
Czapp stated that an update and presentation concerning the Rocket Wellness Center is tentative with November 11th Directors’ Study Forum items.
Shearer questioned the middle school being used as a polling place for November elections. Bradley indicated that there will be no students in the building or district on Monday and Tuesday of that week. He will confirm that any intention was a one-year provision only. Czapp stated the county initially requested to use the former middle school, but due to possible YMCA construction, they were looking for an alternate site. The polling stations will be set up in the LGI. Voters will enter at door 11 and exit at door 15. There is no cost to the county for using the facility.
Ritz moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:16 PM. Wilson seconded. Board members adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
October 14, 2024, Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: October 14, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, and Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. Joseph Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, October 14, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected eight board members present, with Eric Barshinger absent for personal reasons.
No executive sessions were held since the last sunshine meeting.
Will Lancaster, North Codorus Township, spoke to policies included on the agenda that show school leadership overreach. Related to School Resource Officers (SRO), he encouraged board members to question how the SRO is being used in the buildings. Related to Livestreaming, he questioned how leadership can mark a student absent for behavioral concerns during a livestream class and how the tech department would assist a student with minimizing background distractions while they are in their home.
Dave Lash, Police Chief with NYCRPD, commented on the proposed access roadway to the rear of the high school. Chief shared his concern about the board’s consideration of an alternate option for a shorter road with egress at a location that would not correct a current safety and security issue. Lash supports the proposed road that would allow emergency vehicles to access the high school and still maintain traffic flow as a secondary egress in and out of the rear parking lot in the event of an emergency.
Andy Edmonds, North Codorus Township, stated his opposition to policy 815.1 regarding rules for dress code and behavioral standards extended into students’ homes during virtual meetings. He believes parents are the authority figure in the home and requiring students to minimize background noise causes undo stress and burden on the parents. This overreach could lead to more invasive actions in the future. Edmonds prefers returning to snow days in place of virtual days during inclement weather.
Travis Shearer, Jackson Township, stated general concerns regarding proposed capital projects and the exorbitant charges by engineers who can increase project costs to make more money from the percentage they earn on the project. The board should have more consideration about project details before calling an engineer. This includes the proposed roads and maintenance building.
Carrie Schmoyer, High School Counselor, was present to support and promote the board’s consideration of the career counselor position. With changes in school counselor duties and roles, Spring Grove is in a unique position to use an existing vacancy to fill a career counselor role that many, if not most, other York County school districts currently have, and spend no additional money to support the role.
White stated his agreement with returning to snow days instead of virtual days.
There was no correspondence.
1. Following a report of Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT – Approval to finalize the iPad unit refresh project and declare 3,102 existing iPads as surplus for resale to AGi Repair for a total of $354,579.04, per the attached quote, in accordance with School Board Policy #706.1.
Chris Enck indicated there may be a slight difference to the estimated quote, but the lease will not be impacted.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
2. Following a report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. HIGH SCHOOL REAR ACCESS ROAD PLACEMENT – Approval to place the secondary access road at the Spring Grove Area High School on the Master Land Development Plan according to specifications of Option 1, presented and recommended by First Capital Engineering at the September 23, 2024, Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting, with support from the administration, District Accident Prevention Committee members, and key officials of Northern York County Regional Police Department, to address ongoing safety and security concerns and to be funded using General Obligation Bonds and General Obligation Note, Series 2023, approved by the Board of School Directors on May 6, 2024.
Shearer stated his opposition to this option, noting he would rather spend money to address academic challenges and test scores.
Wilson requested clarification on the action. Czapp replied it determines if the road is included on the master plan but does not commit the board to the road. Following approval of the master plan, the board determines the project(s) and timing of the project(s) to go out for bid. The board can determine what items of the project can be considered as add-ons. Bids are then opened at a public meeting. The board hears the results of the bids and takes action to award the contract.
Vote by roll call on the motion carried, with Baum, White, Ramsay, Stein, and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. Wilson, Shearer, and Ritz voted against.
3. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Wilson seconded the following items:
A. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE – Approval of the confidential settlement agreement and release, and all supporting documentation, as discussed by the Board of School Directors during executive session with legal counsel from Stock and Leader, district solicitor, on September 9, 2024, and as agreed upon by the Spring Grove Area School District and all parties affiliated with the legal matter.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying with White, Wilson, Ramsay, Stein, Baum, and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. Shearer and Ritz voted against.
4. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Baum seconded items included on the attached PERSONNEL REPORT.
Rohrbaugh requested a separate vote on item G-2.
Vote by roll call on item G-2 resulted in the motion carrying with Stein, Ritz, Ramsay, White, Baum, Wilson, and Shearer voting in favor. Rohrbaugh abstained.
Vote by roll call on all remaining items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
5. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. TRIP REQUEST - Approval for Brian Hastings, High School Science Teacher, to accompany four students to the Aerospace Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, October 27-29, 2024.
B. TRIP REQUEST – Approval for eligible members of the Varsity Golf team and designated chaperones to travel to, and participate in, the PIAA State Championship at the Penn State Blue & White Golf Course, State College, PA, October 21-22, 2024.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying with a unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 7:33 PM. Baum seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
September 23, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: September 23, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School LGI Room #242, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. Joseph A. Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, September 23, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of the Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected nine board members present with no absences.
Since the last sunshine meeting, Rohrbaugh reported two executive sessions held on September 9, 2024, for personnel and negotiations.
There was no public comment.
Congratulations to Lucas Buhrman and Bryan Myers for being selected to the York Youth Symphony Orchestra. Bradley also stated that the Girls’ Soccer Team held their teacher recognition night, when students recognized several influential teachers. To hear why a student selects a specific teacher is unique.
Congratulations were also extended to Giovanni Delaney and Trevor Yohe, two Spring Grove resident students who recently achieved the credits necessary to graduate from YAA.
Camryn Little, High School Student Council Historian, provided a report of activities and upcoming events taking place in educational buildings throughout the school district, and included a note that student clubs are starting up at the Middle School and High School. Little also reported that homecoming activities are scheduled for this week.
There was no correspondence.
Bradley reported that members of the House reconvened today and members of the Senate will reconvene on September 30. He stated that it is wise to keep watching for legislation related to Cyber/Charter School funding and how that will impact our schools.
There was no report.
Baum reported that a meeting is scheduled for September 24. Two Spring Grove students met the requirements for graduation and there are presently six Spring Grove resident students enrolled.
Bill Stiles reported that at the LIU #12 meeting on September 18, the final financial report for 23-24 reflected $200,000 over projected revenue and $60,000 over expenditures. There is $75,000 available for their PCCD grant. Meetings are moving forward with architects for the York Co. School of Technology to include 100,000 sq. ft. of space in the renovation addition for the Learning Center.
Stiles participated in the SGRPRC joint board meeting on August 27th. They are looking to hire for three staffing positions. As the YMCA conversations concerning renovations to the Roth Church Road building continue, the Rec Parks board will attempt to maintain a presence in the building.
1. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the August 26, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting, and September 9, 2024, Voting Meeting/Directors’ Study Forum meetings. Ritz seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending August 31, 2024, and moved to approve the report as presented. Ritz seconded the motion, unanimously approved by roll call vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists for September 2024, as presented.
Additional Information: Cash Receipts / Condensed Board Summary, as of August 31, 2024.
B. 2025-2026 BUDGETARY TIMELINE – Approval of the attached 2025-2026 Budgetary Timeline for preparation, review and approval of the General Fund and Nutrition Services Fund budgets for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.
C. PROPOSED AGREEMENT WITH WELLSPAN MEDICAL GROUP – Approval to enter into agreement with WellSpan Medical Group (WMG) for physician services as outlined in Appendix A of the attached contract, and in accordance with Board Policy #818 (Appendix B), including but not limited to, administrative consultation services to the Spring Grove Area School District at an annual cost of $500, and mandated physicals to District students, as needed, at a cost of $15 per physical.
D. PROPOSED AGREEMENT WITH SPRING GROVE DENTAL – Approval to enter into agreement with Elite Dental Partners, LLC, for Spring Grove Dental to provide dental health services to the Spring Grove Area School District as outlined in Addendum 1 of the attached contract, and in accordance with Board Policy #818 (Addendum 2), including but not limited to, mandated dental examinations to District students, as needed, at a cost of $10 per examination.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion passing by unanimous vote.
New Salem Elementary |
8/28/2024 |
1 |
51 |
Paradise Elementary |
8/29/2024 |
1 |
43 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
8/27/2024 |
2 |
16 |
Spring Grove Intermediate |
Spring Grove Middle School |
8/28/2024 |
2 |
24 |
Spring Grove High School |
8/28/2024 |
4 |
49 |
4. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Mike Ritz, Ritz moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. KRISE BUS/VAN DRIVERS – Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company drivers for the 2024-2025 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4.
1) Denise Gaudiosi
2) Maria Montalvo
3) Brandy Spangler
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion passing by unanimous vote.
5. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. FIRST READING – Approval of a first reading for the following policy:
1) Policy #819: Suicide Prevention, Awareness and Response
B. SECOND READING – Approval of a second and final reading for the following policy:
1) Policy #229: Student Fundraising
C. 2025 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR – Approval of the attached schedule of meetings of the Board of School Directors for the 2025 calendar year.
D. DESIGNATION OF VOTE FOR PSBA OFFICERS – Approval for Mark Czapp, School Board Secretary, to register votes on behalf of the Board of School Directors for election of the following PSBA Governing Board officers to serve in the position and for the term indicated:
1) Sabrina Backer, 2025 President-Elect
2) Matt Vannoy, 2025 Vice President
3) Holly Arnold, 2025-2027 Eastern Zone Representative
4) Nathan Mains, Richard Frerichs, William LaCoff, 2025-2027 Insurance Trustees
E. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) Monetary donations from various individuals and organizations totaling $510, received in memory of Darlene Senft by request of the family, to support the District Backpack Program. Our condolences are extended to the family on behalf of the School District.
2) A monetary donation in the amount of $100 from Christine Eldridge to support the District Backpack Program.
3) A monetary donation from Margaret Schlichter in the amount of $200 to support the District Backpack and Nutrition Services Programs.
4) A monetary donation in the amount of $2,000 from Stambaugh Plumbing and Heating to support the Spring Grove Area High School Link Crew.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ritz seconded action items included in the PERSONNEL REPORT.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
7. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Eric Barshinger, Barshinger moved, and Baum seconded the following:
1) Approval for Lacey Walker, High School Science Teacher and Future Farmers Club Advisor, to accompany eight students to the Future Farmers of America National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, October 22-26, 2024.
2) Approval for Brian Hastings, High School Science Teacher, to accompany the 2025 NASA, SLI and Battle of the Rockets teams to the following tentatively schedule events:
a. Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association (MDRA) in Centerville, MD, October 19, 2024.
b. Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association (MDRA) in Centerville, MD, November 9, 2024.
c. Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association (MDRA) in Price, MD, on a weekend day to be determined in December 2024.
d. Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association (MDRA) in Price, MD, on a weekend day to be determined in January 2025.
1) Approval for Christine Kenney, Home and School Visitor, and Shannon Engles, School Social Worker, to attend the Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) Foster Care State Conference in King of Prussia, PA, October 16-18, 2024.
2) Approval for Nina Fenstermacher, English Language Arts Teacher at the middle school, to attend the 2024 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention in Boston, MA, November 21-24, 2024.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Rohrbaugh announced a brief meeting to discuss buildings and grounds will continue following adjournment.
ADJOURNMENT: Wilson moved for adjournment at 7:19 PM. Ritz seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
September 9, 2024, Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: September 9, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, and Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. Joseph Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, September 9, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected eight board members present, with Mike Ritz absent for personal reasons.
There was an executive session held on August 26, 2024, for real estate, and two consecutive executive sessions prior to tonight’s voting meeting for negotiations and legal matters.
An executive session will resume for negotiations following adjournment of tonight’s Directors’ Study meeting.
There was no public comment.
There was no correspondence.
1. Following a report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. HIGH SCHOOL REAR ACCESS ROAD – Approval to continue the necessary steps for inclusion of a two-way rear secondary access road at the Spring Grove Area High School on the Master Land Development Plan, providing an additional layer of safety and security as recommended by local law enforcement and EMS professionals, with placement according to preliminary specifications presented by First Capital Engineering at the August 26, 2024, Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting.
Shearer stated his disagreement with moving forward and noted the proposed cost for installation of the road is higher than a year ago.
Dr. Bradley stated that the action is to move forward with one two-way road at the rear of the high school, not on the final cost and placement of the road. At some point First Capital will need square footage for storm water management, but that is not the action on the table this evening.
Wilson is not interested in $1.2 million on a road when the maintenance building has not yet been finalized.
Rohrbaugh reaffirmed the action approves the two-lane road, stating it is a necessary action for safety and security. White agreed and noted this will also help when looking at the SGE road to be included in the Master Plan.
Czapp concurred. If moving forward with the YMCA, the maintenance facility, and these roads, they must all be included in First Capital’s Master Land Development Plan to avoid higher costs. Ramsay commented that the district cannot have two construction projects going on simultaneously if the permits are on separate development plans. Czapp also stated that the proposed high school road could be moved slightly, but the plans need to be as close as possible to the actual placement because of the impact to the cost and the stormwater management. Prior to the next Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting, Czapp and Stiles can discuss with First Capital how to reduce the square footage of the road.
Barshinger is not comfortable with the language of the action.
Wilson motioned and Ramsay seconded to amend the motion as follows:
- Approval to continue the necessary steps for inclusion of a two-way rear secondary access road at the Spring Grove Area High School on the Master Land Development Plan, providing an additional layer of safety and security as recommended by local law enforcement and EMS professionals, with placement to be determined at a future meeting.
The motion to amend carried by unanimous voice vote.
Vote by roll call on the amended motion carried by unanimous vote.
2. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Wilson seconded items included on the attached PERSONNEL REPORT.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Baum moved for adjournment at 7:27 PM. Wilson seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
September 9, 2024, Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: September 9, 2024 / 7:27 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School LGI Room #242, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance:
Dr. Joseph A. Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study Forum (DSF) of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, September 9, 2024, at the Middle School. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:27 PM following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rohrbaugh noted eight board members remained in attendance from the previous meeting.
There was no public comment.
There was a district enrollment document placed at board members’ seats as an informational item.
Czapp presented the proposed 2025-2026 Budgetary Timeline for review. The Board will consider approval at the September 23rd Regular Voting Meeting.
Dr. Ludwig presented a proposed School Health Program Physician Services Agreement with Wellspan Medical Group to provide mandated student physicals for review. The Board will consider approval at the September 23rd meeting.
Dr. Ludwig presented a proposed Dental Services Agreement for review to provide dental assessments of students who have not received the required examinations. The Board will consider approval at the September 23rd meeting.
Mark Czapp presented an informational memorandum regarding Everside Health’s transition to Marathon Health. There will be different signage to indicate that change. A presentation is anticipated with November 11th discussion meeting items to share a first-year cost savings analysis for the wellness center. Barshinger questioned if staff are happy with the center and requested real data, including costs to maintain the building and the number of employee visits to evaluate the cost effectiveness for providing the service. Wilson would like to know where we are in the three-year cost projections.
Mark Czapp presented an informational memorandum regarding a transportation opt out option for district families, noting that the district still has an obligation to transport students during inclement weather emergency days. Dr. Bradley stated that the only benefit to an opt out option would be if there were opportunity to consolidate routes. Stein thanked the administration for the information.
Dr. Ludwig presented proposed revisions to Policy #819, Suicide Prevention and Awareness, for review. Many of the updates are related to definitions and reporting agency requirements. The Board will consider approval of a first reading at the September 23rd Regular Voting Meeting.
Mark Czapp presented a proposed 2025 schedule of board meetings dates for review. Barshinger requested additional off-site meetings to outlying educational buildings. Stein requested that students be involved in providing a tour of the building when scheduled. A revised version with alternate meeting venues in January / April / October will be presented for approval at the September 23rd Regular Voting Meeting.
Czapp presented a list of 2025 PSBA leadership positions and slate of candidates for review. The Board will act on the proposed candidates at the September 23rd meeting.
White requested an executive session for personnel at 7:50 PM. Rohrbaugh recalled the meeting to order at 7:54 PM.
Dr. Guadagnino introduced Dr. Dietrich and School Counselors, Chris Fake, Carrie Schmoyer, and Jennifer Dugan, to share a presentation regarding the transfer of a High School teaching position to a High School Counselor position for consideration. The focus of the additional counselor would be career readiness. White questioned the number of counselors at buildings: High School – 4, Middle School – 2, Intermediate School – 2, Spring Grove Elementary – 2, Paradise and New Salem – 1. Barshinger questioned how the other departments are doing at the high school. Dietrich stated that recent hires include certifications in many areas, allowing for flexibility with scheduling. Shearer stated that having looked at the enrollment numbers, another teaching position may be more needed at an alternate building.
Ramsay stated that 75% of graduates attend college. The high school currently has several unique things in place to assist students in finding what it is that they want to do. If we are really going to help students get better placed, there is value to considering the transfer of the position. School Counselor may not be the best title given the potential. Dietrich stated the high school does not currently have a Career Specialist. The goal of the position is to focus on building more opportunities, not to reduce the caseload for existing counselors.
Next steps include further discussion, with consideration of revising the School Counselor position description and creating a new position description to outline the responsibilities for the additional career-focused position.
Dr. Guadagnino presented a memorandum regarding extracurricular positions with their respective backgrounds as an informational item. Moving forward, the administration will be surveying faculty members holding the positions to obtain data that supports stipends for each position. Stein requested adding an element for responsibilities done (activities and planning) during out of school time. More information will be presented at a future meeting.
Stein presented a confidential memo outlining proposed personnel actions for September 23, 2024.
Dr. Guadagnino presented informational memorandums summarizing the Summer Pre-K and Summer School programs. No further action is needed by the Board.
Dr. Ludwig presented a request for Christine Kenney and Shannon Engles to participate in an overnight conference related to homelessness. The Board will consider approval at the September 23rd meeting.
Dr. Guadagnino presented a Nina Fenstermacher to participate in an overnight conference related to English teachers. The Board will consider approval at the September 23rd meeting.
Guadagnino presented five Major Trip Proposals for review: (4) Rocket Launches and (1) FFA Group trip. Baum commented on the different types of experiences provided to participating students. The Board will consider approval of the trips at the September 23rd meeting.
White requested the administration consider adding a pickleball court and suggested looking into grant opportunities to support installation. He suggested consideration also be given to having a school mascot.
Ramsay moved to adjourn at 9:01 PM. Baum seconded. Board members adjourned by unanimous voice vote and entered executive session for continued negotiations discussion.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
August 26, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: August 26, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School LGI Room #242, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. Joseph A. Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, August 26, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of the Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Mark Czapp, Board Secretary, called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected seven board members present, with Rachel Rohrbaugh and Nicole Wilson absent for personal reasons.
Czapp called for nominations of a President Pro Tempore to preside over the meeting in the absence of the Board President and Vice President. Stein nominated Doug White. Ritz seconded. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
Since the last sunshine meeting, White reported that an executive session was held on August 12, 2024, for real estate, student discipline and personnel, and an executive session was held prior to tonight’s meeting for real estate.
Jessica Portz from PSBA presented Doug Stein with a plaque to recognize his 30 years of service as a School Board member.
Rhonda Wastler shared a report of Music Booster activities and upcoming events, including the September 28th Marching Band Spectacular. They are still looking for administrators and board members to assist in presenting awards.
Korry Beard, Paradise Township, presented comments related to a board statement given by Mrs. Wilson at the July 15th meeting. He appreciated the statement and indicated that the public has not been updated on where the board currently stands and how they arrived at a decision addressing Dr. Bradley’s charges.
White indicated that there has not yet been a court case, and the board cannot make anything public.
Bradley thanked Beard for his comments and stated that the situation is a personnel matter being treated with confidentiality. Bradley openly stated he was suspended for two weeks and is following up on actions requested by the board, is looking to repair and rebuild, and to move on.
Beard requested a follow up statement from the board.
Ritz commented that having heard from the district’s attorney, Bradley’s charges are not a fire-able offense. The Board has been witnessing his hard work since that time.
Barshinger made a recommendation for the Board Personnel Committee to create an evaluation tool to use with the current and future superintendents and assistant superintendents that can be presented to the full board and to the public to show an accountability process. Ramsay reminded board members there are evaluation benchmarks included in contracts. Stein, Personnel Committee Chair, will schedule a committee meeting and plan to present a draft evaluation model to the full board.
Dr. Bradley echoed Ms. Portz’s comments to Mr. Stein, thanking him for his years of service.
In July 2024, the Board approved two adult chaperones and two high school students to participate in the NFHS National Student Leadership Summit in Indianapolis. Jeff Laux – Student Athletic Coordinator, Elysia Ehrich – High School Assistant Principal, and Tanner Culp and Chris Velez – High School students, presented comments about their experience at the summit and their appreciation for the opportunity. All attendees took something back to use and implement with their respective groups.
Bradley reported that the Opening Day Program and in-services were well attended. Dave Raymond’s keynote comments were well received. Thank you to board members who were in attendance.
Bradley welcomed and recognized Stacy White, Megan Myers, and Holly Strait as outstanding staff members for 24-25, and presented each with a floral arrangement. Rhonda Priest was also recognized, though not in attendance.
He concluded his comments by congratulating this year’s inductees into the Athletic Hall of Fame at Friday’s event. He noted the outstanding job by Kyle Showalter and the marching band.
There was no correspondence.
Bradley reported that Act 89 / SB1150 was signed by Governor Shapiro establishing a Grow PA Scholarship Grant Program offering grants for students attending a PA college who are pursuing a degree in a high-demand occupation, such as School Counseling.
Rodney Shearer reported that approximately 1,000 students are on a waiting list. YCST recently signed an agreement with CRA to determine if space can be added to the existing building. Spring Grove currently has 133 students attending.
Baum reported a teacher in-service was held August 12th through 16th, with students returning August 19th. The next meeting is scheduled for August 27th.
Czapp reported that the Buildings and Grounds Committee met this evening prior to the board meeting. First Capital was there to give a few options for the high school rear access road and provide a very brief update to the status of the maintenance facility. Additional information will be coming to the Board at future meetings, including an action item at the September 9th DSF.
Barshinger referred to scorer’s tables and chairs presented at the facilities walkthrough that were on the docket to be repaired and questioned if those repairs could be paid for by Athletic Boosters or the Gary Gault fund. Czapp indicated that once a donation is received by the school district, the district assumes ownership and responsibility according to Board Policy. Czapp stated the table and chairs will be repaired, and will consider conversations with school-affiliated organizations regarding partnership opportunities with future purchases.
1. Baum moved to approve the minutes from the July 15, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting, and August 12, 2024, Voting Meeting/Directors’ Study Forum meetings. Ritz seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. Ramsay presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending July 31, 2024, and moved to approve the report as presented. Ritz seconded the motion, unanimously approved by roll call vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Ben Ramsay, Ramsay moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists for August 2024, as presented.
Additional Information:
· Cash Receipts / Condensed Board Summary, as of July 31, 2024.
B. TAX EXONERATION REQUEST – Approval to exonerate the Spring Grove Area School District from tax bill number 004748, dated 07/15/2024; parcel ID number 33000FF0094A000000, for 2024-2025 School Real Estate taxes due in the face amount of $5,159.69.
C. 2024-2025 FUND RAISING ORGANIZATIONS – Approval for students and/or staff to raise funds toward support of the organizations reflected on the attached list, during the 2024-2025 school year, in accordance with Board Policy #229.
D. AMENDMENT TO EXISTING OSS AGREEMENT – Approval of the attached Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Orthopaedic Hospital, LLC d/b/a OSS Health, (original agreement ratified by the Board on June 26, 2023) to include staffing for student athlete pre-participation physicals, when needed.
E. 2023-2024 BUDGETARY TRANSFERS – Approval of the attached budgetary transfers for the 2023-2024 fiscal year and for the Business Office to perform all year-end budgetary transfers, make necessary revisions to the district fund budget upon the auditors’ final adjustments to financial records, and assign fund balance amounts in accordance with PA School Code and PA Department of Education regulations.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion passing by unanimous vote.
4. Following a report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee’s recommendations read by Rodney Shearer, Shearer moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. 2024-2025 WAIVER OF RENTAL FEES – Approval for organizations included on the attached list to be considered eligible for waiver of rental fees for usage of facilities during the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion passing by unanimous vote.
New Salem Elementary |
7/16/2024 |
0 |
38 |
Paradise Elementary |
7/25/2024 |
0 |
31 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
7/25/2024 |
0 |
43 |
Spring Grove Intermediate |
7/24/2024 |
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47 |
Spring Grove Middle School |
7/10/2024 |
1 |
34 |
Spring Grove High School |
7/17/2024 |
4 |
56 |
5. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Mike Ritz, Ritz moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. 2024-2025 BUS ROUTES – Approval of proposed student bus routes for the 2024-2025 school year.
B. KRISE BUS/VAN DRIVERS – Approval of the attached list of contracted Krise Bus Company drivers for the 2024-2025 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion passing by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. FIRST READING – Approval of a first reading for the following policy:
1) Policy #229: Student Fundraising
B. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) A monetary donation in the amount of $200 from Margaret A. Schlichter to support the District Nutrition Services Department and Backpack Program.
2) A monetary donation in the amount of $1,000 from Aerospace Industries Association to support the District Rocketry Program.
3) Donation of a Book Box and Storage Unit from the SGE PTO to be placed on the campus at Spring Grove Elementary at locations determined most appropriate by the administration.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
7. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ritz seconded action items included in the PERSONNEL REPORT.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Bradley welcomed and introduced McKenna Laughman as the district’s newest Rocket staff member.
8. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Eric Barshinger, Barshinger moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN – Approval of the attached School Improvement Plan to be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) on behalf of Paradise Elementary following designation by PDE as a Targeted Support and Improvement school.
B. OVERNIGHT CONFERENCE REQUEST – Approval for Dr. Joseph Bradley, Superintendent, to attend the 2024 Fall LIU Superintendent Symposium themed “The Superintendent as A Moral and Intellectual Leader” at the Omni Bedford Springs Resort, Bedford, PA, September 25-27, 2024.
C. COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT WITH MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY – Approval to enter into the attached collaborative Dual Enrollment Agreement with Millersville University and provide eligible high school students with the opportunity to enroll and participate in undergraduate courses offered by the University at a reduced tuition rate for enrollment and be awarded post-secondary credit through the University’s Registrar’s Office.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Baum mentioned 4th grade computation scores at Paradise with the School Improvement Plan and questioned if there is something similar for other buildings. Baum stated that when it comes to Math, it seems that a comprehensive plan is lacking. Guadagnino stated there is data for other buildings, and if the Board wishes to look at another math curriculum, it should be sooner than later and would mean veering from the regular curriculum cycle. Barshinger requested to know what curriculum is being considered.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 8:05 PM. Baum seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
August 12, 2024 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: August 12, 2024 / 7:10 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School LGI Room #242, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. Joseph A. Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study Forum (DSF) of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, August 12, 2024, at the Middle School. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rohrbaugh noted eight board members remained in attendance from the previous meeting.
There was no public comment.
Mark Czapp presented a request to exonerate collection of tax on property owned by the school district. The Board will consider approval at the August 26th Regular Voting Meeting.
Czapp presented the 2024-2025 proposed listing of approved organizations to conduct student fundraisers. The Board will consider approval of the listing at the August 26th Voting Meeting.
Czapp presented a proposed addendum to an existing agreement with OSS to include services for pre-participation athletic physicals. The Board will consider approval at the August 26th Regular Voting Meeting.
Czapp presented a list of PDE-required budgetary transfers for consideration of approval at the next meeting.
A brief update was provided by Mark Czapp and Bill Stiles related to ongoing campus projects and a recent facilities walkthrough held on August 10th. Barshinger inquired about high school scoring tables and chairs as discussed at the walkthrough. White asked if there was opportunity to repurpose the outdated equipment. Pictures and/or videos will be shared out with all Board members in a future correspondence and will be added as a discussion item at the next Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting.
Czapp presented a proposed list of 2024-2025 organizations for waiver of use of facilities fees. Barshinger inquired about waiving facility fees for universities and sports clubs for students included on the list. Czapp explained the District partners with listed colleges to provide employees a credit rate reduction and with feeder clubs and programs to support students. The fee waived is limited to use of the building; any material costs to the district are invoiced. The Board will consider approval at the August 26th meeting.
Mike Ritz presented proposed 2024-2025 transportation routes and Krise drivers for review. The Board will consider approval at the August 26th Regular Voting Meeting. Czapp noted that at present, all routes are fully staffed. Wilson inquired about opportunity to reduce costs in this area by looking into opt-out opportunities by families for district transportation.
Baum re-presented Policy #229, Student Fundraising, for review. Czapp noted that following a recent Policy Committee meeting, the proposed policy revisions were discussed at length, and it was determined that the policy should be reintroduced at the next discussion meeting for consideration. The Board will be asked to consider approval of a First Reading at the August 26th voting meeting.
Doug Stein presented two confidential memorandums outlining proposed personnel actions to be considered for approval at the August 26th Regular Voting Meeting.
The Board recessed for executive session to discuss personnel at 7:31 PM.
Mrs. Rohrbaugh recalled the meeting to order at 8:00 PM.
Dr. Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, and Dr. Dietrich, High School Principal, presented an initial review of 2024 PSSA/Keystone assessment results. Barshinger questioned declining Advanced/Proficient numbers and asked about teachers’ attention being focused on those students, minimizing high-end students’ needs. Wilson stated with these results being the only data point shared with the School Board, there would appear to be structural changes needed for consideration. Dr. Guadagnino will determine additional markers that are conducted “in-house” to provide to the Board.
Guadagnino presented a Curriculum Chart listing cycle years (with Social Studies, Music, School Counseling, and FCS on the docket as a curriculum re-write this school year), and a Curriculum Handbook for the Board’s information. In November, new course proposals will be presented for consideration. This is an informational item for Board members, and no action is required.
Guadagnino presented the Proposed School Improvement Plan for Paradise Elementary for review and consideration. He noted the two areas of priority as scoring and attendance. The Board will consider approval at the August 26th meeting.
Guadagnino presented a proposed Dual Enrollment Agreement with Millersville University for review. The Board will consider approval at the August 26th meeting. Additional information included a listing of all current partnership agreements with universities/colleges to give an overview of opportunities provided to students and staff.
Dr. Bradley presented a request for an overnight conference to participate in the bi-annual Superintendents Symposium. The Board will consider approval at the August 26th Regular Voting Meeting.
White stated his disappointment in the usage of the color black used to replace sections of the High School Gymnasium floor as well as recently ordered athletic uniforms. He questioned the change, reiterated the school colors are blue and white, and requested the black be changed back to blue.
Shearer requested information on the purchase of the High School Stadium Scoreboard and how much has been covered through sponsorships. The administration will provide an update to the Board.
Rohrbaugh reminded Board members that an executive session is scheduled following adjournment.
Baum moved to adjourn at 8:46. Ritz seconded. Board members adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
August 12, 2024 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: August 12, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, and Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. Joseph Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, August 12, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected eight board members present, with Ben Ramsay absent for personal reasons.
There was an executive session held at 6:00 PM prior to the voting meeting for real estate and personnel discussions.
There was no public comment.
There was no correspondence.
1. Wilson motioned to take from the table a second and final reading of Policy #815 and the proposed 2024-2025 Student/Parent Handbook, action items tabled at the July 15, 2024, regular voting meeting, and reconsider the actions as part of August 12th policy items.
Background Information: Minutes from the August 5th Board Policy Committee Meeting are linked HERE.
Baum seconded the motion, approved by unanimous voice vote.
2. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE – Approval of the updated confidential settlement agreement and release as documented and reviewed by the Board of School Directors during executive session on August 12, 2024, and as agreed upon by the Spring Grove Area School District and all parties affiliated with the disciplinary matter.
B. SECOND READING – Approval of a second reading for the following policy:
1) Policy 815: Responsible Use of Internet, Computers, and Network Resources
C. 2024-2025 STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK – Approval of the attached Code of Student Conduct and General Operating Procedures, in accordance with Board Policies to be included in the Core Section of the 2024-2025 Student/Parent Handbook, relevant to all students at the K-12 educational levels.
Wilson stated that existing concerns related to livestreaming issues last year, and procedures included in the Student/Parent Handbook, prompt a review of Policy 815.1 as a priority. Karen Baum will call for another Policy Committee meeting as soon as possible.
3. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Wilson seconded items included on the attached PERSONNEL REPORT.
Vote by roll call on all remaining items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Dr. Bradley welcomed and introduced Kyle Lehman and Greg Hess, meeting attendees, as two of the District’s most recent Rocket staff members.
ADJOURNMENT: Baum moved for adjournment at 7:10 PM. Ritz seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
July 15, 2024 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: July 15, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School Auditorium, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. Joseph A. Bradley, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, July 15, 2024, in the Auditorium of the Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove. Nicole Wilson, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected eight board members present, with Rachel Rohrbaugh absent for personal reasons.
Since the last sunshine meeting, Wilson reported the following executive sessions were held: June 24, 2024, for real estate purposes; July 3, July 8, July 10, 2024, and this evening prior to the regular voting meeting, July 15, 2024, for personnel reasons.
Dr. Bradley shared a public statement related to his recent charges.
Nicole Wilson made a public statement on behalf of the School Board, then opened the floor for public comment.
Korry Beard, Paradise Township, called upon the School Board to take swift action against Dr. Bradley related to recent charges and hold him accountable. Acts associated with the charges are not commensurate with the superintendent’s position.
Kayla Zorbaugh, Jackson Township resident and parent, spoke to the superintendent’s recent charges. Doing nothing is not an option and shows no accountability. Students and community members are watching the Board’s actions.
Alden Miller, 2021 Spring Grove graduate, stated the superintendent’s actions are not those appropriate of a superintendent and stated he should resign.
Emily Miller, Jackson Township and alumnus, stated that the 1993 yearbook included a dedication to a classmate killed along with family members by a drunk driver. The superintendent’s recent actions need to be taken seriously.
Amy Zaleski reiterated previous comments. She thanked Dr. Bradley for his stated apology; but stated the district needs a better role model.
Erin Goodling, district alumnus, parent, and educator in a neighboring district, shared her empathy with the superintendent’s situation, but questioned his decision-making skills to exercise good judgement with students.
Joel Barger stated that the superintendent’s charges are deeply troubling. While empathetic, the situation could have been worse, and people / children were put in danger. The community is taking the charges seriously and suggested that he walk away.
Becky Strouse, Heidelberg Twp. parent, stated the superintendent’s recent actions should not be left unchecked.
Ada Miller, high school student, recently got her permit and stated the superintendent showed horrible judgment. His decision goes against what students are taught in school, stated he is not a good role model and should resign.
Cheryl Bahn, parent and grandparent, stated the superintendent should accept responsibility for his actions and submit his resignation. If not tendered, the priority of the Board should be to request his resignation and make a decision in the best interests of the community and students.
Brittany White, resident, spoke to the superintendent’s recent charges and asked what the Board is going to do to regain the trust of the community.
Shawn Carbaugh, Heidelberg Twp. resident, stated that community members elect School Board members. It was the Board who hired the superintendent despite complaints, and the community is speaking again, asking the superintendent to step down and watching the Board’s actions.
Sherri Reed, foster parent in the district, stated many children come with a lot of problems. They are held accountable for their actions and behavior. The superintendent should be responsible for his actions and resign.
Amy Burhman, Paradise Twp. and Music Booster member, stated the Board was not transparent during the hiring process of the superintendent, and the right thing to do with the current situation is accept his resignation.
There was no response.
Dr. Bradley thanked everyone for their comments, which he has heard and will be taking under consideration.
Dr. Bradley shared the following congratulations:
- To Laila Campbell and Michael Hershey – each selected as GameTimePA YAIAA’s selection as Athletes of the Year.
- Central Penn Business Group on Health’s recognition of the District as recipient of the Most Innovative Workplace Wellness Program Award.
Wilson reminded Board members about the PSBA Delegate Assembly and a sign-up sheet for upcoming Back-to-School Nights and Orientations.
Bradley stated that the State Budget has been signed and thanked Senator Phillips-Hill and Representative Klunk and stated the fair funding formulas reflect increases in Basic Ed and Special Ed. Mark Czapp and others will be learning more in the coming days and its impact to Spring Grove. SB 700 was proposed for cyber/charter schools to be more transparent with advertising and tuition requirements.
Rodney Shearer stated that at a meeting held on June 27th, it was reported that the hiring process is going well, and an update was given on career camp that included workshops open to 7th an 8th-graders to get a feel for what is offered to help with a decision about enrollment. They will not have a live meeting in August.
There was no report.
Czapp reported that a Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting took place on July 8th. Minutes are part of the agenda as an informational item. Stiles and Czapp will be following up on items requested by the Board at that meeting.
1. Ritz moved to approve the minutes from the June 24, 2024, Regular Voting/Directors’ Study Forum meetings. Baum seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending June 30, 2024, and moved to approve the report as presented. Ramsay seconded the motion, unanimously approved by roll call vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists for July 2024, as presented.
Additional Information:
Cash Receipts / Condensed Board Summary, as of June 30, 2024.
B. PROPOSAL TO ENGAGE SMARTFUTURES – Approval to engage SmartFutures in place of Naviance to fulfill its Career Readiness Standards and meet PA Future Ready requirements in the collection of artifacts and evidence of college and career planning activities for grades K-12, at a savings of $6,000 per year for a cost of $12,000 per the attached quote, effective with the 2024-2025 school year.
C. SCHOOL PHYSICIAN FOR MANDATED SCHOOL PHYSICALS – Approval to engage Stephanie J. Ellwood, D.O., Wellspan Family Medicine, 105 4th Avenue, East Berlin, PA, during the 2024-2025 school year, as needed, to complete mandated student physical examinations.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion passing by unanimous vote.
New Salem Elementary |
6/03/2024 |
0 |
24 |
Paradise Elementary |
6/25/2024 |
0 |
31 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
6/25/2024 |
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21 |
Spring Grove Intermediate |
6/26/2024 |
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50 |
Spring Grove Middle School |
6/03/2024 |
0 |
26 |
Spring Grove High School |
6/27/2024 |
3 |
49 |
4. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. SECOND READING – Approval of a second reading for the following policies:
1) Policy 815: Responsible Use of Internet, Computers, and Network Resources
2) Policy 903: Public Comment in Board Meetings
B. 2024-2025 STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK – Approval of the attached Code of Student Conduct and General Operating Procedures, in accordance with Board Policies to be included in the Core Section of the 2024-2025 Student/Parent Handbook, relevant to all students at the K-12 educational levels.
C. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) A monetary donation in the amount of $100 from VFW Post 5265 to support Odyssey of the Minds.
2) A monetary donation in the amount of $500 from Republican Club of Hanover to support Odyssey of the Minds.
3) A monetary donation in the amount of $200 from Dan and Bernadette Snook to support the District Marching Band.
Shearer motioned to table item B. Ramsay seconded. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
Ramsay motioned to table item A-1. Ritz seconded. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
Vote by roll call on all remaining items (A-2 and C-1,2,3) resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
5. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ramsay seconded action items included in the PERSONNEL REPORT.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Bradley welcomed and introduced Loni Kress as newest Rocket staff member.
6. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Eric Barshinger, Barshinger moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. OVERNIGHT CONFERENCE REQUEST – Approval for Jeff Laux and Elysia Ehrich as adult chaperones to accompany two selected high school students, Tanner Culp and Christopher Velez, to the NFHS National Student Leadership Summit in Indianapolis, Indiana, July 22-25, 2024.
B. OVERNIGHT CONFERENCE REQUEST – Approval for David Dietrich to participate in the five sessions of the Leader of Leaders Collaborative cohort, listed as follows, sponsored by the PA Principals Association and the Schlechty Center, on the corresponding dates:
· July 23-25, 2024 @ the U.S. Army War College
· September 25, 2024 / Virtual Session
· November 6-8, 2024 @ Ignite Institute
· February 19, 2025 / Virtual Session
· June 17-19, 2025 @ a location TBD
C. RESCIND 2024-2025 DENTAL HYGIENE PROGRAM, K-12, BOARD ACTION – Rescind the March 25, 2024, Board approval to provide a comprehensive Dental Hygiene Services Program in the Spring Grove Area School District following the receipt of a resignation from Karla McCleary, Dental Hygienist.
D. 2024-2025 MANDATED DENTAL PROGRAM – Approval to implement a Mandated Dental Program in the Spring Grove Area School District, beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, and provide mandated dental screenings through the services of a Public Health Dental Hygiene Practitioner, with Dr. Popernack serving as Dentist of Record as required under Act 55.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Ramsay moved for adjournment at 8:03 PM. Barshinger seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
June 24, 2024 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: June 24, 2024 / 7:17 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area High School Integrated Arts Center (IAC), 1490 Roth Church Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study Forum (DSF) of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, June 24, 2024. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:44 PM following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rohrbaugh noted eight board members remained in attendance from the previous meeting.
There was no public comment.
Doug White presented a request for the Board’s consideration of engaging SmartFutures in place of Naviance to better fulfill Career Readiness Standards and meet PA Future Ready requirements. Dr. Ludwig and Chris Enck explained that SmartFutures provides a more efficient platform to enhance the collection of artifacts and evidence of college and career planning activities for grades K-12. Enck noted district will net a cost savings of $6,000. The Board will consider approval at the July 15th Regular Voting meeting to engage SmartFutures effective with the 2024-2025 school year.
Dr. Ludwig presented a request for the Board’s consideration of engaging Stephanie J. Ellwood, D.O., as School Physician for 2024-2025 school year. The Board will consider approval at the July 15th meeting.
A brief update was provided by Mark Czapp and Bill Stiles related to ongoing campus projects as an informational item. There is no action requested of the Board in follow up.
Dr. Ludwig presented a draft of the proposed core section of the 2024-2025 Student/Parent Handbook and Code of Student Conduct for review. Dr. Ludwig confirmed that concerns related to livestreaming that have been presented in recent policy revision recommendations have been taken into consideration when developing handbook language. The Board will consider approval at the July 15th regular voting meeting.
Dr. Guadagnino revisited the draft of the Director of Curriculum and Instruction position description with additional comments noted by the Board, received following the June 10th meeting for discussion. Board members questioned a need for the position and requested the administration collect additional information related to the current K-12 Assistant Superintendent in addition to pulling previous K-6 and 7-12 Assistant Superintendent positions for review. The position will be reconsidered at a future Board meeting in the fall.
Doug Stein presented a confidential memorandum listing proposed personnel actions to be considered for approval at the July 15th regular voting meeting.
Wilson presented an overnight National Student Leadership Summit conference request for review and consideration. The Board will consider approval of the July request at the July 15th regular voting meeting.
Dr. Guadagnino stated that the District is required to prepare and submit its next three-year Comprehensive Plan to PDE and presented a proposed timeline for the Board’s information. The next step in the process is to establish District Steering Committee and Building Committees. Guadagnino will be reaching out to board members for their consideration of involvement and will keep board members apprised of progress in the plan’s development in the future. No action is requested by the Board currently.
Dr. Ioannidis reported little change to kindergarten enrollment numbers since his last update in April. Currently, there are 186 enrolled, with 278 first grade students anticipated for 2024-2025.
Rohrbaugh reminded Board members to be thinking about dates for the annual Board Retreat and Facilities Walkthrough. She also noted there will be an executive session for real estate following adjournment of tonight’s meeting.
Ritz moved to adjourn at 8:33. Barshinger seconded. Board members adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
June 24, 2024 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: June 24, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area High School Integrated Arts Center (IAC), 1490 Roth Church Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, June 24, 2024, in the Integrated Arts Center of the Spring Grove Area High School, 1490 Roth Church Road, Spring Grove. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected eight board members present, with Ben Ramsay absent for personal reasons.
Rohrbaugh reported no executive sessions since the last sunshine meeting. There will be an executive session held this evening following adjournment of the discussion meeting for real estate purposes.
Adam Marsh, Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund President, spoke about this year’s scholarships awarded to eligible Spring Grove Area High School seniors totaling more than $150,000. He commented on the positive experiences he has encountered while serving as the organization’s president and stated that Dave Renaut has been elected to serve as his successor. He wished Dr. Ioannidis well on his impending retirement.
Dr. Ioannidis shared the following congratulations:
- To Mason Baumgardner on taking first place in the PeoplesBank/Investing Challenge for York County under the direction of Nicci Riser.
- To the Middle School Odyssey of the Mind team students Brock Gorham, Nolan Bales, Jacob Hamilton, David Alvarez-Chavez, Keifer Lorey, and Kayden O’Quinn, who, under the direction of Sherry Stambaugh, placed third in the United States and crushed it at the world finals by placing ninth overall.
- To the eSports Overwatch 2 Team students Charles Stewart, Ethan Crawford, Evan Xiao, Liam McMaster, and Sarah Heikes, coached by Josh Graham, who finished in the top four in Pennsylvania Interscholastic Esports Association.
Rohrbaugh read a statement received from Stock and Leader, Attorneys at Law, extending heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Ioannidis on his retirement. They complimented his integrity, compassion and sense of humor, and noted appreciation for his friendship and partnership over the past 15 years.
Ioannidis reported there are several bills in the House and Senate for consideration that may impact PA school districts, most notably cyber/charter and fair funding reform.
Mike Ritz reported on YCST activities.
There was no report.
1. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the May 20, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting, and the June 10, 2024, Voting/Directors’ Study Forum meetings. Ritz seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending May 31, 2024, and moved to approve the report as presented. Baum seconded the motion, unanimously approved by roll call vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Wilson seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists for June 2024, as presented.
Additional Information:
- Cash Receipts / Condensed Board Summary, as of May 31, 2024.
B. DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT – Approval to move forward with the iPad unit refresh project and declare 1,382 existing iPads as surplus for resale to AGi Repair for $207,090, with an additional $5 account credit per device, for a total of $214,000 per the attached quote, in accordance with School Board Policy #706.1.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion passing by unanimous vote.
4. Following a report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. BYLAWS FOR CONDOMINIUM AGREEMENT – Adoption of the attached Roths Church Road Condominium Association, Inc. Bylaws representing the structure of the Condominium Agreement
B. ROTHS CHURCH ROAD CONDOMINIUM AGREEMENT – Approval to submit the school district’s real estate located at 1480 Roths Church Road, Parcel ID No. 33-000-GF-0064.00-00000, including the building and all other improvements erected within or upon the, subject to all easements, rights, agreements, restrictions and appurtenances thereto, to the provisions of the Pennsylvania Uniform Condominium Act per the attached agreement, to create a commercial condominium to be known as the Roths Church Road Condominium.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion passing by unanimous vote.
New Salem Elementary |
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Paradise Elementary |
5/20/2024 |
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Spring Grove Elementary |
5/23/2024 |
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Spring Grove Intermediate |
5/09/2024 |
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Spring Grove Middle School |
5/13/2024 |
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Spring Grove High School |
5/29/2024 |
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3. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. FIRST READING – Approval of a first reading for the following policies:
1) Policy 229: Student Fundraising
2) Policy 815: Responsible Use of Internet, Computers, and Network Resources
3) Policy 903: Public Comment in Board Meetings
B. YORK ADAMS ACADEMY JOINT OPERATING COMMITTEE MEMBER – Approval for Karen Baum to continue as Board Representative on the York Adams Academy Joint Operating Committee for the 2024-2025 school term.
C. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE – Authorization for Madalyn Little to serve as Student Representative to the Board of School Directors for the 2024-2025 school year and be a non-voting member from September 2024 through May 2025 at regular voting meetings.
D. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) A monetary donation in the amount of $200 from Margaret Schlichter to support the Backpack Program and Nutrition Services Department.
2) A monetary donation in the amount of $3,000 from AquaPhoenix Scientific to support the District’s Student Launch Initiative.
3) Monetary grants, donations, scholarships, and educational programs/materials/resources to support district students, donated by elementary PTO programs, the Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, and the Spring Grove Area Education Fund, valued at more than $250,000.
White requested a separate vote on item A.1.
Vote by roll call on item A.1. resulted in the motion failing by unanimous vote.
Vote by roll call on all remaining items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
4. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Wilson seconded action items included in the PERSONNEL REPORT.
Vote by roll call on all items of personnel resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis welcomed and introduced newest Rocket staff members Holly McElwee, Emma Tice, Rebecca Stauffer, and Lalena Flemmens.
5. Following a report of the Athletic and Music Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. IMPLEMENTATION OF A MIDDLE SCHOOL SOCCER PROGRAM – Approval to add a Middle School Soccer Program under the Athletic Department, with implementation of a Boys and Girls Team at the start of the 2024-2025 school year, and to include the addition of one Head Coach and One Assistant Coach for each respective team according to the current Coaches’ Salary Matrix.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Eric Barshinger, Barshinger moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. OVERNIGHT CONFERENCE REQUESTS – Approval for the following overnight conferences:
1) Bill Stiles, Facility Services Manager, and AnJie Doll, Human Resources Director, to attend the 2024 PASBO Regional Chapter Officers’ Steel Eagle Leadership Institute at the Omni Bedford Springs Resort, Bedford, PA, July 9-10, 2024.
2) Chris Enck, District Technology Director, to attend the 2024 MacAdmins Conference at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center, State College, PA, July 9-12, 2024.
3) Dr. Noah Stachelek, High School Learning Support and Transition Teacher, to attend the 2024 Pennsylvania Community of Practice Transition Conference at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center, State College, PA, July 31 – August 1, 2024.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 7:44 PM. Barshinger seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
June 10, 2024 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: June 10, 2024 / 7:17 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study Forum (DSF) of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, June 10, 2024. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:17 PM following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rohrbaugh noted seven board members remained in attendance from the previous meeting.
There was no public comment.
Chris Enck presented the first of two iPad buy-back requests for consideration, with the second anticipated in the fall. Resell revenue from disposal of the equipment will go toward the lease agreement for replacement devices. Enck stated that the district is currently looking into options for some iPads to be available for use by substitutes, as needed, as he would not recommend those listed for disposal. A discount of $80 per iPad is anticipated for replacement devices, at a cost of under $400 per unit. The renewal lease reflects a zero-percent interest rate.
Following the Board’s acknowledgment of Gallagher Insurance as the District’s Broker of Record for insurance brokerage services in early June, Mark Czapp presented an informational memorandum indicating the recommendation of Utica Insurance as the district’s new insurance carrier. No action is required by the board for this transaction.
Czapp presented a draft Condominium Association Agreement received from the YMCA for consideration. Larry Richardson was present and shared a summary of actions since 2014 relating to the repurposing of the former middle school. The proposed agreement between the District and the YMCA designates two official positions as decision-makers for actions moving forward: YMCA Executive Director and District Director of Business Operations. Common areas (CAM costs) will be shared by tenants in the facility, with all district contributions toward maintenance being tracked for a reduction to the district’s cost throughout the year. A general reserve account will also be created to accumulate funds for deferred and routine maintenance. There will be no rental fees associated with the agreement. The district will continue to own the property. No additional parking can be added without the consent of the school district.
Shearer stated his hesitation with the agreement without having defined CAM costs. The conveyance agreement will include additional details; it has not yet been finalized, but will be presented to the Board for approval at a future Board meeting. Ioannidis noted that the district will be made “whole” for any expenditures incurred by the condominium association throughout the year.
Stein requested a list of future approvals that will be needed from the Board before the project is completed, including anticipated annual CAM costs and reserve amount. Ioannidis noted that the conveyance agreement will be the transaction that formally transfers the property to the YMCA for the project.
Bill Stiles presented an overview of summer projects to educational facilities throughout the district and stated maximum cost limits for projects to be put out for bid.
Mark Czapp reported Karen Baum’s willingness to be reappointed as the YAA Joint Board Director for 2024-2025. The Board will consider appointment at the June 24, 2024, regular voting meeting.
Czapp presented a memorandum outlining steps necessary for any board members interested in being part of the PSBA Delegate Assembly. Interested Board members should inform Czapp as soon as possible.
Karen Baum presented proposed revisions to Policy No. 229 – Student Fundraising, Policy No. 815 – Responsible Use, and Policy No. 903 – Public Comment in Board Meetings. Following brief discussion, the Board will consider a first reading at the June 24th regular voting meeting.
Stiles presented an informational memorandum providing background information concerning donation of a tree on campus at the tennis courts in memory of Gary Gault. There is no action required by the Board.
Dr. Guadagnino presented a Director of Curriculum and Instruction draft position description for review and indicated that the District consulted with other school districts that currently have the position before preparing the proposed draft. Board members questioned the position being answerable to the Assistant Superintendent, the need for the position, and who is currently handling responsibilities listed in the proposed description. A list of the pros and cons for adding a new position vs. adding a second assistant superintendent was requested, in addition to any updates that will be needed to the Assistant Superintendent position description. Baum stated that Dr. Bradley should play a major role in the decision to add the new position. Ramsay suggested the Board review positions at the July 15th meeting and consider any implementation for the school year 2025-26.
Doug Stein presented a confidential memorandum listing proposed personnel actions to be considered for approval at the June 24th regular voting meeting.
Jeff Laux shared a presentation proposing a Middle School Soccer Program at the start of the 2024-2025 school year. Costs to fund the program were included with the 2024-2025 approved budget. The Board will consider approval of the program at the June 24th regular voting meeting.
Overnight conference requests were presented for Bill Stiles and AnJie Doll to attend the PASBO Regional conference July 9-10, 2024, Chris Enck to participate in the MacAdmins Conference July 9-12, 2024, and Dr. Stachelek to participate in the Practice Transition Conference July 31 – August 1, 2024. The Board will consider approval of the requests at the June 24th regular voting meeting.
Rohrbaugh requested that Board members be thinking about dates for the annual Board Retreat and Facilities Walkthrough, to be scheduled at an upcoming meeting.
Ramsay moved to adjourn at 8:44 PM. Barshinger seconded. Board members adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
June 10, 2024 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: June 10, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, June 10, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected seven board members present, with Mike Ritz and Doug White absent for personal reasons.
Rohrbaugh reported there was on executive session held since the last sunshine meeting on May 20, 2024, for school safety, personnel, and student discipline. An executive session was held prior to the start of tonight’s meeting to discuss real estate and personnel issues.
There was no public comment.
Jeff Laux, Athletic Director, shared a summary report of spring season sports, commenting on the success of the Track and Field Team. Laux introduced and recognized two student athletes and reported that Spring Grove brought home gold from the 2024 PIAA Track and Field Championships, once again, with Laila Campbell and Ella Bahn’s combined five medals. With their respective achievements, Spring Grove earned the Girls Team Champion title for the first time in school history.
Laux also welcomed and recognized Coach Brian Campbell who was named the 2024 US Track & Field/Cross Country Coaches’ Association Girls Track Coach of the Year. Campbell expressed his pride in the team’s accomplishments and his appreciation for continual support from district administration.
Rohrbaugh stated 2023-2024 Yearbooks were placed at board members’ seats. She thanked all those who played a role in the beautiful graduation ceremony that was held on May 31st.
1. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Ben Ramsay, Ramsay moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. HOMESTEAD / FARMSTEAD EXEMPTION – Approval of the homestead assessment exemption of $7,716 and a farmstead assessment exemption of approximately $7,716 for the school year beginning July 1, 2024, under the provisions of the Homestead Property Exclusion Program Act (part of Act 50 of 1998) and the Taxpayer Relief Act (Act 1 of 2006).
Vote by roll call on resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
2. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Wilson seconded items included on the attached PERSONNEL REPORT.
Stein requested a separate vote on item H.
Vote by roll call on item H resulted in the motion carrying, with six votes in favor; Stein abstained.
Vote by roll call on all remaining items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis welcomed and introduced Lindsay Kaltreider who was present in the audience as the newest Rocket staff member to the district.
ADJOURNMENT: Wilson moved for adjournment at 7:17 PM. Ramsay seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
May 20, 2024 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: May 20, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, May 20, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of the Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected eight board members present, with Karen Baum absent for personal reasons.
Rohrbaugh reported one executive session held since the last sunshine meeting on May 6, 2024, for personnel and student discipline matters. There was also an executive session held this evening prior to the regular meeting for Act 44 school safety purposes.
Dave Trettel, N. Codorus Township, presented comments related to recent social media posts about tonight’s pending board action to set the tax rate for 2024-25. At a recent board meeting, it was projected that the increase could be as much as 3%. Trettel encouraged board members to consider community members who may be struggling when acting to approve any tax increase.
Torrey Pottorff, Heidelberg Township, commented that a tax increase of 3% would be difficult for him and his family. He stated that the board has a spending problem and should not have a budget with expenditures exceeding revenues.
Rodney Strouse, Heidelberg Township, asked board members to consider disadvantages that may result to raising taxes, created by a reduction in residents’ financial resources and inability to perform general maintenance and enhancements to properties and homes.
Doug Stein, board member, shared positive remarks following his recent visits to various educational buildings. During his time, he observed a myriad of lesson plans and resources used by talented teachers who provided a variety of ways for students to learn. He noted several examples and invited all members to get out and see what is happening in our school district.
To serve as a point of reference, Ramsay questioned residents who presented public comment if they were aware that a 3% tax increase on a $245,000 property value equates to an increase of approximately $15 / month.
Kristen Mummert, Student Representative, gave a report of happenings and upcoming events throughout the district, including an update to the success of prom and baccalaureate. She noted end of year festivities, including graduation scheduled for May 31. Mummert appreciated her time serving as student representative, and thanked the board for the opportunity.
Dr. Ioannidis welcomed and recognized Tim Bupp, Elementary Music instructor and Music Department Chair, for his hard work and initiative to submit the necessary information for the district to be recognized as Best Communities for Music Education for the 13th year in a row. Bupp introduced Joel Menchey, President of Menchey Music, who presented the award to the district. Menchey explained the origin of the award that is sponsored by the NAMM Foundation.
Dan Fake, Music Instructor, conducted Middle School student members of the vocal group “Orion” as they performed two songs in recognition of the NAMM award. Ioannidis thanked and recognized Fake and students Elizabeth Berkebile, Aubrielle Bonner, Rowan Bonner, Allison Clevenger, Audrey Finn, Alexa Fritz, Marlowe Gardner, Tori Hennegan, Clara Hoffman, Gemma Hudak, Aidan Miller, Judah Rivera, Hailey Shearer, Alex Thatcher, Sam Wagaman, and Alexandra Wastler.
Ioannidis welcomed and congratulated current year retirees, thanking them for their service to the school district. Collectively, the 12 individuals represent 269 years of experience and dedication. Each received a wooden cutting board hand crafted and personalized by students in Josh Richard’s pre-apprenticeship class at the high school.
Congratulations were also extended to the following:
- New Salem Elementary student, Edwin Frizzell, who secured second place in the Artsonia Artist of the Week contest.
- Laila Campbell and Ella Bahn on bringing home five first place medals from the 2024 YAIAA Track and Field Championships. More is anticipated from these stellar athletes following District III.
- SGI students of the Melon Mates Team, William Hall, Mario DeRienzo, and Emma Lewis, on designing the “Melonator” and taking second place among 25 teams at the K’NEX Design Challenge State Competition.
- Four Middle School TARC Team students on placing second in the country with two successful launches. Congratulations to Zeke Trimmer, Gautham Narayan, Xavier Bowman, and Eland Kampes.
A Class of 2024 Graduation Invitation was at board members’ seats. Rohrbaugh again congratulated guest retirees and stated that Dr. Ioannidis’ retirement will be recognized on June 24th at the high school.
Ioannidis reported that a recent lawsuit was initially successful in overturning a policy change by PDE that entitled certain special education students to FAPE until age 22; PDE is appealing the ruling. The state budget may be approved by June’s end.
Mike Ritz reported YCST prom was held on April 26, and enrollments are being finalized to welcome freshmen for the graduating class of 2028.
There was no report. Graduation is slated for May 30th.
Mark Czapp reported that during the April 23rd meeting, Seven Valleys Borough was welcomed to the group. The Board is looking to reach out to the community and will be hosting a movie/information-sharing event, in addition to other events scheduled over the summer.
Bill Stiles reported that during the May 22nd meeting, the treasurer’s report was accepted, the 2024-25 budget was approved with no increase to costs per LEA from last year, there will be a vendor change in contracted custodial services, and Dr. West reported that YCST is exploring the option to house YLC services (24 classrooms / 150 students / 100 staff currently) on their property. Graduation is scheduled for May 23rd.
Ioannidis stated that a requirement as the recipient of ESSER funding is to review the Health and Safety Plan every six months. The Business Office will upload the presented document with no changes.
1. Ramsay moved to approve the minutes from the April 22, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting, and the May 6, 2024, Voting/Directors’ Study Forum meetings. Wilson seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending April 30, 2024, and moved to approve the report as presented. Ritz seconded the motion, approved by unanimous roll call vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists, as presented.
Additional Information:
- Explanation of Manual (voided) Checks
- Cash Receipts / Condensed Board Summary, as of April 30, 2024
B. 2024-2025 GENERAL FUND BUDGET – Approval of the Proposed General Fund Budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, with total revenues of $ total expenditures of $86,818,856 with the shortfall of $ to be funded from the General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance and setting the real estate tax millage rate at 24.8149 mills, reflecting a 3% increase from the 2023-24 millage rate; in addition, earned income tax of ½% and real estate transfer tax of ½% under Act 511.
C. 2024-2025 NUTRITION SERVICES FUND BUDGET – Approval of the Nutrition Services Fund Budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, with total revenues of $3,232,306, total expenditures of $3,232,306, and no increase in Breakfast and Lunch meal pricing for the 2024-25 school year.
D. REAPPOINTMENT OF SCHOOL BOARD TREASURER – Reappointment of Douglas White as Board Treasurer for the Spring Grove Area School District for the period July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.
E. 2024-2025 FEDERAL / STATE / OTHER PROGRAMS AND/OR GRANTS SUMMARY – Authorization for the superintendent and/or his designee to enter into all necessary agreements to meet the mandates for participation in Federal / State / Other Programs and/or Grants for the 2024-2025 as outlined on the attached chart, as well as any others that may become available and are approved by the Superintendent.
F. LOCAL AUDITOR – Approval to engage Kochenour, Earnest, Smyser & Burg to conduct the audit of the district’s financial statements and perform related functions for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, at a proposed fee not to exceed $13,050.00.
G. SCHOOL DISTRICT SOLICITOR – Reappointment of Stock and Leader, Attorneys at Law, as School District Solicitor for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, with Gareth D. Pahowka, Esquire, named as principal counsel and primary contact with the firm.
H. SCHOOL DEPOSITORIES – Appointment of the following to continue as District School Depositories for the period July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025:
1) ACNB, headquartered at 16 Lincoln Square, Gettysburg, PA 17325
2) PayPal, headquartered at 2211 North First Street, San Jose CA 95131
3) PSDLAF, headquartered at 2101 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601
4) PLGIT, headquartered at 213 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
Board members discussed item B and the proposed tax increase percentage.
Barshinger stated he has concerns over the potential use of the fund balance and noted that Spring Grove is currently midrange compared to other York County School Districts when it comes to cost per student. If the Board considers anything less than 3%, program cuts should be considered. Ioannidis added that if the Board is going to remove programs, considerations and discussions should begin in August/September.
Stein stated there has not been a tax increase in 3 of the last 5 years. He questioned what programs Board members are proposing to cut.
Rohrbaugh and Wilson stated that Charter School Funding is a huge expense and encouraged community members to write letters to legislators about addressing the formula.
Ramsay stated that a 1.5% tax increase reflects an average of an additional $90/year to taxpayers. He made a motion to amend the language of item B to reflect a 1.5% increase, as follows:
B. 2024-2025 GENERAL FUND BUDGET – Approval of the Proposed General Fund Budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, with total revenues of $83,042,721 total expenditures of $86,818,854 with the shortfall of $3,776,133 to be funded from the General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance and setting the real estate tax millage rate at 24.4535 mills, reflecting a 1.5% increase from the 2023-24 millage rate; in addition, earned income tax of ½% and real estate transfer tax of ½% under Act 511.
Ritz seconded the motion.
The motion to amend item B passed, with Ramsay, Barshinger, White, Ritz, and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. Shearer, Stein, and Wilson voted against.
Stein requested a separate vote on item B.
Vote by roll call on item B resulted in the motion passing with Ramsay, White, Barshinger, Ritz, and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. Shearer, Wilson, and Stein voted against.
Vote by roll call on all remaining items, less item B, resulted in the motion passing by unanimous vote.
Barshinger suggested the Board begin discussing potential cuts or intentions of increasing taxes next year as early as August. Ioannidis invited board members to review the audits posted to the website.
New Salem Elementary |
4/15/2024 |
2 |
17 |
Paradise Elementary |
4/09/2024 |
1 |
22 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
4/18/2024 |
2 |
05 |
Spring Grove Intermediate |
4/17/2024 |
2 |
28 |
Spring Grove Middle School |
4/15/2024 |
2 |
17 |
Spring Grove High School |
4/09/2024 |
5 |
33 |
4. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Mike Ritz, Ritz moved, and Wilson seconded the following:
A. KRISE BUS/VAN DRIVERS – Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company drivers for the 2023-2024 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
1) Amy Heckert
2) Dakota Irvin
3) Stephanie Shank
4) Arlene Weaver
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
5. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) A monetary grant donation in the amount of $500.00 from York County Youth Mental Health Alliance to support the Spring Grove Aevidum Event.
2) A monetary donation in the amount of $100.00 from Kris and Lisa Dennis to support the Future Farmers Club.
3) A monetary donation in the amount of $200.00 from Margaret Schlichter to support the Backpack Program and Nutrition Services Program.
4) A monetary donation in the amount of $100.00 from L&M Tire and Wheel, Inc. to support the Backpack Program.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Barshinger seconded action items included in the PERSONNEL REPORT.
Vote by roll call on all remaining items of personnel resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis welcomed and introduced newest Rocket staff members Jordyn Triplett, Abby Diehl, and Julia Malle. He recognized the phenomenal job all staff have been doing with the recruitment process.
7. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Eric Barshinger, Barshinger moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. NEW/REVISED CURRICULA – Approval of the following new/revised curricula for the 2024-2025 school year:
Grade 1 Library Skills – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Library |
Grade 2 Library Skills – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Library |
Grade 3 Library Skills – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Library |
Grade 4 Library Skills – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Library |
Grade 1 – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Grade 2 – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Grade 3 – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Grade 4 – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Grade 5 – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Grade 6 – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Grade 7 – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Grade 8 – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Grade 10 (Health Education) - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Adventure Curriculum – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Aquatics - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Fitness Fusion - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Independent Study Athletic Performance Training - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Lifetime Sports and Recreation - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Personal Fitness – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Strength Training for Sports Level 1 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Strength Training for Sports Level 2 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Strength Training for Sports Level 3 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Team Aerobic Games - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Yoga - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Unified Physical Education – new course proposal (0.5 credit) |
Wellness and Fitness |
Chorus – revised |
Music |
Concert Choir – revised |
Music |
Music Masterclass: A Complete Guide to Understand Music: Online – new course proposal (.5 credit) |
Music |
String Orchestra – revised |
Music |
Symphonic Band – revised |
Music |
Vocal Studio – new course proposal (0.5 credit) |
Music |
Rocket Leadership – new course (1 credit) |
Business |
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 8:34 PM. Ramsay seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
May 6, 2024 Directors Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: May 6, 2024 / 7:27 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study Forum (DSF) of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, May 6, 2024. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:27 PM following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rohrbaugh noted seven board members remained in attendance from the previous meeting.
There was no public comment.
Mark Czapp referred to the General Fund Budget Summary placed at Board members’ seats and presented recent updates to the 2024-25 proposed General Fund budget, including adjustments to 2023-24 revenues and expenditures that now project a smaller ending deficit than originally anticipated. Increased costs for 2024-25 include charter/cyber charter tuition, transportation costs for increased homeless student population, and a rise in special education student enrollment. Board members discussed millage rate options. Consensus of the Board was for Czapp to incorporate a 3% increase in the real estate tax millage rate for the proposed approval of the final budget at the May 20th regular voting meeting.
Melissa Freestone presented the 2024-25 proposed Nutrition Services Budget for review. Freestone highlighted new menu options for students and noted a steady increase in the number of breakfasts served. The number of students eligible for free or reduced meals continues to rise. The Board will consider approval of the proposed budget at the May 20th regular voting meeting with no increase in student meal pricing.
Jennifer Smith-Gonzalez, Everside Vice President of Operations, shared a data presentation of the Rocket Wellness Center after Year 1, including participation rates and an executive summary. Participation by staff and dependents is increasing, with the average patient satisfaction rating at 95%. The value cost analysis reflected significant savings in the first year. A claims analysis summary will be completed after all actuals have been received and processed at the end of the summer.
Czapp presented the proposed 2024-25 list of Federal Programs for the superintendent or designee to submit through the application process. The Board will consider approval of the proposed list at the May 20th regular voting meeting.
Czapp presented an engagement letter from Stock and Leader outlining their proposed scope of services for the Board’s consideration to continue as district solicitor in 2024-25. The proposed fees reflect rate increases of approximately 3.9 – 4.7% over the current year. Shearer requested a meeting with Stock and Leader to hear their representation on certain topics. Ioannidis suggested the Board consider a legal workshop as part of their annual Board Retreat, typically scheduled in June or July.
Czapp presented four school depositories for consideration during the 2024-2025 school year for review. The Board will consider approval at the May 20th regular voting meeting.
Czapp presented a proposed letter of engagement from Kochenour, Earnest, Smyser, & Burg for consideration as the district’s auditing firm for fiscal year end June 30, 2024. The proposal reflects a $100 increase over the previous year. The Board will consider approval at the May 20th regular voting meeting.
Following a conversation with Doug White, Czapp indicated White’s agreement to continue as Board Treasurer for 2024-25. The Board will consider his re-appointment at the May 20th regular voting meeting.
Bill Stiles reported that a Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting was held prior to this evening’s voting meeting. Seven Board members were in attendance. Minutes of the meeting will be shared as an informational item with the May 20th regular voting meeting agenda.
Doug Stein presented a confidential memorandum listing proposed personnel actions to be considered for approval at the May 20th regular voting meeting.
Dr. Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, presented a list of 2024-25 new and revised curricula, noting the district is currently in year 6 of the curriculum review and rewrite schedule. The Board will consider approval at the May 20th regular voting meeting.
Wilson moved to adjourn at 8:40 PM. Baum seconded. Board members adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
May 6, 2024 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: May 6, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, May 6, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected seven board members present, with Ben Ramsay and Mike Ritz absent for personal reasons.
Rohrbaugh reported there was an executive session held prior to the start of tonight’s meeting to discuss student discipline and personnel issues.
Will Lancaster, N. Codorus Township, stated his opinion of disciplinary actions that took place with his children that were intimidating to him as a parent and were not specifically stated in the Student/Parent Handbook. Some appear to have been an overreach of language in Board Policy.
There was no response.
There was no correspondence. Rohrbaugh reporting having “Huddle Up For Irelyn” stickers, for any interested.
1. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. PLANCON PART K DOCUMENTS – Approval to submit the PLANCON PART K, Project Refinancing Board Transmittals, to the Pennsylvania Department of Education related to the following:
1) General Obligation Note, Series of 2023
2) General Obligation Bonds, Series of 2023
Vote by roll call on resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
2. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Wilson seconded items included on the attached PERSONNEL REPORT.
Barshinger requested executive session to discuss personnel. The board adjourned at 7:08 PM and reconvened at 7:24 PM.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis welcomed and introduced Amber Smith and Kristen Pepperman, present in the audience, as the newest Rocket staff members to the district.
3. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Eric Barshinger, Barshinger moved, and Wilson seconded the following:
A. 2024-2025 FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT – Approval to waive the age requirement and allow Raul Fraile Garcia to enroll at Spring Grove Area High School for the 2024-2025 school year as an International Foreign Exchange Student, contingent upon verification of the student having the appropriate immunization documentation and verification of the student holding a current J-1 Visa in accordance with Board Policy No. 239, with acknowledgment from the host parents that they bear full responsibility for the student’s wellbeing throughout the school year.
1) Approval for Brian Hastings, High School Science Teacher, to accompany 10 high school students to the Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) Nationals at The Plains, VA, May 16-19, 2024.
2) Approval for Brian Hastings, High School Science Teacher, to accompany 12 high school students to the National Sport Launch in Geneseo, NY, May 24-27, 2024.
Vote by roll call on resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Wilson moved for adjournment at 7:27 PM. Baum seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
April 22, 2024 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: April 22, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, April 22, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of the Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected nine board members present.
Rohrbaugh reported the following executive sessions held since the last sunshine meeting: April 8, 2024, for personnel and legal purposes; April 17, 2024, for personnel; prior to the start of this evening’s regular meeting for personnel and student discipline.
William Lancaster, North Codorus Township, presented concerns regarding school policing and layered discipline. He referenced Policy #233 and made several suggestions for the Board to consider related to the duties of the SRO, school safety, and student discipline communications.
Rachel Rohrbaugh and Derrick Henning, Jackson Township residents, read a joint statement on behalf of the School Board and Education Association, acknowledging recent errors and misjudgments on both sides, and recognizing missed opportunities and challenges that have been the result. Having initiated crucial conversations, School Board and SGEA members recognize the importance of open communication and mutual understanding, which will serve as the cornerstone to fostering a culture of collaboration, partnership and trust within the educational community.
Dr. Ioannidis thanked the following Middle School student council members for facilitating a tour of the building prior to the meeting: Gemma Hudak, Alex Ferree, Ashlyn Herrington, Alyssa Mendez-Caballero, and Claire Rauhauser.
Ioannidis extended congratulations to the following:
- Tom Kinard for his volunteer service to the Backpack Program – we have more than 200 students each week.
- Kathleen DeCello, Nova Gingerich, Mary Robinson, Donna Shaffer, and Donna Zortman, for their volunteer service with the STRIVE Program over many years.
- Dr. Jhett Markle on completing her doctorate at Liberty University.
- Service Award recognitions of Board members Doug Stein, for 30 years as a Board Director with the School District, and Karen Baum, for five years with York Adams Academy.
- Sophomore Ada Miller on completing the FLY class facilitated by Leadership York.
- Odyssey of the Mind “Problem 2 Team” students, Nolan Bales, Brock Gorham, Jacob Hamilton, Kayden O’Quinn, David Alvarez-Chavez, and Keifer Lorey, on their second-place achievement at States, qualifying them for World Finals.
- High School sophomore, Ella Bahn, for breaking another school record in the 1600 m run at 5:13.7.
- High School senior, Dawson McMaster, who was selected as the PA State Athletic Directors Association 2024 Male Scholarship recipient.
- Mini-Thon fundraiser
- Wesley Nutting, Spring Grove resident student attending YCST, on being selected as Student of the Month for March.
Kristen Mummert, Student Representative, gave a report on happenings and upcoming events at all building levels.
Rohrbaugh thanked the Middle School students and team for facilitating the tour with board members this evening. She called attention to a Music Booster Report from Rhonda Wastler that was placed at seats.
Ioannidis reported that conversations will continue at the state level regarding the budget. The Gaming Fund grew by an unprecedented increase to a total of $900 million that will be used to fund the homestead/farmstead exemption on school property tax bills. A request for approval of the Homestead/Farmstead relief is tentative with June action items. The State will move standardized testing to an online platform to increase efficiency, reduce shipping costs, and have access to more timely results.
Ritz reported that during the March meeting, negotiations were discussed. Three student teams are headed to the “Hot Rodders” National Competition in Las Vegas. Dr. Rogers accepted a challenge related to overall standardized test scores; if students achieve good results, Rogers will sleep on the roof of YCST.
Baum reported that the April meeting is scheduled for next week, and graduation is slated for the last Thursday in May. She encouraged all Board members to attend.
Czapp reported that the next meeting is scheduled for tomorrow evening, April 23.
1. Ramsay moved to approve the minutes from the March 25, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting, and the April 8, 2024, Voting/Directors’ Study Forum. Ritz seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending March 31, 2024, and moved to approve the reports as presented. Ritz seconded the motion, approved by unanimous roll call vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists, as presented.
Additional Information: Cash Receipts / Condensed Board Summary, as of March 31, 2024.
B. 2024-2025 NON-RESIDENT TUITION-WAIVER STUDENT – Approval of a request to waive tuition for a non-resident foreign exchange student to be enrolled at the high school for the 2024-2025 school year.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Czapp drew attention to PlanCon Part K Board Transmittal documents for refinancing the General Obligation Bonds, Series 2023, and the General Obligation Note, Series 2023, previously approved by the Board. Consideration of approval is necessary by the Board at the May 6th Directors’ Study Forum voting meeting to continue with the process. Board members were encouraged to reach out to Czapp with any questions.
New Salem Elementary |
3/14/2024 |
2 |
03 |
Paradise Elementary |
3/04/2024 |
1 |
26 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
3/27/2024 |
2 |
24 |
Spring Grove Intermediate |
3/14/2024 |
1 |
56 |
Spring Grove Middle School |
3/07/2024 |
2 |
29 |
Spring Grove High School |
3/14/2024 |
5 |
30 |
4. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Mike Ritz, Ritz moved, and
Baum seconded the following:
A. KRISE BUS/VAN DRIVERS – Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company drivers for the 2023-2024 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
1) John Chesney, Sr.
2) Vivienne Feiser
3) Kayla Johnson
4) Miranda Khoury
5) Tasha Knatz
6) Audrey Rayner
7) Lindsay Smith
8) Robert Stevens
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
5. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
1) Approval of the High School Administration and Superintendent’s recommendation that the Agreement, Waiver and Stipulation, numbered 2023-2024, #002, and ratified on April 16, 2024, be approved as documented.
2) Approval of the High School Administration and Superintendent’s recommendation that the Agreement, Waiver and Stipulation, numbered 2023-2024, #003, and ratified on April 10, 2024, be approved as documented.
B. SECOND READING – Approval of a second reading of the following policies:
2) Policy #202: Eligibility for Non-Resident Students
3) Policy #217: Graduation / Graduation Requirement
4) Policy #254: Educational Opportunity for Military Children
C. SPRING GROVE REGIONAL PARKS AND RECREATION CENTER BOARD / YMCA OF THE ROSES BOARD – Appointment of Mitchell Warner to replace Bill Stiles as Spring Grove Area School District alternate representative on the Spring Grove Regional Parks and Recreation Center (SGRPRC) Board, through December 31, 2024, and succeeding two-year appointment as alternate Board member following the merger of SGRPRC with YMCA of the Roses.
D. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) A monetary donation in the amount of $100.00 from Hanover Nissan to support the Class of 2025 and prom.
2) Donation of four (4) free rentals from Men’s Warehouse to students attending the 2023-2024 prom.
3) Donation of a GoDirect SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer from Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh to support the High School Science Department.
4) A monetary donation in the amount of $200.00 from Software Design Solutions, Inc., to support the District’s Student Launch Initiative and Rocketry Team.
5) Donation of labor and materials from ResuWrecktion Auto Body LLC to paint the NASA full scale rocket in support of the NASA Student Launch Initiative and Rocketry Team.
6) Monetary donations in the amounts listed to support the District’s Backpack Program:
a. Hanover Concrete in the amount of $200.00
b. Law Office of Farley G. Holt in the amount of $100.00
c. New Oxford Social and Athletic Club in the amount of $500.00
d. Hersh Concepts, LLC in the amount of $600.00
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ritz seconded action items included in the PERSONNEL REPORT.
Stein requested a separate vote on items B1 and E1.
Vote by roll call on items B1 and E1 resulted in the motion carrying, with Ritz, White, Shearer, Barshinger, Wilson, Ramsay, Baum, and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. Stein abstained.
Vote by roll call on all remaining items of personnel resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
7. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Eric Barshinger, Barshinger moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. 2024-2027 SPECIAL EDUCATION PLAN – Acceptance of the proposed 2024-2027 Special Education Plan and approval to submit to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, as required, by May 1, 2024.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 7:36 PM. Wilson seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
April 8, 2024 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: April 8, 2024 / 7:33 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein (via Zoom), Doug White
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study Forum (DSF) of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, April 8, 2024. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rohrbaugh noted seven board members remained in physical attendance and Doug Stein remained in virtual attendance from the previous meeting. Nicole Wilson exited the virtual setting following adjournment of the voting meeting and was not in attendance at the DSF.
There was no public comment.
As requested by the Board at a previous meeting, Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations, presented a breakdown of proposed 2024-2025 tax increases by percentage and included the corresponding generated revenues, resulting deficits, and estimated annual (and monthly) tax increases to property owners. Barshinger requested that a five-year projection be included with the next presentation. Baum requested that an expanded list of proposed budget line items also be included. The next presentation is scheduled for May 6th.
Czapp presented a nutrition services breakfast program update and an overview of the proposed 2024-2025 nutrition services department budget for review. A formal presentation is scheduled for inclusion with the May 6th Directors’ Study Forum items.
Ioannidis presented a memorandum outlining a staff member’s request to waive tuition for a non-resident foreign exchange student to attend the high school during the 2024-2025 school year. The staff member’s family resides in Southern York School District. The Board will consider approval of the request for the tuition waiver of a non-resident foreign exchange student at the April 22nd regular voting meeting.
Bill Stiles provided the following updates:
- Crabtree, Rohrbaugh and Associates are 90% completed with the design of the multi-purpose facility.
- Two options were requested of First Capital on the access road from the High School to SGE: 1) one single road, double-wide, and 2) two single roads, single-width.
- Additional parking at the stadium and the number of parking spaces available at the multi-purpose facility were reviewed with First Capital.
- The district recently met with Krise Transportation. Information will be shared out at a Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting to be scheduled soon.
Selection of a vendor from two quotes received for a total gym floor replacement will take place this week, with construction expected over the summer. The Board suggested selling some of the pieces of the flooring, particularly areas that include decals and painting. Stiles noted there are pros and cons associated with cutting up, storing, and selling pieces of the flooring.
Dr. Ludwig, Pupil Services Director, presented a memorandum with the proposed Special Education Plan for review. The Plan is currently on public display for the minimum of 30 days prior to submission to PDE. The Board will consider approval of the proposed plan at the April 22nd Regular Voting Meeting.
Dr. Guadagnino presented a memorandum outlining proposed 2024-2025 new/revised curriculum for review. He stated that administrators and curriculum leaders will be present at the May 6th DSF to answer any questions from Board members, with a request for approval expected with May 20th regular voting meeting items.
Jeff Laux, District Athletic Coordinator, shared a winter sports program report summary, noting team achievements and individual athlete highlights.
Karen Baum presented a confidential memorandum listing proposed personnel actions to be considered for approval at the April 22nd regular voting meeting.
Barshinger reported that one of the Odyssey of the Mind teams made it to worlds following their recent competition.
Ioannidis reported that a Rocket Wellness Center update will be shared at the May 6th DSF.
Ritz moved to adjourn at 7:55 PM. Ramsay seconded. Board members adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
April 8, 2024 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: April 8, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein (via Zoom), Doug White, Nicole Wilson (via Zoom)
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, April 8, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected seven board members physically present, and Doug Stein and Nicole Wilson attending via Zoom.
Rohrbaugh reported there was one executive session held since the last sunshine meeting on April 1, 2024, for personnel. There will be an executive session for personnel following adjournment of tonight’s discussion meeting.
Travis Winemiller, SGEA President-Elect, read a letter written on behalf of the Association expressing their concerns with how the School Board conducted the Superintendent Search, stating the process appeared secretive and lacked transparency. Following a search of information on the finalist candidate, three of the results appeared negative. SGEA believes the search should be re-opened.
William Lancaster, North Codorus Township resident and parent, stated his concern that the School District is not following due process when handling student disciplinary issues, informal hearings, and manifestation determination meetings. He believes his child’s needs are not being addressed according to the 504 Plan following a recent disciplinary action, and the District is overreaching with its handling of the incident and recommendations as a result. Lancaster requested the Board consider ways to address his concerns.
There was no correspondence.
1. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. PROPOSED 2024-2025 GENERAL FUND BUDGET – Approval of the Proposed General Fund Budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, with total revenues of $84,749,174, total expenditures of $86,662,995, with the shortfall of $1,913,821 to be funded from the General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance and setting the real estate tax millage rate at 25.8027 mills, an increase of 1.7105 mills from the millage rate of 24.0922; in addition, earned income tax of ½% and real estate transfer tax of ½% under Act 511.
B. 2024-2025 FINAL BUDGET NOTICE – Approval of the attached Final Budget Notice, which gives notification to the public that the 2024-2025 Proposed Final Budget for the General Fund is available for public inspection and states intention to present for adoption as a Final Budget at the May 20, 2024, school board meeting, allowing for amendments before final adoption.
C. 2024-2025 PROPOSED FINAL BUDGET RESOLUTION – Approval of the attached Resolution Authorizing 2024-2025 Proposed Final Budget Display and Advertising, supporting the Final Budget Notice.
Vote by roll call on resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
2. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded items included on the PERSONNEL REPORT.
Ramsay requested a separate vote on item D.
Baum requested a separate vote on item A.
Vote by roll call on items B, C, E - H, resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Vote by roll call on item A resulted in the motion carrying, with Shearer, Ramsay, Wilson, Ritz, and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. Barshinger, White, Stein, and Baum voted against.
Vote by roll call on item D resulted in the motion carrying, with Wilson, Ritz, Stein, White, Baum, Barshinger, Shearer and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. Ramsay abstained.
Ramsay, in response to Winemiller’s public comment, reported that five board members were not seated at the time previous superintendent searches were conducted. During the current process, board members sought the same qualifications in a potential candidate as Winemiller noted by SGEA. Ramsay stated that all board members may not have agreed on the final candidate; however, all board members agreed to the priority items. Information received via surveys and/or focus groups was heard and considered. The Board is looking to support the Association and grow its relationship with all staff, particularly teachers.
Ioannidis welcomed and introduced Johnna McGreevy, Heidi Rice, and Jennifer Miranda, present in the audience, as the newest Rocket staff members to the district. Ioannidis also congratulated Dr. Bradley on his successful appointment and invited him to say a few words.
Bradley thanked the School Board and stated he is looking forward to working with the nine members. He congratulated Ioannidis on his impending retirement and thanked administrators for their input during the interview process. Bradley stated that he would like to start anew with teachers and is looking forward to upcoming interactions throughout the transition and beyond. He has already witnessed staff pride by observing pristine buildings and classrooms. Bradley reflected on his family’s personal pursuit in the educational field and shared that the students are his greatest motivator.
Rohrbaugh read a statement on behalf of the School Board, recognizing teachers, staff, and administration for their time and insights throughout the search process. She welcomed Dr. Bradley and commented that it is essential for everyone to support the new superintendent moving forward to help ensure the success of all students and staff. The Board is actively coordinating efforts for Bradley to create connections as soon as possible.
3. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. TRIP REQUEST – Approval for Jason Baker, High School History Teacher, and Justice White, Paradise Elementary Learning Support Teacher, along with approximately 16 high school students who are part of the Moot Court Team, to attend the Moot Court Competition at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, April 26-27, 2024.
Vote by roll call on resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 7:33 PM. Barshinger seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
March 25, 2024, Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: March 25, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, March 25, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of the Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected nine board members present.
Rohrbaugh reported five executive sessions held since the last sunshine meeting: March 12, 2024, March 14, 2024, March 21, 2024, and March 24, 2024, for personnel; and this evening at 6:30 PM prior to the start of the regular meeting for legal purposes. An executive session will take place following adjournment of this evening’s meeting for personnel.
Kathy Gross, Heidelberg Township, urged board members to take seriously what qualifications to look for when considering the next superintendent, including selecting someone who will respond to teachers’ issues. Gross stated that not allowing the community to be part of the process appears secretive, suggested the search process include thorough background checks, and hopes for a unanimous decision by board members for the final candidate.
Brendle Hinkle, employee, stated concerns for staff members’ safety in the kitchen area at the Middle and Intermediate Schools, particularly the walk-in refrigerator and freezer units.
Dr. Ioannidis thanked attendees for their comments and indicated that the administration will look into reported concerns regarding staff safety.
- Dr. Ioannidis extended the following congratulations and updates in his report:
- The National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association recently recognized Jeff Laux as a Certified Master Athletic Administrator. Congratulations to Jeff.
- Michael Hershey brought home an impressive 4th place finish at the State Wrestling Championships.
- Mock Trial Team 1 students secured the runner-up position at States. This first in Rocket History achievement was accomplished by Mallory Snyder, Charles Stewart, Ava German, Kathryn Wyrick, Hadley Lamb, John Reilly, and Kaitlyn Edwards. Thank you to Jason Baker, Mock Trial Advisor.
- Congratulations to Cora Keener and Elijah Henning who competed and finished well at the State Diving Championships earlier this month.
- Despite the rain, many vendors and community members filled the high school for our annual Celebrate the Arts celebration. Special thanks to our Art Department.
- Reminders were shared with board members regarding upcoming events.
Ashlyn Tyson, Student Council Secretary, provided the Student Representative report and gave an update on happenings and upcoming events at all building levels.
Rohrbaugh encouraged board members to attend the Business Expo and noted information at seats related to the upcoming Mini-Thon event.
Ioannidis reported that State budget hearings have mostly concluded. A proposed bill includes consideration of advertising flexibility to modernize governmental business functions, and guidance was received from PDE related to Act 56 that gives districts the option to meet either the 180-day requirement or the minimum instructional hour requirement elementary/secondary students when establishing school calendars.
Ritz reported the next meeting is scheduled for March 28.
Baum reported the next meeting is scheduled for March 26 when members will consider the 2024-25 calendar.
Stiles reported the last meeting was held March 20 when members reviewed the proposed 2024-25 budget and took a tour of the YLC facility.
1. Ramsay moved to approve the minutes from the February 26, 2024, and Voting Meeting/Directors’ Study Forum meetings held on March 11, 2024. Ritz seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending February 29, 2024, and moved to approve the reports as presented. Ritz seconded the motion, approved by unanimous roll call vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists, as presented.
B. 2023-2024 BUDGETARY TRANSFERS – Approval of the attached budgetary transfers for the second quarter of the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
C. INSURANCE BROKER OF RECORD – Acknowledgement of Gallagher Insurance as the District’s Broker of Record for insurance brokerage services to assist the District in securing competitive proposals that meet the District’s needs.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
New Salem Elementary |
2/21/2024 |
1 |
37 |
Paradise Elementary |
2/26/2024 |
1 |
44 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
2/27/2024 |
2 |
2 |
Spring Grove Intermediate |
2/26/2024 |
2 |
29 |
Spring Grove Middle School |
2/9/2024 |
1 |
36 |
Spring Grove High School |
2/9/2024 |
5 |
28 |
4. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Mike Ritz, Ritz moved, and
Ramsay seconded the following:
A. KRISE BUS/VAN DRIVERS – Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company drivers for the 2023-2024 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
1) Mark Avery
2) Keri Gaffney
3) Margaret Novotni
4) Andrew Sheely
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
5. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE – Approval of the confidential settlement agreement and release as documented and reviewed by the Board of School Directors during executive session on March 11, 2024, and as agreed upon by the Spring Grove Area School District and all parties affiliated with the disciplinary matter.
B. FIRST READING – Approval of a first reading of the following policies:
1) Policy #254: Educational Opportunity for Military Children – Proposed New Policy
2) Policy #200: Enrollment – Proposed Revisions
3) Policy #202: Eligibility for Non-Resident Students – Proposed Revisions
4) Policy #217: Graduation / Graduation Requirement – Proposed Revisions
C. SECOND READING – Approval of a second and final reading of the following policy:
1) Policy No. 121: Field Trips
D. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) A grant donation in the amount of $500 from York County Alliance for Learning (YCAL) to support the High School STEM Program.
2) Donation of a $250 Gift Card to Weis Markets from Weis Markets to support the District’s Diversity Festival.
3) A monetary donation in the amount of $300 from the Codorus Creek Fly Fishing Club to support the High School Fishing Club.
4) Monetary donations as follows to support the Rocketry Program/Student Launch Initiative:
a. $1,000 from the Engineering Society of York.
b. $100 from Advanced Cooling Technologies.
c. $100 from Genova’s Pizza & Restaurant.
5) Monetary donations as follows to support the Backpack Program and sponsor the Golf Outing:
a. $100 from Kinsley Construction.
b. $100 from JDTF, Inc.
c. $100 from Glatco Credit Union.
d. $100 from Yorktown Pool Company, Inc.
e. $500 from Trinity Fire Protection, LLC.
6) A grant donation in the amount of $4,999 from Penn State University PA Space Grant to support the Student Launch Initiative.
7) A monetary donation in the amount of $200 from Margaret Schlichter to support the District Backpack Program and the Nutrition Services Program.
Ramsay moved to table item A. Ritz seconded. Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Vote by roll call on items B, C, and D, resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ritz seconded action items included in the PERSONNEL REPORT.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Dr. Ioannidis welcomed and introduced newest members of the Rocket family, Brian Bahn and Haley Wagman.
7. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. CISPA MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT – Approval of the attached Memorandum of Agreement and collaborate with Communities of Schools in Pennsylvania (CISPA) to hire, orient, train, and provide supervision for one Site Coordinator to provide additional supports for making connections with students and families and encourage student attendance primarily at Paradise Elementary School, for the period July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027, and using PCCD grant funds.
B. 2024-2025 DENTAL HYGIENE PROGRAM, K-12 – Approval to continue to provide a comprehensive Dental Hygiene Program in the Spring Grove Area School District, for a maximum of 90 days during the 2024-2025 school year, with Dr. John P. Popernack, D.M.D., serving as the dental consultant on a voluntary basis and Ms. Karla McCleary, who holds a Pennsylvania Teaching Certificate for Dental Hygiene, continuing as Dental Hygienist.
C. MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY/NURSING PROGRAM AFFILIATION AGREEMENT – Approval to enter into agreement with Millersville University and provide district facilities as a practicum and accept qualified students enrolled in the Nursing Program to participate in a clinical experience in their area of matriculation.
1) Approval for Sherry Stambaugh, Gifted Teacher, to accompany students to the Odyssey of the Mind 2024 Pennsylvania State Finals in Swiftwater, PA, April 6, 2024.
2) Approval for Sherry Stambaugh, Gifted Teacher, to accompany students to the Odyssey of the Mind 2024 World Finals in Ames, Iowa, May 21-24, 2024.
1) Approval for Tim Bupp, Elementary Music Teacher and Music Department Chairperson, to attend the 2024 Pennsylvania Music Educators Association Annual Conference at the Bayfront Convention Center, Erie, PA, April 18-19, 2024.
Ioannidis directed board members’ attention to information placed at seats related to item D. He stated there are other programs in the district, like Odyssey of the Mind, that include fundraising efforts by students to assist with funding competitions. As the Business Office continues with the proposed 2024-2025 budget, considerations will be made and updates shared with the Board as may be appropriate.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Wilson moved for adjournment at 7:43 PM. Ritz seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
March 11, 2024 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: March 11, 2024 / 7:04 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study Forum of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, March 11, 2024, and called to order at 7:04 PM following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rohrbaugh noted all nine board members remained in attendance.
There was no public comment.
Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations, presented the proposed 2024-2025 general fund budget, noting updates from the previous presentation. Included in the presentation was a summary of increases of approximately $3.7 million for projected tuition charges, additional staffing, health care, salary increases, and a one-year extension to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement. Czapp reported that the Board will be asked to consider action on a Proposed Final Budget at the April 8th voting meeting and requested what millage rate to include up to the 7.1% PDE Enhanced Index, if other than the maximum is requested. Ramsay asked for a listing of the average monthly tax dollar increase per household based upon assessed property value for Board members to use a guide when considering the impact of a millage rate.
During recent Preschool Transition meetings with LIU12 staff, the District learned that there are a number of students entering Kindergarten who will likely need Autistic Support Services in 2024-2025. Dr. Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services, presented historical elementary and secondary special education enrollment data and recommended adding two Elementary Autistic Support classrooms to address the projected increase. Board members expressed concern about space at the elementary building level. The administration is considering one class at Spring Grove Elementary and a second at New Salem Elementary. Czapp reported that the proposed 24-25 budget presentation included expenditures to cover the proposed additional classes.
Czapp presented a list of proposed 2023-2024 second quarter budgetary transfers for review. The Board will consider approval of the transfers at the March 25th regular voting meeting.
Czapp reported that during a year-long comprehensive review, the Business Office has witnessed double-digit increases to property and casualty insurance coverages, including cyber insurance coverage. The Business Office interviewed companies using a matrix to determine next steps in considering a new broker to help quote updated coverages and minimize risks and costs. A printout of the matrix and list of responses from firms that were interviewed was shared with the Board. Gallagher Insurance, currently serving 4500 schools nationwide, provided the most impressive response. The Board will consider teh selection of Gallagher as the District’s Broker of Record at the March 25th regular voting meeting.
Bill Stiles provided the following updates:
· Drying devices were removed from the gymnasium at the high school following the water main break. He is waiting to hear the results from Millers Sport Construction regarding the next steps with the gym floor.
· On February 13, three board members toured the maintenance and buildings and grounds buildings at South Western School District.
· On February 20, the Planning Commission met at the Jackson Township building.
· On February 22, the Fire Marshall confirmed the area for the annual bonfire in relation to the proposed multi-purpose facility, with slight modifications.
· On February 26, two proposed special exceptions were passed at the Zoning Hearing. The variance for the YMCA was passed with 236 parking spaces and contingency of 18 additional spots.
o First Capital Engineering is finalizing the land development plan based upon the outcome of the hearing.
o CRA is finalizing plans for the multi-purpose building.
Board members questioned the precise location of the proposed multi-purpose building. Ioannidis confirmed that Site 4b was selected according to approved minutes of previous meetings. Ramsay suggested that cones be placed on the site location and Board members be invited to view the site before directing engineers to continue their work. Ioannidis stated that First Capital is in the final design phase and delays may incur additional costs. Stiles and Czapp will set the cones at site 4b and notify Board members interested in visiting the site.
Wilson presented a three-year Memorandum of Agreement between Communities in Schools of Pennsylvania (CISPA) and the District for review. The agreement provides for CISPA to hire a site coordinator to serve as liaison with the families and students at Paradise Elementary (and older siblings in other educational buildings) and implement attendance program initiatives, using PCCD grant money to fund the program. CISPA will provide quarterly and yearly reports on the activities at Paradise. CISPA would be responsible to repurpose the coordinator if the District decides not to retain the services after three years. The Board will consider approval of the proposed agreement at the March 25th regular voting meeting.
Wilson presented a memorandum recommending the continuation of the District’s Dental Hygiene Program for the 2024-2025 school year. The Board will consider this annual approval at the March 25th regular voting meeting.
Wilson presented a proposed Affiliation Agreement with Millersville University of Pennsylvania for review, affording Millersville nursing students an educational experience in the District for rotation and implementation as part of their clinical experience. The Board will consider approval of the agreement at the March 25th regular voting meeting.
Dr. Guadagnino presented one overnight conference for the Board’s review. The Board will consider approval for Mr. Bupp to attend the 2024 PMEA Annual In-service Conference in April at the March 25th regular voting meeting.
Guadagnino presented two Odyssey of the Mind (OM) Major Trip Proposals for consideration. Board members requested clarification on what is considered curricular vs. student club- or activity-related, how students’ fundraising for participation is tracked, and what is needed from the general fund when fundraising efforts fail to cover all costs. Guadagnino will prepare a spreadsheet to share with the Board and will include answers to additional questions presented by the Board. The Board will consider approval of the proposals at the March 25th regular voting meeting.
Karen Baum presented proposed new Policy #254 and revisions to Policies #200, #202, and #217 for review. Ioannidis noted the recommendations are the result of changes to School Code related to military families. The Board will consider approval of a first reading of the policies at the March 25th regular voting meeting.
Stein presented a confidential memorandum listing proposed personnel actions to be considered for approval at the March 25th regular voting meeting.
A memorandum was shared at board members’ seats listing a history of 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 annual field trips by grade level and building. In accordance with the Board’s request, the list included purpose and summary of each trip and how it ties in with class curriculum. Guadagnino noted that all listed trips were funded by PTO organizations, and it is up to the teacher to request field trips; some teachers make the decision not to submit a request.
Ritz moved to adjourn at 8:47 PM. Wilson seconded. Board members adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
March 11, 2024 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: March 11, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, March 11, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed in memory of Peggy Kile, former district employee and “supporter of all things Spring Grove.”
Roll call reflected nine board members present.
There were five executive sessions held since the last sunshine meeting: February 26, 2024, for personnel and legal matters, March 1, March 3, and March 6, 2024, for personnel, and prior to the start of tonight’s meeting, March 11, 2024, for student discipline reasons and real estate.
There was no public comment.
There was no correspondence.
1. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. WIRELESS ACCESS POINTS – Approval to contract with integraONE for the update/upgrade of wireless access points in all buildings, in the amount of $367,844.40, with the expected E-Rate reimbursement of $257,491.08, for a net cost of $110,353.32 to the School District.
Vote by roll call on resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
2. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
- RETIREMENT RESIGNATION – Approval of the following resignation for the purpose of retirement, with regret:
First Name |
Last Name |
Building Assignment |
Position |
Effective Date of Retirement |
Years of Service |
1 |
Lori |
Stine |
Transportation Coordinator |
9/2/2024 |
25 |
- RESIGNATIONS – Approval of the following resignations:
First Name |
Last Name |
Building Assignment |
Position |
Effective Date of Resignation |
1 |
Ryan |
Eisenhart |
Athletics |
Boys Basketball - Varsity Head Coach |
2/23/2024 |
2 |
Brandy |
Baker |
Athletics |
Field Hockey - Varsity Assistant Coach |
2/26/2024 |
3 |
Jessica |
Hoffman |
High School |
Instr. Asst. Spec. Ed. |
3/15/2024 |
4 |
Sheila |
Miller |
High School |
Custodian |
3/22/2024 |
- UNCOMPENSATED LEAVE REQUEST – Approval of the following request for uncompensated leave:
First Name |
Last Name |
Building Assignment |
Position |
Approximate Start Date of Leave |
Approximate End Date of Leave |
Courtney |
Abel |
Middle School |
Science Teacher |
3/13/2024 |
4/1/2024 |
- ATHLETICS – Approval of the following coach, with compensation determined by the Coaches’ Salary Matrix and the stipends noted below, and authorizing discretion to reduce, pro-rate, or cancel any appropriated payment because of a delayed, shortened, or canceled season:
First |
Last |
Job Title |
Stipend |
David |
Bahn |
Track and Field - Junior High Assistant Coach |
$ 2,493.00 |
- TEACHER SUBSTITUTES – Approval of the following individuals holding a PA Teaching certificate or a bachelor’s degree and completion of the District’s Guest Teacher orientation program to substitute teach in all subject areas during the 2023-2024 school year at a rate of $125.00 per day cumulative, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
First Name |
Last Name |
Position |
1 |
Danielle |
Keith |
Guest Teacher |
2 |
Chloe |
Ford |
Guest Teacher |
3 |
Melissa |
Nace |
Certified Substitute |
- SUBSTITUTES – Approval of the following substitutes, for the classification as listed, for the 2023-2024 school year, according to the hourly rates indicated on the corresponding Compensation (Minimum Salary) Matrix, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances, and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
First Name |
Last Name |
Position |
1 |
Kristin |
Kaminkow |
Substitute Nurse - RN |
2 |
Whitney |
Appleby |
Substitute Nurse - LPN |
3 |
Meridith |
McCoury Howard |
Substitute – Administrative Assistant |
4 |
Sheila |
Miller |
Substitute – Custodian |
Vote by roll call on resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
DATE LEAVE BEGINS (approximately) |
DATE LEAVE ENDS (approximately) |
Susan |
Gault |
Paradise Elementary |
Fourth Grade Teacher |
2/7/2024 |
Intermittent |
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 7:04 PM. Wilson seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
February 26, 2024 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: February 26, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, February 26, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of the Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected seven board members present, with Ben Ramsay and Rodney Shearer absent for personal reasons.
Rohrbaugh reported three executive sessions held since the last sunshine meeting: February 12, 2024, for negotiations, personnel, and legal purposes; February 19, 2024, for personnel; and February 20, 2024, for personnel. An executive session will take place following the adjournment of this evening’s meeting for personnel and legal matters.
Tony Spagnola, Spring Grove Borough, recently heard of criminal charges filed against a child for a picture on a Zoom call and is hoping to hear more information from the School Board.
Heather Zimmerman, Paradise Township, requested that the School Board consider amending policy 815.1 and policy 204 to reflect that the student’s use of the camera during virtual learning days be at the discretion of the parent and not the district, and stated a petition will be forthcoming to board members that has been signed by more than 300 parents in agreement. Zimmerman requested assistance, if virtual learning guidelines were sent out to teachers, to locate those guidelines and that they be shared with parents and guardians.
Laura Evans, New Salem Borough, spoke in support of Zimmerman’s petition, stating her disagreement with students’ private homes on virtual learning days being considered an extension of the classroom. Evans stated that there should be something in place to opt a student out of the use of the camera during virtual learning days.
Robin Vanik, Seven Valleys Borough, stated her disagreement with a student receiving criminal charges during a recent incident without someone being in danger. If the allegations are true, it crossed a line in the sand.
Rohrbaugh thanked those who spoke and stated any concerns will be addressed at a later time.
Dr. Ioannidis also thanked those who spoke and those who shared emails related to recent media reports. Any concerns will be addressed later.
Ioannidis recognized the following students and staff:
- Middle School student, Paige Garrison, on winning this year’s Patriot’s Pen Written Essay Contest.
- Student members of High School Indoor Guard for winning their first season competition.
- 2024 YAIAA student winners at Swimming/Diving Championships, with special recognition to Elijah Henning – first place diving, and Sean Henning and Cora Keener – second place diving.
- Michael Hershey for securing the gold at the District III Wrestling event hosted at the high school and is now moving on to the State Tournament. The event also provided an opportunity to showcase district facilities and students, including those who covered livestreaming the event.
- Ashlyn Tyson and Lucas Buhrman – student musicians securing performances at PMEA Region V Choral Festival (and for singing the National Anthem at the wrestling event); and Lucas Buhrman and Evelyn Messinger with successful auditions for the PMEA Region V Jazz Festival.
- York Adams Academy student, Dejah Warren, for attaining the necessary credits to graduate.
- Cassidy Krinock, Learning Support teacher, for attaining a Master of Education Degree from Millersville.
- Instructional Support Teachers, Kim Dunlap, Kristen Henning, and Brent Barge, for partnering with Apple Representatives to present quality breakout sessions at the PETE&C Annual Conference.
Kristen Mummert provided the Student Representative report and gave an update on happenings and upcoming events at all building levels.
There was no correspondence. Rohrbaugh stated her pride in the District III event that takes place each year and provides a wide array of showcasing students including musicians, athletes, NHS, etc.
Ioannidis reported legislative agenda items include the proposed state budget and increase of basic ed subsidy. There are several proposals for which funding is yet to be determined. Amending the statewide cyber/charter tuition rate may have significant impact across the state to districts. Czapp will include any updates during future budget presentations.
Ritz reported that during the February 22nd meeting, board members provided guidance to respond to teachers’ plans for upcoming negotiations. Additional agenda items included Comprehensive Planning, named students of the month, and students being inducted into the National Technical Honor Society.
Baum stated a meeting is scheduled for February 27th. Member school districts are considering the proposed YAA budget.
Czapp reported that during a recent meeting, calendar and future community events were discussed. Board members were invited to participate in an annual emergency planning training exercise required by the state.
1. Baum moved to approve the minutes from the January 22, 2024, and Voting Meeting/Directors’ Study Forum meetings held on February 12, 2024. Ritz seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending January 31, 2024, and moved to approve the reports as presented. Ritz seconded the motion, approved by unanimous roll call vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists for February 2024, as presented.
Additional Information:
Cash Receipts / Condensed Board Summary, as of January 31, 2024.
B. VOLUNTEER SERVICE CREDIT OPPORTUNITY RESOLUTION – Approval and adoption of the attached Resolution establishing a Volunteer Service Credit Program, and enacting tax refunds for volunteer members of Volunteer Fire Companies and Non-Profit Emergency Medical Service agencies, as outlined in the agreement.
C. CONVERSION FROM CSIU TO SKYWARD ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE SYSTEM – Approval of the attached proposal with Skyward and enter into agreement to upgrade the District’s accounting software at a cost not to exceed $199,543 for the first year including installation, training, and implementation, using ESSER III grant funds.
D. 2024-2025 LINCOLN INTERMEDIATE UNIT #12 PROPOSED BUDGET – Approval of the proposed 2024-2025 Lincoln Intermediate Unit #12 General Operating Budget, with an increase of 2.66% compared to last year’s budget, and Spring Grove Area School District’s contribution being $5,635.69, representing an increase over 2023-2024 of $29.52.
E. 2024-2025 YORK ADAMS ACADEMY GENERAL FUND BUDGET – Approval of the proposed 2024-2025 General Fund Budget for York Adams Academy, with total expenditures of $795,869, representing an increase of 1.62% compared to last year’s budget, and no increase to per seat tuition cost for member districts, maintaining Spring Grove Area School District’s portion at $55,800 from the previous year.
F. DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT – Approval to declare the technology equipment (switches) included on the attached list as surplus and dispose of the items for purposes of recycling/reselling, in accordance with School Board Policy #706.1.
G. 2023-2024 ADDITIONAL FUND-RAISING ORGANIZATION – Approval to add the Bryan S. Henry Foundation, a not-for-profit 501c3 organization, to the 2023-2024 list of fund-raising organizations approved for students and/or staff to raise funds during the school year.
Stein requested a separate vote on item B.
Stein stated that though he supports the Resolution, the relief effort should be the responsibility of the municipality. Should the vote result in approval, municipalities should also be required to provide the same rebate. Barshinger stated his agreement, stating that tax dollars generated by the District should focus on students, not community members.
Vote by roll call on item B failed, with Baum voting in favor, and Wilson Barshinger, Ritz, Stein, White and Rohrbaugh voting against.
Vote by roll call on all remaining items of Budget and Finance resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
A. E-Rate Opportunity Memo and Attachment (Wireless Access Points) – To be included with March 11, 2024, action items, following the Board’s review.
New Salem Elementary |
01/26/2024 |
2 |
30 |
Paradise Elementary |
01/24/2024 |
1 |
49 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
01/29/2024 |
2 |
5 |
Spring Grove Intermediate |
01/26/2024 |
2 |
16 |
Spring Grove Middle School |
01/23/2024 |
2 |
15 |
Spring Grove High School |
01/29/2024 |
3 |
21 |
4. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Mike Ritz, Ritz moved, and Wilson seconded the following:
A. KRISE BUS/VAN DRIVERS – Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company drivers for the 2023-2024 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
- Savanna Miller
- Elizabeth Weigle
- Floyd Zirkle
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
5. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and seconded the following:
A. FIRST READING – Approval of a first reading of the following policy:
1) Policy No. 121: Field Trips – revised
B. SECOND READING – Approval of a second and final reading of the following policies:
2) Policy No. 216.1: Supplemental Discipline Records
3) Policy No. 800: Records Management
4) Policy No. 830: Security of Computerized Information/Breach Notification
5) Policy No. 831.1: Data Governance (Storage/Security)
6) Policy No. 832: Retire existing policy with the adoption of revisions to 831.1
C. REVISED 2024-2025 SCHOOL CALENDAR – Approval of the attached and updated 2024-2025 School Calendar.
D. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) A monetary donation in the amount of $200 from Margaret Schlichter to support the District’s Backpack Program and School Nutrition Services’ Angel Fund.
2) A grant donation in the amount of $5,000 from the PA Space Grant Consortium to support the NASA Student Launch Initiative, Battle of the Rockets, and TARC teams.
3) A monetary donation in the amount of $2,000 from Stambaugh Plumbing & Heating, Inc. to support the District’s Link Crew Program.
4) Monetary donations from the following to support the District’s Odyssey of the Mind Program:
a. A grant donation in the amount of $415 from Creativity Unlimited in PA.
b. A monetary donation in the amount of $100 from Choice Family Pharmacy, Inc.
c. A monetary donation in the amount of $100 from JSG Insurance LLC.
d. A monetary donation in the amount of $500 from Cedar Hill Real Estate (Paradise Homes).
e. A monetary donation in the amount of $100 from Michelle A Wood-Trageser.
f. A monetary donation in the amount of $500 from GHI Engineers and Surveyors.
g. A monetary donation in the amount of $300 from Ledge, Inc.
Baum thanked donors.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
- AMENDMENT AND EXTENSION TO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT – Approval of the attached Agreement to Amend and Extend the Collective Bargaining Agreement for the period August 16, 2019, to the last day prior to the first scheduled teacher workday for the 2024-2025 school year, for one (1) additional year, up to and including the last day prior to the first scheduled teacher workday for the 2025-2026 school year.
- RETIREMENT RESIGNATION – Approval of the following resignation for the purpose of retirement, with regret:
First Name |
Last Name |
Building Assignment |
Position |
Effective Date of Retirement |
Years of Service |
Donna |
Caulfield |
Paradise Elementary |
Head Cook - Nutrition Supervisor |
8/16/2024 |
27 |
- RESIGNATIONS – Approval of the following resignations:
First Name |
Last Name |
Building Assignment |
Position |
Effective Date of Resignation |
Mildred |
Fernandez |
Middle School |
Instructional Assistant - Special Education |
2/14/2024 |
Zachary |
Ruth |
Extracurricular |
Assistant Fall Drama Coach, Musical Light and Sound Advisor, Audio Visual Support |
2/14/2024 |
- UNCOMPENSATED LEAVE REQUESTS – Approval of the following requests for uncompensated leave:
First Name |
Last Name |
Building Assignment |
Position |
Approximate Start Date of Leave |
Approximate End Date of Leave |
1 |
Sierra |
Shaffer |
Paradise Elementary |
Instructional Assistant - Special Education |
3/27/2024 |
5/8/2024 |
2 |
Meghan |
Michalisin |
High School |
Math Teacher |
10/20/2024 |
end of the 2024-2025 school year |
- TRANSFERS – Approval of the following transfers, with compensation established at the hourly rate included on the compensation matrix for the position, and commensurate with years of experience:
First Name |
Last Name |
Transferring FROM Building Assignment and Position |
Transferring TO Building Assignment and New Position |
Effective Date |
Work Calendar |
1 |
Stacy |
Kerr |
Administrative Assistant - Tax Collection and Accounts Receivable |
Administrative Assistant - Business Office and Accounts Payable |
5/1/2024 |
8 hours per day / 260 days per year |
2 |
Kelly |
Nell |
Spring Grove Area High School Administrative Assistant - Building |
Administrative Assistant - Tax Collection and Accounts Receivable |
5/1/2024 |
8 hours per day / 260 days per year |
- APPOINTMENT – Approval of the following appointment, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers, with compensation established at the hourly rate included on the compensation matrix for the position, and commensurate with years of experience:
First Name |
Last Name |
Building Assignment |
Position |
Effective Date |
Work Calendar |
Lachelle |
Odom |
Spring Grove Elementary |
Instructional Assistant - Special Education (Personal Care) |
3/01/2024 |
7 Hours per day / 180 Days per year |
- EXTRACURRICULAR POSITION – Approval of the following individual, for the 2023-2024 school year, with compensation determined by the Extracurricular Minimum Stipend Matrix, and authorizing discretion to reduce, pro-rate, or cancel any appropriated payment because of a delayed, shortened, or canceled events:
First Name |
Last Name |
Position |
2023-2024 Stipend |
1 |
Chloe |
Braden |
Musical Choral Director |
$ 1,194.00 |
2 |
Kyle |
Kirkpatrick |
Musical Light and Sound Advisor |
proration of $615 |
- ATHLETICS – Approval of the following coaches, with compensation determined by the Coaches’ Salary Matrix and the stipends noted below, and authorizing discretion to reduce, pro-rate, or cancel any appropriated payment because of a delayed, shortened, or canceled season:
First |
Last |
Job Title |
Stipend |
1 |
Joshua |
Fishel |
Baseball - Varsity Head Coach |
$ 4,304.00 |
2 |
Douglas |
Arnold |
Baseball - Varsity Assistant Coach |
$ 2,909.00 |
3 |
Trevor |
Lintz |
Baseball - Varsity Assistant Coach |
$ 2,909.00 |
4 |
Shay |
Stremmel |
Boys Lacrosse - Varsity Head Coach |
$ 4,154.00 |
5 |
Hunter |
Sterner |
Boys Lacrosse - Varsity Assistant Coach |
$ 2,909.00 |
6 |
Thomas |
Hunt |
Boys Tennis - Varsity Head Coach |
$ 3,000.00 |
7 |
Tiffany |
Hunter |
Boys Volleyball - Varsity Head Coach |
$ 4,154.00 |
8 |
Derrick |
Henning |
Boys Volleyball - Varsity Assistant Coach |
$ 2,909.00 |
9 |
Lauren |
Grove |
Girls Lacrosse - Varsity Head Coach |
$ 4,154.00 |
10 |
Erin |
Burkett |
Girls Lacrosse - Varsity Assistant Coach |
$ 2,909.00 |
11 |
Elizabeth |
Zeigler |
Girls Volleyball - Junior High Head Coach |
$ 3,100.00 |
12 |
Samantha |
Strausbaugh |
Girls Volleyball - Junior High Assistant Coach |
$ 2,568.00 |
13 |
Abigail |
Hursh |
Softball - Varsity Head Coach |
$ 4,154.00 |
14 |
Kaitlyn |
Peake |
Softball - Varsity Assistant Coach |
$ 2,909.00 |
15 |
Todd |
Harvison |
Softball - Varsity Assistant Coach |
$ 2,909.00 |
16 |
Brian |
Campbell Sr. |
Track and Field - Varsity Head Coach |
$ 4,650.00 |
17 |
Delaney |
Flaherty |
Track and Field - Varsity Assistant Coach |
$ 2,909.00 |
18 |
Kathleen |
Krall |
Track and Field - Varsity Assistant Coach |
$ 3,411.00 |
19 |
Stephen |
Perago |
Track and Field - Varsity Assistant Coach |
$ 3,175.00 |
20 |
Daniel |
Stoner |
Track and Field - Varsity Assistant Coach |
$ 2,909.00 |
21 |
Tara |
Bahn |
Track and Field - Varsity Assistant Coach |
$ 1,454.50 |
22 |
Paxton |
Drumheller |
Track and Field - Junior High Head Coach |
$ 2,800.00 |
23 |
To be determined |
Track and Field - Junior High Assistant Coach |
$ 2,493.00 |
24 |
Ashton |
Ball |
Track and Field - Junior High Assistant Coach |
$ 2,493.00 |
25 |
Daniel |
Jones |
Track and Field - Junior High Assistant Coach |
$ 2,568.00 |
26 |
Michaela |
Landis |
Unified Track and Field Coach |
$ 750.00 |
27 |
Abbie |
Sechrist |
Unified Track and Field Coach |
$ 750.00 |
- GAME MANAGER / INTERSCHOLASTIC PERSONNEL – Approval of the following interscholastic personnel, pending receipt of updated clearances, for the 2023-2024 school year to work athletic events at the established event rate in the matrix:
First Name |
Last Name |
Position |
Mitchell |
Warner |
Game Manager |
- SUBSTITUTE – Approval of the following substitute, for the classification as listed, for the 2023-2024 school year, according to the hourly rates indicated on the corresponding Compensation (Minimum Salary) Matrix, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances, and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
First Name |
Last Name |
Position |
Mildred |
Fernandez |
Classified Substitute – Administrative Assistant |
Stein requested a separate vote on item H-8.
Vote by roll call on item H-8 resulted in the motion carrying, with Wilson, Baum, Barshinger, White, Ritz, and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. Stein abstained.
Vote by roll call on all remaining personnel items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
DATE LEAVE BEGINS (approximately) |
DATE LEAVE ENDS (approximately) |
Katelyn |
Moyer |
Spring Grove Elementary |
Special Education |
4/1/2024 |
6/4/2024 |
7. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. PARTICIPATION IN AI-POWERED MERLYN MIND PROGRAM – Acknowledgement of the District’s participation in a three-year pilot grant program with Merlyn Mind, under the auspices of PDE, to incorporate their AI-powered voice assistant technology in the classroom to increase teacher productivity.
1) Approval for Brian Hastings, High School Science Teacher, to accompany students on the 2024 TARC Team to practice rocket launches for TARC in The Plains, VA, on the following dates:
a. March 16, 2024
b. March 30, 2024
c. April 6, 2024
2) Approval for Kaytelyn Naglich, Indoor Drill Coach, to accompany students on the 2024 Indoor Drill Team to the Indoor Drill Association Atlantic Coast Championships in Wildwood, New Jersey, May 2-5, 2024.
1) Approval for Jennifer Leppo, Accounting Services Manager, to attend the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials (PASBO) 2024 69th Annual Conference at the Hershey Hotel, Hershey, PA, March 6-7, 2024.
2) Approval for Lisa Bahn, Wendi Bulgarelli, and Wendy Speir, Certified School Nurses, to attend the Pennsylvania Association of School Nurses and Practitioners (PASNAP) 2024 Annual Conference at the Hershey Lodge, Hershey, PA, March 22-24, 2024.
3) Approval for Julie Janusz, Federal Programs Coordinator, Jamie Tharp, Paradise Elementary Reading Specialist, and Emily Sprenkle, Spring Grove Elementary Reading Specialist, to attend the 2024 Pennsylvania Association of Federal Program Coordinators Conference at The Westin, Pittsburgh, PA, April 14-17, 2024.
Wilson moved to table item A. Ritz seconded.
Wilson stated that during a recent curriculum committee meeting, there was not enough evidence to support moving the item forward for consideration at the present time.
Vote by roll call to table the motion resulted in the motion carrying with Ritz, Barshinger, Wilson and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. White, Baum, and Stein voted against.
Vote by roll call on remaining items of curriculum resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
- Summer School Camp Memorandum – This is an informational item only, with no action to follow by the School Board.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 7:38 PM. Barshinger seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
February 12, 2024 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: February 12, 2024 / 7:06 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study Forum of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, February 12, 2024, following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rohrbaugh noted all nine board members remained in attendance.
There was no public comment.
Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations, presented an update to the proposed 2024-2025 general fund budget, noting anticipated increases in salaries, health care costs, and cyber/charter tuition, among other line items. Czapp cautioned board members on the impact that no change to the millage rate would have on the fund balance moving forward. Future budget updates will include a history of actual General Fund and ESSER Fund expenditures, and an overview of learning options currently under consideration by the Strategic Planning Committee that may provide a suitable alternative to students enrolled in cyber charter schools.
Czapp presented a Volunteer Service Credit Opportunity Resolution for the Board’s consideration, outlining program eligibility and the application process for interested fire and EMS volunteers. The Act 172 credit was established to increase participation with fire and EMS departments and is based upon a point system. Brad Dunham, Jackson Township Emergency Management Coordinator, confirmed three other York County school districts’ participation and encouraged the Board’s support. Board members questioned the overall cost of approximately $40,000, depending on the number of eligible applicants. Stein stated concern for what he considers a tax shift from municipalities to the school district. The Board will consider approval of the Resolution at the February 26th regular voting meeting.
Dr. Ioannidis commented on Czapp’s inclusion of several new positions in the proposed 2024-2025 budget. The addition of a Director of Curriculum at the administrative level is in response to the Board’s concern to provide more support to teachers. Additionally, Dr. Ludwig and Dr. Henry reported that special education classes are already near or at capacity, and projected enrollment numbers are showing an increase of up to 11 students in Autistic Support (AS). The recommendation for two teachers and six support staff positions will cover two additional AS classes. Space at the K-4 level has been an ongoing problem according to Stein, and Rohrbaugh questioned the location of the classrooms. All options, including modulars, are being considered. A presentation providing more information is tentative with March 11th DSF items.
Czapp presented a memorandum with an investment summary outlining advantages to converting the District’s current CSIU accounting software to the Skyward System. ESSER III Grant funds will be used to cover the $199,543 first-year quote for installation, training, and implementation, with zero net cost to the District. Annual costs thereafter will be less than current CSIU annual charges. The Board will consider approval of the investment and adoption of the software program at the February 26th regular voting meeting.
Ioannidis welcomed and introduced Corinne Burns and Tim Koch to share an Accarent Health presentation. Koch, founder of Accarent, briefly provided a 30-year history of the company and highlighted the program’s advantages, namely additional health care offerings to staff and cost savings to the District. Any incentives made available to staff to promote use of the service would be established by the District before communicating the opportunity. The Board will consider approval of a Letter of Agreement at a future meeting.
Czapp presented the LIU #12 proposed 2024-2025 budget for review, noting total expenditures of $8,421,785, a 2.66% increase over 2023-2024. The Board will consider approval at the February 26th regular voting meeting.
Czapp presented the YAA proposed 2024-2025 budget for review, noting total expenditures of $795,869, a 1.62% over 2023-2024, and reflecting no increase in the per seat tuition rate. The Board will consider approval at the February 26th regular voting meeting.
Chris Enck presented a list of switches for the Board’s consideration of considering outdated/obsolete for the purpose of resale according to Board Policy #706.1. The switches have been replaced. The Board will consider approval at the February 26th regular voting meeting.
Steph Kennedy presented a request that the Bryan S. Henry Foundation, a 501c3 organization, be added to the list of approved fundraising organizations. The Board will consider approval at the February 26th regular voting meeting.
Bill Stiles reported that classrooms are back to normal following the recent water main break at the high school. Ongoing air quality and gym floor assessment results are to be returned by the close of the week.
The district hosted a biennial community breakfast and a Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting since the last Board meeting, as reported by Stiles. He provided an update of recent communications with, and actions by, CRA related to the multipurpose facility and provided a list of upcoming dates and pending discussion and/or action items. Two Board members recently toured the current maintenance center, and a tour of neighboring Districts’ maintenance, building and grounds, and/or storage buildings is scheduled for later this week. There is a Jackson Township Planning Commission meeting scheduled on February 20 and a Zoning Hearing scheduled on February 26.
The interior of the multipurpose facility project remains in the design phase, with completion by CRA projected for April 1. Land development approval and bid release are projected for the fall of 2024. Prior to going out to bid, a list of alternates will be assembled and included with the package to be presented to the Board for consideration of approval. The start of construction is tentative for December 2024, with completion projected for September 2025.
Minutes of the February 2, 2024, Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting were entered into the record as an informational item.
Chris Enck welcomed and introduced Tim Hodkinson and referenced an informational handout about Merlyn Mind, AI digital assistant. Hodkinson provided a summary of the voice activated hardware and answered questions from Board members. The resource is intended to aid the engagement of teachers in the classroom. A grant program by PDE is currently available to ten PA school districts and includes a three-year commitment, valued at approximately $80,000, with piloted use by 100 teachers. Board members requested to see a live and interactive demo and suggested that the Board Curriculum Committee consider the recommendation and report back to the full Board. A rubric of determining if the hardware is being successful was requested. Ioannidis thanked Kim Dunlap, Brent Barge, and Kristen Henning, Instructional Technology Specialists, for their input and attendance at the meeting. The Board will consider approval of the District’s participation in the grant program at a future meeting.
In response to attendance concerns with students at Paradise Elementary School, Ioannidis introduced an opportunity to collaborate with Communities in Schools of Pennsylvania (CISPA) for consideration. The effort would provide additional supports for making connections with students and families to encourage and improve student attendance at school. Through PCCD grant funding, the district can engage with CISPA for a three-year period. A letter of intent will be submitted to CISPA by the superintendent on behalf of the school district. Next steps include the Board’s consideration of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for engagement, to be presented along with additional information at the March 11th DSF.
Three overnight conference requests were presented for the Board’s review. Guadagnino stated that part of the district’s process following a conference includes the staff member completing a summary of what was learned to determine if there is value in continuing participation. The three requests will be included with February 26th actions for consideration of the Board’s approval.
Guadagnino presented four Major Trip Proposals for consideration. Following review, the Board will consider approval of the three Rocket Launch requests and one Indoor Guard request at the February 26th regular voting meeting.
Karen Baum presented revisions to Board Policy #121, Field Trips, for review. Recommended changes include removing language more suitable in an administrative regulation and increasing the distance that identifies a request as a Major Trip. The Board will consider approval of a first reading of the proposed revisions at the February 26th regular voting meeting.
Guadagnino presented revisions to the 2024-2025 School Calendar for consideration, noting there were errors in the previously approved version. White requested that virtual days be considered in place of early dismissals when presenting future calendars. The Board will consider approval of the updates at the February 26th regular voting meeting.
Stein presented a confidential memorandum listing proposed personnel actions to be considered for approval at the February 26th regular voting meeting.
Stein requested a history of annual field trips, by grade level and building, to include a purpose and summary of the trip and how it ties in with the class curriculum. Guadagnino will compile the information and share out with the Board at a future meeting.
Ritz moved to adjourn at 9:35 PM. Baum seconded. Board members adjourned by unanimous voice vote and entered executive session for negotiations, legal and personnel reasons.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
February 12, 2024 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: February 12, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, February 12, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected all nine board members present.
There were two executive sessions held since the last sunshine meeting: February 7, 2024, for personnel, and prior to the start of tonight’s meeting, February 12, 2024, for student discipline. There will be an executive session following adjournment of the Directors’ Study Forum meeting for negotiations, legal, and personnel purposes.
Clint Wright, Mid-Atlantic District Exchange Club President, and Lorna Myers, Charter President of the Exchange Club of Spring Grove, were present to introduce the newly chartered organization in Spring Grove. Wright stated that the Club sponsors a wide range of activities to improve communities, such as recognizing youth and helping the disadvantaged. Myers would like to partner with the district to provide scholarships for seniors and support the Walk of Heroes, placing flags on campus for Veterans Day, etc.
A packet of blank note cards was placed at each board member’s seat to use for general correspondence.
1. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
1) Approval of the Middle School Administration and Superintendent’s recommendation that the Agreement, Waiver and Stipulation, numbered 2023-2024, #001, and ratified on February 1, 2024, be approved as documented.
Vote by roll call on resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
2. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. PERSONNEL ACTIONS – Approval of all personnel actions as listed on the attachment.
Vote by roll call on resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 7:06 PM. Baum seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
January 22, 2024 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: January 22, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Michael Ritz, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, January 22, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of the Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove. Nicole Wilson, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected eight board members present, with Rachel Rohrbaugh absent for personal reasons.
Wilson reported that an executive session was held on January 8, 2024, for negotiations. An executive session will take place following adjournment of this evening’s meeting for personnel.
Rhonda Wastler, Spring Grove Music Booster President, shared an update of happenings throughout the District related to the booster program, including information and dates of upcoming events.
Madison Crouthamel, resident, Spring Grove teacher, and History Club Advisor, requested the Board’s consideration to approve JFT as an additional fundraising organization so students can raise funds in support of the organization moving the Hoke House from Spring Grove to its new location.
Dr. Ioannidis thanked Crouthamel and confirmed that this evening’s agenda includes a request for JFT to be considered as an approved fundraising organization.
In honor of January being Board Recognition Month, Ioannidis recognized and thanked School Board members for their volunteer service to the students, the district, and the Spring Grove community. Each board member was given a certificate and gift of appreciation. He publicly credited Josh Richard, High School Tech Ed teacher, and Evan Logan, high school student, who set up the laser and digital files for engraving the logo on wooden coasters.
Two outstanding High School students were selected to receive the Crispus Attucks Rev. Michael D. Jefferson "Living the Dream Award." Congratulations to Peyton Ruhland and Henry Rumbaugh.
High School student, Mallory Snyder, secured first place in the local VFW Voice of Democracy (VOD) Patriotic Audio Essay Competition. This year’s competition subject was “What are the greatest attributes of our Democracy?”
Congratulations to PMEA District 7 Orchestra selected students Lucas Buhrman (Violin) and Bryan Myers (Cello). Bryan was also selected to PMEA District 7 Band (Alto Saxophone). In addition to Lucas and Bryan, Leland Klinedinst and Libbi Brewer (Viola) participated in the first-ever York County Orchestra Festival this past Saturday, hosted at our high school.
Congratulations to Dawson McMaster, high school student, on being selected as the PA State Athletic Directors Association 2024 Male Scholarship recipient.
High School National Honor Society (NHS) students collected 5,714 pounds of food during this year's district-wide Fill the Bus campaign. Special thanks also to our Rocket Staff who raised $14,815 toward the RCRCP Campaign.
Ioannidis publicly recognized Bill Stiles and members of the district’s maintenance/facility crews, and Lori Stine, bus drivers, and the transportation contractor, for their quick response to schedule changes and maintaining clear campuses during recent weather-related events. Thank you also to administrators and athletics department staff who, during an unfortunate medical incident at a recent event, responded to the situation expediently and efficiently, and were able to meet the student’s needs and support the family.
Ioannidis closed his report with an invitation to Board members to the January 31st biennial breakfast meeting with community partners, the District III wrestling event, and the spring musical, Frozen, Jr.
Racheal Fadare provided the Student Representative report and gave an update to happenings and upcoming events at all building levels. She thanked Board members for their service and hard work on behalf of all students and the school district.
There was no correspondence.
Ioannidis reported that the Basic Ed Funding report was completed by the Commission, with agreement by committee members that the funding formula needs to be revised. Proposed bills focusing on students’ mental health needs have been introduced for consideration in the House.
Ritz reported that a meeting is scheduled for later this week, the first since November 2023.
Baum reported that YAA winter graduation will take place this week, with four Spring Grove resident students graduating.
1. Ritz moved to approve the minutes from the Reorganization/Voting Meeting held on December 4, 2023, and Voting Meeting/Directors’ Study Forum meetings held on January 8, 2024. Barshinger seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Reports for months ending November 30, 2023, and December 31, 2023, and moved to approve the reports as presented. Ramsay seconded the motion, approved by unanimous roll call vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists for December 2023 and January 2024, as presented.
Additional Information:
· Cash Receipts / Condensed Board Summary, as of November 30, 2023.
· Cash Receipts / Condensed Board Summary, as of December 31, 2023.
B. 2023-2024 BUDGETARY TRANSFERS – Approval of the attached budgetary transfers for the first quarter of the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
C. 2024-2025 YORK COUNTY SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY BUDGET RESOLUTION – Adoption of the attached Resolution to approve the proposed 2024-2025 York County School of Technology General Operating Budget not to exceed $36,353,000 and agree to pay the District’s prorated share of budgetary expenditures.
D. 2023-2024 ADDITIONAL FUND-RAISING ORGANIZATION – Approval to add JFT Recovery and Veterans Support Services (JFT), a not-for-profit 501c3 organization, to the 2023-2024 list of fund-raising organizations approved for students and/or staff to raise funds during the school year.
E. LINCOLN LEARNING NETWORK AGREEMENT – Approval to enter into a succeeding five-year lease agreement with Lincoln Learning Network for Internet, bandwidth, and network monitoring infrastructure according to the attached contract, beginning July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2029, at a cost not to exceed $31,500 per year, after E-Rate discounts are applied.
Vote by roll call on Budget and Finance items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
4. Following a report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Baum seconded the following:
- FIRST AMENDMENT TO REGIONAL PARKS AND RECREATION CENTER AGREEMENT – Acceptance and adoption of the attached First Amendment to Regional Recreation Services Agreement extending the commencement date for purposes of the agreement from January 1, 2024, to no later than January 1, 2025, unless otherwise agreed upon.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
New Salem Elementary |
11/09/2023 |
2 |
0 |
Paradise Elementary |
11/07/2023 |
1 |
39 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
11/29/2023 |
2 |
28 |
Spring Grove Intermediate |
11/29/2023 |
2 |
16 |
Spring Grove Middle School |
11/09/2023 |
2 |
22 |
Spring Grove High School |
11/17/2023 |
4 |
48 |
New Salem Elementary |
12/15/2023 |
1 |
47 |
Paradise Elementary |
12/14/2023 |
1 |
47 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
12/21/2023 |
2 |
6 |
Spring Grove Intermediate |
12/15/2023 |
2 |
14 |
Spring Grove Middle School |
12/12/2023 |
1 |
57 |
Spring Grove High School |
12/15/2023 |
5 |
12 |
5. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Mike Ritz, Ritz moved, and Barshinger seconded the following:
A. KRISE BUS/VAN DRIVERS – Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company drivers for the 2023-2024 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
1) Jeremy Ayala
2) Victoria Kuklinski
3) James Trich, Sr.
4) Joseph Weaver
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. FIRST READING – Approval of a first reading of the following policies:
1) Policy No. 006: Meetings – revised
2) Policy No. 216.1: Supplemental Discipline Records – proposed new language, with strikethrough of existing policy language
3) Policy No. 800: Records Management – revised
4) Policy No. 830: Security of Computerized Information/Breach Notification – revised
5) Policy No. 831.1: Data Governance (Storage/Security) – revised policy and number, with retirement of existing policy number 832
B. 2023-2024 ADDITIONAL SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT – Approval to add the Spring Grove Area High School Alumni Group as an approved district-owned social media account in accordance with Policy #816.
C. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) Donation of a Dean Electric Bass Guitar from Sam Bolinger to be used with the District’s Music Program.
2) Monetary donations in the amount of $300 from Margaret Schlichter to support the District’s Backpack Program and School Nutrition Services’ Angel Fund.
3) A monetary donation in the amount of $100 from Christine Eldridge to support the District’s Backpack Program.
4) A monetary donation in the amount of $100 from JDTF, Inc. to support the District’s Student Launch Initiative.
5) A monetary donation in the amount of $100 from Kyle Abrahims to support the District’s Student Launch Initiative.
6) A monetary donation in the amount of $200 from Joseph and Paula Costa to support the Nutrition Services’ Angel Fund.
7) A monetary donation in the amount of $250 from Zeredatha – White Rose Lodge No. 451 to support the students and families of New Salem Elementary.
8) A monetary donation in the amount of $500 from Jenny Zech to support the District’s Weekend Backpack Program.
9) Monetary donations received to support the Odyssey of the Mind Team as follows:
a. Dean’s Auto Plaza, Inc. in the amount of $300
b. Hickory Heights, Inc. in the amount of $100
c. Ballina Farms LLC in the amount of $200
d. American Cone Valve, Inc. in the amount of $1,000
e. D.E. Wildasin & Son LLC in the amount of $500
f. York College in the amount of $500
g. Dermatology Associates of York, Inc. in the amount of $100
Baum thanked all organizations and donors for their respective contributions.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
7. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING – Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Spring Grove Area School District and Spring Grove Education Association regarding special education teachers’ professional development.
B. RETIREMENT RESIGNATIONS – Approval of the following resignations for the purpose of retirement, with regret:
First Name |
Last Name |
Building Assignment |
Position |
Effective Date of Retirement |
Years of Service |
1 |
Dorothy |
Romero |
High School |
Math Teacher |
last day before the first day of the 2024-2025 school year |
26 |
2 |
Cynthia |
Cohen |
Paradise Elementary |
Reading Specialist |
last day before the first day of the 2024-2025 school year |
34 |
3 |
Benjamin |
Grim |
High School |
Social Studies Teacher |
last day before the first day of the 2024-2025 school year |
31 |
4 |
William |
Robinson |
Intermediate School / Elementary School |
Music Teacher |
last day before the first day of the 2024-2025 school year |
18 |
C. RESIGNATIONS – Approval of the following resignations:
First Name |
Last Name |
Building Assignment |
Position |
Effective Date of Resignation |
1 |
Michelle |
Roeser |
Middle School |
PT Nutritional Support |
12/21/2023 |
2 |
Heidi |
Bortner |
High School |
Instructional Assistant - Special Education |
1/12/2024 |
3 |
Brittany |
Austin |
Middle School |
Math Teacher |
6/4/2024 |
4 |
Martin |
Aitken |
Spring Grove Intermediate |
Instructional Assistant - Special Education - Personal Care |
1/17/2024 |
D. UNCOMPENSATED LEAVE REQUEST – Approval of the following request for uncompensated leave:
First Name |
Last Name |
Building Assignment |
Position |
Approximate Start Date of Leave |
Approximate End Date of Leave |
Tina |
Stiles |
Intermediate School |
Instr. Asst. Spec. Ed. |
1/12/2024 |
1/31/2024 |
E. APPOINTMENTS – Approval of the following appointments, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
First Name |
Last Name |
Building Assignment |
Position |
Effective Date |
Rate |
Work Calendar |
1 |
Emalee |
Summers |
Spring Grove Elementary |
Instructional Asst. - Kindergarten |
1/23/2024 |
$13.25 |
5 hours per day / 180 days per year |
2 |
Anna |
Mertz |
New Salem |
PT - Nutrition Support |
1/23/2024 |
$12.25 |
4 hours per day / 180 days per year |
F. ATHLETICS – Approval of the following coaches for the 2023-2024 Winter Season, with compensation determined by the Coaches’ Salary Matrix and the stipends noted below, and authorizing discretion to reduce, pro-rate, or cancel any appropriated payment because of a delayed, shortened, or canceled season:
First |
Last |
Job Title |
Stipend |
Ryan |
Miller |
Varsity Assistant Wrestling |
$1,232.67 |
G. AQUATICS – Approval of the following individuals, pending receipt of updated clearances, to work aquatics events at the established hourly aquatics rate in the matrix to provide aquatic assistance during community swim activities:
First Name |
Last Name |
Position |
Jenna |
Meyering |
Aquatics - Lifeguard/Swim Aide |
H. SUBSTITUTES – Approval of the following substitutes, for the classification as listed, for the 2023-2024 school year, according to the hourly rates indicated on the corresponding Compensation (Minimum Salary) Matrix, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances, and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
First Name |
Last Name |
Position |
1 |
Jennifer |
Bankert |
Classified Substitute - Cafeteria |
2 |
Crystal |
Drinkut |
Classified Substitute - Cafeteria |
3 |
Sarah |
Martin |
Classified Substitute - Aide |
4 |
Gayle |
Shorts |
Classified Substitute - Cafeteria |
5 |
Anna |
Watson |
Classified Substitute - Cafeteria |
Stein moved to table item A. Barshinger seconded.
Ioannidis provided a brief background to the motion, stating that during recent discussions and in consultation with the solicitor, there may not be a need to move forward with the MOU.
Vote by roll call to table the motion carried by unanimous vote.
Vote by roll call on remaining items B through H resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
DATE LEAVE BEGINS (approximately) |
DATE LEAVE ENDS (approximately) |
Mark |
Heidel |
Paradise |
Special Education Teacher |
1/3/2024 |
4/1/2024 |
8. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Eric Barshinger, Barshinger moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. NEW HIGH SCHOOL COURSE – Approval of Rocket Leadership I as a new course at the high school, beginning with the 2024-2025 school year.
B. PARTICIPATION IN AI-POWERED MERLYN MIND PROGRAM – Acknowledgement of the District’s participation in a three-year pilot grant program with Merlyn Mind, under the auspices of PDE, and incorporate AI-powered voice assistant technology in the classroom to increase teacher productivity.
1) Approval for eligible students and designated chaperones to travel to and participate in PMEA District 7 Festivals at respective locations on the following dates, contingent upon qualifying for the event:
a. Orchestra Festival, Central Dauphin East H.S., Harrisburg, PA, February 8-10, 2024
b. Jazz Festival, Central Dauphin H.S., Harrisburg, PA, March 15-16, 2024
2) Approval for eligible students and designated chaperones to travel to and participate in the PMEA Region V Chorus Festival, location TBD, March 8-9, 2024, contingent upon qualifying for the event.
3) Approval for eligible students and designated chaperones to travel to and participate in the PMEA All State Festival, to be held at Bayfront Convention Center, Erie, PA, April 17-20, 2024, contingent upon qualifying for the event.
Shearer moved to table item B. Stein seconded the motion, unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Board members requested additional information before considering approval of the Merlyn Mind piloted program, including how feedback will be provided.
Ioannidis indicated that AI resources are being considered and discussed by superintendents. The administration will continue to do research. The proposal is for a three-year pilot program that will provide an opportunity for continued analysis in a measured and controlled environment. More information will be shared with February 12th DSF agenda items.
Vote by roll call on remaining items A and C resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Wilson reminded board members of the executive session following adjournment for personnel.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 7:55 PM. Baum seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
January 8, 2024 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: January 8, 2024 / 7:05 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study Forum of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, January 8, 2024, following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rohrbaugh noted the same board members remained in attendance.
There was no public comment.
High School administrators and invited guests shared the following respective presentations:
· Eileen Welch, Amazon K-12 Education Advisor, and Christian Ehrhart, High School Associate Principal, presented information related to a recently established partnership between the School District and Amazon Fulfillment Center offering students employment opportunities and authentic onsite learning experiences.
· Dr. Mike McGough, former educator and college professor, and Dr. Dietrich, High School Principal, presented information related to a newly initiated Joint Student Forum between Spring Grove and Upper Adams School Districts offering students experiences to support personal leadership development. The initiative includes field activities from the Battle of Gettysburg and school activities that promote the development of time management and interpersonal skills.
· Michael Snell, High School Assistant Principal, and Dr. Dietrich presented rationale associated with a 2024-25 new course proposal at the High School titled Rocket Leadership 1. The proposed course will be an elective available to all students, and it will offer an additional level of student leadership currently promoted in the Leader in Me program.
Ioannidis thanked all presenters and stated that the partnership with Amazon was borne out of the tax abatement program extended to the developer of the Amazon facility that was approved by the Board several years ago.
Ioannidis shared an update and recent action steps regarding the ongoing initiative to improve instructional delivery options, in part as an alternative to student enrollment at cyber/charter schools. Steps include the strategic planning subcommittee considering how best to reconnect with these families and students in addition to contacting Pearson Virtual Learning and Cambridge Schools to discuss virtual course offerings and potential partnerships.
Ioannidis reported that the district was contacted about a grant program that provides AI-powered voice assistant technology to participants under the auspices of PDE and their partnership with Merlyn Mind. Kristen Henning, District Instructional Technology Specialist, commented on some of the benefits, such as assistance with content development and differentiation, lesson planning and gathering resources, among others. Merlyn Mind is an American research-based company with an academic background. Staff’s participation will be on a voluntary basis. The Board will be asked to acknowledge participation in the three-year grant program at the January 22nd regular voting meeting.
Dr. Guadagnino provided a presentation of 2022-2023 PSSA assessment results and noted the difference between achievement and growth scores. Guadagnino’s presentation included a comparison of district results to statewide averages and the State’s 2033 established goal.
Guadagnino reported that Paradise has been identified as a TSI (Targeted Support and Improvement) school due to the below-proficient performance of enrolled students with disabilities. Guadagnino explained that next steps include the administration developing a plan to work on improvement strategies needed. No action is required by the Board at this time.
Guadagnino presented four proposals for major trips for review. The Board will consider approval of the PMEA-related requests at the January 22nd regular voting meeting.
Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations, presented a memorandum of work that has been completed on the 2024-2025 proposed budget since the Board’s last review in November 2023. The financial status of the current fiscal year continues to be a consideration in the proposed budget’s development. An updated presentation will take place during the February 12th Directors’ Study Forum (DSF).
Czapp presented the York County School of Technology proposed 2024-2025 budget for review. The Board will consider approval at the January 22nd regular voting meeting.
Czapp presented a list of proposed 2023-2024 budgetary transfers for the fiscal year’s first quarter for review. The Board will consider approval at the January 22nd regular voting meeting.
Chris Enck, District Technology Coordinator, presented documents related to a request to continue the existing relationship with LIU12 and enter into a succeeding five-year agreement to provide Internet bandwidth and network monitoring infrastructure to the District through June 30, 2029. The Board will consider approval of the proposed Master Agreement and related documents at the January 22nd regular voting meeting.
Enck presented a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Internal Connections Equipment and/or Services and Related Maintenance document as an informational item. He reported the district’s intention to issue the RFP for wireless access points with a response deadline of January 22nd. Following review of responses, the Board will be asked to consider approval of the successful vendor at a future voting meeting.
Czapp presented a summary outlining a Volunteer Service Credit Program incentive program for the Board’s consideration. He reported that Karen Baum was part of a conversation that the administration held with local Emergency Management officials,regarding details of the program and the application process. A presentation is scheduled with February 12th DSF agenda items, and a request for approval to adopt the program is tentative with February 26th regular voting meeting actions.
Steph Kennedy, Community Relations Coordinator, summarized a request to add JFT Recovery & Veterans Support Services as an additional fundraising organization to the approved 2023-2024 list. The Board will consider approval at the January 22nd regular voting meeting.
Kennedy presented the Spring Grove Area Educational Fund annual report to the Board as an informational item. No action is required by the Board.
Ioannidis reported that a presentation regarding a proposal to partner with Accarent Health is tentative with February DSF agenda items. The proposed partnership is designed to offer yet another healthcare option to staff. Ioannidis noted that the relationship will prove to be a benefit to the District, an advantage to staff, and selecting to use the options will be completely voluntary.
Czapp shared an update related to ongoing facility projects and presented a summary of items and meetings completed since the last Buildings and Grounds report. His summary included tentative next steps. Stein asked if there were any notes available from the meetings. Shearer asked to be invited to future meetings.
Ioannidis noted that there has been a delay in the implementation of the YMCA of the Roses agreement with Spring Grove Regional Parks and Recreation and presented a First Amendment to the Regional Recreation Services Agreement that includes the extension of the commencement date from January 1, 2024, to not later than January 1, 2025. The Board will consider approval of the amended agreement at the January 22nd regular voting meeting.
Karen Baum presented a copy of Board Policy #011 for reference. Ioannidis drew attention to the policy’s listed Principles for Governance and Leadership and noted that the previously seated Board adopted revisions to the policy in October 2023. No further action is required by the Board.
Baum presented a memorandum outlining proposed revisions to five (5) Board Policies for review. The Board will consider approval of a first reading for policies #006, #216.1, #800, #830, and #831.1, at the January 22nd regular voting meeting. A second and final reading is tentative with February 26th action items, with retirement of Policy #832 to also be part of the recommendation.
In follow up to a presentation shared at the November 13, 2023, DSF, Steph Kennedy recommended that the School District administer the 2023-2024 Board Survey rather than considering a third-party provider to collect the information. A few adjustments to the staff survey to enhance the anonymity of respondents will be incorporated. Kennedy will prepare the survey for distribution in March 2024.
Kennedy presented a request to consider adding the Spring Grove Area High School Alumni Facebook group to the list of social media accounts approved per Board Policy. The Board will consider approval at the January 22nd regular voting meeting.
There were no items presented for consideration for a future agenda. Ioannidis took a moment to report that earlier in the day, he had the pleasure of being on stage with High School students, faculty and administration, as the District was recognized and accepted as an approved FFA Charter. PA Department of Agriculture, Secretary Russell Redding, was part of the formal presentation. Many thanks to Lacey Walker, certified agriculture instructor, for her efforts in completing the necessary steps for the District to regain its charter status.
Ritz moved to adjourn at 9:02 PM. Wilson seconded. Board members adjourned by unanimous voice vote and went into executive session for negotiations.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
January 8, 2024 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: January 8, 2024 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, January 8, 2024, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected all nine board members present.
There was one executive session held since the last sunshine meeting on December 4, 2023, for personnel reasons. There will be an executive session following adjournment of the Directors’ Study Forum meeting for negotiations.
There was no public comment.
There was no correspondence.
1. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. 2024 BOARD COMMITTEES – Approval of the attached 2024 Committees of the Board of School Directors because of Reorganization of the School Board on December 4, 2023, and election of new and re-elected board members.
B. YORK COUNTY SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY JOINT OPERATING COMMITTEE MEMBER AND ALTERNATE – Appointment of Michael Ritz to represent the Spring Grove Area School District on the York County School of Technology Joint Operating Committee and fulfill the remainder of Mr. Trettel’s three-year term ending December 31, 2024, with Rodney Shearer continuing as alternate.
C. SPRING GROVE REGIONAL PARKS AND RECREATION CENTER BOARD / YMCA OF THE ROSES BOARD – Appointment of Mark Czapp as Spring Grove Area School District representative on the Spring Grove Regional Parks and Recreation Center (SGRPRC) Board through December 31, 2024, and succeeding two-year appointment as Board member following the merger of SGRPRC with the YMCA of the Roses, with Bill Stiles as alternate.
Vote by roll call on resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
2. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. PERSONNEL ACTIONS – Approval of all personnel actions as listed on the attachment.
Vote by roll call on resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
1) Approval for Kyle Showalter, High School Music Teacher, to accompany one high school student to the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) District 7 Band Festival at Ephrata High School, PA, January 12-13, 2024.
2) Approval for Abigail Kirkpatrick, High School Music Teacher, to accompany two high school students to the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) District 7 Chorus Festival at Lebanon Valley College, PA, January 26-27, 2024, presented as an informational item at the December 4, 2023, regular meeting.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 7:05 PM. Ritz seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
- December 4, 2023 Reorganization / Voting Meeting Minutes
- November 27, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- November 13, 2023 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- November 13, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
- October 23, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- October 9, 2023, Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- October 9, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
- September 25, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- September 11, 2023 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- September 11, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
- August 28, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- August 14, 2023 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- August 14, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
- July 17, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- June 26, 2023 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- June 26, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
- June 12, 2023 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- June 12, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
- May 22, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- May 8, 2023 Directors' Study Forum
- May 8, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
- April 24, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- April 10, 2023 Directors Study Forum Minutes
- April 10, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
- March 27, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
- March 13, 2023 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
- March 13, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
- February 27, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
December 4, 2023 Reorganization / Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: December 4, 2023 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
The Spring Grove Area School District Board of School Directors met for the purpose of reorganization in accordance with appropriate sections of Article IV of the School Laws of Pennsylvania, as amended, and for its session on Monday, December 4, 2023. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations / Board Secretary, called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed. Roll call taken by the Board Recording Secretary reflected four holdover board members present: Mike Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, and Nicole Wilson.
Czapp called for nominations from among holdover members for a Temporary President to conduct elections and reorganization for the upcoming year.
Baum nominated Wilson as Temporary President.
With no further nominations, Rohrbaugh moved to close nominations. Ritz seconded. Voice vote was unanimous to close nominations.
Ritz moved to approve Wilson as sole nominee. Shearer seconded. Voice vote was unanimous, and Wilson was named Temporary President.
Wilson invited Mark Czapp, Board Secretary, to read the official Certificates of Election as certified by the York County Board of Elections. After tabulating the votes cast at the General Election held on November 7, 2023, Eric Barshinger, Karen Baum, Benjamin Ramsay, Doug Stein, and Doug White were duly elected to the office of School Director for a four-year term.
Newly elected and re-elected officials stood and were administered the official Oath of Office by Notary Public, Suzanne Sterner, and took their seats at the board table.
Wilson asked for nominations for President for 2024.
Ritz nominated Rohrbaugh.
With no further nominations, Ritz moved to close the nominations. Baum seconded. Voice vote was unanimous to close the nominations.
Ritz moved to approve Rohrbaugh as the sole nominee. White seconded. Motion was unanimously approved by voice vote, and Rohrbaugh was named Board President for the ensuing 2024 year.
As newly elected Board President, Rohrbaugh asked for nominations for Vice President for 2024.
Ritz nominated Wilson.
Baum moved to close nominations. Ritz seconded. Voice vote was unanimous to close the nominations.
Ritz moved to approve Wilson as the sole nominee. Shearer seconded. Motion was unanimously approved by voice vote, and Wilson was named Board Vice President for the ensuing 2024 year.
Rohrbaugh noted that a 2024 confidential board member listing and a draft listing of the 2024 Committees of the Board of School Directors were shared with board members. Members were asked to respond to Suzanne Sterner to request any changes and/or specify areas of interest regarding Board Committee representation prior to December 18th. The Board will be asked to approve the 2024 Committee Listing at the January 8, 2024, Directors’ Study Forum.
Ritz moved and Wilson seconded a motion to adjourn the reorganization meeting at 7:10 PM, approved by unanimous voice vote.
Rohrbaugh called to order the voting meeting, with all board members remaining in attendance from the reorganization meeting.
Rohrbaugh noted there was one executive session held since the last public meeting for Negotiations, on November 27, 2023. There will be an executive session following adjournment of this evening’s meeting for personnel purposes.
Ioannidis congratulated all newly elected and re-elected board members and thanked all directors for their service to the school district and community.
There was no public comment.
There was no correspondence.
Ioannidis presented the Health and Safety Plan for review, indicating that guidelines related to ESSER funding require a review of the Plan, at a minimum, every six months. No changes have been made nor recommended.
1. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the Regular Voting Meeting held on November 27, 2023. Ritz seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
The November Treasurer’s Report will be presented at the January 2024 Regular Voting Meeting.
2. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LIST – Approval to disburse December 2023 Accounts Payable checks, with formal presentation of those disbursements in January 2024.
B. 2022-2023 FINANCIAL AUDIT – Acceptance of the School District’s annual financial audit for the period ending June 30, 2023, as submitted by Kochenour, Earnest, Smyser & Burg, Certified Public Accountants.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis thanked Czapp, Jen Leppo, and the Business Office for their efforts during the audit process.
3. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. PERSONNEL ACTIONS – Approval of all personnel actions as listed on the attachment.
Baum requested a separate vote on item B.
Stein requested a separate vote on items A and C. He asked if the response to item B should be included in the action language and stated his objection to item C. Ioannidis indicated that stating the Board’s response to the grievance as part of the action is at the Board’s discretion.
Barshinger requested an executive session for further clarification; Rohrbaugh called for an executive session to discuss personnel actions at 7:21 PM.
Rohrbaugh recalled the meeting to order at 8:10 PM.
Ramsay moved to remove item A from the table. Ritz seconded. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Wilson moved to amend the language of item B to state the following:
RESPONSE TO SGEA LEVEL III GRIEVANCE – Authorize the Board President to respond to and deny the SGEA Level III Grievance as discussed.
Ritz seconded. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Vote by roll call on item B resulted in the motion carrying, with Ritz, Ramsay, White, Wilson, Shearer and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. Barshinger, Stein, and Baum abstained.
Vote by roll call on item C resulted in the motion carrying, with Ritz, White, Shearer, Barshinger, Wilson, Ramsay, Baum and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. Stein voted against.
Vote by roll call on remaining items D – I resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis stated that a Proposal for Major Trip was included with agenda items for review. The Board will be asked to consider approval at the January 8, 2024, Directors’ Study Forum due to time constraints.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 8:15 PM. Wilson seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
November 27, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: November 27, 2023 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, November 27, 2023, in the LGI Room #242 of the Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected eight board members present, with Ben Ramsay absent for personal reasons.
Rohrbaugh reported that an executive session was held on November 13, 2023, for negotiations and personnel matters.
There was no public comment.
Dr. Ioannidis extended congratulations to the YAIAA-recognized Coaches of the Year and All-Star athletes for their hard work and athletic prowess.
Fourth grade New Salem Elementary student, Charlie Wilson, secured the top spot in an Artsonia Art Contest in late October and was named Artist of the Week in the nationwide 4th-6th grade category.
Congratulations to Spring Grove graduates of York Adams Academy during the month of November: Lee Johnson, Blake Freyman, and Archie Campbell. Winter graduation will take place in January.
Congratulations to Josh Richard, High School STEM instructor, on receiving a $250 Grant Award from PARSS to help fund the Building CNC Machines and Student Knowledge program.
Students of the Month and Top Rockets for October have been named at each of our buildings. These young scholars have posted to the website.
Kristen Mummert, Student Representative, gave an update to happenings and upcoming events at all building levels.
There was no correspondence.
Ioannidis recognized Mr. Trettel and thanked him for his dedication as School Board Director over the past 12 years. Trettel has served on numerous educational committees, including his appointment as joint board member with York County School of Technology. He has put in countless hours of service to thousands of students and staff over the years, and as he leaves the School Board, Ioannidis wished him well. Trettel stated that he can look back and be proud of what has been accomplished over the years, particularly during COVID. Rohrbaugh thanked him for always encouraging her to stay curious.
There was no report.
Shearer reported that at the October meeting, they reviewed the budget and voted to forward to school districts with a 2.39% proposed increase. They continue to experience issues with hiring and retaining staff, a problem experienced by many school districts.
Baum reported that in addition to the three YAA graduates named by Ioannidis, there are two or three additional Spring Grove resident students expected to fulfill requirements. The joint board has begun the 2024-25 budget process.
1. Trettel moved to approve the minutes from the Regular Voting Meeting held on October 23, 2023, and Voting Meeting/Directors’ Study Forum meetings held on November 13, 2023. Ritz seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending October 31, 2023, and moved to approve the report as presented. Ritz seconded the motion, approved by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists as presented.
Additional Information: Cash Receipts / Condensed Board Summary, as of October 31, 2023.
B. ACCELERATED BUDGET OPT OUT RESOLUTION – Adoption of the attached Resolution certifying that the 2024-2025 fiscal year budget will be funded based on maintaining the current tax rates or increasing tax rates by an amount less than or equal to the Act 1 Index application to the School District of 7.1%, and that the School Board will comply with the rules set forth in School Code §687 for adoption of the school district proposed and final budgets for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
Czapp noted that the 2022-2023 yearend annual audit report was placed at seats. He highlighted a few items included in the report and stated that board members will be asked to consider acceptance of the report at the December 4th Reorganization/Voting meeting.
Vote by roll call on Budget and Finance items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
4. Following a report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. APPOINTMENT OF FIRST CAPITAL FOR MAINTENANCE FACILITY PROJECT – Approval to accept the revised proposal from First Capital Engineering, Inc. to expand the agreement approved by the Board of School Directors on May 22, 2023, and provide Civil Consulting Engineering Services for the Campus Master Plan and Land Development Services to include the six campus improvement projects as outlined in the attached Agreement and under the leadership of Crabtree, Rohrbaugh and Associates, Inc., at an estimated cost of $259,200 through December 31, 2024.
B. OPERATIONAL REVISIONS TO THE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN – Approval to implement the necessary revisions to operational procedures set forth in the District Emergency Operations Plan (developed and originally approved by the Board of School Directors in May 1999) in order to adopt A.L.I.C.E. protocol as a guide to Spring Grove Area School District staff for action in emergency situations, specific to an armed intruder, and providing the necessary training to all district employees.
Shearer expressed concerns about the YMCA project being included in the First Capital proposal. Czapp stated he and Bill Stiles met with Jackson Township officials last week to discuss moving forward. Ioannidis noted that it may be the district holding up the process. First Capital will advise the district on whether to separate or keep all the listed projects together, since the district is lead on the project.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
New Salem Elementary |
10/11/2023 |
1 |
59 |
Paradise Elementary |
10/11/2023 |
1 |
30 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
10/26/2023 |
2 |
12 |
Intermediate School |
10/25/2023 |
2 |
10 |
Middle School |
10/04/2023 |
2 |
28 |
High School |
10/17/2023 |
5 |
10 |
5. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Mike Ritz, Ritz moved, and Wilson seconded the following:
A. KRISE BUS/VAN DRIVERS – Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company drivers for the 2023-2024 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
1) Robert Bricker
2) Donna Bushelberger
3) Corina Hill
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. 2024-2025 SCHOOL CALENDAR – Approval of the attached 2024-2025 Spring Grove Area School District calendar.
B. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) Monetary donations from St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Spring Grove, totaling $1,600.00 to support the High School Life Skills Support Program, Middle School WEB Program, and District Backpack Program.
2) A monetary donation from Margaret Schlichter in the amount of $100.00 to support the District Backpack Program.
3) A monetary grant from York County Community Foundation’s Doris E. Schwartz Education Fund in the amount of $23,000.00 awarded to the District’s Learning Library Program.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
7. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. PERSONNEL ACTIONS – Approval of all personnel actions as listed on the attachment.
Stein moved to table item A. Baum seconded. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Vote by roll call on items B-K resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
8. Following a report of the Athletic and Music Committee’s recommendations read by Dave Trettel, Trettel moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
1) Approval for eligible members of the following identified teams and designated chaperones to travel to and participate in PIAA District and State Championships at respective locations on the following dates, contingent upon qualifying for the event:
a. Varsity Wrestling Tournament @ Hershey Giant Center, Hershey, PA, March 7-9, 2024.
b. Varsity Swimming & Diving Tournament, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, March 13-16, 2024.
2) Approval for eligible members of the listed teams and designated chaperones to travel to, and participate in, the following Interscholastic Wrestling Tournaments at the respective locations and dates indicated:
a. Varsity Boys’ Wrestling, Panther Holiday Classic, Mt. Aloysius College, Cressen, PA, December 15-16, 2023.
b. Varsity Boys’ Wrestling, King of the Castle, Sussex Central High School, Georgetown, DE, December 28-29, 2023.
c. Junior High Boys’ Wrestling, Bellefonte Junior High Tournament, Bellefonte High School, Bellefonte, PA, January 19-20, 2024.
d. Junior High Boys’ Wrestling, Wilson Junior High Tournament, Wilson High School, Reading, PA, February 9-10, 2024.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
9. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. AFFILIATION AGREEMENT WITH POST-SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS – Approval of the attached agreements, between Spring Grove Area School District and the following colleges, and provide district facilities as a practicum or student teaching center and accept respective institutions’ student teachers / student interns:
B. NEW HIGH SCHOOL COURSES – Approval of the following new courses at the high school, beginning with the 2024-2025 school year:
1) Unified Physical Education
2) Music Masterclass: A Complete Guide to Understand Music: Online
3) Vocal Studio
C. REVISION OF HIGH SCHOOL COURSES – Approval for the following course revisions at the high school, beginning with the 2024-2025 school year:
1) Chorus
2) Concert Choir
3) String Orchestra
4) Symphonic Band
1) Approval for Jason Baker, High School Social Studies Teacher, to accompany 7 high school Thespian Society and Drama Troupe members to the Pennsylvania State Thespian Conference at North Penn High School, Lansdale, PA, December 1-3, 2023.
2) Approval for Stephen Richards, High School English Teacher, to accompany 4 high school students to Pennsylvania State University’s new Digital Media Commons in State College, PA, December 4, 2023
3) Approval for Abbie Sechrist, High School World Language Teacher, and Tracy Lease, Middle School World Language Teacher, to accompany approximately 44 middle school and high school students to the Christmas Market in Philadelphia, PA, December 9, 2023.
4) Approval for Jason Baker, High School Social Studies Teacher, to accompany 40 high school students to participate in a Mock Trial Competition at the University of Pittsburgh, PA, January 5-7, 2024.
5) Approval for Jason Baker, High School Social Studies Teacher, to accompany 27 high school students to participate in a Mock Trial Competition at the Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, January 13-14, 2024.
6) Approval for Jason Baker, High School Social Studies Teacher, to accompany 27 high school students to participate in a Mock Trial Competition at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, January 20-21, 2024.
7) Approval for Jason Baker, High School Social Studies Teacher, to accompany approximately 50 high school students to the History Club Experience in New York City, May 2, 2024.
8) Approval for Dan Fake, Chorus Director, Susan Gross, Orchestra Director, and Kyle Showalter, Band Director, to accompany up to 140 students to Knoebels Amusement Park for the Middle School Music Department Performance Field Trip on May 17, 2024.
1) Approval for Julie Janusz, Paradise Elementary Principal and Federal Programs Coordinator, Jamie Tharp, Paradise Elementary Reading Specialist, and Amy Fisher, Paradise Elementary Teacher, to attend the PA Title I Improving School Performance Conference in Pittsburgh, PA February 4-7, 2024.
2) Approval for Jeff Laux, Student Athletic Coordinator, to attend the PA State Athletic Directors Association Annual conference at Hershey Lodge in Hershey, PA March 19-22, 2024.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
A. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES for the November 20, 2023 meeting.
Rohrbaugh called for executive session following adjournment for negotiations.
ADJOURNMENT: Trettel moved for adjournment at 7:50 PM. Ritz seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
November 13, 2023 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: November 13, 2023 / 7:09 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study Forum of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, November 13, 2023, following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rohrbaugh noted the same board members remained in attendance.
There was no public comment.
Chief Lash and Lt. Migatulski, Northern York County Regional Police Department (NYCRPD), joined Dr. Ludwig and Bill Stiles to present updated information regarding the district’s Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). Stiles indicated that, as School Safety and Security Coordinator, he has been partnering with Chief Lash and the Department to update and implement ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) as the district’s standard procedural response to an active intruder. Chief Lash indicated that ALICE is now the preferred response to emergency situations (intruders) across the country. He fully endorses the change. The Board will consider approval of the EOP procedural change at the November 27th Regular Voting Meeting.
Czapp presented an updated agreement from First Capital to complete six campus projects and shared a handout with board members summarizing savings associated with the revisions. The proposal was vetted through Stock and Leader and was recommended by Jackson Township to secure only one permit. Proposed costs are firm with First Capital using their best determination of proposed locations of access roads and projects. Following approval of the master plan and permit application, the district has five years to complete the projects, with flexibility to extend the completion date given by Jackson Township. The Board will consider approval at the November 27th meeting.
Czapp presented the 2024-2025 Proposed Budget Resolution Act 1 Index for review. As in previous years, and to comply with Act 1 requirements, the Board will consider approval of the resolution to not exceed the district’s enhanced 7.1% Index at the November 27th meeting.
Dr. Ioannidis shared a presentation of a six-month overview and analysis of approximately $243,344 in health care savings experienced by the district and staff members based upon aggregate data collected from Everside Health and the Rocket Wellness Center. The presentation was for informational purposes, and there is no action required by board members.
Dr. Guadagnino welcomed and introduced Lacey Walker, Ag Science Instructor at the High School, and Christian Ehrhart, High School Associate Principal and supervising administrator, to present an update regarding the High School Vo-AG Program. The presentation was for informational purposes only, and no action is required by the Board.
Guadagnino presented a memorandum outlining new and revised 2024-2025 course proposals, noting there are three new courses being recommended. The Board will consider approval at the November 27th Regular Voting Meeting.
Guadagnino presented proposed Articulation Agreements with Elizabethtown College and Wilson College for review. The Board will consider approval of the agreements at the November 27th meeting.
Guadagnino presented eight Proposals for Major Trip for review, seven included in packets and one request placed at seats with an expedited request due to timelines. The Board will consider approval at the November 27th meeting.
Guadagnino presented two overnight conference requests for review. The Board will consider approval at the November 27th meeting.
Trettel welcomed Jeff Laux to present a summary of the fall sports programs, and Laux shared some of the celebrations and successes of the athletes.
Laux presented requests for overnight athletic competitions that typically are approved each year by the Board for consideration. The Board will consider approval at the November 27th meeting.
Steph Kennedy presented a summary of information gathered from six companies to conduct a future Board survey and recommended Donovan due to their location and experience with many public school districts. She suggested using the in-house process for at least one more year to gather and compare data and stated that all companies would provide raw data back to the district as was collected. Responses would be no more or less anonymous. White indicated that the whole reason for going with an outside company is to eliminate district involvement. Ioannidis’ recommendation would be to engage an outside group to allow for their assistance in the data analysis. Ramsay and Wilson questioned spending the money if constituents are not going to take the survey and the data collected will still be turned over to the district in the same form. White suggested surveying staff to determine if they would respond to an outside vendor.
Guadagnino presented two options for the proposed 2024-2025 School Calendar for review and noted that option 1 was the draft preferred by the leadership team and staff. Ioannidis indicated that, for what he considers a first, option 1 includes an in-service date on election day in November 2024 to accommodate any requests from the County to provide additional polling places. The Board will consider approval of option 1 at the November 27th Regular Voting Meeting.
Czapp presented a proposal to conduct a Compensation Study for consideration to review and update the support staff and Level V staff compensation, due to recent resignations and retirements. The proposed cost of $3,600 includes a review of positions, trends, market salary levels, and final presentation. The Board will consider approval of the action at the November 27th Regular Voting Meeting.
Stein presented a confidential memorandum listing proposed personnel actions to be considered for approval at the November 27th Regular Voting Meeting.
There will be an executive session for personnel and negotiations following adjournment.
Trettel moved to adjourn at 8:29 PM. Wilson seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
November 13, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: November 13, 2023 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, November 13, 2023, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected all nine board members present.
There were no executive sessions held since the last sunshine meeting.
Mary Beth Grove, former Assistant Superintendent and district resident, congratulated Dr. Ioannidis on his impending retirement resignation. She lauded his 15-year career in Spring Grove, stating that the district’s current financial position is in large part due to his leadership and fiscal responsibility as a Business Manager from 2009 to 2019, before transitioning to Superintendent. He has been a selfless leader who has continued to navigate the district through COVID-19 and beyond with integrity.
There was no correspondence.
1. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. PERSONNEL ACTIONS – Approval of all personnel actions as listed on the attachment.
Stein requested a separate vote on item E-11.
Vote by roll call on item E-11 resulted in the motion carrying, with Trettel, Shearer, Wilson, Ramsay, Ritz, Baum, White, and Rorhbaugh voting in favor. Stein abstained.
Vote by roll call on all remaining personnel items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Dr Ioannidis welcomed and introduced Brooke Nepper, who stated she is looking forward to the opportunity and anticipating graduation from York College in the very near future.
2. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. DELAWARE VALLEY AFFILIATION AGREEMENT – Approval to enter into the attached agreement with Delaware Valley University to provide eligible Spring Grove Area School District students with opportunities for University credit upon successful completion of identified coursework.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 7:09 PM. Wilson seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
October 23, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: October 23, 2023 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area High School, 1490 Roth Church Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Michael Ritz, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, October 23, 2023, in the Cafeteria of the Spring Grove Area High School, 1490 Roth Church Road, Spring Grove. Dave Trettel, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected seven board members present, with Ben Ramsay and Rachel Rohrbaugh absent for personal reasons.
Trettel reported that an executive session was held prior to the start of this evening’s meeting for negotiations.
Ray McBride, Jackson Township, stated his displeasure with girls’ volleyball athletes having to make a decision between participating in a playoff game or being part of homecoming events. From his perspective, the girls should not have been put in that position, and he asked that the Board make sure this does not happen again. Tammy McBride supported his comments and indicated that something should have been done earlier so their daughter and the other players didn’t have to decide.
Ioannidis reported that the conduct of the students involved was exemplary. The administration did everything possible to avoid the situation, including advocating on behalf of our students. We will continue to make every consideration when planning, but there are no guarantees because districts are at the mercy of the League. This type of situation will remain a challenge moving forward considering the current difficulty in finding officials to cover athletic events.
Ioannidis extended congratulations to Kathy Krall, high school social studies instructor and track coach, who was recently inducted into Hershey High School’s Athletic Hall of Fame.
The SLI Team’s application to participate in NASA’s Initiative has been accepted and student participants will once again be part of the 2023-24 program. Congratulations to Mr. Hastings, Advisor, and students Haley Hake, Chase Guyton, Oliver Wirfel, Benny McCoy, Ryan Austin, Maceo Mobley, and Jack Lutter.
Ryan Latshaw, 5th grader, aced the Soccer Skills Special Olympics Fall Sectionals Competition and won first place.
Congratulations also to Isabella Weyandt, 11th grade Spring Grove student attending York County School of Technology, on being selected as Student of the Month for September in the Architecture Construction and Design Academy.
Ioannidis concluded his report by welcoming and introducing Kristen Mummert, Student Council President, and this year’s Student Representative to the School Board to share her report.
Kristen Mummert, Student Representative, introduced herself and stated that she is part of the girls’ volleyball team, serves as student council president, and is a member of the nutrition counsel. She gave an update to happenings and upcoming events all building levels.
There was no correspondence.
Ioannidis reported that the state budget remains unfinished. Among several proposed bills, HB1300 would authorize $100 million for a school mental health grant program. There is a push to give an earlier date for the 2024 presidential primary, that for now, seems to have stalled.
Shearer reported that at the September 28th meeting, a Spring Grove resident student was recognized as Student of the Month. The preliminary budget is projecting a 2.39% percent tuition increase. There was money left over at the end of the 22-23 year, and there is consideration to moving money to the capital funds account or returning a portion to school districts. The conversation may be taken up with York County Superintendents.
Baum reported that there are presently 11 Spring Grove students attending YAA, and a meeting is scheduled for October 24th when there will be further discussion on the proposed 2024-25 budget.
1. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the Regular Voting Meeting held on September 25, 2023, and Voting Meeting/Directors’ Study Forum meetings held on October 9, 2023. Baum seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending September 30, 2023 and moved to approve the report as presented. Wilson seconded the motion, approved by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Shearer seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists as presented.
Additional Information: Cash Receipts / Condensed Board Summary, as of September 30, 2023.
B. GENERAL OBLIGATION NOTE AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS – Approval of the attached Resolution authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Note, Series of 2023, in an aggregate principal amount of $6,387,000, to provide funds to refund a portion of the District’s General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018, and to pay related costs, fees and expenses, as outlined in the document.
C. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS – Approval of the attached Resolution authorizing the incurrence of nonelectoral debt by the issuance of A) General Obligation Bonds, Series of 2023, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $8,105,000, for the purpose of refunding all or a portion of General Obligation Note, Series 2020, General Obligation Note, Series AA of 2020, and General Obligation Note, Series AAA of 2020, and related costs; and B) General Obligation Bonds, Series A of 2023, in a principal amount $8,165,000, for the purpose of funding capital projects and paying costs related to the issuance, as outlined in the document.
D. 2024 PROPOSED SGRPRC BUDGET – Approval of the Spring Grove Regional Parks and Recreation Center (SGRPRC) proposed 2024 budget as presented on October 9, 2023.
E. 2023-2024 BUDGETARY TRANSFERS – Approval of the following budgetary transfers for the 2023-2024 fiscal year:
1) Transfer from General Fund to the Capital Reserve Fund in the amount of $350,000
2) Transfer from General Fund to Lincoln Benefit Trust in the amount of $600,000
F. DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT – Approval to declare the technology equipment included on the attached list as surplus and dispose of the items for purposes of recycling/reselling, in accordance with School Board Policy #706.1.
Czapp welcomed and introduced Chris Gibbons, Concord Public Finance, and Steve Hovis, Bond Counsel with Stock and Leader. Gibbons shared a handout and noted two graphs outlining existing and new debt restructuring. Interest over the course of the timeline is $4.5 million and provides debt service relief over the next several years. Bonds were priced this morning. Bank note and bonds can be prepaid.
Hovis explained the resolutions are to secure interest rates, authorize the Board President to ratify the resolutions, and name Stock and Leader as bond counsel and Concord Public Finance as financial advisor. Following the final action on the resolutions, a portion of the funds will be deposited into capital funds and the remainder will pay off the existing note.
Ioannidis stated that 19 cell phones were added to the list of equipment for disposal to the previously reviewed equipment list. The technology department will not be replacing the items listed and is looking to donate the phones to a shelter.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
New Salem Elementary |
09/12/2023 |
1 |
34 |
Paradise Elementary |
09/20/2023 |
1 |
49 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
09/20/2023 |
Time not required w/ lockdown |
Intermediate School |
09/20/2023 |
2 |
03 |
Middle School |
09/07/2023 |
Time not required w/ lockdown |
High School |
09/20/2023 |
11 |
28 |
4. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Mike Ritz, Ritz moved, and Wilson seconded the following:
A. KRISE BUS/VAN DRIVERS – Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company drivers for the 2023-2024 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
1) Ryan Hinkle
2) Regina Hoke
3) Robin Luce
4) Nicole Lobb
5) Dawn West
6) Wendy Wildish
7) Katie Williams
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
5. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. SECOND READING – Approval of a second and final reading of the following policies:
1) Policy No. 011 – Board Governance / Standards for Code of Conduct
2) Policy No. 122 – Extracurricular Activities
3) Policy No. 228 – Student Government
4) Policy No. 618 – Special Purpose Funds
5) Policy No. 702 – Gifts / Grants / Donations
B. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) A monetary donation St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Spring Grove, in the amount of $111.76 to support the District Backpack Program.
2) A monetary donation from Margaret A. Schlichter in the amount of $100.00 to support the District Backpack Program.
Vote by roll call on all Policy items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. PERSONNEL ACTIONS – Approval of all personnel actions as listed on the attachment.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Stein presented a confidential memo of tentative November 13, 2023, personnel Board actions.
7. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
1) Approval for Stephen Richards, High School English Teacher, to accompany Advanced Video Journalism students and one AOPA Drone Pilot student from the high school to the National Museum of the United States Army in Fort Belvoir, VA, November 9, 2023.
2) Approval for Brian Hastings, High School Science Teacher, to accompany the 2024 NASA, SLI and Battle of the Rockets teams to Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association (MDRA) in Centerville, MD, November 11, 2023.
3) Approval for Brian Hastings, High School Science Teacher, to accompany the 2024 NASA, SLI and Battle of the Rockets teams to Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association (MDRA) in Price, MD, on a Saturday or Sunday in December 2023.
4) Approval for Brian Hastings, High School Science Teacher, to accompany the 2024 NASA, SLI and Battle of the Rockets teams to Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association (MDRA) in Price, MD, on a Saturday or Sunday in January 2024.
5) Approval for Brian Hastings, High School Science Teacher, to accompany the 2024 NASA, SLI and Battle of the Rockets teams to Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association (MDRA) in Price, MD, on a Saturday or Sunday in February 2024.
6) Approval for Brian Hastings, High School Science Teacher, to accompany the 2024 NASA, SLI and Battle of the Rockets teams to Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association (MDRA) in Price, MD, on a Saturday or Sunday in March 2024.
7) Approval for Brian Hastings, High School Science Teacher, to accompany the 2024 NASA team to NASA Student Launch Initiative (SLI) in Huntsville, AL, April 9-15, 2024.
1) Approval for Michaela Landis and Christopher Mundy, School Counselors, to attend the PA School Counselor Association Annual Conference at Kalahari Resort, Pocono Manor, PA, December 7-8, 2023.
2) Approval for Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, to attend the 2024 Spring LIU Superintendent Symposium at The Greenbrier, West Virginia, March 25-27, 2024.
3) Approval for Latisha Barnes, Middle School Teacher, to attend Where Everyone Belongs (WEB) Training at Skytop Lodge, Skytop, PA, April 21-24, 2024.
A. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES, October 16, 2023 – See attached.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 7:51 PM. Wilson seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
October 9, 2023, Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: October 9, 2023 / 7:05 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study Forum of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, October 9, 2023, following adjournment of the voting meeting. Trettel noted the same board members remained in attendance.
There was no public comment.
Dr. Guadagnino welcomed and introduced Dr. Dietrich, High School Principal, and Mr. Ehrhart, High School Associate Principal, to share a Leader in Me presentation. Joining the high school administrators were Dan Brenner, Music Instructor, and Katelyn Bubb and Lane Smith, High School students, to share their experiences as leaders in the initiative.
Dr. Guadagnino shared a PSSA/Keystone presentation summarizing data for York County School Districts during testing years 2012-2022. He noted that while the information is helpful, scores are not the District’s only measure of student achievement. The information is used to inform instruction and develop strategies for additional support that may be needed. Following receipt of student growth information from the State, a summary of results will be shared with the Board.
Guadagnino presented a draft Articulation Agreement with Delaware Valley University for review. The partnership provides opportunities to students focused on AG Science and enrolled in identified courses at the high school that correspond with the University’s programs. The Board will consider approval at the October 23rd Regular Voting Meeting.
Guadagnino presented six (6) Major Trip Proposals related to the Rocketry Program for review and consideration. The Board will consider approval at the October 23rd meeting.
Three (3) Overnight Conference requests were presented for review. The Board will consider approval for school counselors to attend an annual conference, a Middle School staff member to attend WEB training, and Dr. Ioannidis to take part in the Superintendents’ Symposium in the spring. Ramsay requested to see the agenda for the counselors’ conference.
Czapp presented proposed 2024-2025 budget information, recapping the prior fiscal year’s ending fund balance and the current fiscal year’s projected ending fund balance. Factors to consider for next year include the official Base Act 1 Index of 5.3%, the enhanced Act 1 Index of 7.1% for the District, and the Board’s consideration of adopting a resolution not to exceed the Index, tentatively scheduled for the November 27th meeting. Czapp presented enrollment projections from school year 2019-2020 through 2032-2033, along with taxable assessed property values, an overview of the debt service profile, and millage rate history for the past 11 years. Included as part of the presentation were two budgetary transfers for review. The Board will consider approval of those transfers at the October 23rd Regular Voting Meeting.
Chris Enck, District Technology Coordinator, presented a request to dispose of surplus technology equipment and noted many of the listed items are the result of a cyclical equipment refresh actions in 2022-2023 and the high school auditorium upgrade project. The Board will consider approval at the October voting meeting to declare the items as surplus and solicit quotes from electronic recycling vendors to either resell or dispose of the retired assets.
Czapp presented the Spring Grove Regional Parks and Recreation Center’s 2024 proposed budget. As a current member of the Center’s Governmental Agreement, the District is required to review and consider approval. The Board will consider approval at the October 23rd Regular Voting Meeting
Since the debt restructuring presentation on September 25th, Czapp stated that the Business Office had another bond rating call with Standard & Poor’s. He expects to receive the official rating by October 13. Per the Board’s direction, Czapp stated that the Board will consider two separate borrowing resolutions at the October 23rd Regular Voting Meeting: one for $6.3 million from the bank (J.P. Morgan Chase who are holding the interest rate until October 23) and two separate bond issues for $8.2 million and $8.0 million respectively, also to be priced on October 23. Steve Hovis, Stock and Leader, and Chris Gibbons, Concord Public Finance, will provide an overview prior to the requested action. Shearer questioned where the money would be held if not needed for the proposed facilities project. The Board has flexibility to redirect the funds but is limited to using it for capital projects.
Czapp thanked the Board for attending the annual facilities walkthrough on September 30. A copy of the handouts shared at that time was included with agenda items. Czapp reported receiving a proposal from First Capital to include additional projects. After internal review and examination by the solicitor, the proposal, which has been shared with Board members, will be further discussed at a Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting to be scheduled. The proposal will then be presented at the November DSF, with a recommendation for approval of the proposed contract as early as November 27th. Ramsay asked if there was an update regarding the loading dock discussed at the walkthrough. Ioannidis will speak with First Capital and/or Crabtree Rohrbaugh and Associates to confirm that it was included.
Ioannidis stated that a representative is needed to serve on the board of the Regional Branch of the YMCA of the Roses, beginning January 1, and asked if a Board member was willing to serve in the role. The appointment will be included with Board Reorganization actions.
Ioannidis reported that Community Relations Coordinator, Steph Kennedy, sought out third party survey providers, following up to the Board’s request during a recent meeting. Five firms indicated they could conduct the survey, with a variety of services available and fees ranging from $7,000 - $21,000. Kennedy will prepare an overview of options to present to the Board at the November DSF, along with a recommendation. Shearer stated that N. Codorus Township reached out to York College to perform a survey free of charge. Ioannidis will have Kennedy investigate and include in the summary.
Stein presented a confidential memorandum listing proposed personnel actions to be considered for approval at the October 23rd Regular Voting Meeting.
Ioannidis reminded Board members that the District hosts a biennial breakfast with governmental partners and stated that planning has begun for the 2023-2024 meeting. Information will be shared with the Board as details and availability of partners are confirmed.
Ramsay moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 PM. White seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
October 9, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: October 9, 2023 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, October 9, 2023, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Dave Trettel, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected eight board members present, with Rachel Rohrbaugh absent.
Trettel reported two executive sessions held since the last sunshine meeting for personnel purposes: September 25 and September 30.
There was no public comment.
Board members received at their seats an invitation to the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony on November 9th and a memorandum from the Board President requesting members to submit any requests to change Board Committee representation no later than the November DSF meeting.
1. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. TRIP REQUEST – Approval for Brian Hastings, High School Science Teacher, to accompany the 2024 NASA SLI team to West Point, New York, October 13-14, 2023.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
A. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES, October 2, 2023 – See attached.
2. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. PERSONNEL ACTIONS – Approval of all personnel actions as listed on the attachment.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis noted the new format of the memo for proposed personnel actions to streamline processing operations and thanked Board members for their flexibility.
ADJOURNMENT: Ramsay moved for adjournment at 7:05 PM. White seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
September 25, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: September 25, 2023 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, September 25, 2023, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected all nine board members present.
Rohrbaugh reported that an executive session was held prior to the start of this evening’s meeting for negotiations.
Elizabeth Shearer, Paradise Township, requested the Board’s consideration to resume allowing parents/grandparents to join students during breakfast or lunch since COVID is no longer an issue.
Rohrbaugh noted that the administration will take the request under consideration.
Dr. Ioannidis recognized Kylie Cruz, 9th grade Spring Grove resident student attending York County School of Technology, for donating her time over the summer to design and paint a District Music Department guitar that would have otherwise been discarded. Ioannidis also recognized a donation received from four local churches of clothing and other supplies reportedly valued at more than $3,000.
Congratulations to the following teachers on attaining their Master’s degrees: Madison Crouthamel, Amelia Laird, Tyler Newcomb, Kevin Riccio, and Megan Wirkus.
Kristen Mummert, Student Representative to the Board, was unable to be present at the meeting due to a conflict. Ioannidis welcomed and introduced Racheal Fadare, High School Student Council Vice President, who provided an overview of recent activities and upcoming events occurring at District buildings in Mummert’s absence.
There was no correspondence.
Ioannidis reported that approximately $1.1 billion of the General Appropriations Budget remains on hold. Other school funding has been approved and is being distributed. SB843, the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact, was unanimously approved by the State Senate, making it easier for educators coming to PA from other states to become certified. Proposed SB224 would move up primaries to March, impacting school districts seeking a referendum and accelerating the budget process. Historically, Spring Grove has not gone over the Act 1Index and would not be impacted. The Basic Education Funding Commission continues to meet; Ioannidis will be part of the proceedings in November.
Shearer will attend the next scheduled meeting.
Baum reported 11 Spring Grove students currently enrolled at YAA, with several of them getting closer to meeting graduation requirements.
Bill Stiles stated that, during the LIU Joint Authority meeting on September 20th, it was reported that $230,000 from the 22-23 budget was rolled over into Capital Reserves. There are approximately 300 students in-house at York Learning Center and approximately 3,000 total under their scope of services. There was recently a back-to-school night that went well.
1. Ramsay moved to approve the minutes from the Regular Voting Meeting held on August 28, 2023, and Voting Meeting/Directors’ Study Forum Meetings held on September 11, 2023. Ritz seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending August 31, 2023 and moved to approve the report as presented. Trettel seconded the motion, approved by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists, as presented.
Additional Information: Cash Receipts / Condensed Board Summary, as of September 25, 2023.
B. 2024-2025 BUDGETARY TIMELINE – Approval of the attached 2024-2025 Budgetary Timeline for preparation, review and approval of the General Fund and Nutrition Services Fund budgets for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis welcomed and introduced Chris Gibbons, Concord Public Finance, who shared an update concerning options for financing the capital projects currently under consideration. Gibbons shared a handout with board members. Following his presentation, Mark Czapp requested the Board’s direction to proceed with a proposal for borrowing $22 million in new money to conduct the proposed financing actions. Consensus of the Board was to consider a proposal / resolution issuing a bank note with bond issue(s) to preserve flexibility. Gibbons will attend the October 23rd voting meeting when the Board will consider approval of the debt restructuring.
New Salem Elementary |
8/24/2023 |
1 |
17 |
Paradise Elementary |
8/30/2023 |
1 |
40 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
8/31/2023 |
3 |
28 |
Intermediate School |
8/31/2023 |
2 |
13 |
Middle School |
8/28/2023 |
2 |
20 |
High School |
8/30/2023 |
5 |
26 |
4. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Mike Ritz, Ritz moved, and Wilson seconded the following:
A. KRISE BUS/VAN DRIVERS – Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company drivers for the 2023-2024 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
1) William Godman
2) Antoinette Miller
3) Howard Seachrist, Jr.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
5. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. FIRST READING – Approval of a first reading of the following policies:
1) Policy No. 003 – Functions
2) Policy No. 011 – Board Governance / Standards for Code of Conduct
3) Policy No. 122 – Extracurricular Activities
4) Policy No. 228 – Student Government
5) Policy No. 618 – Special Purpose Funds
6) Policy No. 702 – Gifts / Grants / Donations
B. SECOND READING – Approval of a second and final reading of the following policy:
1) Policy No. 827 – Operations, Conflict of Interest
C. 2024 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR – Approval of the attached schedule of meetings of the Board of School Directors for the 2024 calendar year.
D. DESIGNATION OF VOTE FOR PSBA OFFICERS – Approval for Mark Czapp, School Board Secretary, to register votes on behalf of the Board of School Directors for election of the following PSBA Governing Board officers to serve in the position and for the term indicated:
1) Allison Mathis, 2024 President Elect (one-year term)
2) Sabrina Backer, 2024 Vice President (one-year term)
3) Karen Beck Pooley, 2024-2026 Treasurer (three-year term)
4) Marianne Neel and Michael Faccinetto, Trustees (three-year term)
E. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) A monetary donation from Sean Logue, Logue Financial Services, in the amount of $500.00 to support the Athletic Hall of Fame event.
2) A monetary donation from Brian and Patricia Kowalsky in the amount of $100.00 to support the Backpack Program.
Stein requested a separate vote on item A-1 and stated his disagreement with proposed revisions to Policy #003. Questions were raised from other board members regarding the origin of the revisions. Ramsay stated they came because of a personal request that was not fully granted.
Ioannidis commented that the role of board members is to provide guidance on policy, not to provide supervision and/or interaction with staff and students that may impact decision-making. Proposed changes to Policy #003 are not intended to hinder that role. Rohrbaugh stated that the revisions are not meant to discourage board members from visiting buildings; rather, they provide the framework for such requests.
White, Ramsay, Trettel, and Rohrbaugh voted in favor. Ritz, Stein, Baum, Wilson, and Shearer voted against. Motion failed.
Vote by roll call on all remaining Policy items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Wilson seconded the following:
A. PERSONNEL ACTIONS – Approval of all personnel actions as listed on the attachment.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
7. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. OVERNIGHT CONFERENCE REQUEST – Approval for Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services, to attend the 2023 Homelessness Conference (Paving the Way to Educational Success) taking place in Cranberry, Pennsylvania, October 11-13, 2023.
B. 2023-2026 GUIDANCE PLAN – Approval of the attached 2023-2026 Guidance Plan, as reviewed at the September 11, 2023, Directors’ Study Forum, to be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
A. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES, September 18, 2023 – See attached.
A memorandum and proposal for a major trip were shared at seats. The request for approval will be included with October 9th action items due to time constraints.
Ioannidis reminded board members of the annual facilities walkthrough and review of capital projects scheduled for Saturday, September 30th. The itinerary will include a presentation that includes the history and background information to proposed roadways on campus and projects in the queue.
Baum requested information on student test scores. Guadagnino may have an update in October.
ADJOURNMENT: Trettel moved for adjournment at 8:40 PM. Wilson seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
September 11, 2023 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: September 11, 2023 / 7:06 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance:
Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study Forum of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, September 11, 2023, following adjournment of the voting meeting. White noted the same five board members remained in attendance.
There was no public comment.
Ramsay invited Mark Czapp to present the proposed 2024-2025 Budget Timeline for review. The Board will consider approval of the timeline at the September 25th Regular Voting Meeting.
Czapp reported that Standard and Poor’s (S&P) recently reviewed the District’s financial history and downgraded the rating (issued in 2018) from AA- to A+. Czapp cited use of the fund balance and not enacting a tax increase as two reasons for the change, each having a negative impact on finances. Czapp shared a handout that reflected a declining fund balance trend over recent years and also noted that of three sources of District revenue, the budgetary process includes opportunity for affect on local revenue only through the real estate tax rate. Ioannidis thanked Czapp and Leppo for their time in preparing information and informed the Board that the rating change could negatively impact the interest rate and/or insurance cost when borrowing money. Shearer suggested the administration review interest rate options available through PennVest.
Czapp shared a high-level view of YMCA updated floor plans as an informational item, with no action needed. Shearer asked if there is a possibility of using their docks and storage. Czapp and Stiles will review the drawings, speak with Core Design, and respond to Shearer’s question.
Ioannidis stated that the next Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting is set for Wednesday, September 13th at the Technology Center. More information will be provided by First Capital and CRA regarding the site 4 location and multi-purpose facility. If available, results from an inquiry to PennDOT regarding Krise Transportation buses’ entry/exit onto Old Hanover Road will also be shared. The proposed agenda and draft presentation will be given to the Board before the meeting.
The 2023 Board facilities walkthrough is scheduled for Saturday, September 30th and will begin at the Technology Center at 7 AM. Stein requested to see the space located beneath the high school cafeteria.
Ioannidis presented proposed dates for 2024 Board meetings for review. The Board will consider approval of the proposed Meeting Schedule at the September 25th Regular Voting Meeting.
Ioannidis shared a list of meeting dates through the close of 2023, including proposed Curriculum Committee meetings beginning on Monday, September 18th, that will be open to the public. No deliberation or decision-making will take place, and no action is expected to be required by the Board.
Ioannidis presented the slate of candidates for election of 2024 PSBA officers. There are no contested positions. At the September 25th meeting, the Board will be asked to select their choice of candidates and approve the Board Secretary to vote on their behalf through a PSBA voting portal.
A copy of minutes from the August 30th Board Policy Committee meeting were shared as an informational item and entered into public record. There were six policies reviewed at the meeting and are included with tonight’s DSF agenda. Shearer asked what triggers policy revisions and stated his frustration with the time involved in reviewing the documents. Ioannidis shared that revisions can be initiated following internal review of District practices, legislative changes, legal recommendations, and/or direction from state/federal institutions following an audit.
Baum presented proposed revisions to Finance/Business policies #702, #228, and #618; Board/Board Governance policies #003 and #011; and Program policy #122. The Board will consider approval of a first reading at the September 25th Regular Voting Meeting.
Stein presented a memorandum and proposed updates to the Nurses’ Support Staff Compensation Matrix for review. Ioannidis indicated that PSBA was of assistance in providing market Pennsylvania hourly rates, and the recommendation is coming as a result of ongoing challenges with attracting and retaining nursing staff. The Board will consider approval of the adjusted rates at the September 25th meeting.
Stein presented a memorandum proposing discontinuation of the currently inactive Indoor Percussion Program and transitioning those stipends to support the Modern Band Program. The administration supports the recommendation made by the Music Department, and the stipends have been included with the current budget. Stein requested that rather than replacing positions with newer recommended positions, the administration continue to budget for both old and new positions and suggested that if the older remain unfilled a budgetary transfer could be considered. The proposed action at the September 25th meeting will be written as directed by the Board.
Stein presented a confidential memorandum listing proposed personnel actions to be considered for approval at the September 25th Regular Voting Meeting.
Baum presented the District Third Day Enrollment Report (dated August 2023). Ioannidis stated that this is a monthly report, updated regularly, and is shared following recent questions raised by the Board regarding student enrollment. This is an informational item, and there will be no action required by the Board.
Ioannidis presented a list of upcoming Curriculum Committee meeting dates. The committee meetings have been scheduled as informational sessions to review the curriculum cycle and internal processes. There will be no action requested of the Board, and all board members were encouraged to attend.
As an outcome of the 2023 Board Retreat, Ioannidis reported that he has been focusing on Strategic Planning with leadership, with a concentration on the overall approach to District operations. This includes strengthening how the administration presents its current instructional model and works with families of all students, including those who are currently enrolled in Cyber/Charter institutions.
Ioannidis presented an overnight conference request on behalf of Dr. Ludwig, who received a scholarship to attend and participate in the 2023 Homeless Conference in Cranberry, PA. The Board will consider approval of the request at the September 25th meeting.
Board approval is a required step in preparing to submit the 2023-2026 Guidance Plan to the PA Department of Education (PDE). Following a brief review of the plan document, Ludwig indicated that the Board will be asked to consider acknowledgement of the review at the September 25th Regular Voting Meeting.
Ludwig shared an update regarding a recent Special Education Ruling from PDE. On August 30th, special education directors and superintendents were informed that a policy revision was made at the state level changing the age of eligibility for services from age 21 to the day prior to a student’s 22nd birthday. The implementation date was September 5th. The change affects more than 1,000 families statewide and two families at the District level. Ioannidis reported that PSBA filed a legal action against PDE.
Stein stated that in follow up to his comments at the August meeting regarding the proposed maintenance facility, he put together a list of nine questions he would like to have answered by the administration. He requested a digital copy of the list be emailed to all board members.
Stein stated that in the spring of this year, he and another Board member raised concerns that there were no math textbooks at the primary grade levels and asked questions about the primary math curriculum. After being told by teachers there are no textbooks being used, Stein requested that the administration respond to several prepared questions during a future DSF meeting. He also requested that a digital copy of the questions be shared with all board members. Shearer asked if the Board could see copies of all textbooks used at elementary grade levels.
Ramsay moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 PM. Shearer seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
September 11, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: September 11, 2023 / 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, September 11, 2023, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove.
Mark Czapp, Board Secretary, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected five board members present, with Mike Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Dave Trettel, and Nicole Wilson absent for work purposes.
Czapp called for nominations of a Temporary President in the absence of the President and Vice President.
Ramsay nominated Doug White. Baum seconded.
Ramsay moved to close nominations and elect White as Temporary President. Baum seconded. Motion approved by unanimous voice vote.
White reported no executive sessions held since the last sunshine meeting.
There was no public comment and no correspondence to share.
1. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. PERSONNEL ACTIONS – Approval of all personnel actions as listed on the attachment.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Ramsay moved for adjournment at 7:06 PM. Baum seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
August 28, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: August 28, 2023
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh (via Zoom), Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, August 28, 2023, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove. David Trettel, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected eight board members physically present, with Rachel Rohrbaugh participating virtually.
Trettel reported that an executive session was held prior to the start of this evening’s meeting for negotiations.
Dr. Ioannidis thanked various departmental staff for their role in welcoming faculty and non-instructional support personnel back to buildings on Monday, August 21, 2023, noting all were excited to return and the day was positive.
Ioannidis welcomed outstanding educators and support staff for 2023-2024, nominated and selected by their peers: Melissa Grim, High School Math/Gifted/AP instructor; Jessica Henning, Intermediate School Grade 5 instructor; Adrienne Arnold, Assistant Superintendent Administrative Asst., Dody Tome-Kern, SGE Kindergarten Aide, and Angie Leese, High School Emotional Support paraprofessional. He congratulated each staff member as they were recognized, read comments from the respective nominations, and presented each with a small gift.
Ioannidis provided a brief background to the proposed multi-purpose facility site location listed with Buildings and Grounds actions. Planning for the proposed project dates back as far as 2011 when Board members and administrators were presented with a summary report from the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) that recommended updates to District facilities. In responding to the CAC, the administration developed improvements to food services and general operations overall. Tonight’s action will only determine the location of the facility, with next steps including the architect and civil engineer providing a more detailed site plan, layout of the proposed facility, functional use of the facility, and pros and cons to considerations.
Trettel thanked all visitors present in the audience noting attendance at meetings is a way to remain informed.
Rhonda Wastler, 2023-2024 Music Booster President, extended an invitation to the Board to attend 2023-24 events and fundraising activities.
Kathy Gross, Heidelberg Township, shared a list of concerns as a retired teacher of the District and asked the Board and administration to focus on items that provide a quality education to students.
Ramsay shared a concern about recent posts on social media . Shearer stated that the Board should investigate to determine any validity to the posts.
Athletic event parking passes were shared with Board members.
Trettel and White were presented with a Certificate of Involvement from PSBA for ten years of service as Board members.
The PA Senate is set to return to session on August 30. A majority of the State budget has passed, but there is still money that needs to go through the statutory process to determine how it will be distributed.
Shearer reported that at the July meeting, personnel, bus routes, and the start of the 2024-25 school year budget were discussed. Trettel reported from items shared at the August meeting that there are 26 total technical programs currently being offered, there are currently 1677 students, 121 of whom are Spring Grove residents. Adult Ed and the FLEX Program are going well.
There was no report.
1. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the Regular Voting Meeting held on July 17, 2023, and Voting Meeting/Directors’ Study Forum Meetings held on August 14, 2023. Baum seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending July 31, 2023, and moved to approve the report as presented. Ramsay seconded the motion, approved by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTS – Approval of the Accounts Payable lists, as presented.
B. TAX EXONERATION REQUEST – Approval to exonerate the Spring Grove Area School District from tax bill number 004707, dated 07/15/2023, parcel ID number 33000FF0094A000000, for 2023-2024 School Real Estate taxes due in the face amount of $5,083.45.
C. TAX EXONERATION REQUEST – Approval to exonerate Debra Lewis from tax bill number 003374, dated 07/15/2021, parcel ID number 33-000-IF-0023-00-M0281, for the 2021-2022 School Real Estate taxes due in the face amount of $758.66 and penalty of $75.87 per the request dated June 28, 2023.
D. 2023-2024 FUND RAISING ORGANIZATIONS – Approval for students and/or staff to raise funds toward support of the organizations reflected on the attached list, during the 2023-2024 school year, in accordance with Board Policy #229.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis shared a handout, Information-Sharing, Fund Balances, listing several York County School Districts’ fund balances as requested by the Board. Stein stated that Spring Grove’s fund balance has dropped significantly from prior years. Prior years’ budget data remains available on the website for informational purposes. Historical data enables the Board to use funds judiciously and plan accordingly. Stein requested a history of building specific budget data, including the number of students per building, and annual fund balance percentage per student, building and districtwide.
4. Following a report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. SITE LOCATION FOR THE DISTRICT MAINTENANCE FACILITY PROJECT – Approval to continue planning of the District Maintenance Facility project on site #4 from among the proposed options surrendered to the School Board for consideration from First Capital Engineering and Crabtree Rohrbaugh and Associates.
B. 2023-2024 WAIVER OF RENTAL FEES – Approval for organizations included on the attached list to be considered eligible for waiver of rental fees for usage of facilities during the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
With motion and second on the table, Trettel opened the floor to discussion.
Ramsay questioned the $5(+) million dollar figure quoted by community members for the proposed facility. He stated that it is much more than a maintenance building; it is a multi-purpose facility that has the capability of housing supplies needed through the entire district, which translates to larger quantities per order and better purchasing power. A central location will yield improved operations and greater functionality as a school district. The Board must also consider tractor-trailer entry/exit, sale of the ESC building, and restructuring of the debt to not require raising taxes. Tonight’s action is the site location only.
Shearer stated that estimates were given at the Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting. He is concerned about selecting a site without knowing what the building is going to look like. The Board should decide what it wants to spend. The administration’s focus should be on education.
Ioannidis reported that Spring Grove is one of the top 5 districts in the state as being efficient with its money.
White stated that the Board needs to make a decision and noted that the price of the facility is increasing while the Board delays in choosing a site. White further stated that safety remains a concern with the need to install two secondary access roads on campus and urged Board members to agree to move forward.
Wilson agreed that a decision on location needs made, but at a reasonable cost. She is more concerned with improving PSSA and Keystone scores, education, and curriculum.
Stein stated that presentations by the architect and civil engineer should occur at Board meetings and options should be given when all members are present to make recommendations and decisions rather than during committee meetings when some are not in attendance.
Trettel called for roll call vote, resulting in the motion carrying, with Shearer, Ramsay, Wilson, Trettel, Stein, Baum, Ritz and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. White opposed.
New Salem Elementary NOT NEEDED |
Paradise Elementary NOT NEEDED |
Spring Grove Elementary |
07/20/2023 |
1 |
40 |
Spring Grove Intermediate |
07/18/2023 |
1 |
06 |
Spring Grove Middle School |
07/12/2023 |
1 |
12 |
Spring Grove High School |
07/26/2023 |
1 |
47 |
5. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Mike Ritz, Ritz moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. 2023-2024 BUS ROUTES – Approval of proposed student bus routes for the 2023-2024 school year.
B. KRISE BUS/VAN DRIVERS – Approval of the attached list of contracted Krise Bus Company drivers for the 2023-2024 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ritz noted drivers have shared concern regarding dismissal time and congestion. White reiterated the need to keep moving forward with campus projects, including proposed roads.
6. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. FIRST READING – Approval of a first reading of the following policy:
1) Policy #827 – Operations, Conflict of Interest
B. DONATIONS – Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) A large logo decal from York Wallcoverings, RoomMates Division, to be placed in the High School cafeteria.
2) A monetary donation from Christ’s American Baptist Church in the amount of $1,695.24 to support the Backpack Program.
3) A monetary donation from Innovative Bowling Products in the amount of $300.00 to support the District’s Mental Health Program.
4) A monetary grant from TE Connectivity in the amount of $2,500.00 to support the Student Launch Initiative.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
7. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. PERSONNEL ACTIONS – Approval of all personnel actions as listed on the attachment.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis welcomed and congratulated new Rocket staff members, Rhonda Wastler and Janelle Geesey.
8. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. OVERNIGHT CONFERENCE REQUEST – Approval for Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, to attend the 2023 Fall LIU Superintendent Symposium taking place at National Harbor, Maryland, on September 27, 28, and 29, 2023.
B. LIBERTY UNIVERSITY AFFILIATION AGREEMENTS – Approval to enter into the following listed agreements with Liberty University and accept University student teachers / student interns / practicum candidates:
1) School of Education Practicum Articulation Agreement
2) Public Schools and Liberty University Student Teaching Agreement
Background information provided, as requested
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Following action items, Ramsay commented and invited additional questions or comments from the audience related to the proposed multi-purpose facility.
Gary Burgard, Paradise Township, questioned if the former swimming pool area could be considered for use as storage.
No; Ioannidis stated that having reached an agreement with the YMCA, they now have ownership of the building. The former middle school could not be used in its present condition as an educational building, as determined by the CAC more than 12 years prior. One of the recommendations at that time was to repurpose the building, which was the selected option by the Board. The sale to the YMCA translates to no costs incurred by the District for renovation, upkeep, and/or maintenance.
Ramsay stated that having sold the building, substantial savings will also be realized by the District moving ESC administrative offices to the Roth Church Road facility. Costs that would have been associated with upgrading the ESC (not done since 1998) would be substantial if we were not moving offices to space renovated and paid for by the YMCA. The District will also experience additional revenue through the sale of the ESC building.
Ioannidis commented that the YMCA’s purchase provides the community with a variety of service opportunities. The District’s financial plan includes the opportunity to refinance and restructure debt for the capital projects. Prepare each year’s budget, the District continues to look at continuity of services to our students, including staff, operations overall, and putting off or limiting any increase in taxes.
Trettel thanked everyone for attending. Ioannidis reminded Board members that one of the main reasons for the upcoming annual facilities tour is to review items included as part of the District’s long range capital projects list.
ADJOURNMENT: Ramsay moved for adjournment at 8:25 PM. Wilson seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
August 14, 2023 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: August 14, 2023, @ 7:13
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following School Directors were absent: Ben Ramsay
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services, Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
A Directors’ Study meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, August 14, 2023, following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:13 PM, noting the same eight board members in attendance from the earlier voting meeting.
There was no public comment.
Dr. Guadagnino shared a presentation summarizing results of 2022-2023 PSSA/Keystone testing. Dr. Dietrich followed up with a summary of results from AP courses during the last school year.
Guadagnino presented a Curriculum Cycle chart with an attachment detailing the various phases of the curriculum review and revision process. This was an informational item only, with no action required by the Board.
A Summer School/Summer Camp Summary was shared to outline summer programs and attendance of students, including a comparison from the previous year. Guadagnino noted that, among other benefits, Pre-K students were demonstrating readiness for kindergarten following participation in the program. Czapp indicated that ESSER III funding remains available until September 2024 to fund next year’s programs, and Guadagnino stated that since pre-K and credit recovery programs existed prior to ESSERS, future funding proposals will be presented to the Board.
Guadagnino presented two proposed articulation agreements from Liberty University. The Board will consider approval at the next regular voting meeting, and a summary of current participation agreements will be shared with Board members.
Ioannidis reported that in the 2022-23 school year, approximately 37 students previously enrolled in Cyber/Charter Schools returned to in-person learning; approximately 9 Cyber/Charter School students have returned to-date for the 2023-24 school year. As curricular offerings are further defined, the District will share with additional information all families for their consideration of re-enrollment and participation.
A memorandum requesting participation in the September Superintendents’ Symposium was presented by Dr. Ioannidis for consideration, with this year’s agenda focus on Safety and Security. The Board will consider approval of the request at the August regular voting meeting.
Jeff Laux presented a summary of 2022-23 springs sports, noting that, overall, the program was a success. Laux introduced Kristen Mummert (upcoming senior), Rowan Conover (upcoming junior), and Dawson McMaster (upcoming senior), to share highlights from their experiences during their participation in the summer PIAA National Leadership Conference. The students also planned and carried out the inaugural YAIAA York/Adams Leadership Conference recently held in the District. Laux reiterated that the county event was student-driven and included 55 student-athletes from 14 districts.
Scott Cousin, Crabtree Rohrbaugh and Associates (CRA), shared the summary of items presented during the August 7th Buildings & Grounds Committee meeting. The presentation included four site options for the maintenance facility project, with estimated construction and soft cost estimates. Following discussion, Czapp indicated that the administration was seeking direction from the School Board for a final proposed site location to include as an action item with August 28th voting meeting actions. Consensus of the Board was to move forward with option 4. CRA will seek an opinion from PennDOT concerning any deterrent if the District were to seek a right of way from Old Hanover Road onto Rocket Drive if Krise Transportation were to receive approval for their requested access road.
Ioannidis reported that First Capital provided an estimated cost range of $260-$320 to undertake additional projects as part of their engineering work, including, but not limited to, SGE/HS access roads and YMCA renovations, with possible consideration of additional blacktop space. The administration will seek a formal proposal, and the Board will be given a summary of proposed projects included with the quote. Ioannidis noted that any costs borne from the YMCA’s project will be paid by YMCA. The benefit will be to save on design work and application fees. Formal approval will be requested at a future meeting.
Czapp reminded Board members that a PCCD grant was approved that includes funding for physical security upgrades on campus, including expansion of the high school access road and bollards in certain locations.
Following consideration of two dates for the 2023 Board walkthrough, Ioannidis requested and received confirmation for Saturday, September 30. More information will be shared with the Board.
Bill Stiles presented a list of proposed organizations for consideration of waiving use of facilities fees in 2023-2024. The Board will consider approval of the proposed list at the next regular voting meeting.
Chris Gibbons, Concord Public Finance, re-presented a summary of proposed financing options for restructuring debt and funding capital projects. Ioannidis indicated the administration would share a comparison of other York County School District fund balances at a future meeting and noted the goal of Spring Grove has been to preserve its fund balance for future use against increased costs and uncertain state funding. Gibbons stated future considerations can include a more financially conservative approach and projected October for a final decision.
Czapp presented two tax exoneration requests, which the Board will consider approving at the next regular voting meeting.
Steph Kennedy presented a proposed list of fundraising organizations for the 2023-2024 school year. The Board will consider approval at the next regular voting meeting.
Ioannidis presented a list of proposed 2023-2024 Krise bus/van drivers for consideration. He stated that his provisional approval will be granted for drivers and proposed bus routes for the start of school on August 23rd, in advance of the August 28th regular voting meeting when the Board will consider formal approval.
Baum presented proposed revisions to Board Policy #827 for review and consideration. The Board will consider approval of a first reading at the next regular voting meeting.
Stein presented a confidential Memorandum proposing personnel actions to consider at the August 28th voting meeting.
Ritz moved for adjournment at 9:29 PM. Trettel seconded. The meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
August 14, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: August 14, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following School Directors were absent: Ben Ramsay
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services, Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, August 14, 2023. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The pledge of allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence. Roll call confirmed eight board members in physical attendance, with Ben Ramsay absent for personal reasons.
There was no public comment.
Rohrbaugh asked Board members to consider signing up to attend Back-to-School nights.
1. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Wilson seconded the following:
A. CAPITAL PROJECTS RESOLUTION – Approval of the attached resolution related to the financing of capital projects.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
2. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. SECOND READING – Approval of a second and final reading for the following policies:
1) Policy #137 – Home Education Programs
2) Policy #137.1 – Extracurricular Participation by Home Education Students
3) Policy #137.2 – Participation in Co-curricular Activities and Academic Courses by Home Education Students
4) Policy #137.3 – Participation in Career and Technical Education Programs by Home Education Students
5) Policy #200 – Enrollment of Students
6) Policy #202 – Eligibility of Nonresident Students
7) Policy #204 – Attendance
8) Policy #217 – Graduation
9) Policy #221 – Dress and Grooming
10) Policy #251 – Students Experiencing Homelessness, Foster Care and Other Educational Instability
11) Policy #255 – Retire Policy (language included with proposed revisions to #251)
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. PERSONNEL ACTIONS – Approval of all personnel actions as listed on the attachment.
Stein requested a separate vote on item J.
Trettel requested a separate vote on item M23.
Vote by roll call on item J resulted in the motion carrying with seven yay votes; Stein abstained.
Vote by roll call on item M23 resulted in the motion carrying with seven yay votes; Trettel abstained.
Vote by roll call on all remaining items of personnel resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
4. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. THADDEUS STEVENS EARLY ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT – Approval to enter into agreement with Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology to provide eligible Spring Grove Area School District students opportunity to participate in the College’s Early Enrollment Program.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Trettel moved for adjournment at 7:13 PM. Ritz seconded. The meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
July 17, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: July 17, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Dave Trettel, Doug White
The following School Directors were absent: Michael Ritz, Doug Stein, Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance:
Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary (via Zoom), Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, July 17, 2023, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed in memory of former New Salem Elementary teacher, Fay Wagaman.
Roll call reflected five board members present, with Michael Ritz, Doug Stein, and Nicole Wilson absent for personal reasons, and Doug White expected to arrive shortly after opening exercises.
Rohrbaugh reported that an executive session was held on June 26, 2023, for negotiations and personnel matters.
White arrived at 7:06 PM.
Seth Miller, Jackson Township resident, requested a waiver of the interim penalty because he did not receive a typical property interim tax bill. Upon receiving the normal tax bill at his new residence, a penalty was included for non-payment of the interim bill. Miller .
Rohrbaugh stated that someone from the District Business Office will reach out to Mr. Miller to follow up.
Ioannidis welcomed and shared congratulations with Sherry Stambaugh, Advisor the Odyssey of the Mind (OM) student club, and students attending the meeting who took part in the OM Worlds Competition. Stambaugh shared a presentation and explained the different teams and their projects, then closed with a video presentation of students thanking board members for supporting the event.
There was no correspondence.
Ioannidis reported that Pennsylvania schools are awaiting an enacted state budget. The Board will be notified of any updates. The proposed legislation for charter school funding reform is still not finalized and is likely to be dependent upon budget discussions.
Trettel reported that Mr. Shearer will be attending the next scheduled meeting.
There was no report.
1. Trettel moved to approve the minutes from the Voting Meeting and Directors’ Study Forum Meetings held on June 26, 2023. Baum seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending June 30, 2023, and moved to approve the report as presented. Ramsay seconded the motion, approved by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. Approval of the Accounts Payable lists, as presented.
B. Approval of the attached agreement for IU12 to provide remedial reading instructional services as per the school district’s request for assistance and in accordance with the school district’s consolidated application for a Title I Reading Program for academically eligible students attending non-public schools in the Spring Grove Area School District.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis stated that a Capital Reserve Balances memorandum was shared with board members in the meeting packet.
4. Following a report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. Approval of the attached Regional Recreation Services Agreement between Spring Grove Borough, Paradise Township, Jackson Township, and the Spring Grove Area School District (participants), and YMCA of the Roses for the administration of a joint community recreation and parks program.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
The following mandated fire drills for the month were entered into the minutes:
New Salem Elementary, NOT NEEDED |
Paradise Elementary, NOT NEEDED |
Spring Grove Elementary |
06/27/2023 |
1 |
14 |
Spring Grove Intermediate |
06/28/2023 |
1 |
50 |
Spring Grove Middle School |
06/20/2023 |
1 |
23 |
Spring Grove High School |
06/26/2023 |
3 |
25 |
Minutes from the public Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting held on June 21, 2023, were revised by board members’ request, and entered into the Minutes.
5. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company Bus/Van Driver for the extended 2022-2023 school year during the summer school / summer camp programs, in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
1) Tammy Craig
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. Approval of a first reading for the following policies:
1) Policy #137 – Home Education Programs (revised)
2) Policy #137.1 – Extracurricular Participation by Home Education Students (new)
3) Policy #137.2 – Participation in Co-curricular Activities and Academic Courses by Home Education Students (new)
4) Policy #137.3 – Participation in Career and Technical Education Programs by Home Education Students (new)
5) Policy #200 – Enrollment of Students (revised)
6) Policy #202 – Eligibility of Nonresident Students (revised)
7) Policy #204 – Attendance (revised)
8) Policy #217 – Graduation (revised)
9) Policy #221 – Dress and Grooming (revised)
10) Policy #251 – Students Experiencing Homelessness, Foster Care and Other Educational Instability (revised)
11) Policy #255 – Retire Policy (language included with proposed revisions to #251)
B. Approval of the attached Code of Student Conduct and General Operating Procedures, in accordance with Board Policies, to be included in the Core Section of the 2023-2024 Student/Parent Handbook, relevant to all students at the K-12 educational levels.
Vote by roll call on resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
7. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following resignations:
1) Spring Grove Area Middle School Science Instructor – John Sengia, effective the last day before the first day of the start of the 2023-2024 school year to accept another teaching position in a neighboring district.
2) Spring Grove Area High School English Instructor – Michael Shoupe, effective August 1, 2023, to accept a teaching position in another district.
3) Spring Grove Elementary School Part Time Nutrition Support – Rachel Smith, effective July 9, 2023, to accept a full-time position with another employer.
B. Approval of the following transfers:
1) Spring Grove Area School District Elementary Assistant Principal – Ashlie Rittle, from Spring Grove Area School District Instructional Support Teacher to Spring Grove Area School District Elementary Assistant Principal, effective August 14, 2023. Compensation established at a prorated annualized salary of $98,000.
2) Spring Grove Elementary School Head Cook – Nutrition Supervisor – Tuesday DeCello, from Spring Grove Elementary School Lead Cook to Spring Grove Elementary School Head Cook – Nutrition Supervisor, effective August 21, 2023. Compensation established at $19.25 per hour for 7 hours per day, 180 days per year.
3) Spring Grove Intermediate School Instructional Assistant - Special Education – Shannon Knotts, from Spring Grove Intermediate School Lead Cook to Spring Grove Intermediate School Instructional Assistant – Special Education – Emotional Support, effective August 21, 2023. Compensation established at the current hourly rate for 7 hours per day, 180 days per year.
C. Approval of the following appointments, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Spring Grove Area School District Long Term Substitute – Patricia (Trish) Lackey, effective for 2023-2024 school year. Compensation established at Step 1 of the Bachelor’s Schedule.
2) Spring Grove Area School District Long Term Substitute – Heather Altland, effective for 2023-2024 school year. Compensation established at Step 1 of the Bachelor’s Schedule.
3) Spring Grove Area School District Elementary Instructor – Janelle Heilman, effective at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. Compensation established at Step 15 on the Master’s Schedule.
D. Approval of the following coaches for the 2023-2024 Fall Season, with compensation determined by the Coaches’ Salary Matrix and the stipends noted below, and authorizing discretion to reduce, pro-rate, or cancel any appropriated payment because of a delayed, shortened, or canceled season:
Job Title |
Coach Name |
Stipend |
Boys Soccer - Varsity Head Coach |
Christopher Salemme |
$ 4,154.00 |
Boys Soccer - Varsity Assistant Coach |
Julian Digruttola |
$ 2,909.00 |
Boys Soccer - Varsity Assistant Coach |
Edward Medhurst |
$ 2,909.00 |
Cheerleading (Football) - Varsity Head Coach |
Hillary Gruzs |
$ 754.25 |
Cheerleading (Football) - Varsity Assistant Coach |
Kayla Bennett |
$ 754.25 |
Cheerleading (Football) - Varsity Assistant Coach |
Hannah Wheler |
$ 754.25 |
Cheerleading (Football) - Junior High Head Coach |
Kelsey Pedmo |
$ 754.25 |
Cross Country - Varsity Head Coach |
Brian Bahn |
$ 4,193.00 |
Cross Country - Varsity Assistant Coach |
Paxton Drumheller |
$ 2,100.00 |
Cross Country - Junior High Head Coach |
Stephen Perago |
$ 2,300.00 |
Field Hockey - Varsity Head Coach |
Julia Baer |
$ 4,504.00 |
Field Hockey - Varsity Assistant Coach |
Brandy Baker |
$ 2,909.00 |
Field Hockey - Junior High Head Coach |
To Be Determined |
Field Hockey - Junior High Assistant Coach |
Aubree Ross |
$ 2,493.00 |
Football - Varsity Head Coach |
Thomas Trone |
$ 6,500.00 |
Football - Varsity Assistant Coach |
Kyle Sprenkle |
$ 1,845.50 |
Football - Varsity Assistant Coach |
Eric Baumgardner |
$ 3,641.00 |
Football - Varsity Assistant Coach |
Benjamin Redding |
$ 3,541.00 |
Football - Varsity Assistant Coach |
Weston Yohe |
$ 3,541.00 |
Football - Varsity Assistant Coach |
Jeffrey Zinn |
$ 1,820.50 |
Football - 9th Grade Head Coach |
Nathan Smith |
$ 3,342.00 |
Football - 9th Grade Assistant Coach |
Matthew Gobrecht |
$ 2,993.00 |
Football - 8th Grade Head Coach |
Stephen Hersh |
$ 1,558.75 |
Football - 8th Grade Assistant Coach |
Darren Ray |
$ 1,558.75 |
Football - 8th Grade Assistant Coach |
Samuel Biesecker |
$ 1,558.75 |
Football - 8th Grade Assistant Coach |
Joshua Ross |
$ 1,558.75 |
Girls Soccer – Varsity Head Coach |
Tyler Smith |
$ 4,154.00 |
Girls Soccer – Varsity Assistant Coach |
Christopher Schwab |
$ 2,909.00 |
Girls Soccer – Varsity Assistant Coach |
Sarah Jennings |
$ 1,454.50 |
Girls Soccer – Varsity Assistant Coach |
Michaela Landis |
$ 1,454.50 |
Girls Tennis - Varsity Head Coach |
Tara Osborne |
$ 3,000.00 |
Girls Tennis - Varsity Assistant Coach |
To Be Determined |
Girls Volleyball - Varsity Head Coach |
Elizabeth Zeigler |
$ 4,604.00 |
Girls Volleyball - Varsity Assistant Coach |
Samantha Strausbaugh |
$ 3,134.00 |
Golf - Varsity Head Coach |
Shane Grim |
$ 3,000.00 |
E. Approval of the following support staff to assist students during the 2022-2023 ESY Program, with compensation established at the current hourly rate or the minimum hourly rate for staff who are not currently in regular position within the district:
1) Tabitha Blizzard, Elementary
2) Morgan Molison, Elementary
F. Approval of the following individuals, pending receipt of updated clearances, to work aquatics events at the established hourly aquatics rate in the matrix and provide aquatic assistance during community swim activities:
1) Elijah Lancaster, Lifeguard/Swim Aide
2) Colin Trone, Lifeguard/Swim Aide
Vote by roll call on all items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis welcomed and congratulated, Ashlie Rittle, Elementary Assistant Principal, Heather Altland, long-term Substitute, and Janelle Heilman, SGE elementary education teacher, who were present at the meeting.
8. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. Approval to allow Clotilde Meurin of Chatou, France, as an International Foreign Exchange Student and enroll in the Spring Grove Area School District as a high school student for the 2023-2024 school year, contingent upon receipt of appropriate immunization documentation and verifying the J-1 Visa in accordance with Board Policy No. 239, with acknowledgment from the host parents that they bear full responsibility for the student’s wellbeing throughout the school year.
B. Approval to enter into agreement with Penn State York and provide district facilities as a practicum and accept Penn State York student teachers / student interns.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Rohrbaugh called for an executive session following adjournment to discuss personnel items.
ADJOURNMENT: Trettel moved for adjournment at 7:35 PM. Ramsay seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
June 26, 2023 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: June 26, 2023 @ 7:27 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following School Directors were absent: Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary (via Zoom), Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A directors’ study meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, June 26, 2023, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:27 PM noting the same seven board members in attendance from the earlier meeting.
There was no public comment.
Mark Czapp introduced Chris Gibbons, Concord Public Finance, to present a proposed Reimbursement Resolution, Financial Schedule, and comparison of Existing Debt Service vs. Restructured Debt Service with current rates, for review. As the Board moves forward with capital projects, Gibbons presented future borrowing options and reported that adoption of a Resolution would preserve the opportunity for the district to reimburse itself for expenditures related to the projects and incurred prior to the completion of any bond issuance or bank loan. Gibbons noted there is no action required by the Board at present. Ioannidis stated that funds in Capital Reserve could be used to help cover costs of upcoming projects; but traditionally, Capital Reserve has been earmarked for items listed on the building maintenance schedule that is updated annually and provided to board members during the Capital Projects Tour. Those listed projects are available on the Board’s webpage. Neighboring districts’ Capital Reserve balances, if available, may be shared at a future meeting.
Ioannidis presented a proposed Regional Recreation Services Agreement between the District/Spring Grove Borough/Paradise and Jackson Townships and the YMCA of the Roses for review. The document provides for continuation of what had previously been the partnership agreement among the municipalities and the Spring Grove Area Regional Parks and Recreation Center (SGRPRC). Ioannidis indicated that there is no cost to the district to be a partner. Betty Stein, SGRPRC representative, shared examples of in-kind services provided by the district to students that are part of the center’s before/after school care program. The Board will consider approval of the agreement at the July or August voting meeting. Mrs. Stein also suggested that the Board appoint an alternate representative to serve as district representative moving forward, since serving as SGRPRC representative may be considered a conflict of interest.
Bill Stiles presented a summary of items reviewed during the June 21st Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting, highlighting changes in potential sites for the maintenance facility. Aerial surveys providing more detailed topography of the three newly-considered site locations are tentatively scheduled the next week, weather permitting. Ioannidis stated that over recent years, previous board members have continued to review the schedule of capital projects, including the maintenance facility, in addition to discussing the possibility of borrowing funds to cover costs for the projects. Minutes of the committee meeting were provided.
At the June 12th meeting, a rough draft of the Code of Student Conduct and General Operating Procedures was shared with board members. Having received no feedback, Dr. Ludwig presented the final draft of the documents for review. The Board will consider approval at the July 17 regular voting meeting.
As mentioned during a Policy Committee meeting held on June 12th, and as documented in posted minutes of the meeting, several proposed policies were presented as the result of recent changes in legislation. Policies #137, #137.1, #137.2, and #137.3 address opportunities to students enrolled in a home education program. Policies #200, #202, #204, #217, #221, and #251 address students and families experiencing homelessness. The administration is currently developing procedures to manage how parents of homeschooled students and families experiencing homelessness can request access to available services. The Board will consider approval of a first reading at the July 17th regular voting meeting, with a second and final reading tentative with August 14th DSF meeting items.
Shearer requested stronger language be inserted in policy #251 to define homeless. Ludwig stated that the law does not allow for asking specific types of questions when a student is enrolling. Proposed changes to the law are addressed at the legislative level. Wilson agreed, stating that proactive steps that can be taken by a School Board should be taken. Ioannidis reported that language of proposed policies follows the law, according to comments by the solicitor; if anything changes, board members will be alerted.
Stein presented a memorandum of proposed personnel actions for consideration of approval at the July 17th regular voting meeting.
A suggestion to consider a Stadium Scoreboard Ribbon Cutting ceremony was reviewed. Steph Kennedy, Community Relations Coordinator, has suggested October 19th when this year’s “Meet the Rockets” event is slated to be held in conjunction with the Homecoming Community Celebration (K-12) and the homecoming parade. Several groups of students and members of the community-at-large will be represented on that date. Kennedy is working through the details and potential sponsorships. Stiles anticipates the scoreboard will be up and operational beginning in August, giving returning students of the AVJ class time to get acclimated to the new scoreboard and its features. More information to follow.
Ioannidis reported that Kate King, Executive Director of Spring Grove Regional Parks and Recreation Center, received permission from Jackson Township to place a banner at the front entrance of the campus to announce the coming of the partnership with the YMCA. No action is needed by the School Board.
Wilson presented a proposed affiliation agreement with Penn State York for review. Dr. Guadagnino stated the agreement is like others presented to allow for university students to conduct internships and complete necessary credit hours on site. The Board will consider approval at the July 17th regular voting meeting.
White requested that the administration consider implementing a staff dress code for inclusion in staff handbooks. Ioannidis stated that there is provision in the current CBA that any discussion regarding a dress code would be done “jointly” between the District and the Association. He will reach out to Association representatives to begin the conversation.
Rohrbaugh called for an executive session to discuss personnel following adjournment of the meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: Trettel moved for adjournment at 8:30 PM. Wilson seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
June 26, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: June 26, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
LOCATION of MEETING: Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove, PA
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following School Directors were absent: Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary (via Zoom), Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, June 26, 2023, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed.
Roll call reflected seven board members in attendance, with Ben Ramsay and Mike Ritz absent for personal reasons
Rohrbaugh reported that an executive session was held on June 12, 2023, for personnel. An executive session was also held this evening at 5:30 PM prior to the start of the voting meeting to discuss negotiations.
There was no public comment.
Ioannidis shared congratulations with Wyatt Amspacher who won 1st place in the PeoplesBank/Stock Market Competition for York County under the direction of Nicci Riser.
Congratulations were also extended to the following student athletes and gymnasts:
- Ella Bahn took first place in the 100m and 300m hurdles, and the high jump at the District III Championships.
- Laila Campbell took first place in the 100m and 200m dash and set new records in both events at District III Championship.
- Maylee Campbell (SGE) placed second in the floor exercise at Level 3 States.
- Aubrey Zartman (SGE) placed second on the balance beam at Level 3 States.
- Mario DeRienzo (PES) placed first on the vault at the Region 7 Men’s Championships.
- Xavier DeRienzo (MS) placed 1st in the floor exercise and rings, placed 3rd in parallel bars and all-around at the Eastern National Championships, and placed 3rd in the floor exercise at the Region 7 Men’s Championships.
Congratulations to these athletes.
There was no correspondence.
Ioannidis reported there are several indications that Pennsylvania could be in for a delayed passage of the budget under new leadership. There also appears to be a renewed effort for vouchers, which may or may not have a direct impact on funding to schools.
Trettel stated there was nothing of significance to report following the most recent meeting.
There was no report, as Baum stated YAA does not have summer meetings.
Ioannidis provided an update regarding the opening of the Rocket Wellness Center, sharing participation rates, appointment trends, and satisfaction ratings, etc., to date. Ioannidis will continue to provide updates and will include a cost savings analysis at some point in the future. He also noted that all employee data is completely confidential.
1. Baum moved to approve the minutes from the May 22, 2023, Regular Voting Meeting and respective Voting and Directors’ Study Forum Meetings held on June 12, 2023. Trettel seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending May 31, 2023. White moved to approve the report as presented. Trettel seconded the motion, approved by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Wilson seconded the following:
A. Approval of the Accounts Payable lists, as presented.
B. Approval of the attached budgetary transfers for the 2022-2023 fiscal year in addition to the following:
1) Transfer from General Fund to the Capital Reserve Fund (total transfer $407,654.92):
a. $ 18,566.84 for ESSER II Expenditures
b. $134,737.08 for ESSER III Expenditures
c. $254,351.00 for COPS Office School Violence Prevention Program
Ioannidis gave a brief explanation of the budgetary transfers.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
4. Following a report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. Approval to add PA Flight Club to the organizations included on the attached list of approved entities for consideration as eligible for waiver of rental fees for usage of facilities.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
The following mandated fire drills for the month were entered into the minutes:
New Salem Elementary |
05/22/2023 |
1 |
43 |
Paradise Elementary |
05/24/2023 |
1 |
27 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
05/12/2023 |
2 |
10 |
Spring Grove Area Intermediate |
05/11/2023 |
2 |
20 |
Spring Grove Area Middle School |
05/10/2023 |
1 |
38 |
Spring Grove Area High School |
05/08/2023 |
4 |
48 |
Minutes from the public Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting held on June 21, 2023, were entered into the Minutes.
5. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Wilson seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company Bus/Van Driver for the 2022-2023 school year and summer of 2023 in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
1) Aracelys Figueroa
2) Gordon Miles
3) Mercedes Monroe
4) Patty Mummert
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. Approval of a second reading for the following policies:
1) Policy 719: Facility Dogs
2) Policy 831.1: Electronic Data Storage
B. Approval of the 2023-2024 Operational Plan as reflected on the attached and reviewed during the June 12, 2023, public school board meeting.
C. Approval to engage Dr. Howard Farrington, MD, 2030 Thistle Hill Drive, Suite 200, Spring Grove, PA, during the 2023-2024 school year, as needed, to complete mandated student physical examinations.
D. Approval for Karen Baum to continue as Board Representative on the York Adams Academy Joint Operating Committee for the 2023-2024 school term.
E. Authorization for Kristen Mummert to serve as Student Representative to the Board of School Directors and be a non-voting member from September 2023 through May 2024 at regular voting meetings.
F. Acknowledgment and/or acceptance of the following donations in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) A monetary donation of $100 from St. Pauls’ United Church of Christ (Stoverstown) to support the District Facilities Department.
2) Donation of a Pearl PK910C Student Bell Kit with Rolling Case from Melissa Culp to support the District Music Department.
3) Donation of a $100 gift card to Genova’s from Martin’s Framing Gallery in appreciation to Spring Grove Intermediate teachers, administrators and staff.
4) Monetary donations from the following to support the Backpack Program through the District’s Inaugural Spring Volleyball Beach Blast:
a. $100 from Kirby and Sheri Orewiler
b. $100 from Schmuck Lumber Co., Inc.
c. $100 from C & G Refrigeration
d. $100 from Quality Service Settlements, LLC
e. $250 from Valley Products Company
f. $250 from various members of an anonymous donor family
Vote by roll call on resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Minutes from the public Policy Committee Meeting held on June 12, 2023, were entered into the Minutes.
7. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following resignations:
1) New Salem Elementary School PT Nutrition Support – Christine Jackson, effective June 7, 2023, for personal reasons.
2) Varsity Assistant Field Hockey Coach – Lindy Eisenhart, effective June 7, 2023, for personal reasons.
3) Spring Grove Intermediate School Instructional Assistant – Special Education (Learning Support) – Rhonda Becker, effective June 28, 2023, for the purposes of relocation.
B. Approval of the following appointments, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Spring Grove Area School District Elementary Instructor – Caley McGuigan, effective at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, pending verification of Pennsylvania certification. Compensation established at Step 1 on the Bachelor’s Schedule.
2) Spring Grove Elementary School Full Time Custodian (2nd Shift) – Tammy Luckenbaugh effective June 27, 2023, with compensation established at $15.30 per hour for 8 hours per day, 260 days per year.
3) Spring Grove Area High School Special Education Instructor – John Franklin, IV, effective at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, pending verification of Pennsylvania certification. Compensation established at Step 5 on the Bachelor + 24 Schedule or appropriate column based on education level at the start of the 2023-2024 school year.
4) Spring Grove Elementary School Principal – Orvale (Chip) Fissel, effective upon release from the current school district. Compensation established at an annualized salary of $124,500.
C. Approval of the following individual pending receipt of clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers, with compensation established at $10.75 per hour:
1) Tyrece Reed, Student Custodian
D. Approval of the following classified substitute for the 2022-2023 school year at the hourly rates indicated on the Support Staff Compensation (Minimum Salary) Matrix, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances, and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Tyler Crushong
Vote by roll call on all items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis welcomed and introduced newest Rocket team members, John Franklin, Caley McGuigan, and Chip Fissel.
8. Following a report of the Athletics and Music Committee’s recommendations read by David Trettel, Trettel moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. Approval to enter into the following proposed agreements with OSS Orthopaedic Hospital, LLC d/b/a/ OSS Health, to transition into the 2023-2024 school year without interruption to the necessary services needed for continuity of our programs and services to students:
1) Professional Services Agreement for OSS to provide one Physician and one Athletic Trainer for services and responsibilities as set forth in Exhibit A of the attached.
2) Substitute Athletic Trainer Services Agreement for OSS to secure the assistance of a substitute Athletic Trainer on those occasions when the District’s Athletic Trainer is unavailable, to provide services and responsibilities as set forth in Exhibit A of the attached.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
9. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
- Approval to purchase the attached list of textbooks for the English Language Arts and Science departments for the 2023-2024 school year.
- Approval for four high school Student Council students to attend the PASC Summer Leadership Camp at Susquehanna University on July 9 – 13, 2023.
- Overnight Conference Requests:
1) Approval for David Gipe and Brian Walz, District Technicians, to attend and participate in the MacAdmins Annual Conference at the Penn State Conference Center Hotel, State College, PA, on July 18-21, 2023.
2) Approval for Bill Stiles, District Facilities Manager, to attend and participate in the PASBO Steel Eagle Leadership Institute at the Omni Bedford Springs Resort, Bedford, PA, on July 11-12, 2023.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
ADJOURNMENT: Trettel moved for adjournment at 7:27 PM. Wilson seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
June 12, 2023 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: June 12, 2023 @ 7:07 PM
The following School Directors were in attendance:
Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following School Directors were absent:
Dave Trettel
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance:
Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services, Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
A Directors’ Study meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, June 12, 2023, following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM, noting the same eight board members in attendance from the earlier voting meeting.
There was no public comment.
Mark Czapp presented budgetary transfers for the 2022-2023 school year. The board will consider approval of the proposed transfers at the June 26th regular voting meeting.
Ioannidis shared an update related to the Maintenance Facility project. At recent conversations with Jackson Township officials, it was shared that potential parking space requests and other considerations related to the YMCA project could potentially impact more than one acre of district property. The township’s suggestion was for the district to consider submitting one permit combining all proposed campus projects, reducing the engineering work and costs of numerous permit applications. A “Master Plan” was suggested to include various “phases” (with each phase requiring board approval as the district moves through each project). Next steps would include a conversation with First Capital to determine their interest in doing the proposed master plan and all projects associated with the various phases. The YMCA would be responsible for their costs related to their facility.
Bill Stiles reported that individual project permits would increase the cost and extend the timing by as much as two years. Ioannidis stated that a Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting is scheduled for June 21 and proposed having a conversation with First Capital beforehand to determine their interest in taking on the additional projects. Ioannidis affirmed that the proposal on the table is a recommendation to create a master plan for all proposed campus projects. While some board members stated their hesitancy to move forward and spend money to commit to projects that have yet to be approved by the School Board, others noted there is no cost for an engineer to consider combining the projects. The next step will be to bring information back to the Board following the committee meeting on June 21st.
Ioannidis reported that the YMCA continues with the design phase of the building and is intending to propose updates to the Board at a future meeting. Fundraising efforts also continue, and the YMCA is working with the Spring Grove Area Regional Parks and Recreation Committee (SGRPRC) regarding the revised Governmental Interagency Agreement among municipalities and the school district. The administration will include updates on a future Board agenda as details are finalized.
The addition of PA Flight Club (Track and Field) to the Waiver of Use of Facilities Fees was presented for consideration. The Board will consider approval at the June 26th regular voting meeting.
Per a Memorandum, Dr. Ludwig proposed continuing with Dr. Farrington as school physician for the 2023-2024 school year. Ludwig and Ioannidis have spoken with Everside Health about contracting for these services, along with potential nurses, in the future. Currently, the physician provides physicals for students needing services in addition to providing advice on specific student issues. The Board will consider approval at the June 26 regular voting meeting.
Mr. Czapp indicated Mrs. Baum confirmed interest in continuing as YAA representative. The Board will consider approval to reappoint Baum at the June 26 regular voting meeting.
Ioannidis presented the proposed Operational Plan for 2023-2024. The Board will consider approval at the June 26 regular voting meeting.
Ioannidis stated that several policies for consideration were presented during the Policy Committee Meeting held earlier this evening. Policies will be included on the June 26th Directors’ Study Forum for review and discussion before moving forward for consideration of approval of a first reading in July.
Ludwig presented a draft of the Code of Student Conduct, included as part of the Student/Parent proposed handbook, and asked Board members to respond to her with any recommended changes prior to the next regularly scheduled discussion meeting on June 26. The policies and proposed handbook items will be included for review and discussion during the June 26th Directors Study Forum.
Ioannidis reported that the results of the final 2022-2023 Student/Staff/Parent Survey are being compiled, and the administration will request the Board Committee preview the information before to bringing them to the full board.
Stein presented a confidential Memorandum proposing personnel actions to consider at the June 26th voting meeting. Karen Baum asked for executive session following adjournment of the meeting.
Wilson presented proposed 2023-2024 OSS agreements for contracted services for review. Ioannidis noted that that agreements include Athletic Trainer, physician services, and substitute services. The Board questionedf the charges associated with the proposed agreement reflected an increase; Ioannidis will investigate prior year invoices and respond prior to a request for approval at the June 26 regular voting meeting.
Dr. Guadagnino reported that when new/revised courses are approved, the curricular team considers new/revised materials/resources to implement the class/es. Samples of materials recommended are available at the ESC for anyone wishing to review. The Board will consider approval of the list of textbooks/resources at the June 26th regular voting meeting.
The Board reviewed an affiliation agreement between the School District and Albright College. The Board will consider approval of the proposed agreement at the June 26th regular voting meeting.
The Board considered two proposed annual conference / overnight requests for approval:
- Technology Department personnel to attend the MacAdmins East Coast Conference; and,
- Facilities Manager, Bill Stiles, to attend the PASBO Steel Eagle Leadership Institute.
The Board will consider approval of the requests at the June 26 regular voting meeting.
Stein presented a request to consider dedicating the recently approved scoreboard at the Stadium at the first varsity game scheduled in the stadium. The administration will take the request under consideration.
Board members asked if they might receive an update regarding the Rocket Wellness Center. Ioannidis will provide an update at the June 26 DSF meeting.
Ritz moved for adjournment at 8:07 PM. Baum seconded. The meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
June 12, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: June 12, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
The following School Directors were in attendance:
Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following School Directors were absent:
Dave Trettel
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance:
Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services, Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, June 12, 2023. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The pledge of allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence. Roll call confirmed eight board members in physical attendance with Dave Trettel absent for personal reasons.
Rohrbaugh reported there was an executive session held on May 22, 2023, to discuss personnel and review school safety and security items as required under Act 55.
There was no public comment.
There was no correspondence. District notecards were placed at board members’ seats for use at their discretion.
1. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. Approval of the homestead assessment exemption of $6,629 and a farmstead assessment exemption of approximately $6,629 for the school year beginning July 1, 2023, under the provisions of the Homestead Property Exclusion Program Act (part of Act 50 of 1998) and the Taxpayer Relief Act (Act 1 of 2006).
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
2. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Wilson seconded the following:
A. Approval of the Middle School Administration and Superintendent’s recommendation that the Agreement, Waiver and Stipulation, numbered 2022-2023, #004, and ratified on May 30, 2023, be approved as documented.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following resignations:
1) Spring Grove Area School District Elementary Assistant Principal – Dr. Marvin London, effective August 4, 2023, to accept a teaching position with new professional opportunities in another district.
2) Spring Grove Area School District Elementary Instructor – Lindsay Alley, effective the last day before the first day of the start of the 2023-2024 school year, to accept a position outside of education.
3) New Salem Elementary School Instructional Assistant – Special Education Learning Support – Maranda Madonna, effective June 5, 2023, for personal reasons.
4) Junior High Assistant Track and Field Coach – Dalton Rohrbaugh, effective June 1, 2023, for personal reasons.
B. Approval of the following instructional staff to teach during the 2023 Summer School Program, with compensation established at the 2022-2023 per diem rate or Bachelor Schedule Step 1 per diem rate for instructional staff who are not currently in a regular position within the District:
1) Paxton Drumheller, English
2) Stephen Perago, English
3) Rosalinda Staples, English
4) Michael Becker, Math
5) Melissa Grim, Math
6) Elizabeth Harner, Math
7) Renee Bosak, Science
8) Tyler Newcomb, Science
9) Cathy Drapiewski, Science
10) Kevin Riccio, Social Studies
11) Kyle Sprenkle, Social Studies
12) Anthony Miller, Health
13) Samantha Strausbaugh, Health
14) David Carns, Health
15) Jane Ardner, Grades 5,6
16) Jessica Gibble, Grades 5,6
17) Amanda Sterner, Grades K-4
18) Lauren Grove, Grades K-4
19) Alison Shriver, Grades K-4
20) Justice White, Grades K-4
21) Elizabeth Swiger, Grades K-4
22) Kendra Klunk, Grades K-4
23) Jennifer Horst, Grades K-4
24) Brittany Laughman, Grades K-4
25) Ryan Miller, Grades K-4
26) Haley Wagman, Grades K-4
27) Erin Celano, Grades 5,6
28) Heather Altland, Grades 5,6
29) Elizabeth Eveler, Substitute
30) Anne Shaffer, Substitute
31) Christopher Tanczos, Substitute
32) Stacy Reed, Substitute
33) Brian Link, Substitute
34) Pat Craig, Substitute
35) Pearl Wintrode, Substitute
C. Approval of the following support staff to assist students during the 2022-2023 Summer School Program, with compensation established at the current hourly rate or the minimum hourly rate for staff who are not currently in a regular position within the District.
1) Justine Bollinger
2) Kathryn Brandt
3) Melissa Lucabaugh
4) Meredith McCoury Howard
5) Jessica Reese
6) Noelia Vastardis
7) Addyson Wagman
8) Cloey Carl
9) Emma Evans
10) Amy Olesak, Health Room Assistant Nurse
11) Rosemarie Drusedum, Health Room Assistant Nurse
12) Barbara Colehouse, Health Room Assistant Nurse
D. Approval of the following instructional staff to facilitate the 2022-2023 Summer Pre-K Program, contingent upon the program’s implementation, with compensation established at the 2022-2023 per diem rate:
1) Annette Luckenbaugh
2) Wanda Peterson
3) Wendi Bulgarelli, Nurse
4) Chanda Barley, Substitute
E. Approval of the following support staff to assist students during the 2022-2023 Pre-K Program, contingent on the program’s implementation, with compensation established at the current hourly rate:
1) Hope Gracey, Instructional Assistant
2) Amy Bretzman, Instructional Assistant
3) Michele Soroko, Health Room Assistant Nurse – Licensed Substitute
F. Approval of the following instructional staff /professional substitutes to facilitate the 2022-2023 ESY Program, with compensation established at the 2022-2023 per diem rate or Bachelor Schedule Step 1 per diem rate for instructional staff who are not currently in a regular position within the District:
1) Wendi Bulgarelli, Nurse
2) Jhett Markle, Elementary
3) Autumn Leese, Elementary
4) Cassady Krinock, Secondary
5) Victoria Moser, Secondary Life Skills
6) Jennifer Rausch, Elementary Autism
7) Brittany Koser, Elementary Autism
8) Megan Myers, Elementary Autism Substitute
9) Patricia Lackey, Secondary
10) Sarah Chang, Secondary Autism
11) Brian Baker, Elementary Intensive Learning Support / Life Skills
G. Approval of the following support staff to assist students during the 2022-2023 ESY Program, with compensation established at the current hourly rate or the minimum hourly rate for staff who are not currently in regular position within the District:
1) Brittany McKee, Secondary
2) Lindsey Fascetta, Secondary
3) Angela Leese, Elementary
4) Lauren Wantz, Secondary Autism
5) Staci Eckard, Secondary Life Skills
6) Jessica Earnest, Secondary Life Skills
7) Alyssa Livingston, Elementary Autism
8) Morgan Renda, Elementary Autism
9) Kaitlyn Peake, Elementary Autism
10) Donna French, Elementary Autism
11) Matila Downey, Elementary Autism
12) Amy Olesak, Heath Room Assistant Nurse
- Approval of the following individual pending receipt of clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers. Compensation established at $10.75 per hour.
1) Destiny Apgar, Student Custodian
I. Approval of the following new coach for the 2023-2024 Fall Season, with compensation determined by the Coaches’ Salary Matrix, and authorizing discretion to reduce, pro-rate, or cancel any appropriated payment because of a delayed, shortened, or canceled season:
Job Title |
Coach Name |
Stipend |
Field Hockey – Junior High Assistant Coach |
Aubree Ross |
$ 2,493.00 |
J. Approval of the following coach for the 2022-2023 school year to provide coverage for strength and conditioning activities, at $20.00 per hour:
Appointment |
Position |
Ryan Miller |
Strength and Conditioning Coach - Substitute |
K. Approval of the following classified substitutes for the 2022-2023 school year at the hourly rates indicated on the Support Staff Compensation (Minimum Salary) Matrix, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances, and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Lona Franklin
2) Kaitlyn Peake
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ritz moved for adjournment at 7:07 PM. Baum seconded. The meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
May 22, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: May 22, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
The following School Directors were in attendance:
Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following School Directors were absent: n/a
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance:
Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent, Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary, Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, May 22, 2023, in the LGI Room #242 of Spring Grove Area Middle School, 244 Old Hanover Road, Spring Grove. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed. Roll call reflected all nine board members in attendance.
Rohrbaugh reported that an executive session was held on May 8, 2023, to discuss negotiations and personnel matters, and an executive session for personnel was held prior to the start of tonight’s meeting. An executive session is scheduled following adjournment of the meeting to discuss School Safety and Security.
Adam Marsh, Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund (SGASF) President, presented a brief history of the Fund. On May 16th, SGASF presented $139,555 in scholarships to 65 students, bringing the total delivered to more than $2.65 million to 1,565 students. SGASF funds come from a variety of sources, and scholarships are available for traditional college and university tracks as well as trade schools. They recently launched the Rocket Fuel endowment campaign. Marsh thanked the Board and administration for their continued support.
Jerry Mascaro presented his final report as Spring Grove Music Boosters President. As Mascaro reflected on the music program over the past several years, he offered a challenge to board members to consider how to best support the future of the program with the number of interested students increasing and the number of music teachers remaining the same. He has been appreciative of the Board and administration’s support of the music programs in our schools. Board members thanked Mascaro for his years of service and dedication to the District and students.
Ioannidis thanked Marsh and Mascaro for their comments. He stated that the SGASF banquet was an incredible event, and the number of scholarships and student recipients are a testament to its success. He thanked Mascaro for his 12 years with the Music Booster Club, 8 of which he has served as President, and wished him well in all his future endeavors.
Ioannidis welcomed and congratulated Colleen Donnelly on achieving her Doctorate Degree from Immaculata University. Dr. Donnelly graduated on May 12th after successfully defending her dissertation on the topic, “Maximizing Postsecondary Outcomes for Students with Disabilities: The Role of Special Educators in the Transition Planning Process.”
Ioannidis recognized eight retirees, noting that collectively they represent 190 years of experience. Each was presented with a gift of appreciation and bakery item: Pam Kimber – 26 years / High School Science Instructor; Noel Conway – 30 years / Middle School Math Instructor; Larry Carter – 9 years / SGE Custodian; Melinda Roy – 19 years / SGE 2nd grade Instructor; Jane Ardner – 33 years / SGI 5th grade Instructor; Holly Senft – 14 years / SGI Custodian; Seth Strausbaugh – 32 years / Middle School Math Instructor; and Ruth Wentz – 27 years / SGE Head Cook. We are grateful for their years of service to our students, families, and community, and wish them good health and much happiness.
Ioannidis welcomed and introduced Brian Hastings, who shared recent successes of the District Rocketry Program, noting that Spring Grove has the best and largest program in the country. The ninth-grade team placed 4th nationally last year, 2nd at Battle of the Rockets this year in the target altitude event, and 4th in deployable payload. The TARC team made national news as the first ever to meet the target exactly. The sixth-grade team recently advanced to nationals. Alex Fiorillo, Captain of SLI, Gautham Narayan, SGI TARC team member, and Max Trimmer, SLI team member, spoke to their thrill and pride to be part of the program. Of many schools that are part of the program, Spring Grove beat them all. Hastings reported having 70 members from grades 6-12, and he thanked Janet Senft, first year assistant advisor, for her help. Senft shared her pleasure working with the team. Being part of the program takes a lot of hard work, and it rivals university programs. The group thanked board members and administrators for their support and presented each board member with mission patches.
Congratulations to four Spring Grove residents who completed credit requirements for graduation through York Adams Academy: Mary Sudik, Efrahin Macedonio, Dravyn Sterner, and Robert Zink.
Students of Spring Grove’s first place winning Mock Trial Team, team 3, and second place winning Mock Trial Team, team 1, were honored at Law Day 2023 in York during a celebratory luncheon held at the Valencia Ballroom. The event theme was Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration, and was organized by a committee of the York County Bar Association. Students were recognized earlier in the spring. Thank you to Kierhan Boyle – team 1 coach, and Jason Baker – team 2 coach, for their leadership.
Congratulations to High School students Lucca Vito and Chela Martin on receiving York County ENCORE Outstanding Performer Awards. They each won a $500 scholarship, and Chela received a $1,000 scholarship.
The City of York Human Relations Commission recognized High School student, Sarah Czapp, on being nominated for the Lewis Atwater Student Leader Award. Sarah was recognized with a certificate acknowledging her leadership in the community.
Ioannidis reported that this evening would have been Trenton Leggett’s final Student Representative report, but Leggett was unable to attend. Leggett served as 2023 Student Council President and has been an active member in Nutrition Council, Varsity Club, and the Renaissance Leadership group. He was a member of the Baseball Team, Varsity Club, and the Bowling Team. Leggett participated in the PIAA Leadership Team in 2022 and has served as part of Link Crew, modeling leadership, and paying it forward with underclassmen. Ioannidis shared a few items regarding districtwide activities as the school year comes to a close.
Rohrbaugh noted several correspondence items placed at seats, including a Letter from the Department of Education regarding prayers in schools, an invitation to York Suburban School District’s Youth Suicide in Schools presentation, and a reminder about graduation.
Ioannidis reported that primary and special elections recently took place, with the Democratic party still maintaining control of the State House of Representatives. There are several proposed bills on the table, many not directly related to schools. PSBA legislative platform representatives are needed; interested board members should respond to Mrs. Rohrbaugh.
Trettel reported a meeting is scheduled for later in the month.
Baum reported the next and final meeting for the school year is scheduled. Graduation is June 1st.
Bill Stiles reported that the York/LIU Authority Board met on May 17th. The 23-24 proposed budget was passed. Membership costs have not increased in four years and will remain at $67,250. York Learning Center is doing a Building Assessment and Risk and Vulnerability Study. There is $1.7 million in capital reserves to support any renovations. Graduation is scheduled for May 24th.
1. Trettel moved to approve the minutes from the April 24, 2023, Regular Voting Meeting and respective Voting / Directors’ Study Forum Meetings held on May 8, 2023. Baum seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for month ending April 30, 2023. White moved to approve the report as presented. Wilson seconded the motion, approved by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. Approval of the Accounts Payable lists, as presented.
- Approval of the Proposed General Fund Budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, with total revenues of $77,722,044, total expenditures of $83,537,441, with the shortfall of $5,815,397 to be funded from the General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance and setting the real estate tax millage rate at 24.0922 mills, reflecting a 0% increase from the 2022-2023 millage rate; in addition, earned income tax of ½% and real estate transfer tax of ½% under Act 511.
- Approval of the Nutrition Services Fund Budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, with total revenues of $2,863,150, total expenditures of $3,164,159, and an increase in breakfast and lunch meal pricing of $0.15.
- Reappointment of Douglas White as Board Treasurer for the Spring Grove Area School District for the period July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.
- Authorization for the superintendent to enter into all necessary agreements to meet the mandates for participation in Federal / State / Other Programs and/or Grants for the 2023-2024 school year as outlined on the attached chart, as well as any others that may become available and are approved by the Superintendent.
- Approval to engage Kochenour, Earnest, Smyser & Burg to conduct the audit of the district’s financial statements and perform related functions for fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, at a proposed fee not to exceed $12,950.00.
- Reappointment of Stock and Leader, Attorneys at Law, as School District Solicitor for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, with Gareth D. Pahowka, Esquire, named as principal counsel and primary contact with the firm.
- Appointment of ACNB Bank and PayPal to continue as District School Depositories for the period July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.
Rohrbaugh requested the Board review an alternate option related to item B and requested a separate vote.
Vote by roll call on items A and C-H resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Following presentation of proposed language of item B reflecting a 1% tax increase, Trettel moved to act on the original motion as presented by White reflecting a 0% increase. Wilson seconded the motion. Motion to act accordingly passed by unanimous voice vote.
Vote by roll call on item B reflecting a 0% tax increase resulted in the motion carrying, with Shearer, Ramsay, Wilson, Trettel, Ritz and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. White, Stein and Baum voted against.
4. Following a report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. Approval to accept the proposal from First Capital Engineering, Inc. to provide Civil Consulting Engineering Services for the District Maintenance Facility Project as outlined in the attached Agreement (Scope of Services) under the leadership of Crabtree, Rohrbaugh and Associates, Inc., at a cost not to exceed $95,250.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Informational Item
The following mandated fire drills for the month were entered into the minutes:
New Salem Elementary |
04/21/2023 |
1 |
37 |
Paradise Elementary |
04/28/2023 |
0 |
59 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
04/18/2023 |
2 |
27 |
Spring Grove Area Intermediate School |
04/21/2023 |
2 |
12 |
Spring Grove Area Middle School |
04/05/2023 |
2 |
04 |
Spring Grove Area High School |
04/17/2023 |
4 |
45 |
5. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. Approval of a first reading for the following policies:
1) Policy 719: Facility Dogs (new policy)
2) Policy 831.1: Electronic Data Storage (new policy)
B. Approval of the attached, updated agreement with Northern York County Regional Police Department for two School Resource Officers in the Spring Grove Area School District, during the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years, at a cost of $89.55 per hour, per SRO for the 2023 calendar year, with any increase as of January 1st of 2024 and 2025, respectively, communicated to the District as soon as possible after establishment of the new rate.
C. Approval of the attached, updated agreement (MOU) between Spring Grove Area School District and Northern York County Regional Police Department as required under Act 44, the Safe Schools Act, and updated biennially.
D. Acceptance of the following donations/grants in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) Monetary donation in the amount of $325.00 from Nicholas Weaver to support the Future Farmers Club in memory of Larry Sterner.
2) Monetary donation in the amount of $100.00 from Connee and Calvin Plunkert to support the Future Farmers Club in memory of Larry Sterner.
3) Monetary donation in the amount of $500.00 from Keith and Lisa Murr to support the District Student Launch Initiative (SLI) Program.
4) Monetary Grant/Allocation from Sweet Charities of Hanover (Angel Fund / Feeding the Children Initiative) in the amount of $5,000.00 to support the District’s Nutrition Services Department and the Backpack Program.
5) Donations totaling more than $261,160 from school-affiliated organizations (PTOs, Booster Clubs, Scholarship Fund, Educational Fund) who sponsored and/or supplemented district costs during the 2022-2023 school year for various and sundry supplies, activities, equipment, incentives, student scholarships, teacher appreciation gifts, and other miscellaneous items.
White requested a separate vote on item A-1.
Vote by roll call on item A-1 resulted in the motion carrying with Trettel, Wilson, Ramsay, Baum and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. Ritz, Shearer, White and Stein voted against.
Vote by roll call on remaining items A-2 through D-5 resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following resignations:
1) Spring Grove Area School District Elementary Instructor – Elizabeth Eveler, effective July 31, 2023, to accept a position at a local university.
2) Spring Grove Area Intermediate School Instructional Assistant – Special Education – Elizabeth Stabley, effective May 5, 2023, for personal reasons.
3) Spring Grove Area High School Full Time Custodian (2nd Shift) – Anatolii Budnyk, effective May 15, 2023, for personal and health reasons.
B. Approval of the following transfers:
1) Spring Grove Area High School Associate Principal – Christian Ehrhart, from Spring Grove Area High School Assistant Principal to Spring Grove Area High School Associate Principal, effective July 1, 2023. Compensation established an annualized salary of $110,000.00, pro-rated and retroactive for coverage during the 2022-2023 year.
2) Spring Grove Area School District Special Education Instructor – Noah Stachelek, from Spring Grove Elementary School Principal to Spring Grove Area School District Special Education Instructor, effective the last day before the first day of the start of the 2023-2024 school year. Compensation established Step 12 on the Master + 60 schedule.
C. Approval of the following appointment, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Spring Grove Area School District Human Resources Generalist – Beverly Carpenter, effective June 26, 2023. Compensation established at an annualized salary of $66,000.
D. Approval of the following individual, pending receipt of updated clearances, for the 2022-2023 school year to work school events needing AV support / livestream support, at the established rate per event of either $40, $60, $110, or $150 depending on the event:
1) Daniel Fake
E. Approval of the following individuals, pending receipt of updated clearances, for the 2022-2023 school year to work athletic events at the established event rate in the matrix:
1) Amanda Cooper
2) Melissa Culp
F. Approval of the following individual holding a bachelor’s degree and completing the District’s Guest Teacher orientation program to substitute teach in all subject areas during the 2022-2023 school year at a rate of $110.00 per day and $125.00 per day beginning on the 21st day cumulative, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Corrine Crushong
G. Approval of the following professional substitute for the 2022-2023 school year at a rate of $110.00 per day and $125.00 per day beginning on the 21st day cumulative, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Christopher Messinger
H. Approval of the following classified substitutes for the 2022-2023 school year at the hourly rates indicated on the Support Staff Compensation (Minimum Salary) Matrix, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances, and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Fay Krout
2) Jennifer Lua
Vote by roll call on all items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis welcomed and introduced newest Rocket team member, Beverly Carpenter.
DATE LEAVE BEGINS (approximately) |
DATE LEAVE ENDS (approximately) |
Caitlin Beegle |
5th Grade |
05/15/2023 |
06/02/2023 |
7. Following a report of the Athletics and Music Committee’s recommendations read by David Trettel, Trettel moved, and Baum seconded the following:
- Approval for five high school student athletes and two adult chaperones, Jeff Laux, Student Athletics Coordinator, and Michaela Landis, High School Counselor, to attend and participate in the National Student Leadership Summit (NFHS) in Indianapolis, Indiana, July 29-31, 2023.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
8. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. Approval to bring from the table the Certified Facility Dog action item tabled at the April 24, 2023, regular voting meeting, and reconsider the action as part of curriculum items.
B. Approval to acquire a full time Certified Facility Dog through United Disabilities Services Service Dogs for use by staff with students in the school setting to support mental wellness and promote a positive school climate, in accordance with newly developed Board Policy and Administrative Guidelines.
C. Approval to enter into the attached collaborative Early Enrollment Agreement with Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania and provide eligible high school students with the opportunity to enroll and participate in undergraduate courses offered by the University at a reduced rate for enrollment and be awarded post-secondary credit through the University’s Registrar’s Office.
D. Approval of the following new/revised curricula for the 2023-2024 school year:
Sculpture I - new course |
Art |
Student Instructional Assistant Internship Program - new course |
Business |
ELA - Kindergarten – revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
ELA - Grade 1 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
ELA - Grade 2 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
ELA - Grade 3 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
ELA - Grade 4 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
ELA - Grade 5 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
ELA - Grade 6 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
ELA - Grade 7 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
ELA - Grade 8 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
English 9 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
College Prep English 9 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
College Prep English 9 Honors - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
English 10 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
College Prep English 10 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
College Prep English 10 Honors - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
English 11 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
College Prep English 11 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
College Prep English 11 Honors - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
AP English Literature and Composition - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
English 12 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
College Prep English 12 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
English Composition I - College in the High School - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
English Composition II – College in the High School – revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
Advanced Video Journalism I - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
Advanced Video Journalism II - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
Creative Writing I - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
Creative Writing II - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
Drama - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
Journalism I - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
Journalism II - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
Journalism III - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
SAT Preparation - revised (curriculum cycle) |
English Language Arts |
Mathematics and Sports - new course |
Math |
AP Physics C – Mechanics - new course |
Science |
Earth Science - new course |
Science |
Forensic Science - new course |
Science |
Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources – new course |
Science |
Science – Kindergarten - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Science – Grade 1 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Science – Grade 2 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Science – Grade 3 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Science – Grade 4 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Science – Grade 5 - revised (curriculum cycle |
Science |
Science – Grade 6 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Science – Grade 7 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Science – Grade 8 - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Science 9 - revised & renamed (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Biology - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Biology Honors - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Physics - revised & renamed (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Physics Honors – revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Chemistry I - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Chemistry I Honors - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Environmental Science I - revised & renamed (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Environmental Science II - revised & renamed (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
AP Biology - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
AP Chemistry - revised (curriculum cycle |
Science |
Human Anatomy and Physiology I - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Human Anatomy and Physiology II - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Organic Chemistry I - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Science Independent Study - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Science Lab Assistant - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Wildlife Studies - revised (curriculum cycle) |
Science |
Aviation Capstone (AOPA) - new course |
Design and Fabrication I - rewrite/rename |
Design and Fabrication II - rewrite/rename |
Metal Fabrication I - new course |
Introduction to Small Engine Repair – revised |
Introduction to the Trades – new course |
Pre-flight Your Career (AOPA) - new course |
Electronics and Robotics I - rewrite/rename |
Electronics and Robotics II - rewrite/rename |
STEM Capstone - new course |
STEM Design and Fabrication – new course |
Woodworking I - new course |
White requested a separate vote on items A and B, respectively.
Vote by roll call on item A resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Vote by roll call on item B resulted in the motion carrying with Ramsay, Trettel, Baum, Wilson, and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. White, Ritz, Stein, and Shearer voted against.
Vote by roll call on items C and D resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Baum asked about participation rates and preparations for summer school/summer camp and requested to schedule an observation of the programs. Dr. Guadagnino stated that all programs are experiencing a good response, including the Extended School Year (ESY), and he will work with Mrs. Baum and any other interested board members to plan a visit.
ADJOURNMENT: Ritz moved for adjournment at 8:02 PM. Wilson seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote, and board members met for executive session to discuss school safety.
Mark A. Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
May 8, 2023 Directors' Study Forum
DATE/TIME of MEETING: May 8, 2023 @ 7:06 PM
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer,
Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following School Directors were absent: Michael Ritz
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent; Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent; Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary; Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held
on Monday, May 8, 2023, following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President,
called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM, noting the same eight board members in attendance from the earlier voting
There was no public comment.
Dr. Guadagnino presented a memorandum outlining new/revised curriculum proposed for 2023-2024 that had
been posted on the district website for review since April 10th. Teaching staff, department chairs, and
administrators were present to answer any questions from the Board. Guadagnino indicated that respective
textbooks and/or resources would be presented at a future meeting following the Board’s anticipated approval of
the curricula. The Board will consider approval at the May 22nd regular voting meeting.
In follow up to a request from Board members during the April 24th meeting, Dr. Ludwig presented further details
proposing the acquisition of a District Facility Dog. Ludwig identified differences among service, emotional
support, therapy, and facility dogs, outlined how a facility dog would enhance and support the work of
instructional and mental health staff, and highlighted the benefits that a facility dog would provide to students.
She defined responsibilities of designated handlers and co-handlers and presented a timeline for acquisition. A
motion to bring the April 24th tabled action to acquire a facility dog onto the table will be included with the May
22nd voting meeting agenda items. Additionally, the proposed new Facility Dog Policy, #719, that had failed
during the April 24th meeting due to a tie vote, will also be presented for reconsideration.
Guadagnino presented a request for five students and two adult chaperones to participate in the National Student
Leadership Summit sponsored by PIAA in July 2023, at no cost to the District. He noted that the Board approved
a similar request in 2022. The Board will consider approval at the May 22nd voting meeting.
Mark Czapp presented updates to the 2023-2024 proposed General Fund Budget for review. Czapp requested
direction from the Board on the millage rate to include when preparing the PDE Budget Document for
consideration of approval at the May 22nd voting meeting. Following discussion, board members requested a 0%
increase be included in the proposed action, with a second option of a 1% increase included as an alternate
Czapp introduced Melissa Freestone, Nutrition Services Manager, who presented updates to the 2023-2024
proposed Nutrition Services Budget for review. Freestone provided an overview of the proposed budget, noting
there has been a steady increase in the percentage of students qualifying for free and reduced meals. Following
review of the final proposed budget, Freestone recommended Board approval at the May 22nd regular voting
meeting, with an increase of $.15 to all meal prices beginning in 2023-2024.
Doug White confirmed his willingness to continue as School Board Treasurer for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. The
Board will consider approval of his reappointment at the May 22nd regular voting meeting.
Czapp presented a recommendation for the Board to authorize the Superintendent to complete applications and
enter into respective agreements for Federal, State, and Other Programs and Grants, as listed. The Board will
consider approval at the May 22nd regular voting meeting.
Czapp presented a recommendation for Kochenour, Earnest, Smyser, & Burg Certified Public Accountants to
continue as the District’s accounting firm and complete an audit for the year ending June 30, 2023, at a fee not
to exceed $12,950. The Board will consider approval at the May 22nd regular voting meeting.
Czapp presented a proposal for Stock and Leader to continue as District Solicitor for the 2023-2024 fiscal year
and designate Gareth Pahowka as lead counsel. The Board requested a history of hourly rates and total payments
over the past three years, to include a summary of the scope of work provided. Czapp will share the information
prior to the Board considering approval at the May 22nd regular voting meeting.
Czapp presented a recommendation to continue with ACNB and PayPal as school depositories for the ensuing
2023-2024 fiscal year. The Board will consider approval at the May 22nd regular voting meeting.
White invited Mark Czapp, Bill Stiles, and Scott Cousin (Crabtree, Rohrbaugh and Associates) to present an
update to the maintenance facility project. Board members were given a copy of the presentation that was shared
by Cousin at the May 5th Buildings and Grounds Committee. The next step in the process is to approve and
engage a civil engineer to move forward with the next steps of designing the facility project and provide a highlevel view of proposed access roads. Initial proposals were received by K & W and First Capital and presented
for consideration. Following additional information requested by the Board, Cousin will request updated
proposals from each firm, and the Board will consider approving a civil engineer for the project at the May 22nd
regular voting meeting.
Baum presented an updated 2023-2025 MOU with Local Law Enforcement and an updated 2023-2025 School
Resource Officer Agreement for review. Bill Stiles, School Safety and Security Coordinator, stated that he and
Dr. Ludwig met with Chief Lash, Northern York County Regional Police Department, to review the documents.
No major changes were suggested to either document. The Board will consider approval of the agreements at the May 22nd regular voting meeting.
Ioannidis re-presented proposed new policy #831.1, Electronic Data Storage, for review and stated that during
the April 24th Regular Voting Meeting, a motion to approve a first reading failed as the result of a tie vote by
Board members. He explained the importance of the proposed policy, citing new legislation passed in May
requiring school districts to declare how they will ensure the security of internal data along with steps that will
be taken in the event of a data breach. To meet the requirement of having a plan in place, approval of a first
reading of the proposed policy will again be presented for approval at the May 22nd regular voting meeting.
Stein presented a confidential memo proposing personnel actions tentative for the May 22nd regular voting
meeting. Shearer requested that the executive session to discuss personnel items following adjournment of the
meeting include the proposed actions.
Rohrbaugh asked if the Board wished to reconsider the request by Paradise Township officials to purchase land
at Paradise Elementary, following officials’ attendance and public comment at the April 24th meeting. Following
brief discussion, Board consensus was that the offer to rent or lease the property had already been presented to
the Township for the consideration. No further options are on the table.
Trettel moved for adjournment at 8:48 PM. Baum seconded. The meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp,
Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
May 8, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: May 8, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer,
Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following School Directors were absent: Michael Ritz
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent; Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent; Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary;Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday,
May 8, 2023. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. The pledge of
allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence. Roll call confirmed eight board members in physical
attendance and Michael Ritz absent for personal reasons.
Rohrbaugh reported there was an executive session held this evening prior to the board meeting to discuss
negotiations. There will be an executive session following adjournment of tonight’s discussion meeting for
There was no public comment.
There was no correspondence.
1. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and
Trettel seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following resignation:
1) Junior High Assistant Wrestling Coach – Seth Strausbaugh, effective April 27, 2023, for the purpose of retirement prior to the start of the next winter season.
B. Approval of the following requests for uncompensated leave:
1) Paradise Elementary Instructional Assistant – Special Education – Karen Sterner, effective approximately May 24, 2023, through approximately June 2, 2023.
2) Spring Grove Area Middle School PT Custodian – Stephen Brooks, effective approximately May 9, 2023, through approximately August 29, 2023.
C. Approval of the following appointments, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Spring Grove Area High School Full Time Custodian (3rd shift) – Sheila Miller, effective May 9, 2023. Compensation established at $15.30 per hour, 8 hours per day, 260 days per year.
2) Spring Grove Area High School Full Time Custodian (2nd shift) – Anatolii Budnyk, effective May 9, 2023. Compensation established at $15.30 per hour, 8 hours per day, 260 days per year.
D. Approval of the following individual, pending receipt of updated clearances, for the 2022-2023 school year to work athletic events at the established event rate in the matrix:
1) Monica Eckenrode
E. Approval of the following classified substitutes for the 2022-2023 school year at the hourly rates indicated on the Support Staff Compensation (Minimum Salary) Matrix, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances, and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Joan Becker
2) Leslie Hernandez-Aguilar
3) Becky Saltzgiver
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Trettel moved for adjournment at 7:06 PM. Ramsay seconded. The meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp,
Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
April 24, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: April 24, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White
The following School Directors were absent: Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent; Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent; Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary;Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on
Monday, April 24, 2023, in the cafeteria of Spring Grove Elementary School, 1450 Roth’s Church Road, Spring
Grove. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance
was recited, and a moment of silence was observed. Roll call reflected eight board members in physical
attendance, with Nicole Wilson absent for personal reasons.
Rohrbaugh reported one executive session was held since the last sunshine meeting on April 10, 2023, to discuss
negotiations and personnel matters.
Clark Craumer, Paradise Township Supervisor, shared that the Township acquired a 16-acre lot from the district
in 2006, where Farmer’s Field is currently located. The Township is now interested in purchasing the property
to increase the park and has agreed to install a roadway from Church Road to Paradise Elementary at no cost to
the district. He asked for the school board to reconsider selling 16 acres to the Township so they can increase
the park amenities, which would also provide another field for use by students throughout the school district.
Jerry Mascaro, Jackson Township and Music Boosters President provided an update regarding districtwide
musical events, concerts, and individual student musician accomplishments. Select Modern Band will perform
at the Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund banquet on Tuesday, May 16.
There was no response.
Dr. Ioannidis thanked staff at Spring Grove Elementary (SGE) for hosting the meeting. He recognized Delaney Hopkins, Jase Irwin, Emma Lewis, Kieri Prince, Hillary Snyder, Chloe Wolfe, Jayden Fields, and Claire Shives, members of SGE Student Council for facilitating a walkthrough of the building with board members and thanked Ruth Senft for preparing refreshments.
Congratulations to District Rocketry Teams for making history. NASA SLI Team students hit their goal of winning the altitude award with a perfect mark of 4500 feet exactly, a feat never accomplished in the history of NASA Student Launch. Applause to Alex Fiorillo, Dylan Tichy, Eli Hoke, Wyatt Amspacher, Max Trimmer, Sage Dewall, and Haley Hake, Launch students, and Chad Zepp and Paul Cole of Resuwrecktion Auto Body for donating their services to paint both NASA SLI rockets in March and April 2023.
Ioannidis recognized Oliver Wirfel, Benntenn McCoy, Chase Guiton, Ryan Austin, and Zeke Trimmer, members of Battle of the Rockets Team, who competed in two events. They brought home second place in the target altitude event and fourth place in the deployable payload event. Rocketry students and Mr. Hastings, adviser, will attend a future meeting to be recognized in person.
Congratulations to Caliana Schmidt, Edward Melnik, Jake Nagpal, Sarah Heikes, Charles Stewart, and Liam McMaster, members of the Rockets Esports Team, who attended and competed in the 2023 PA Cup in April. Overwatch 2 team finished in second place; Rocket League finished in third. Thank you to Josh Graham, advisor of the program.
Congratulations to Sarah Czapp and Samantha Hale who participated in and recently graduated from the Student Banker Apprenticeship Program at Peoples Bank. They did an outstanding job presenting their created financial product, an App called Finance Fitness, to executives, educators, and parents.
Congratulations to student leaders Quinn Baker and Kathryn Wyrick on completing the 2023 Future Leaders of York (FLY) Class, facilitated by Leadership York, and to Tara Hausner for being recognized and receiving the Tony Dobrosky Future Leaders Scholarship Award and the Hoke 4H Leadership Award.
Ioannidis recognized Jeff Laux, District Athletics Coordinator, for his recent appointment to the Executive Council for the PA State Athletic Directors Association.
Three YAA students were recognized for completing the requirements for graduation. Congratulations to Wilmer Cruz, Hunter Teague, and Dakota Bryant.
Trenton Leggett shared a report of happenings throughout the district at respective building levels, including such events as special education inclusion week, the Diversity Festival, a Rolling Tractor Show at the elementary school, and Prom that was held at the Wyndham Hotel on April 22.
There was no correspondence.
Ioannidis reported that, according to a recent report, the number of initial in-state teacher certificates in 2021- 2022 of 4,220 was down significantly from 2012-2013, when there were more than 16,000. Action is still pending regarding funding for districts. Senator Ryan Aument recently assembled a commission to conduct a study on Pennsylvania’s education system, for which Ioannidis has volunteered.
Trettel reported that he cannot attend the meeting scheduled for April 27 and invited any board member interested to reach out to him.
Baum reported 12 Spring Grove students currently enrolled. 9 students have met requirements for graduation thus far this year.
1. Trettel moved to approve the minutes from the respective Voting / Directors’ Study Forum Meetings held on April 10, 2023. Baum seconded the motion, unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for month ending March 31, 2023. White moved to approve the report as presented. Baum seconded the motion, approved by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. Approval of the Accounts Payable lists as presented.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Informational Item
The following mandated fire drills for the month were entered into the minutes:
New Salem Elementary 03/21/2023 1 39
Paradise Elementary 03/22/2023 1 30
Spring Grove Elementary 03/21/2023 1 36
Spring Grove Area Intermediate School 03/16/2023 2 05
Spring Grove Area Middle School 03/07/2023 1 48
Spring Grove Area High School 03/22/2023 5 28
4. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Michael Ritz, Ritz moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company Bus/Van Driver for the 2022-2023 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
1) Florence Beall
2) Amanda Bridger
3) John Fisher
4) Linda Ford
5) Kristina Harner
6) Barry Jewitt
7) Connie Karsteter
8) Shane Lawson, Sr.
9) Sarah Linton
10) Liza Mummert
11) Duane Noel
12) Allison Reynolds
13) Stephanie Shank
14) Christopher Spangler
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
5. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. Approval of a first reading for the following policies:
1) Policy 719: Facility Dogs (new policy)
2) Policy 831.1: Electronic Data Storage (new policy)
B. Approval of a second reading for the following policy:
1) Policy 827: Conflict of Interest
C. Acceptance of the following donations/grants in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) A monetary grant in the amount of $6,000 from the J. William Warehime Foundation to support the Music Department organizing the 50th Anniversary of String Orchestra Program.
2) A monetary donation in the amount of $1,000 from Teresa Weaver to support the District’s Backpack Program.
3) A monetary donation in the amount of $100 from Judy Evans, in memory of Larry W. Sterner (1975 graduate of Spring Grove Area School District), to support the Future Farmers Association Program.
4) Donation of a $250 gift card from Weis Markets to benefit the 2023 Diversity Festival.
Shearer requested a separate vote on item A.
Vote by roll call on item A resulted in the motion failing, with Trettel, Ramsay, Baum, and Rohrbaugh voting in favor. Ritz, White, Shearer and Stein voted against.
Vote by roll call on items B and C resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following resignations:
1) Spring Grove Area Intermediate School PT Nutrition Support – Tammy Druck, effective April 12, 2023, for personal reasons and to transition to a substitute for the 2023-2024 school year.
B. Approval of the following appointments, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Spring Grove Area School District Elementary Instructor – Amanda Brady, effective at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. Compensation established at Step 12 on the Master’s + 60 Schedule.
2) Spring Grove Area School District Elementary Instructor – Kendra Klunk, effective at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, pending verification of Pennsylvania certification. Compensation established at Step 1 on the Bachelor’s Schedule.
3) Spring Grove Area High School Instructional Assistant Special Education (Personal Care) – Denise Kline, effective April 26, 2023. Compensation established at $15.75 per hour for 7 hours per day, 180 days per year.
C. Approval of the following new coach for the 2023-2024 Fall Season, with compensation determined by the Coaches’ Salary Matrix, and authorizing discretion to reduce, pro-rate, or cancel any appropriated payment because of a delayed, shortened, or canceled season:
Job Title: Golf-Varsity Head Coach; Coach Name: Shane Grim; Stipend $ 3,000.00
D. Approval of the following individuals pending receipt of clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers, effective approximately April 25, 2023, through August 31, 2023, and as needed throughout the 2023-2024 school year, to assist with summer painting and maintenance, with compensation established at $12.80 per hour:
1) Michael Hershey
2) Landen Leppo
3) Lane Smith
E. Approval of the following individuals pending receipt of clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers, effective approximately April 25, 2023, through August 31, 2023, and as needed throughout the 2023-2024 school year, to assist with summer technology projects, with compensation established at $12.80 per hour:
1) Hans Livelsberger
2) Alexander Larios Sanchez
3) Zachary Smith
F. Approval of the following individuals holding a bachelor’s degree and completing the District’s Guest
Teacher orientation program to substitute teach in all subject areas during the 2022-2023 school year at
a rate of $110.00 per day and $125.00 per day beginning on the 21st day cumulative, provisionally hired
pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Melissa Ural
G. Approval of the following Act 86 substitutes for a maximum of 20 days for the 2022-2023 school year at a rate of $110.00 per day, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Alana Gillen
2) Haley Wagman
H. Approval of the following classified substitutes for the 2022-2023 school year at the hourly rates indicated on the Support Staff Compensation (Minimum Salary) Matrix, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances, and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Addyson Wagman
2) Haley Wagman
Vote by roll call on all items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ioannidis welcomed and introduced newest Rocket team members, Amanda Brady and Kendra Klunk.
Christopher Mundy |
High School |
School Counseling |
02/09/2023 |
Intermittent |
7. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by David Trettel, Trettel moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. Approval to acquire a full time Certified Facility Dog through United Disabilities Services Service Dogs for use by staff with students in the school setting to support mental wellness and promote a positive school climate, in accordance with newly developed Board Policy and Administrative Guidelines.
B. Approval for Sherry Stambaugh, Middle School Gifted Teacher, and Katherine Tackett, Music Teacher, one school nurse, and four volunteers to accompany approximately thirteen middle school students to Michigan State University, Lansing, MI, for the 2023 Odyssey of the Mind World Finals Competition, May 24-28, 2023.
C. Approval to participate in the Special Olympics Unified Bocce Program within York County and offer a competitive bocce team.
Board members presented further questions concerning item A. Trettel stated that he has learned a facility dog can be beneficial to the needs of students in the district and would be used in very controlled situations, rather than being a distraction.
Ramsay moved to table item A. Baum seconded, with a request to have a presentation at the next meeting to provide more information.
Motion to table item A passed by unanimous vote.
Vote by roll call on items B and C resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Trettel moved for adjournment at 7:50 PM. Ritz seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp,
Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
April 10, 2023 Directors Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: April 10, 2023 @ 7:07 PM
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein (via Zoom), Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following School Directors were absent:
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent; Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent; Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary; Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, April 10, 2023, following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM, noting the same board members in attendance from the earlier voting
There was no public comment.
Mark Czapp thanked Board members for their support of Mrs. Freestone’s attendance at the Produce Safety University this week. On her behalf, Czapp presented a memorandum related to the proposed 2023-2024 Nutrition Services Fund Budget and noted a projected increase of $.15 per meal. A full presentation is scheduled for the May 8th meeting. Dr. Ludwig commented on a recent $100 monthly food allowance reduction to low income households and noted that York County Food Bank representatives have seen an increase in participation. Czapp explained the Free/Reduced Meal application process to demonstrate how the district provides help to students and families who need it most.
Czapp stated that the Spring Grove Borough has moved forward with subdivision of the property located on East College Avenue. Per the ratified sales agreement in 2021, the Borough and District are in the final phase of the process for settlement of the property within 60 days.
Czapp received an update from Jefferson Borough indicating that the 22 York Street property was sold to a third party at sheriff’s sale, and no further action is needed by the Board; the waiver of taxes is unnecessary.
Bill Stiles, District Facilities Manager, reported that CRA is finalizing the RFP for engineering services on current capital projects. He reported a list of firms that will be sent the RFP and requested any additional requests be shared with him no later than April 11; the draft RFP will be shared with the Board for review prior to sending out to the firms.
Stiles reported next steps include refining the facility headquarters floor plan based on our operational requirements. The Board Buildings and Grounds Committee will meet with CRA in early May. RFP submittals will be reviewed no later than May 4, with a presentation and recommendation to the Board tentative with May 8th DSF items. Ioannidis clarified that the civil engineer work is for the maintenance facility and two proposed access roads on the main campus, and potentially including the Krise Transportation road. Location of the facility, roads, and other details are decided after the engineer is engaged.
Dr. Guadagnino presented a memorandum outlining new/revised curriculum proposed for 2023-2024. All proposed curricula are posted on the district website and available for review by board members during the month of April. At the May 8th DSF, individuals will be present to offer a brief overview, with a recommendation for approval tentative with May 24th Regular Voting Meeting items.
Dr. Ludwig presented a proposal to acquire a Certified Facility Dog from United Disabilities Services Service Dogs. The canine would be a working dog in the school environment, with Christine Kenney designated as the handler. The process began more than a year ago through grant monies, and Spring Grove is now at the top of the list to receive the dog. Ludwig explained that many school districts have a facility dog. There were stated concerns regarding the animal posing a distraction; some board members questioned how the dog fulfills the district’s obligation to educate students. Ioannidis stated that many students struggle with getting access to mental health services; the dog will be another tool in addressing the needs of the “whole child.” The Board will consider approval at the April 24th voting meeting.
Ryan Lehman, Special Education Supervisor, presented a request to implement a Special Olympics Unified Bocce Ball Team. More than 20 students have participated in the Unified Track Program that was Board approved in 2019-2020. The programs provide an opportunity for students to participate and to create friendships that might not otherwise have a chance to exist. The Board will consider approval at the April 24th voting meeting.
Guadagnino presented a proposed agreement with Commonwealth University for Dual Enrollment. Specific language in the document is being reviewed by Commonwealth, and when agreed upon, will be presented for consideration of approval by the School Board.
Guadagnino reported that students who recently participated in the Odyssey of the Minds state competition did well. Two teams have qualified for World Finals, and a Major Trip Proposal for qualifying students to travel to Michigan was presented for review. The Board will consider approval at the April 24th voting meeting.
Jeff Laux, Student Athletic Coordinator, shared a winter sports summary, providing season highlights and noting
individual student accomplishments.
Baum presented two new Board Policies for review and discussion: proposed Policy #719 related to Facility
Dogs, and proposed Policy #831.1 related to Electronic Data Storage. The Board will consider approval of a first
reading at the April 24th voting meeting.
Baum presented a confidential memo including proposed actions tentative for the May 8th Directors’ Study Forum.
No items were presented for consideration.
Rohrbaugh called for an executive session to discuss personnel matters following adjournment.
Ramsay moved for adjournment at 8:31 PM. Ritz seconded. The meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp,
Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
April 10, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: April 10, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein (via Zoom), Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following School Directors were absent:
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent; Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent; Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary; Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, April 10, 2023. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The pledge of allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence. Roll call confirmed eight board members in physical attendance and Doug Stein in virtual attendance.
Rohrbaugh reported an executive session was held this evening at 6:00 PM for negotiations, and the Board will meet in executive session following adjournment of tonight’s discussion meeting for personnel.
There was no correspondence.
1. Trettel moved and Ritz seconded approval of the following minutes: Regular Voting Meeting February 27,
2023; respective Voting / Directors’ Study Forum Meetings held on March 13, 2023; Regular Voting Meeting
March 27, 2023. The motion was unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White
moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. Approval of the Proposed General Fund Budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, with total revenues of $79,782,668, total expenditures of $83,382,996, with the shortfall of $3,600,328 to be funded from the General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance and setting the real estate tax millage rate at 25.4172 mills, an increase of 1.325 mills from the millage rate of 24.0922; in addition, earned income tax of ½% and real estate transfer tax of ½% under Act 511.
B. Approval of the attached Final Budget Notice, which gives notification to the public that the 2023- 2024 Proposed Final Budget for the General Fund is available for public inspection and states intention to present for adoption as a Final Budget at the May 22, 2023, school board meeting, allowing for amendments before final adoption.
C. Approval of the attached Resolution Authorizing 2023-2024 Proposed Final Budget Display and Advertising, supporting the Final Budget Notice.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following resignations:
1) 9th Grade Assistant Football Coach – Jackson LeVault, effective March 22, 2023, for personal reasons.
B. Approval of the following coaches for the 2022-2023 Spring Season, with compensation determined by the Coaches’ Salary Matrix, and authorizing discretion to reduce, pro-rate, or cancel any appropriated payment because of a delayed, shortened, or canceled seasons due to COVID-19:
Job Title Coach Name Stipend
Track and Field - Junior High Assistant Coach Dalton Rohrbaugh $2,493.00
Track and Field - Varsity Assistant Coach Daniel Stoner $1,454.50
C. Approval of the following individuals, pending receipt of updated clearances, for the 2022-2023 school year to work school events needing AV support / livestream support, at the established rate per event of either $40, $60, $110, or $150 depending on the event:
1) Justin Eaton
2) Zachary Ruth
D. Approval of the following classified substitute for the 2022-2023 school year at the hourly rates indicated on the Support Staff Compensation (Minimum Salary) Matrix, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances, and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Holly Tice
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
DATE LEAVE BEGINS (approximately) |
DATE LEAVE ENDS (approximately) |
Nancy Neff |
Special Education |
03/28/2023 |
04/11/2023 |
Mary Kauffman |
New Salem / Paradise |
Elementary (Library) |
08/18/2023 |
11/13/2023 |
4. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Ritz seconded the following:
A. Approval for Jason Baker, High School Social Studies Teacher, and Justice White, Paradise Elementary Learning Support Teacher, to accompany approximately twelve high school students to Princeton University, NJ, for the 2023 Moot Court Competition, April 28-29, 2023.
B. Approval for Melissa Freestone to attend the USDA Produce Safety University in Alexandria, VA, April 10-14, 2023, by invitation, with all major expenses associated with lodging, travel, and parking, covered by the program.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Wilson moved for adjournment at 7:07 PM. Ritz seconded. The meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp,
Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
March 27, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: March 27, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein,
Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following School Directors were absent: Rachel Rohrbaugh
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent; Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent; Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary; Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, March 27, 2023. David Trettel, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed. Roll call reflected eight board members in physical attendance, with Rachel Rohrbaugh absent for personal reasons.
Trettel reported that an executive session was held on March 13, 2023, to discuss personnel, real estate, and
confidential student matters.
Jerry Mascaro, Music Boosters President, provided an update regarding districtwide musical events and individual student musician accomplishments. A first-ever Choir Day included students from grades 5-12, and another first was Orchestra Day that included string students in grades 3-12. Orion and Select Strings Middle School students performed at the PA State Capitol in Harrisburg on March 6th as part of National Music in Our Schools Month; they also had the opportunity to visit with Representative Seth Grove.
Dr. Ioannidis shared a handout with follow up information from the May 2022 community/staff/student survey, highlighting ongoing actions and initiatives that promote a positive school and district climate. The week of April 11th is the target timeframe for this year’s survey to the same recipients.
Congratulations to 2023 PIAA State Wrestling Medalist, Michael Hershey, who took 7th place at the State Wrestling Championships. Congratulations also to former graduate, Dalton Rohrbaugh, who placed 2nd at Nationals.
Congratulations to the Competition Cheer team who placed 1st in the War of the Roses competition in mid-March. Fifth grade Gifted Seminar students participated in a KNEX Competition where they had an amazing experience with other districts learning the engineering design model. Out of 29 participating teams, Mrs. Mowery’s group earned 2nd place. Congratulations to her and her team.
Congratulations to Middle and Intermediate School Odyssey of the Mind Teams who did an outstanding job at the East Central PA Regional Tournament. Two Middle School Teams took first place; one Middle School Team and one Intermediate School Team took second place; and one Middle School Team came in third place. The teams will now advance to the State Competition.
Congratulations to the 18 students who brought home first and second place awards during the recent Mock Trial Competition. Team Three was District Champion; Team One was runner-up. The District received accolades from Stock and Leader and other attorneys regarding Spring Grove students’ professionalism and performances.
Students in our New Salem, Paradise and Spring Grove Elementary buildings raised more than $30,000 for the American Heart Association through a Kids Heart Challenge. We are proud of our students and families for their commitment to fighting heart disease.
Thank you to Mrs. Baum for her attendance during the Grand Opening Ceremony of our Rocket Wellness Center, as well as Association President, Mr. Henning. We are hearing good things from those who have visited.
Information and fundraising totals from this year’s MiniTHON will be shared at a future meeting. Thank you to all who participated and contributed to make the event another success.
There was no student representative report.
Trettel reported that the Board received an anonymous letter and an invitation from Stock and Leader to the annual School Law dinner, for any board members interested.
There was no update.
Trettel reported that the 23-24 YCST proposed budget was approved unanimously by all participating school districts. The YCST Adult Education Program has improved greatly over the past several years and is now considered the #1 Program in the State.
Baum noted there are 13 students enrolled. A meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening.
Bill Stiles reported that during the March 22nd quarterly meeting, the proposed budget was reviewed; projected costs will remain the same as previous years. A grant application was approved and accepted, with outside lighting and cameras being a priority.
1. Ramsay moved to table the minutes from the Regular Voting Meeting on February 27, 2023, and respective
Voting / Directors’ Study Forum Meetings held on March 13, 2023. Ritz seconded the motion, unanimously
approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for month ending February 28, 2023. White moved to approve the report as presented. Ramsay seconded the motion, approved by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. Approval of the Accounts Payable lists as presented.
B. Approval to waive school real estate delinquent taxes due in the amount of $15,532.06, for a unoccupied property located at 22 York Street in Jefferson Borough, parcel ID number 73-0000-02-0057.00-00000 scheduled for sheriff sale, until such time as the Borough may obtain the property and have the deed properly transferred and deeded to Jefferson Borough.
C. Approval to enter into a five-year lease agreement with Doceo for print and copy hardware and managed print and copy services according to the attached contract, beginning July 1, 2023, at a cost not to exceed $3,600.00 month.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
4. A report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations was presented by Doug White.
A. Approval to contract with WatchFire for purchase and installation of a fully digital 16’ x 35’ 10 mm full digital scoreboard, with video software, play clocks, and High School Live Stream camera capability (among other features), at the High School Papermakers Stadium for the purchase price of $308,202.00.
B. Approval to enter into contract with Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates, Inc., for architectural services outlined in the attached agreement for continuation with designing and laying out options related to the proposed Maintenance Facility and secondary access roads at the High School and Spring Grove Elementary, at a fee not to exceed 5.75% of the total costs for each/all of the projects.
C. Approval of the attached Addendum to the Agreement of Sale of the former educational building located at 1472 Roth’s Church Road, Spring Grove, to the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) of York and York County, to amend the buyer’s name to YMCA of the Roses and further define the property
and sale contingencies.
Prior to motioning for approval, White asked Dr. Ioannidis to provide clarification on item B. Ioannidis stated that Board approval engages the architect to initiate the process of design and planning of projects requested by the Board. Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates (CRA) will assist in selecting the civil engineer, then meet with Mark Czapp and Bill Stiles to work out a high-level description of what services are to be provided by/at the building. The Board’s Buildings and Grounds Committee members will gather to review, come to a consensus of where project(s) will be located, then direct CRA to bring options for consideration to the entire Board. Ioannidis also noted that costs for proposed projects will not impact the
General Operating Budget. Ioannidis also stated that the civil engineer firm’s name included on page 4, item 4, of the proposed contract should be stricken. Although the high school and elementary school access roads are listed in the proposed action, the Board is not obligated to use CRA for those projects.
White made a motion to amend item B to state the following:
B. Approval to enter into contract with Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates, Inc., for architectural services outlined in the attached agreement for continuation with designing and laying out options related to the proposed Maintenance Facility and, potentially, secondary access roads at the High School and Spring Grove Elementary, at a fee not to exceed 5.75% of the total costs for each/all of the projects.
Ramsay seconded the motion to amend the action. The amended language passed by unanimous voice vote. White moved, and Ramsay seconded a motion to approve items A, B (as amended), and C.
If the YMCA creates any damage to district fields during usage, Wilson questioned if there has been consideration for a provision in the agreement regarding payment for repairs. Ioannidis reported that the expectation is additional expenses beyond normal costs associated with usage are the responsibility of the user. Plans for parking are an ongoing concern for the Board. Ioannidis confirmed that YMCA is responsible for parking studies, and they will present any recommendations to the district regarding needed changes and/or improvements.
Shearer asked for a separate vote on item C.
Vote by roll on item C resulted in the motion carrying, with Ramsay, Wilson, White, Stein, Baum, Ritz, and
Trettel voting in favor. Shearer opposed.
Vote by roll call on items A and B resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Informational Item
The following mandated fire drills for the month were entered into the minutes:
New Salem Elementary |
02/08/2023 |
1 |
53 |
Paradise Elementary |
02/23/2023 |
1 |
12 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
02/28/2023 |
2 |
22 |
Spring Grove Area Intermediate School |
02/23/2023 |
2 |
04 |
Spring Grove Area Middle School |
02/08/2023 |
2 |
23 |
Spring Grove Area High School |
02/08/2023 |
4 |
27 |
5. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Michael Ritz, Ritz moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company Bus/Van Driver for the 2022-2023 school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
1) Kelsey Ruhlman
2) Ronald Zinn
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and
Ritz seconded the following:
A. Approval of a first reading for the following policy:
1) Revisions to Policy 827: Conflict of Interest
B. Approval of a second reading for the following policy:
2) Revisions to Policy 218: Student Discipline
C. Acceptance of the following donations/grants in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations:
1) A monetary grant in the amount of $950.00 from the York County Alliance for Learning (YCAL) in support of the Spring Grove Area High School’s Tech Club.
2) A monetary donation in the amount of $100.00 from Margaret Schlichter in support of the District’s Weekend Backpack Program.
3) A monetary donation in the amount of $100.00 from Carole Smith in support of the District’s Weekend Backpack Program.
4) A monetary donation in the amount of $100.00 from Mickey Quinn of Edward Jones in support of the Student Launch Initiative.
5) A monetary donation in the amount of $500.00 from Hanover Toyota to support the High School’s Fishing Club.
6) A monetary donation in the amount of $150.00 from the Spring Grove Lions Club in support of the High School’s Mountain Biking Club.
Vote by roll call on all items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS BOARD COMMITTEE CHANGE – Doug White has been named Board Buildings & Grounds Committee Chairperson in place of Benjamin Ramsay.
7. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and
seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following revised position descriptions:
1) High School Principal
2) High School Assistant Principal
B. Approval of the following restructured position description:
1) Human Resources Generalist
C. Approval of the updated attached Level V Compensation Matrix.
D. Approval of the following resignation:
1) Spring Grove Area High School Instructional Assistant – Special Education – Heather Austin, effective March 31, 2023, to accept a position outside the district.
E. Approval of the following appointments, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Spring Grove Area Middle School Math Instructor – Samuel Biesecker, effective at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, pending verification of Pennsylvania certification. Compensation established at Step 1 on the Bachelor’s Schedule.
2) Spring Grove Area Middle School Math Instructor – Lindsay Boritz, effective at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, pending verification of Pennsylvania certification. Compensation established at Step 1 on the Bachelor’s Schedule.
3) Paradise Elementary Administrative Assistant – Attendance – Sarah Thompson, effective March 28, 2023. Compensation established at $15.25 for 4.5 hours per day, 190 days per year.
4) Paradise Elementary Instructional Assistant Special Education – Daphne Conn, effective April 3, 2023. Compensation established at $17.50 for 7 hours per day, 180 days per year.
F. Approval of the following professional substitute for the 2022-2023 school year at a rate of $110.00 per
day and $125.00 per day beginning on the 21st day cumulative, provisionally hired pending receipt of
updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Samantha Jones
G. Approval of the following individual holding a bachelor’s degree and completing the District’s Guest Teacher orientation program to substitute teach in all subject areas during the 2022-2023 school year at a rate of $110.00 per day and $125.00 per day beginning on the 21st day cumulative, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Marwa Jaadaria-Abbes
Vote by roll call on all items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
DATE LEAVE BEGINS (approximately) |
DATE LEAVE ENDS (approximately) |
Megan Fatland |
Middle School |
Special Education |
08/18/2023 |
11/10/2023 |
Lindy Eisenhart |
Intermediate School |
Special Education |
08/18/2023 |
11/10/2023 |
Stein presented a confidential memorandum of personnel actions to be recommended at the April 10, 2023, Voting meeting.
8. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved, and Baum seconded the following:
A. Approval to enter into a cooperative dual enrollment agreement with Earlbeck Gases and Technologies to provide eligible high school students with the opportunity to participate in the Earlbeck welding program and be awarded post-secondary credit through Earlbeck’s Registrar’s Office as indicated in the attached.
B. Approval to enter into agreement with Penn State Harrisburg and provide district facilities as a practicum and accept University student teachers / student interns.
1) Approval for Abigail Kirkpatrick, High School Music Teacher, to accompany two high school students to the PMEA All-State Jazz and Vocal Jazz Festival at Pocono Mountain West High School, PA, April 19-21, 2023.
2) Approval for Chris Mundy, High School Counselor and Assistant Director of Select Modern Band, to accompany one high school student to the NAfME All-Eastern Honors Ensemble Festival in Rochester, New York, April 13-16, 2023.
D. Approval to continue to provide a comprehensive Dental Hygiene Program in the Spring Grove Area School District, for a maximum of 90 days during the 2023-2024 school year, with Dr. John P. Popernack, D.M.D., serving as the new dental consultant on a voluntary basis and Ms. Karla McCleary, who holds a Pennsylvania Teaching Certificate for Dental Hygiene, continuing as Dental Hygienist.
E. Approval of the confidential student services agreement as documented and reviewed by the Board of School Directors during executive session on March 13, 2023, and as agreed upon by the Spring Grove Area School District and all parties affiliated with the student.
Vote by roll call on all items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ritz moved for adjournment at 7:58 PM. Wilson seconded. Meeting adjourned by a unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp,
Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
March 13, 2023 Directors' Study Forum Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: March 13, 2023 @ 7:14 PM
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following School Directors were absent:
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent; Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent; Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary; Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A Directors’ Study meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, March 13, 2023, following adjournment of the voting meeting. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:14 PM, noting the same board members in attendance from the earlier voting meeting.
There was no public comment.
Mark Czapp presented a request from Jefferson Borough to waive real estate taxes for a parcel of land that they intend to obtain through a sheriff sale due to poor physical condition and outstanding judgments and liens on the property. The Borough's plan is to refurbish and restore the property to a taxable parcel. The Board will consider approval of the waiver at the March 27th regular voting meeting.
Czapp and Chris Enck presented results from a recent Managed Print Services RFP. After evaluation of two proposals, the Board will consider approval of a contract with Doceo and enter into a five-year lease agreement for print/copy services at a cost of $3,600 per month at the March 27th regular voting meeting. The district has the option to outsource larger print jobs to address turnaround time issues and will experience a savings conservatively estimated at $75,000 per year.
Czapp presented updates to the proposed 2023-2024 General Fund Budget noting a projected smaller deficit at the close of the 2022-2023 fiscal year than previously budgeted. Czapp included an overview of the history of PDE’s Enhanced Index tax rate for the district versus the actual percentage increase from 2016-2017 to present and noted that the Board voted a tax increase to the Index only once in the past seven years.
Ioannidis and Czapp welcomed and introduced Chris Gibbons with Concord Public Finance to present debt restructuring scenarios and new money options in combination with the proposed budget. Gibbons noted that the district’s current outstanding debt service extends through the 2028-2029 fiscal year. He provided four options to board members as they consider the 2023-2024 tax rate, assigned and unassigned fund balances, and possibilities for funding approximately $8 million in proposed capital projects. Following the Board’s discussion, Ioannidis thanked Czapp and Gibbons and noted the Board will continue its review at the April 10th DSF meeting.
Bill Stiles presented four options to replace the Papermakers Stadium Scoreboard for the Board’s consideration. He asked for direction from board members to move forward and solicit quotes from among the options. Following discussion, the Board requested Stiles to secure quotes from NEVCO and Watchfire for a full digital scoreboard with modified structure and include the information with the March 27th proposed voting action items.
Stiles will collaborate with Community Relations and Athletics to explore options for advertising as well as donations from school-affiliated Booster Clubs and Athletic Associations.
Czapp and Stiles presented a draft RFP process and timeline for architectural services regarding proposed capitalprojects for review. Ramsay stated that CRA had already agreed to provide architectural services at the lowrange rate of 5.75% and questioned what the RFP process would do to save the district money. Wilson stated the RFP process would result in a loss of time to pressing start dates of potential projects. Following more discussion, consensus of the Board was to consider a motion to approve CRA as the architect for proposed projects at the March 27th voting meeting. If the motion fails, the administration will move forward with the RFP process.
Ioannidis presented an addendum to the YMCA agreement for review. He followed up on board members’ questions submitted after Larry Richardson’s presentation at the February 27th meeting. The district will maintain control over the land outside of the building, and students will receive priority with regard to requests for the use of facilities and fields. A move of the ESC offices to the renovated building has been a tentative plan in place for several years; space for the offices was included in the layout presented by the YMCA. Specific CAM and maintenance costs, campus traffic flow, and facility parking concerns continue to be discussed and are included in the next phase of design. The Board will consider approval of the Addendum to the Agreement at the March 27th regular voting meeting.
Dr. Guadagnino presented one minor revision proposed to Policy #827 for review. The Board will consider approval of a first reading at the March 27th regular voting meeting.
Ioannidis presented three updated position descriptions for review. An executive session was scheduled following adjournment to discuss the High School Principal and High School Assistant Principal proposed description revisions. Ioannidis referred to a detailed memorandum providing background information to proposed revisions and restructuring associated with the Human Resources Generalist position description, also to be discussed during executive session. The Board will consider approval of the three position descriptions at the March 27th regular voting meeting.
Stein presented a confidential list of proposed personnel actions to be considered for approval at the March 27th regular voting meeting.
Guadagnino presented a proposed Dual Enrollment Agreement with Earlbeck for review. A presentation shared with board members at the January 9th DSF highlighted the certified welding program opportunity that will be available to students beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. The Board will consider approval at the March 27th regular voting meeting.
Guadagnino presented a proposed Affiliation Agreement with Penn State Harrisburg for review. Language is consistent with other agreements approved by the Board for students to fulfill requirements of educational internships in the district. The Board will consider approval at the March 27th regular voting meeting.
Guadagnino presented two Major Trip proposals for review. The Board will consider approval of the requests at the March 27th meeting.
Dr. Ludwig presented a memorandum for the continuation of the District Dental Program for the 2023-2024 school year. The Board will consider approval at the March 27th meeting.
Ioannidis presented comments related to a proposed agreement for student services, to be discussed further with Dr. Ludwig during executive session. The Board will be asked to consider approval of the confidential agreement at the March 27th regular voting meeting.
In follow up to the Board-requested survey conducted in the spring of 2022, Dr. Ioannidis will present updates during his March 27th Superintendent’s Report.
Ritz moved for adjournment at 10:04 PM. Baum seconded. The meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp,
Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
March 13, 2023 Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: March 13, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White, Nicole Wilson
The following School Directors were absent:
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent; Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent; Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary; Dr. Michelle Ludwig, Director of Pupil Services
A voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, March 13, 2023. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The pledge of allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence. Roll call confirmed nine board members in attendance. Rohrbaugh stated there was an executive session held on February 27, 2023, for personnel and real estate purposes. The Board will meet in executive session following adjournment of tonight’s discussion meeting for personnel, real estate, and a student matter.
Heather Zimmerman, Paradise Township resident, stated concerns regarding the YMCA’s request to use district athletic fields and facilities and asked if the Board has considered requiring the YMCA to assist with repair and maintenance costs. She is also concerned about parking and flow of traffic at the center considering Intermediate School students’ use of space in the existing parking lot during recess.
Ioannidis acknowledged Zimmerman’s concerns and noted they are under consideration. SGRPRC currently uses facilities and fields through the interagency agreement the same as other organizations who follow policy related to facility usage. Mr. Laux’s office will continue to handle all requests. Work being done by YMCA’s design team contains a proposal for improving the parking area, and any recommendation will include district approval.
Rohrbaugh noted several items for board members’ consideration: A Wellness Council meeting is scheduled for March 23rd; the YCAL annual dinner is scheduled for April 5th; the LIU ballot for joint board membership was made available at seats in addition to an invitation for the Rocket Wellness Center Open House on March 20th.
1. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and
Trettel seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following retirement resignation, with regret:
1) Spring Grove Area School District Administrative Assistant – Human Resources – Theresa Rohrbaugh, effective January 3, 2024, for the purposes of retirement following 24.5 years of service with the school district.
B. Approval of the following resignations:
1) Spring Grove Area Middle School Instructional Assistant – Special Education and Cafeteria Support – Regina Riddle, effective March 1, 2023, for personal reasons.
2) Spring Grove Elementary School Instructional Assistant – Special Education – Elizabeth Swiger, effective March 8, 2023, to accept a position in another district.
3) Paradise Elementary School Instructional Assistant – Special Education – Heather Townsend, effective March 17, 2023, to accept another position outside the district.
C. Approval of the following appointments, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Spring Grove Area Middle School Instructional Assistant Special Education (Emotional Support) – Lauren Wantz, effective March 14, 2023. Compensation established at $17.50 per hour for 7 hours per day, 180 days per year.
2) Spring Grove Elementary School Full Time Custodian (2nd shift) – Elizabeth Zumbrum, effective March 14, 2023. Compensation established at $15.30 per hour, 8 hours per day, 260 days per year. D. Approval of the following coach for the 2022-2023 Spring Season, with compensation determined by the Coaches’ Salary Matrix, and authorizing discretion to reduce, pro-rate, or cancel any appropriated payment because of a delayed, shortened, or canceled season due to COVID-19:
Job Title: Softball - Varsity Assistant Coach; Coach Name: Zachary Stiles; Stipend $2,909.00
E. Approval of the following Act 86 substitutes for a maximum of 20 days for the 2022-2023 school year at a rate of $110.00 per day, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Kinser Laughman
2) Alexis Meeks
3) Mallory Tome
F. Approval of the following classified substitute for the 2022-2023 school year at the hourly rates indicated on the Support Staff Compensation (Minimum Salary) Matrix, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances, and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
Stacy White
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
2. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by Nicole Wilson, Wilson moved,
and Baum seconded the following:
A. Approval for Sherry Stambaugh, Middle School Gifted teacher, Katherine Tackett, Elementary Music
teacher, and 16 volunteers to accompany 35 middle school and intermediate school students to Odyssey
of the Mind 2023 Pennsylvania State Finals at Lock Haven University, March 31-April 1, 2023.
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Ramsay made a motion to amend the agenda and add a discussion item and potential vote to the Directors’ Study Forum regarding the previously presented CRA agreement for architectural services for proposed projects.
Stein and Shearer questioned the motion. Rohrbaugh clarified the motion on the table and called for a roll call vote after discussion was held.
White, Trettel, Ramsay, and Rohrbaugh voted in favor. Shearer, Wilson, Stein, Baum, and Ritz voted against.
Motion failed.
Trettel moved for adjournment at 7:14 PM. Ritz seconded. The meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp,
Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
February 27, 2023 Regular Voting Meeting Minutes
DATE/TIME of MEETING: February 27, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
The following School Directors were in attendance: Karen Baum, Ben Ramsay, Michael Ritz, Rachel Rohrbaugh, Rodney Shearer, Doug Stein, Dave Trettel, Doug White
The following School Directors were absent: Nicole Wilson
The following Spring Grove Area School District Administrators were in attendance: Dr. George W. Ioannidis, Superintendent; Dr. Steve Guadagnino, Assistant Superintendent; Mr. Mark Czapp, Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary
A regular voting meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Spring Grove Area School District was held on Monday, February 27, 2023. Rachel Rohrbaugh, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence was observed. Roll call reflected eight board members in physical attendance, with Nicole Wilson absent for personal reasons.
Rohrbaugh reported that an executive session was held on February 13, 2023, for personnel and negotiations reasons. An executive session was held before this evening’s meeting for student discipline, and another session will take place after adjournment for personnel and real estate reasons.
There was no public comment.
Dr. Ioannidis extended congratulations to Max Trimmer, high school student, who recently won first place in his division in a local chess tournament hosted by York Chess. Max is also to be congratulated as top-scoring member of our High Quiz Bowl Team. He, along with Ethan Bohn, Henry Rumbaugh, and Mark Austin were named 2023 York-Adams League Champions.
Congratulations to Wyatt Amspacher, high school senior, who triumphed in the PeoplesBank Stock Market Challenge by taking first place in York County and 4th place in PA.
Congratulations to Rocket athletes who placed in the top three at the 2023 YAIAA Swimming and Diving Championships: Ashley Rauhauser, first place in the 100 Backstroke; Sean Henning, first place, and Brady Hoopes, second place in 1M Diving; Sarah Czapp, third place in the 100 Freestyle; and Ashley, Sarah, Caitlyn Martin, and Madison Bortner, third place in the 200 Relay.
Aiden Minetola, 8th grade student, won first place in the Patriot’s Pen writing contest sponsored by the VFW Post
5265. Charlee Kurtz, high school student, won the VFW’s Voice of Democracy essay contest for Pennsylvania.
Charlee also won, along with Ada Miler, best witness award at the Ben Franklin Mock Trial Invitational; John Reilly won best attorney award.
Lucas Buhrman and Leland Klinedinst have been accepted into the 2023 PMEA All-State Vocal Jazz Ensemble.
On April 15th, 8 students will participate in the PMEA District 7 Modern Band Festival in the High School’s Rohrbaugh Auditorium. Congratulations to Jorge Caraballo, Chela Martin, Caralyn Neff, Gracie Shaub, Ashlyn Tyson, Dylan Pierce, Ella Bahn, and Tanner Glace.
Congratulations to Dr. Ludwig and the Pupil Services Department on a successful audit of our District Homelessness Program.
District Technology Specialists Brent Barge, Kim Dunlap, Kristen Henning, John Sengia, and Chris Enck, recently presented at the PETE&C conference on such topics as Student-Run Help Desks, Sharing Google Sites, LEGO Spike Robotics, and Making Math Virtual, in addition to facilitating a panel discussion on Cybersecurity Leadership.
A reconciliation report received through a partnership with Panera Bread to collect “end-of-day dough-nations” for the District Weekend Backpack Program indicated an estimated value of food items received in 2022 just shy of $30,000. Thank you to the many volunteers who make this a successful program for students and families.
The district currently tracks approximately 275 home educated students who have now been granted opportunity to access their child’s Sapphire data account in an effort to offer equitable options to families of students in all educational learning environments.
Ioannidis closed by reporting that the District III wrestling tournament was held at the high school over the weekend, and crediting Tony Miller, Bill Stiles, and Melissa Freestone in large part for its success. Spring Grove’s Michael Hershey took third place, and Teague Hanover took fourth. Congratulations also to Cora Keener who finished in second place at District III diving.
There was no student representative report.
Rohrbaugh thanked the staff and students who impacted the wrestling event last weekend and stated that the district has a lot to be proud of.
Dr. Ioannidis reported that chambers are considering a bill and constitutional amendment to extend the timeline for legal action related to child abuse. Governor Shapiro’s first budget address is scheduled for March 7th, and the teacher shortage problem will be among other reports included from the Senate Education Committee.
Trettel reported a meeting is scheduled for next month.
Baum reported a YAA meeting scheduled for Tuesday. Spring Grove continues to fill its 12 reserved seats, and board members are anxious to approve the proposed 23-24 budget with no increase.
1. Trettel moved and Baum seconded approval of the following minutes: Regular Voting Meeting on January
23, 2023, and respective Voting / Directors’ Study Forum Meetings held on February 13, 2023. The motion
was unanimously approved by voice vote.
2. White presented the Treasurer’s Report for month ending January 31, 2023. White moved to approve the
report as presented. Ramsay seconded the motion, approved by unanimous vote.
3. Following a report of the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendations read by Doug White, White
moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. Approval of the Accounts Payable lists as presented.
B. Approval of the proposed 2023-2024 General Fund Budget for York Adams Academy, with a total expenditure amount of $783,175 representing an increase of $3,879 compared to 2022-2023 and no increase to per seat tuition cost for member districts, maintaining Spring Grove Area School District’s portion at $55,800 from the previous year.
C. Approval to add Autism York, a not-for-profit 501c3 organization, to the 2022-2023 list of fund-raising organizations approved for students and/or staff to raise funds during the 2022-2023 school year, in accordance with Board Policy #229.
D. Approval to turn the following listed delinquent Real Estate tax accounts over to the York County Tax
Claim Bureau:
Heidelberg Township 2022 – 2023 $78,809.15
Jackson Township 2022 – 2023 $199,816.11
Jackson Township 2021 – 2022 $7,746.19
Jefferson Borough 2022 – 2023 $15,532.06
Jefferson Borough 2021 – 2022 $3,403.05
Jefferson Borough 2020 – 2021 $278.58
New Salem Borough 2022 – 2023 $17,900.17
North Codorus Township 2022 – 2023 $202,671.59
North Codorus Township 2021 – 2022 $14,498.93
North Codorus Township 2020 – 2021 $353.55
Paradise Township 2022 – 2023 $152,195.32
Seven Valleys Borough 2022 – 2023 $11,391.63
Seven Valleys Borough 2021 – 2022 $1,120.79
Spring Grove Borough 2022 – 2023 $55,400.31
Total: $761,117.43
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Informational Item
The following mandated fire drills for the month of January were entered into the minutes:
New Salem Elementary |
01/18/2023 |
2 |
28 |
Paradise Elementary |
01/24/2023 |
1 |
20 |
Spring Grove Elementary |
01/30/2023 |
2 |
24 |
Spring Grove Area Intermediate School |
01/24/2023 |
2 |
06 |
Spring Grove Area Middle School |
01/05/2023 |
2 |
14 |
Spring Grove Area High School |
01/27/2023 |
4 |
13 |
Ioannidis welcomed and introduced Larry Richardson, Executive Director of YMCA of the Roses, who provided a presentation and update regarding the Roth’s Church Road Community Partnership project, including the proposed layout and design, projected occupants, and community services to be provided. Next steps include finalizing design development, securing engineering documents, bidding and permitting, and ultimately, construction.
School Board members will continue the review and discussion of the Addendum Agreement at the March 13th Directors’ Study Forum, with a request for action anticipated with March 27th voting items.
4. Following a report of the Transportation Committee’s recommendations read by Michael Ritz,
Ritz moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following additional contracted Krise Bus Company Bus/Van Driver for the 2022-2023
school year in accordance with the pupil transportation state regulations as set forth in 22 Pa Code 23.4:
1) Jessmin Ramirez Pichardo
Vote by roll call resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
5. Following a report of the Policy Committee’s recommendations read by Karen Baum, Baum moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. Approval of the High School Administration and Superintendent’s recommendation that the Agreement,
Waiver and Stipulation, numbered 2022-2023, #003, and ratified on February 23, 2023, be approved as
B. Approval of a first reading for the following policy:
1) Revisions to Policy 218: Student Discipline
C. Acceptance of the following donations/grants in accordance with Board Policy No. 702, Gifts, Grants
and Donations:
1) A monetary grant in the amount of $5,000.00 from the PA Space Grant Consortium in support of District NASA SLI, TARC, and Battle of the Rockets teams.
2) A monetary donation in the amount of $100.00 from Margaret Schlichter in support of the District’s Weekend Backpack Program.
3) A monetary donation in the amount of $200.00 from York Twinning Association in support of the High School Music Department.
4) A monetary donation in the amount of $200.00 from the Spring Grove Area Historical Preservation Society to support travel costs associated with the summer 2023 overseas trip to Europe.
Vote by roll call on all items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
6. Following a report of the Personnel Committee’s recommendations read by Doug Stein, Stein moved, and Trettel seconded the following:
A. Approval of the following retirement resignation, with regret:
1) Spring Grove Elementary School Head Cook – Nutrition Supervisor – Ruth Wentz, effective August 1, 2023, for the purpose of retirement following 27 years of service with the school district.
B. Approval of the following resignations:
1) Spring Grove Area Middle School Health Care Assistant Nurse – Licensed – Laura Triantafyllou, effective March 2, 2023, for personal reasons.
2) Varsity Assistant Track Coach – Tony Jones, Sr., effective February 8, 2023, for personal reasons.
C. Approval of the following additional coaches for the 2022-2023 Spring Season, with compensation determined by the Coaches’ Salary Matrix, and authorizing discretion to reduce, pro-rate, or cancel any appropriated payment because of a delayed, shortened, or canceled seasons due to COVID-19:
Job Title: Girls Lacrosse - Varsity Head Coach; Coach Name: Lauren Grove; Stipend: $ 4,154.00
Job Title: Track and Field - Varsity Assistant Coach; Coach Name: Delaney Flaherty; Stipend: $ 2,909.00
D. Approval of the following new coach for the 2023-2024 Fall Season, with compensation determined by the Coaches’ Salary Matrix, and authorizing discretion to reduce, pro-rate, or cancel any appropriated payment because of a delayed, shortened, or canceled season:
Job Title: Football - Varsity Head Coach; Coach Name: Thomas Trone; Stipend: $ 6,500.00
E. Approval of the following professional substitute for the 2022-2023 school year at a rate of $110.00 per
day and $125.00 per day beginning on the 21st day cumulative, provisionally hired pending receipt of
updated clearances and completed Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Pamela Kimber
F. Approval of the following Act 86 substitutes for a maximum of 20 days for the 2022-2023 school year
at a rate of $110.00 per day, provisionally hired pending receipt of updated clearances and completed
Act 168 disclosure forms from previous employers:
1) Samuel Biesecker
2) Megan Daugherty
3) Kirsten Lane
Vote by roll call on all items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
DATE LEAVE BEGINS (approximately) |
DATE LEAVE ENDS (approximately) |
Lucinda Peterson |
High School |
02/14/2023 |
05/09/2023 |
Barbara Meckley |
Paradise |
Special Education |
03/02/2023 |
05/25/2023 |
Donna Caulfield |
Paradise |
Nutrition Services |
03/02/2023 |
05/25/2023 |
Stein presented a confidential memorandum of personnel actions to be recommended at the March 13, 2023, Voting meeting.
7. Following a report of the Athletic and Music Committee’s recommendations read by David Trettel, Trettel
moved, and Ramsay seconded the following:
1) Approval for eligible Varsity Wrestling Team members and designated chaperones to travel to and
participate in the PIAA State Wrestling Championships at The Giant Center in Hershey,
Pennsylvania, March 9-11, 2023, dependent upon qualifying for the event.
2) Approval for eligible Varsity Bowling Team members and designated chaperones to travel to and
participate in the PA State Bowling Championships at Eastway Lanes in Erie, Pennsylvania, March
16-18, 2023, contingent upon qualifying for the event.
Vote by roll call on all items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
8. Following a report of the Curriculum Committee’s recommendations read by David Trettel, Trettel moved,
and Ritz seconded the following:
1) Approval for Melissa Freestone, Nutrition Services Manager, to attend the 2023 Legislative Action
Conference (LAC) at JW Marriott, Washington, DC, March 4-7, 2023.
2) Approval for Lisa Bahn, Wendi Bulgarelli, and Wendy Speir, Certified School Nurses, to attend the
Pennsylvania Association of School Nurses and Practitioners (PASNAP), 2023 Annual Education
Conference, Hershey Lodge, PA, March 31-April 2, 2023.
3) Approval for Julie Janusz, Federal Programs Coordinator, to attend the Pennsylvania Association of
Federal Programs Coordinators (PAFPC) conference at Kalahari Resorts and Convention Center,
Pocono Mountains, PA, April 16-19, 2023.
1) Approval for Jill Trimmer, Middle School World Language Teacher, and Eric Trimmer, spouse of
Jill Trimmer, to accompany approximately five high school student rocket team members to
Culpeper, VA, for Battle of the Rockets April 13-16, 2023.
2) Approval for Jason Baker, High School Social Studies Teacher, Stephen Richards, Integrated Arts
Center Coordinator, and Nicole Harlacher, High School World Language Teacher, to travel to New
York City on Thursday, April 27, 2023, with approximately 50 high school students who are
involved with History Club.
3) Approval for Sarah Caplan, Senior Class Advisor, and one administrator, to accompany graduating
seniors to Pocono Valley, PA, on the senior class trip, Wednesday, May 31, 2023. Additional chaperones will also attend at a ratio of approximately one teacher/chaperone per every fifteen students.
4) Approval for Kathleen Krall, Abbie Sechrist, and Thomas Hunt, High School Teachers, to
accompany approximately 15 high school students to Germany and Czech Republic in the summer
of 2023.
Vote by roll call on all items resulted in the motion carrying by unanimous vote.
Trettel moved for adjournment at 7:54 PM. Ritz seconded. Meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
Mark A. Czapp,
Director of Business Operations/Board Secretary